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5d-Level Energies of Ce3+ and the Crystalline Environment. I. Fluoride


Article in Physical Review B · December 2000

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.62.15640 · Source: OAI

369 942

1 author:

Pieter Dorenbos
Delft University of Technology


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5d-level energies of Ce3¿ and the crystalline environment. I. Fluoride compounds

P. Dorenbos
Interfaculty Reactor Institute, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 15, 2629 JB Delft, The Netherlands
共Received 28 June 2000兲
Information on the position of all five 5d levels of Ce3⫹ in 17 different fluoride compounds has been
collected. A model involving the polarizability of the fluoride ions, originally suggested by Morrison 关J. Chem.
Phys. 72, 1001 共1980兲兴, is used to calculate the so-called spectroscopic polarizability ␣ sp from the observed
average energy of the 5d configuration. It will be compared with actual in-crystal fluoride ion polarizabilities.
There appears a relationship between ␣ sp and the types of cations present in the crystal structure. Small high
valency cations tend to reduce the centroid shift. Large cations have the opposite effect. The size and the type
of the fluoride ion coordination polyhedron around Ce3⫹ determine the crystal field splitting of the 5d levels.
Combining the gained knowledge on centroid shift and crystal field splitting, the energy of the first 4 f →5d
transition in about 25 additional fluoride compounds will be interpreted.

I. INTRODUCTION It is more convenient to interpret the total splitting, de-

fined as the difference between the lowest and highest 5d
The present paper forms part of a series of papers in level, instead of the crystal field shift. Although both spin-
which the f d transitions of the trivalent lanthanides in inor- orbit and crystal field splitting will contribute, it will hereaf-
ganic crystalline compounds is the subject of study. In Ref. ter be referred to as the crystal field splitting ⑀ cfs . Equation
1, the crystal field depression or spectroscopic redshift D(A) 共1兲 is rewritten as
was defined. It expresses the amount by which the energy of
the first dipole-allowed f d transition is lowered whenever ⑀ cfs共 A 兲
D 共 A 兲 ⫽ ⑀ c共 A 兲 ⫹ ⫺1890 cm⫺1 , 共2兲
the lanthanide ion is doped in a host crystal. Experimental r共 A 兲
data reveal that, when doped in the same host crystal, this
redshift in first approximation is the same for all 13 trivalent where r(A) expresses the ratio between crystal field splitting
lanthanides.1 This provides large predictive potential. If the and crystal field shift.
redshift is known for just one of the lanthanides, the first Values for D(A) belonging to 350 different sites in over
allowed 4 f n →4 f n⫺1 5d transition of all others can be esti- 300 different compounds have been compiled in Ref. 3. In
mated. order to display and analyze these data in a systematic way,
Apart from possibly Eu2⫹ , most scientific papers on a seven-digit identification number was assigned to each of
4 f -5d spectroscopy deal with Ce3⫹ in a crystalline host. The the compounds. By treating this number as a variable A, the
ground-state configuration contains one single optically ac- redshift D(A) can be displayed, as is done in Fig. 1. On the
tive electron in the well-shielded 4 f shell. It can be excited scale in Fig. 1 only the first two digits are of significance.
to the 5d configuration and, depending on the site symmetry, They are representative of the types of anions in the host
at most five distinct 4 f →5d transitions can be observed.
Due to the interaction with the crystal field, the average po-
sition of the 5d levels, i.e., the centroid or barycenter, is
lowered relative to the position for the free ion. This com-
bined with the crystal field and spin-orbit splitting results in
a redshift of the first 4 f →5d transition. D(A) can be written

D 共 A 兲 ⫽ 关 E c 共 free兲 ⫺E c 共 A 兲兴 ⫹ 关 ⑀ s 共 A 兲 ⫺ ⑀ s 共 free兲兴
⫽ ⑀ c 共 A 兲 ⫹ ⑀ s 共 A 兲 ⫺1890 cm⫺1 , 共1兲

where E c (free)⫽51 230 cm⫺1 is the centroid position of

Ce3⫹ as a free ion2 and E c (A) likewise for Ce in compound
A. The difference ⑀ c (A) will be called here the centroid shift.
⑀ s (free)⫽1890 cm⫺1 is the energy difference between cen-
troid position and the lowest 5d level ( 2 D3/2) of the free
Ce3⫹ ion. ⑀ s (A) likewise if doped in host A. It represents the FIG. 1. The spectroscopic redshift D(A) of the trivalent lan-
contribution to the redshift due to crystal field and spin-orbit thanides in inorganic compounds 共from Ref. 3兲. The solid line con-
splitting. This contribution will be called the crystal field nects data points belonging to LaF3 , LaCl3 , LaBr3 , La2 O3 ,
shift. La2 O2 S, and La2 S3 .

