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Science grade 5 (Skeletal and Muscular System)

1. A place where two or more bones meet is called …

a. Bone c. Joint
b. Muscle d. Skull

2. A joint that allow movement in one direction only is called …

a. Hinge joint b. Ball and socket joint

3. The example of hinge joints are …

a. Hip and shoulder b. Elbow and knee

4. The joint that can move in all direction is called ball and socket joint. The example of ball and socket joints
are …
a. Hip and shoulder b. Elbow and knee

5. Our heart and lungs protected by …

a. Skull c. Hip bone
b. Ribcage d. Muscles

6. Our spine or backbone is made up of small, specially shape bones called …

a. Vertabrae c. Muscles
b. Skeletal d. Cartilage

7. Muscles help us …
a. Think c. Move
b. Feel d. Smell

8. Our muscular system consist of three kinds of muscles, except …

a. Cardiac muscles c. Skeletal muscles
b. Smooth muscles d. Hard muscles

9. We can control these muscles, which are usually used for movements. It is called
a. Cardiac muscles c. Skeletal muscles
b. Smooth muscles d. Hard muscles

10. Calcium helps build … and protein helps buid …

a. Bones and muscles c. Muscles and bones
b. Heart and lungs d. Stomach and gullet

11. Our bones cannot move on their own, they need ___________

12. Skull protect vital organs such as ____________

13. These muscles are found only in the heart. It is ______________

14. Example of skeletal muscles are the muscles in our ______________and ________________
15. The muscles in our stomach that crush food and also in our gullet that move food down to the stomach is
called ___________ muscles

16. When we bend our upper arm, the biceps will _________ and the triceps will _____________

17. We can _________________ our spine if we do not support our backs when lifting or moving heavy objects.

18. Mammals use bones and muscles to _________ and ________

Monkeys use bones and muscles to ______________ frim tree to tree

Snakes use bones and muscles to _______________ on the ground

Frogs and toads use bones and muscles to _________________

Birds use bones and muscles to _________________

Fish use bones and muscles to _________________

Earthworms use bones and muscles to ________________

19. Mention four functions of our skeletal system.

20. How can we care for our skeleton and muscular systems?

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