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" 2 ‘Translation EU-Type Examination Certificate Supplement 5 Equipment intended for use in potently explosive atmospheres Directive 201440 EU-Type Examinaion Cticate Number BVS 13 ATEX E 108 X Prosect Load coll type tern Manuocte — Hotinger Briel & Kjaer Grbt ass: Im Tefen See 45, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany “Ths supplementary cerficte extends EU-Type Examination Corficte No. BVS 19 AT ‘apply to producis designed and coretciee in acoordanos withthe specticsin “Sppendx of te sald certieate but Raving any aoceptabo araions specifiy inthe ap ‘create andthe documents refrad to hoe. [DEKRA Testing and Caicaton GmbH, Notified Body number 0188, in sccordance wit Directive 201A34/EU af the European Pariaent and ofthe Counc, dae 20 Feb ‘eins at this produ has been found a eampt a be Essential Heals and Say ‘eng 0 tbe Jesgn and consucion of producs intencee fo us8 In potntaly x [Smorgheras gen in Annex ito the Oversee Tn ‘Tho examination ard ts! esl are rcarced nth conidontil Report No. BS PP 14 “The Esser Hea and Safety Requirements ae assured in consideration of EN IEC 60079-02018 General cequirements ENIEC O0078.7:2015 + A1:2018 Increased Safety “0” EN 60079-11:2012 Intrinsic Safety“ EN 0078.3:20%4 Protection by Enclosure“ If te sgn is placed ator the certiete number, inates that the products subject. Special Conlon for Use specif nthe appendix Dis contest LE “This E-Type Examoaton Cortfcale relates ony 16 the design and constructor of to speciiod product Further resurements ofthe Dresive apply othe marulacuirg process and Supply of tis product These ara not covered by ts corteate “The marking ofthe produc hal include the flowing: ® seoei 152 LDEKRA Testing and Cortication GmbH Bochum, 202140021, ‘Slonod Jry-Tin Kllsch anaging Brecon — 8 “ 6 11 152 ‘Append EU-Type Examination Cetfeate vs 13 ATEX E 108 x ‘Supplement 5 Product description i ‘una ene aon pt twin lel aE Se ee ae ele aaa rapusnoeecs carnage ertapeta wer sel nail a Ua Perera eet sh meutiecaest Marking ‘Gaiegory ane Warkng Tt eriaitea or 1 Exiai Mor IAG Exia W6T8.t4 Ga or 1126 Exia NG ToIT4 Gb or 1D Exell T1286 Da 12 Buia rs m4 1126 ExlallG T6074 Gb TG Exec iG TOT 20 ExtbilcT' ZY Ay i Reason forthe supplement: yy Stargvortne mancacturers name ene a2 Sa Pa Ft Hema Oc Load el ype 2 Intend of hain the complete denomination eters and rumerals wil characteris the floming vara: % ite Pw Ree Se Nort rat Enlai es ease {ats ste vr Nortianc= ton varie 6 172 47a wa 18 116 Parameters vvtage u Curent ‘ Power A Effective internal capactance w 8p min ambien epee ‘Max, surface temperature for EPL Da, EPL Db and EPL De Degree of protection Report Number BVS PP 14.2007 EU, as of 2021-02-12 ‘Special Conditions fr Us ne ad cle re adn areas renting EPL Gags rH NG, EPL Dao EPL DD. (epending on he vant) re cables (pemanentyconmectd ofasiened a he con beinsalad ia way bal elecrostate charging sorargng wil be precise, Load ol type 2-0 (alumi anlogure) may ony be isle areas rear EPL Ga or EPL Da or ZL Nia or EPL Mb equipment (eeponding onthe varia), “tare ina way that ips precuded. Forloas col type 7S ‘ong the enteral crete hast be guararleed Loadcots ype 20207. mya rte nas egg EPL EPL Gs EPL Op, EPL Be, EPL Mar EPL Mb equipment (depending onthe vation i ‘eu EPL G8 0 EP be equpment sony port i he acl te plead gers ‘ecrosiae charging /cscharging, ‘The ercosue of oad co ype “The lead calle canbe usd in ftlwng amblent temperature ranges (0° structions) ‘arnt markod with tonpeatue class Ta: max. ambient temperature +70 °C ‘Varanis marked with temperature class TE: max. ambient temperate 20 °C ‘Yaranis marked wth EPL D3, DD. Ma or Mo: max. amolet temperature +70" min. ambient temperature -10 °C min. ambient temperatre-25 °C fin. amet temperature 20 °C tin amen temperatre 50°C prove tn za Para Tse 1 et DE cane yen ATT Fortoad cas ype Nae “Tne end of te pemsnenty comected cable should either be conned Oring sautabia eg Exe, Een resp. Ext) encore. 