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Lady Lieca A.

Awa GEC101 B5-3

A Letter to my Future Self

Dear Future Self,
Hey Layks! How are you doing? Are you living the life you always wanted to have? Are
you a nurse? a biology teacher? or a photographer now? Whatever profession you
chose, I just wanted to say that I am so proud of you. You’ve been struggling whether
what path you should take to, but I know whatever it is, you made a very hard and wise
decision. Well done Layks! I am happy that you were able to achieve your goals in life. I
know that achieving the goals that you have right now wasn’t easy and I am glad that
you remained strong just like the old you. You are always determined in doing the things
that you like especially when it comes to your family. Your family is always your priority.
Your love for them is indescribable that you tend to put their needs/comforts first above
your own. Also, I wanted to tell you, in case you already forgot that you also achieved a
lot when you were still younger. You were able to compete in the regionals both in
photojournalism and tv broadcasting. You were even one of the casts and crew of the
indie film "Balintataw", an official regional film entry of your junior high school to the
2017 Adolescent Health & Development Film-Making Competition and won as the 1 st
runner-up. You even got a medal and a certificate for winning as the best
cinematographer. These were your dreams when you were still in elementary; to be
able to join such events and look what happened, you were able to achieve those. You
worked hard for those and I am so proud of you. Don’t lose that passion of yours.
On the other hand, I hope that you are still the Lieca I knew who is always kind and
sensitive. I just wanted you to know that, you do not have to change these
characteristics of yours because this is what makes you as a pure person. You have
touched a lot of people with these characteristics and you do not have to change these
because of some people who barely know you and that judged you. I hope you continue
to have a desire to learn and grow even more, to never stop planning how you can be a
better version of yourself. Your parents and your other relatives were even amazed by
how you grew up as a person who understand things, they never expected from you. I
know you were even surprised, but it is just because you grew up with the people who
are good and constantly love you and supports you no matter what.
I hope you aren’t now afraid of finding out what others think of you, but instead actively
understand other’s thoughts and let them know you more and better. Face it and accept
the things they could possibly say to you because that’s how the life works, not
everyone will like you and appreciate you. You cannot and will not please everyone and
that is a fact of life. How others react to your life choices is not your responsibility
anymore as you know from yourself that you are not doing anything wrong.
I hope you have let go the things that bother you the most about yourself; your
insecurities, flaws and others. Enjoy the things you have in your life right now whether it
is a small thing or a big one and that truly meant so much in your life. I also hope that
you have faced your inner fears, ignored your insecurities and let go of your inner
Lady Lieca A. Awa GEC101 B5-3

doubts to yourself. I hope you’ve embraced your inner strength and flourished in your
ability that may also positively impact other people. Know that, you are awesome, you
are strong and you will always be able to make things better because you are Lieca.
You are pretty good in finding your own way and there is nothing you can’t do or
accomplish. Always believe in yourself and never be afraid anymore on the choices you
make because that is the key in achieving your goals in life.
Also, just like the other people keeps telling you when you were still younger; life isn’t a
sprint, it’s a long race and you’re not in it just to “win.” Be gentle with yourself and be
messy sometimes. Do not let yourself stay at home the whole time and just focus on
your work and responsibilities. I know you’re a very organized and disciplined person,
but have fun and get drunk sometimes because you only live once. I know you know
your limits. Don’t make yourself get soak with work and responsibilities. Enjoy all of it. I
am sure you will have enough time to do everything that you love, so stop stressing so
If ever you’ve got a lot of things going on right now, that’s good. Just like the old times,
don’t lose track of what’s important and what’s worth making time for. Feel first the pain
and then move on and make yourself free from those and eventually find ways to solve
those things. Take a deep breath and focus on the things you should do. This is very an
effective way from your past self and I assume this could still help you in the future.
Always look at the brighter side of life, always be optimistic whatever the challenges
may come. Do not let your emotions ruin your happiness. I just wanted to say that
sometimes things get difficult to handle. Even adults get down sometimes when things
don’t go the way they want, but we have to take a deep breath and deal with it by not
shutting down and be strong. Always remember, things do get better and remember the
expression you always tell? “This too shall pass.” At first, this means nothing but as the
time passes by, those bad days did pass. They come again but you try hard to deal with
them and move on. Also do not forget the line, “Do something today that your future self
will thank you for.” I hope you continue to do good things in life and don’t forget to
always be kind and grateful for everything that you have.
I am writing this letter to tell you that I am proud of you that you made it this far. With all
the setbacks in life, I am glad that you chose to continue forward even sometimes things
gets hard. I hope this letter finds you doing well.

Your Younger Self

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