Organic Hydroponic

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If you have an aquaponics system, you are already using a natural, organic nutrient

solution – water enriched with fish waste and balanced out by the action of nitrifying

However, if your hydroponics system doesn’t include a fish tank, you can still create
your own natural nutrient solutions by degrading other types of organic waste.

If you are striving to make your organic hydroponic garden even more sustainable
and self-reliant, you can try to make your own nutrient solution from raw materials.
The key aspect of this practice is to make organic (waste) materials avalable for your
plants by pre-digesting them. This can be done either by using liquid bio-digesters, or
even better, by utilizing vermiculture (worms) and creating worm tea out of the solid
worm castings, or alternatively, out of compost.
Keep in mind that the main issue with organic fertilizers is usually concentration. Too
little, and your plants will be undernourished, resulting in stunted growth and
deformities, as well as sensitivity to diseases. Too much, and your plants may
suffocate and die because the nutrient build-up leads to oxygen depletion and
pathogen proliferation.
If there is not enough bacterial activity or enough oxygen around plants, a process of
anaerobic degradation by different sorts of bacteria will take place, making the
substrate smelly and a breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms, all while
failing to provide enough plant nutrition.
Producing hydroponics without synthetic fertilizers and pesticides does take some
additional work and experimentation. Fortunately, there are many good resources
you can use, but ultimately you will have to discover yourself what works for your
particular area, plants and type of organic fertilizer you are planning to use.

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