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Support Ticket System

1. Customer Module
a. Customer Group
i. Fields (name, description, status)
b. Customer CRUD with fields (name, email, phone_no, pan no)
c. Customer Contact
i. Each customer has multiple contacts.
ii. Fields (contact person name, designation, mobile_no, phone_no, status)
iii. Status can be Active and Inactive
2. Ticket System
a. Ticket Group
i. Fields (name, description, status)
b. Ticket CRUD
i. Fields (Title, Description, Image, status, createdBy, Created_on,
last_updated_on )
ii. Status: (open, closed )
iii. Open Status
1. Status is open until ticket is resolved and closed.
2. Status is closed when ticket is completed.
c. Ticket Comments
i. User should be able to put comments on ticket. User should be able to put as
many comments as needed with following information.
ii. Fields: ( comment, comment_by, commented_on)
3. User
a. Fields ( username, email, password, status )
b. Ability to login, change password and logout
c. Actions : Only super admin can do
i. Creating User
ii. Deactivating user: Once deactivated user can’t login
iii. Activating User: previously deactivated user should be activated.
iv. SuperAdmin should not be able to deactivate self.
d. Roles
i. SuperAdmin : Can do everything
ii. GeneralUSer: can do everything but can’t do anything on user like creating
user, updating user, etc.


1. Customer Group: List, created, edit,

2. Customer: List, Created, Edit
3. Ticket Group List, Created, Edit
4. Ticket List, Create, Edit
5. Ticket Detail Page: Where it should load ticket information and list of comments in the below
like a conversation.

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