178 tthe ype of protecton Exe is used, tne equipments intended for instalation least solution cegree 2 18 Essential Health and Safety Requiraments “Tho Essen Hea and Safety Requirements ae covered byte sandals 19° Drawings and Documents Drawings and documents are stdin the confident report. ‘We contin te correctness of te farslaton fom the Geman onal Inte cane of arbitrate oly te Garman wesing shall be vai and bncin [DEKRA Testing and Corifcation Gm H Bochum, 2021-02-12 BysPelvGR A20201322 Translation , EU-Type Examination Certificate Supplement 4 2 Equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres | Directive 201434060 3 EU-Type Examination Cericate Number BVS 13 ATEXE 108X 4 Product Load cattype 5 ManufocterHottinger Baldwin Messtochnik GmbH. / 6 Ades: Im Tofon Soe 48, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany f 7 This supplomentary crtilcat extends EU-Type Examination No vs 15 ATEK ppl t products dengned and consrctad in accordance wih the specicabn 3 pens ote snd conte but hang ny excell arts apeched ha Eat ne he documenta ero feren 8 —_DEKRA EXAM GmbH. Notified Body number 158, in accordance, wi) EETWEU of he EoguonParamert on fe Covel. Sales 8 Fabteny 201H product has Been fcund to comply with ie Essential Health and Safty Requirements lesan and constuction of produ intended for ee i potently expoave olmosph ‘ane tthe Breet, ‘The examination an eat regu fe reorded im he content Report No, 8VS PP tec s0078.0:2017 EN TEC 60079-7:2015 + At EN 60078. ‘rotation by Enclosure xcept in respect of those requirements sted under tam of be append, 10 the sign “X's placed ater the cancate number, x inseates tha Ne product sublet fo te ‘Special Condon for Use specties nthe append ts tne contest. 11 This EU-7ype Examinaton Cartes rates ony to he dein and constcten of he spe rotit Fuhr reuremens fhe Brsive sop ie manulctuteg proves en Sippy ts Fred These ae ft covey th crtsta 12 Themaring of he pred hal cue te folong: © sweiss2 DEKRA EXAM Grbét Bochum, 2018-10-17 ‘Sgnec: Or Franz ick Signe Ue Hauke caer | at Frome “Tecra may nso oes ns Sey a MR By swoon sso 68 ares Be eee arenmgr 3 ‘Appendix EU-Type Examination Crtileate ‘BVS 43 ATEXE 100 ‘Supplement 4 Product description ‘Subject and type Load ca type Description “The load cols ae ved n hazardous areas 2 pars of woghig pl ‘rarant the electrical connection ether done bya permanent ‘anector wih cable (ni for x Depending on he vaiant regarding te rlevant"Speca. forse use| tay be use nareatremuing EPL Got EPL Gb of EPL Da oF EPL Db EPL Macc EPL equipment Marking Catan and arg Tut ets Ma oF 12 Ex oF iG Exig NTO Ga or 2G Exia te Tarr Gb or & 4D Exiain T1280 Om 1120 Exia NG TH25-C Db 20 GripNG-T125°C bm Reason fr he supplement ‘Change to slandard1EC 60070.0,2017 ang EN 60079-72015 wth new ma Load ca ype ws Inatad ofthe “inthe complete denomination eters and numeras willbe characerae te folowing varans oe He ian nn arate = Smear 183 6 wa 173 174 175 78 Parameters Votage arent Power Efectve tema capactance “Type te aynnnnt oF “Type [oS (ih connected cable) Efectve intemal ndvtance (th comected cable) Ambient temperate range Variants marked with EPL Da, Db, Ma