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Schematic / plan of any store showing locations of the hazardous materials / wastes stored,
locations of emergency and fire-fighting equipment, and access and escape routes;
appropriate storage compatibility risk assessments undertaken;
limitations on quantities of the materials / wastes stored;
storage conditions / procedures to be implemented;
an updated and accurate inventory of the materials / wastes stored, including the following:
1. name of the hazardous material / waste;
2. manufacturer of the hazardous material;
3. location of the hazardous material / waste;
4. quantity of the hazardous material / waste onsite (can be an average); and
5. if applicable, expiration date of the hazardous material.
(vi) copies of current SDS's / profile sheets for all hazardous materials / wastes stored, such
that the SDS / profile sheets are available:
1. in hardcopy or electronic copy for access by employees and emergency responders;
2. in language/s understood by the workforce.
(vi) an emergency response plan for any store of hazardous materials / wastes

Storage :

Storage areas shall be kept free of weeds and extraneous combustible material.
Open flames and smoking shall be prohibited in storage areas.
Storage of Class I and Class Il liquids shall not exceed 227 L (60 gal) within 15 m
of the structure.
Storage areas shall be kept free of weeds, debris, and combustible materials not necessary to
the storage.
Open flames and smoking shall not be permitted in flammable and combustible
liquids storage areas.
Such storage areas shall be appropriately posted as "No Smoking" areas.
Tanks and containers shall be marked with the name of the product and sign,
Tanks (i.e. containers in excess of 60 gallons) shall also be labeled.
Overnight storage of combustible paints and liquids inside or within 15m of a building shall not
exceed 10 gallons, unless stored within an approved flammable liquids storage cabinet in a
location approved by building management.


At least one portable fire extinguisher (10 pound ABC type or 20-B type) shall be located no less
than 3m and no more than 15m from the flammable liguids storage area.
Class I and Class II liquids shall be kept in approved safety containers Metal containers for Class
I or Class II liquids shall be in accordance with NFPA 30, 30A requirements or shall be of an
approved design.
Discharge devices shall not cause an internal pressure on the container. Individual containers
shall not be interconnected and shall be kept closed when not in use
Secondary containment or means of spill control, drainage control and diking shall be required
for containers and tanks as approved by the Fire Department and if applicable, local hazardous
materials program agency
Means shall be provided to dispose of leakage and spills promptly and safely.
Class I liquids shall be dispensed only where there are no open flames or other
sources of ignition within the possible path of vapor travel.
Plans for the installation/ use of any aboveground storage tank (i.e. container greater than 60
gallons) shall be submitted to the Civil Defence and if applicable, to local hazardous material
program agency for review and permit prior to proposed tank arriving at the site.


Appropriate Personal Protection Equipment shall be available, including but not limited to:

protective helmets and or caps;

safety spectacles, goggles or face shields;

respiratory protection;

rubber or plastic aprons for handling materials;

coveralls , safety boots.
Eating or changing of clothes shall not be allowed within areas where hazardous materials are
being stored or used. Eating and changing facilities shall be segregated by at least 10m away
from the storage / use areas.
To protect their health and safety, employees in areas where hazardous materials are being
used or stored must, at a minimum:
never use smell, taste or touch as means for material identification;

refrain from smoking;

refrain from any practice that is risky or incompatible with the hazardous materials, eg. welding
or use of lighters in areas where flammable materials are being stored;

avoid mixing of unknown or incompatible materials;

always use compatible and appropriately identified portable containers for transporting even
small quantities of hazardous materials;

Emergency Response Plan :

In particular, the emergency management program and plans thus developed must identify and
ensure provision of the following, as required:

arrangements to prevent build-up of static electricity, occurrence of sparks, and consequent

potential for fire or explosion, e.g., near the outlet of a fill pipe or opening of a liquid container
where flammable materials may be present in air;

arrangements for grounding or bonding of flammable material containers;

alarms, detectors or tests, e.g. for presence of flammable or toxic mixtures in air;

arrangements for informing employees of parties to be contacted in case of emergency (names,

telephone numbers, etc.);
emergency response kits, e.g. adsorbent materials and PPE;

arrangements for containment of spilled materials, and for preventing them from reaching
groundwater, sewerage network or storm-water pipes. Containment measures shall, at a
minimum, be 110% of the maximum storage capacity;
arrangements for site decontamination and for disposal of waste and contaminated
Trainings & Competency :

The employees should be well trained in accordance with OSHAD-SF5,7,8.

The trainings shall include :

i)use of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) (previously known as Material Safety Data Sheets, MSDS)
and/or profile sheets;
required Personal Protective Equipment (PP) when handling hazardous materials;
(ii) properties of and risks associated with hazardous materials;
(iii) storage, handling and decanting requirements;
(iv) - appropriate disposal requirements;
(v) actions to take to prevent accidental exposures or releases of hazardous materials;
(vi) appropriate labeling of hazardous materials and hazardous waste;
(vii)meaning of signs and placards;
(viii)specialized training for specific hazardous material management requirements applicable to
the responsibilities of their position; and
(ix) control measures to take if there is an incident involving hazardous materials.
References :

Legal :

federal law No. 41 of 1992 Concerning Regulation of Pesticides and Fertilizers

Federal law No. 24 of 1999 Concerning Development and Protection of the Environment - UAE,
as amended
Federal Law No. 40 of 2006 Concerning Prohibition of the Synthesis, Production, Storage and
Use of Chemical Weapons, as amended by Federal Law No. 12 of 2009
Federal Law No. 13 of 2007 Concerning Goods Subject to Import and Export Control
Federal Law No. 3 of 2009 Concerning Arms, Ammunition and Explosives Federal Regulation for
Handling Hazardous Materials, Hazardous Wastes and Medical Wastes, issued by Cabinet
Decree No. 37 of 2001
• Law No. 21 of 2005 Concerning Waste Management in Abu Dhabi Emirate
Ministerial Decision No. 554 of 2009 Concerning Banned and Restricted Pesticides in the United
Arab Emirates

• UAE Fire and Life Safety Code

OSHAD-SF - Element 1 - Roles, Responsibilities and Self-Regulation

• OSHAD-SF - Element 2 - Risk Management
• OSHAD-SF - Element 5 - Training and Competency
• OSHAD-SF - Element 6 - Emergency Management

OSHAD-SF - CoP 2.0 - Personal Protective Equipment

• OSHAD-SF - CoP 4.0 - First Aid and Medical Treatment
• OSHAD-SF - CoP 5.0 - Medical Surveillance
• OSHAD-SF - CoP 17.0 - Safety Signage and Signals
• OSHAD-SF - CoP 54.0 - Waste Management

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