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P.O. Box 44942Al Masaood Tower, Hamdan Street,


Tel: +971-02-634-6900

Prepared by: HSE Officer Sign: ………………………………….

Approved by: Chief Administration officer Sign: ………………………………….

Revision History
Section Summary of changes Reviewed by Approved by
From To

First release of Manual as
All Pages 0.0 0.0 HSE Officer Administration 25.07.2015
Issue 1, Revision 0.0

All Pages 0.0 1 Up gradation to OSHAD 3.1 Chief

HSE Officer Administration 01.04.2018
Table of Content

2.1 Purpose

2.2 Scope

2.3 References

2.4 Definition

2.5 Responsibilities and Authorities

2.6 Procedure

2.7 Related Documents

Document Code: ST-OHS-PR-02
Formation Date: 01 April 2018


The purpose of this procedure is to establish, implement and maintain a system for developing, achieving and
monitoring the OHS targets and key performance indicators (KPIs), as well as the development of OHS
objectives necessary in improving OHS performance of the Site Technology LTD. Co (ST).


This procedure is applicable to all departments and key functions of ST in conformance to it OHS Management
System based on the requirements of the OHS Center, as per the guidelines of the OSHAD –SF 3/3.1, Element
7- Section 3.1, OHS Regulatory Instrument – Mechanism 2.0- Section 2.2.3 and OHS SF – Mechanism 6.0 –
OSHAD Performance and reporting


2.3.1 OSHAD-SF 3/3.1, Element 7- Section 3.1

2.3.2 OHS Regulatory Instrument –Mechanism 2.0- Section 2.2.3
2.3.3 OHS SF – Mechanism 6.0 – OSHAD Performance and reporting, Version.3.1


2.4.1 Objectives – overall Occupational, health & safety goal, arising from the OHS Policy, that an
organization sets itself to achieve. Objectives are quantified where practicable.

2.4.2 Targets – detailed performance requirements, quantified where practicable, applicable to the organization
or a part thereof that arises from the environmental and OH&S objectives which need to be set and met in
order to achieve objectives.

2.4.3 Management Programs – a set of activities, which describes how the organization’s objectives and
targets will be achieved.

2.4.4 KPI – ‘Key Performance Indicators’ are a quantifiable measurement and/or indicator, agreed to
beforehand, that reflects the critical success of an entity.

2.4.5 MR – Management Representative, a person appointed to manage and monitor the implementation of the


a) Chief Administration officer - responsible for approving the Occupational, Health and Safety Targets,
Objectives programs of ST.

b) Management Representative - responsible for ensuring that appropriate OHS targets, objectives are
established and documented in ST. Likewise, it is the responsibility of the Management Representative to
ensure that OHS Management Programs are established and implemented that would enable the company to
achieve its set objectives.

Rev.1 Site Technology LTD. CoOSHAD Version 3.1 4 of 7

Document Code: ST-OHS-PR-02
Formation Date: 01 April 2018

c) Department Head - responsible for establishing specific OHS targets, objectives programs related to their


2.6.1Developing Targets & KPIs

a) OHS Targets and Objectives shall be developed in ST on the basis of the followings;
 ST’s OHS Policy;
 OSHAD and Building & Construction Sector Authority Targets & Objectives;
 Legal & Regulatory Requirements;
 OSHAD-SF 3/3.1KPIs as per Mechanism 6.0, v.3.1

b) The Management Representative shall coordinate the development of OHS targets, objectives with the
Chief Administration officer, relevant functional heads and key personnel. The OHS targets &
objectives shall be made through small groups using brainstorming technique.

c) The OHS targets & objectives shall be relevant and specific to the ST Operations, core functions and
activities, and in-line with the minimum standard requirements set by
d) the OSHAD-SF 3/3.1, Element 7- Section 3.1 and OHS Regulatory Instrument –Mechanism 2.0-
Section 2.2.3.

e) In developing the OHS targets & objectives, the Management Representative shall ensure that these are
SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bounded).