ce Mb ‘aint marked wih temperature cass 4 Varanis marked with tomperatreclaes TO ‘min ambient temperatire vn erent temperature Voriens ype * min amen emportre Yaron pe ‘in. emblent tempera "Max. surtace temperature for EPL Da, EPL Db and EPL De opie of potecton Report Numb VS PP 142007 EU, as of 2018-1017 Speclal Conditions for Use Ite lad els ae instatag in ateas roxurg EPL Sseiin PL Da {cecenda oh vari te cates erent cones ao a beinsatod n'a way hat eacrsiate charana | aachorge wl be prosused Load cet ype ) EPL Gar EPL Da or EPL Ma or EPLINb eauiement (depending on ina way tat pets prectded Fortond cae type mt 2-8. and yp ‘song the exeral circus hase be quraned Load ot ype -7-otr.0. may nly be stalled in areas reaueng EPL. Go, EPL Co, EPL Op. EPL De, EPL Ma or EPL equipment (depencing on ta vara eatin I eas Foautinj EPL Ga or EPL Da aqupment sony permed the load oss pretectod against ecrostaic cog ! discharging ‘The enclosure ot oa cls ype “= no hast be wath, ‘The load cle canbe used in following ambient emperature ranges (see Instructors): Variants marked wih temperature clas T4: max. ambient temperature #70 °C ‘Variants marked wih terporatire cass TS. max amber temperature 190°C ‘Variants marked wih EPL Da, Ob Ma or Mb: max. ambient temperture*70 °C Variants type min ambient temperature 10°C Vartan type tin. ambient temperate 25 °C Vatats type ‘nin embent temperate 0 °C Varans typ ‘min. smbenttenperaiure 0 °C 177 Forlosd cols ype“ Nese or type Neng ‘The endo the permanently connected cable should ether be connected ouside th orinsie a sutaba (eg. Exe, Exn oop. XY) ences, 178 Ifthe ype of protecton es used, the equipments intended for instalation in an are Teac potion degre 2 18 Essential Helin and Safety Requirements ‘The Essential Heath and Safety Requromants are covered bythe stander For this product the standard EC 60079-02017 i equivalent othe harmonies ta EN 6007640,2012 » 11.2013 n ters of safety 19° Drawings and Documents Draninge and document ae eed nthe cone report ‘ie contin te carechess af he vansaton fon he Geman gal Inthe case of artvaton only the Garman wercng shal ba valid and Bang, DEKRA EXAM Gmbt Bochum dated 2018-10-17 BvS-Penns A 20180845 il, oc Spc oy od yore — apronssch te os 08 areata beste seme Translation : EU-Type Examination Certificate Supplement 3 (Granae to virectve 201454 2 Equipment or Protective System inended for use in potently explosive almoopheree Dinatve 201424020 2 EU-Type Exarinatin Cutest Number, BVS 13 ATEXE 108 X 4 Procuct: Load call ipo 5 Manufactrer, Moltinger aldwin Mosatefnik Combi © Ao ln Thafon See 46, €1203 Darmetad, Germany, 7 Tis supplementary certificate extends EC-Type Examnnation Certticate No, BVS 13 ATEX E 109 to ‘ppl to products seigned and consul in accordance wih the speiieaton at out it the ‘Aopen 0 the sl cateate tut nang any varabons specter the Aaya Ws 8 DEKRA EXAM GmbH, Nobled Hody hummer Vis, in seconde win Amie 17 of Oreste DOVHDUEL ol he Curopaan Pariamant ands the Csincl, dal 36 Eabrian) 2084 nar hat rodt has bow found to cml wih te Essel Hath and Safely Reauemerts elaing te Arslgn and constuction of produ Inended for use In polenta exnlosne emosoheres Aven Fh) ‘Amn tthe Deve ) he examination ana te esuts ae recorded m me contoental Repu vo| PR 4.2607 EU, © Compliance wih the CasentalIlelth and Gfety Requirements has been aaoured by compliance with) [EN 60070 0:2044.A14:2019.Coneralroqunomante i Hi EN 60079-11:2012 lotic Satay" Ev ana7e-inn {Typar a pentetion "oi EN coo7e 30004 ysteclien by Enloouro 40 Ifthe ign "Xie placed aor tha coca mir. eats A the pet