2.6.2Once the OHS targets & objectives has been developed, the Management Representative shall ensure that
appropriate OHS Management Programs are established and implemented in such way as to achieve the set
targets & objectives as per Appendix B - OHS Strategic Objectives.
a) To achieve the OHS targets & objectives, an OHS Management Program are established, documented
and implemented by the OHS Management Representative, relevant functional heads and key

f) The OHS targets & objectives including the OHS Management Programs are prepared and documented
using the OHS Targets, Objectives & Programs Form: ST-OHS-FO-2.1. OSH Manager will ensure
Objectives and targets are effectively communicated to all relevant persons and record will be

b) Resources, responsible persons, due dates & time frames are clearly defined for every program to be
implemented. Clearly detailed related OHS objective and target plan, should be developed and will
maintain and update on regular basis, refer to Appendix C - OHS Objectives & Targets Plan

2.6.3Monitoring & Review of OHS Targets & Objectives

Rev.1 Site Technology LTD. CoOSHAD Version 3.1 5 of 7

Document Code: ST-OHS-PR-02
Formation Date: 01 April 2018

a) The Management Representative is responsible for monitoring the progress and status of achieving the
organization’s OHS Targets, Objectives & KPIs on a quarterly basis through updated information and
reports submitted regularly by each person responsible for achieving it.

b) Results of achieving the OHS targets, objectives & KPIs shall be discussed during the Management
Review Meeting on a semi-annual basis. Inputs related to the status of achieving the OHS targets,
objectives & KPIs are presented to the Chief Administration officer and appropriate actions plans are
established and carried out in case a specific objectives and targets has not been met.

c) The Management Representative is responsible for ensuring that updated information on the status of
ST’s OHS targets & objectives are prepared and submitted to the Building & Construction Sector
Authority on a quarterly basis. This is for Building & Construction Sector verify whether
the OHS targets & objectives set by the company has been met. This may include information and/or
data on energy & water consumption, waste generation, number of incidents, injuries and accidents, etc.
If OSH objectives and target are not achieved then a CAR will be raised for investigation and further
improvement in OSH system. Result of investigation will be presented to top management in
management review meeting.

d) The Management Representative and Chief Administration officer are responsible onOHS Targets and
Objective and this will be reviewed on annual basis.

2.6.4 Reporting KPIs to Building & Construction Sector Authority.

a) KPI’s are established to monitor the proper development and implementation of OSHAD as per the
OSHAD requirements.
b) Management Representative and Chief Administration officeris responsible for the setting, monitoring
and implementation of OSHAD as per the strategic objectives & targets under the Building &
Construction Sector Authority and OSHAD-SF3/3.1 requirements.
c) MR is responsible for the submission of Form E: Quarterly Performance Report to the Building &
Construction Sector Authority.
d) Reporting of Objectives should in line to OSHAD-SF3/3.1 Element 07: Monitoring, Investigation &
Reporting and Mechanism 6.0 - OSHAD Performance and Incident Reporting.

2.6.5MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Establishing the OHS Management Programs

Each department of ST shall establish and plan it’sManagement Program necessary to achieve the
ST’s OHS Objectives and Targets. Programs shall be documented using the Appendix C - OHS
Objectives and Targets Plan.

Each established programs or activities shall contain the following information:

 Designated person responsible and authorized to implement the programs/activities;
 Resources needed to implement the programs/activities;
 Time frame or due date for accomplishing the program/activities.

Each Department Heads of ST shall periodically review and adjust as necessary, its OHS
Management Program to ensure that the OHS Objectives & Targets of ST are achieved.

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Document Code: ST-OHS-PR-02
Formation Date: 01 April 2018 OHS Management Plan – Consultation & Endorsement

The Management Representative shall publish and communicate OHS Management Plan of ST
through the sharing folders and/or drafted documents for the purpose of the following:
 Consultation with the ST staffs for the OHS Management Plan;
 Seeking the views of interested parties for the management plan.

All relevant staffs shall be informed of any changes and revisions made to the OHS Management
Plan. Considerations shall be made for any new ideas, proposed changes and feedback coming
from those people consulted for the OHS Management Plan. OHS Management Plan – Monitoring

Each Department Heads shall report the progress of achieving the environmental and OH&S
Targets, Objectives & Programs to the Management Representative on a quarterly basis; and
these shall be consolidated and reviewed during the Management Review Meeting.


 Appendix B - OHS Strategic Objectives
 Appendix C - OHS Objectives & Targets Plan
 ST-OHS-FO-2.1 OHS Objective and Target

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