sub the ‘Special Conons fr Use speciied nthe append oth cette, {1 This EU Type Examination Caress relates onto the declan snd constuction of tha epacind roduc Furr requirements of Yew Diwcive sity Se nranfecsing process and supp of this reduct Thoce ore nt ecuoed hy hie erica 12 Themarung of ne proaet shal incude he ftowng EY see. 192 DEKRA EXAM GmbH Boenum, 2016-01-08 Signe: Dr. Clot Signed: De mold a Fae ‘ace eas ay ees ay ae 19 Appendix 1h EALType Eeamination Cartitieata .BVS 15 ATEXE 108 i Supplement 3 #8 Product daserinion 154 Subject and type 152 “Tela ols ae vse haardous ae pat of weg Hal, Depend the ‘Tate lata connacon ster done by 2 prmanonby connected cable Oya connector wh eae (yf Ex ogening on th variant rogorting tho relent “Special conone ese ue! he aa ale tuys Used ences yung EPL Oo EPL Ober EPL Da w EPL Dba EAL De ‘Pr Ai etipment nn arang Mil Category and ating TT Tat" Grist Ma of 1G xiao TT Ga or 1136 EvlateTaTa hor 140 Existie T1266 De of 1120 Beis to-T135'C Bb 16 xo Ne Tet 6367 1126 xiailc T8746 ] } 1136 Exaile Tes Se 8 1125 Exile T3206 Bb Raaton fer ine supcament ‘at supplement thecal changed e Dreove 20144 (Annotation acardance win Ate 8) of edtve 2014A1EU, EO Tye Examination Cerise ‘Stoning f GHOIEE tat wore newton pir fo the dla of appiaton ch 20V4E4E (20 Al {Zoi0) ty be refed ey by” ere ave hy @vslonc, ih Divine) MOAN. Sinplemariany Cottcates auch EC-Type Examinaon Cetiestes ond new sues of 5ueh ‘Shtcacn may conte bear the orginal cries number aouee pra 020 Fn 210} “he load cole canbe modifad according a he eannon dormant at meetin a he pene lesan wssessne et New typos of ad ook oe avataba Typonigensommminca x recent Sen no Kenmusictoun team Th ean a : Me Ere = Te eStewna ar ae erento ace wad [user 182.eschreouna i Die Waaezelenkonnen auch nach den zugenongen Fruprkou agente Prikngsuntatagengeferigt werden i Die Wagezelonvardon nach de ldullen Neemenfassung ENOOTE-31:2014 9epfiR Bui der Ausfevung IILO wurde cin Wgebereh (10 ka ergot Hi tne neue Altunruna wurde aeotat sya PRISER i 12.9 Kewgeen Unvaret 08) q [BV PP 142007 CO, Stand 21.05.2015, (17) Besandee Bowing de sicier Avmenduna 111 Wenn le Wage Bete ite eres, es CPL Sa Sipe NO EPL De ‘ne FP Dh ern (nach Ausfvang) ardor sso de Anecussetnae (fenteder an don Slsiverinder angasahlessn) cs goeshill veregt warden, dats ‘tnteeiatsche Aut Entaciensusgesctiosse in 172. Wagazelen Typ" "Acrrr"-= ummungenause) aureynuirn ereen ferret werden, di EPL Ga oder GPLDa oder EPL Naser I Mb Geral nach ‘Asturun) ero, wer ecto LG ausgesclossen it. 1438 betgen wagezesen Typ uu Tye av nuts ‘Snang dos eigenelchten Stomieane Potanyauuglaich herschen 174 Wgozcten Typ tt "4h 6 gorfon muta Berechen erica wee, ‘denen EPL GU, EPL DL, EPL Dv, EPL Maur CPL Mb Gere Je nach Afohrrg) ‘efnnt werden, a Etiehtung hy Berecten, de EPL Ga oder CPL Geate Srtrdem ist nor ase, enn forae Corte sontedtaleehe ALT’ Enfadungon ausaescriossen sind {$7 Das Gahause der Wagezolen yp eso mugs goers were, it nmi rin Lond el type Inctod fe inte oomplte donna eter ee numerals wile Inserted whieh ‘horatrze the folving vane > aang sig net ere smear SETS de acai eat (eo Sod or at eh ne Heine onic nen Pose baleheneaerand abe og ee Pa 'S connected direct fo the load ook 2 acct cementing re matey (Se capone a 9 apes 252 Grated vt oF cpm Wortiane=nctcaneea Fron Woesaed Inenscay sate vert mee eee nec nema capactance Type seer ‘Type ne Leta gore at (th connected cable) festive intemal nsuctones Tyoe menos tn cometed cable) ‘Amizent emperatre range he Varants mated wit) EPL D2, Db, Ma or Mb ‘Vaan marnoa wih temperaure cass = \Varantsmarted with temperature cass 78 ‘erin ype ("5 in omblenfeneratre Vanants toe 9-7 amen erperare Variants ype 3.9% me ambi rat Vaan pe "rn. ambent enperare a, surtce temperature or EPL Oa, EPL. und EPL De Legree or protecion 10 Report Number 1BVS PP 142007 EU, ac of 2018 07 08 17 Special Conditions for ise 1111 1Ntne load cats ae state in areas requiring EPL Ga gos group ic; EPL Day EPL bb eyubrret (dapenaing on the var) te abies (permanently conned fslena at ha rane) Rew th Uehara way Un ously lyin sei yl be re, 172 Lood ote ype ems 1 (aluminr nclcare ey oy Benet n arece rola EPL Ga or EPL Ua or EPL ta or EPL MO eQUMen depenUiiy on vain), Fey we ned Inaway tala prec 73 Foros ces type“ ana ype ~ the tema ats as 9 Be guaranaed Way sgupoeria bara anny 174 Load oes ype 6" may ny be stale nares ecuNg EM. UD, EL, EPL Op, EPL Do EPL ta or EPL ty equlpman(Jopending onthe aro!) Install in aeas Fegunng EPL Ga or eru Ua equpments any permuted ine oad Gets ale pu Mucis ‘isostatic charging feeharging 175 The enclosure oad cals ype “rm ha to be earth, 11.0 1ne ae cls can oe used i oto ae npr arg See iva) ‘ana sah wilh eanperatre class T4: max. ambient epee 170°C ‘Varants marked wh temperature Cass 16, max. ambient emberture +20 °C, ‘Vatante marked with EPL Da, Ob Ma or Ms max ambent temperature 70°C. Vacate ype ‘in ambient temperature -10°O one ‘in embianttempertie 26°C joes: man ambient tomperature 0 °C ‘rego. min amen tempest 0° ‘rant ype ‘ruscemae nb panes ery remem aN 177 Trond els type Neyer. ortype NA IH appig: “Tha and of ha permanent nected esbe shoul other be connected outide the hazardcue area rinse a surat (eg Ex, Ext tesp. Ex enawue 19 Easenta Heath and Gafety Requirements ' ‘Tho Gevontil Heath and Safety Requires are cvared bythe elandavse eta ue Nom 19° Drawings and Documents ‘rawings ana docuers ae ste Ue wel ep ‘We can he comectneas of th Kansan fem the Geman ongin Inne case of aronravon one German wordig shal eval aa Unt, ostum, dates 2U16-U-85 VS Sonus A 20160220 ” ® fe) o © 6 a @ o (9) ay Transtlation 2" Supplement to the EC-Type Examination Certificate Equipment and protactve eystome onde fr use In potonialy explosive avraspres - Dreuve SUE Sunlamont soma wih Ae ibe 8 No ot EU-Iype Examination Gefcat: BVS 19 ATEXE 108 X Equipe, Load gelltype ranean Manufacturer: Hottingor Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH nes i Tefen See 45, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany, bl Ih dug an crsuon os exer a ny dst me the append the suplament ‘The cation body of DEXRA EXAM GmbH, noted vogy no, Urou In abzorgance Petia el DR oc Sao erat ars eon Saal Sach POT SEUHR ae een Rint’ Petar oa lene ets rie ye Oe res MO em Drea Be POH SA Ne ‘Becaibsfa Rasenthemnbvsee sees 777777" ‘meet inn eas RS SCA a ISA WH) EN c0070-0:2002 + A1t;2019. Conertrequitemonts EN ooure-1iz0i2 ‘nunnsicsareg “r EN 60078-162040 Equipment pratetin i i EN 80078-31.2034 Protection by eneloaure Wy) Minn ss ma ‘aly fe a the sian fe placed fa the caristo umber, indcates tat he enuinments subectto Spee Conarons fr safe Use spaced i Une appea Wis ateate, “This supplement fo the EC Type xomination Contes flees ont the dian, examination ard tess ofthe spected equpmentn accoranoe © Oecive SSE, Further requrements of the Dieetue apply to the manufacturing crocess and Supp ‘egupaent These ole ot vere by ts cane, (42) The marking of the equipment shalineude the folowing: @ vwass DER EXAM Grit Bachem lad 9 5.05-21 ‘Sone: Wegand ‘sianea: Ur. vee Carieaton boay acest ‘nici may asamp os

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