0163-1829/2000/62共23兲/15640共10兲/$15.00 PRB 62 15 640 ©2000 The American Physical Society

PRB 62 5d-LEVEL ENERGIES OF Ce3⫹ AND . . . . I. . . . 15 641

crystal. Notice the grouping of the data into the fluorides, 共lanthanide兲 cation. Later, other theories were developed
chlorides, bromides, iodides, oxides, sulfides, selenides, tel- also. One of them is based on the quantum-mechanical over-
lurides 共no data available兲, and nitrides. The redshift varies lap between metal and anion ligands causing antibonding
from the lowest value of 6600 cm⫺1 for KMgF3 to the larg- and bonding orbitals. Sugano and Shulman8 used such mo-
est value of 33 300 cm⫺1 for MgSc2 S4 . In the case of Ce3⫹ , lecular orbital formalism in 1963, and showed that the 3d 8
this corresponds with 234 nm and 625 nm for the first f d levels of Ni2⫹ in KMgF3 are much influenced by these co-
absorption band, respectively. valency effects. Morrison9 was the first who suggested in
The purpose of this and following papers is to study how 1980 a physical origin for the centroid shift involving ligand
centroid shift, crystal field splitting, and redshift are related polarization. The instantaneous position of the metal elec-
to the crystalline environment. The data will be interpreted tron polarizes the surrounding ligands, which react back on
with the aim to find clear trends. Once the trends are firmly the metal electron itself. Essentially a self-induced potential
established, not only qualitatively but also quantitatively, is generated that reduces the interelectron Coulomb repulsion
they can be used to predict 5d-level positions of the lan- between the metal electrons. It leads, like the nephelauxetic
thanides in yet uninvestigated materials. The established effect, to a lowering of the centroid energy of the LS terms.
trends may also help in guiding theoretical modelings. In this Both the covalency model and the ligand polarization model
paper 共Part I兲 the 5d-level positions of Ce3⫹ when doped in were reviewed by Aull and Jenssen10 in 1986 in order to
fluoride compounds are studied. In the accompanying paper formulate a model for the 5d-level spectroscopy of Ce3⫹ .
共Part II兲 the chlorides, bromides, and iodides are treated. Theoretically, the Hamiltonian of the metal ion is often
Since this is the first in a planned series of papers, crystal written as a sum of the free metal ion Hamiltonian and a
field theory applied to 5d levels and some phenomenological single electron crystal field Hamiltonian containing the so-
models will be briefly reviewed. called B kq crystal field parameters.5 The effects of charge
A model involving the polarizability of the fluoride ions cloud expansion, covalency, and ligand polarization are
will be developed that appears quite successful in revealing taken into account by adding correlation crystal field terms to
the trends in the centroid shift with the crystalline environ- the Hamiltonian.11 The values for the crystal field and corre-
ment. The crystal field splitting behaves quite independently lation parameters are obtained from the observed positions of
from the centroid shift. It is controlled by the size and shape the energy levels. The next step in understanding the crystal
of the fluoride ion polyhedron coordinating the Ce3⫹ ion. field interaction is to relate those phenomenologically deter-
After the interpretation of the centroid shift and crystal field mined parameters to the type of crystalline environment.
splitting of 17 different compounds, the total redshift of the In this work the ligand polarization model as suggested by
full collection of about 40 different fluoride materials will be Morrison9 will be further developed to analyze the centroid
interpreted. shift. Following Morrison9 and Aull and Jenssen,10 ⑀ c can in
first approximation be written as
e2 ␣i
The most simple form of crystal field theory is the point ⑀ c⫽
共 具 r 2 典 5d ⫺ 具 r 2 典 4 f 兲兺 6
, 共4兲
charge electrostatic model 共PCEM兲. Each anion that coordi- i⫽1 R i

nates the metal ion is represented by a monopole having the where r represents the radial position of the electron in either
valency value of the anion. They produce a crystal field con- the 5d or 4 f orbital, and 具 r 2 典 is the expectation value of r 2 ,
sisting of a spherically symmetric part and a nonspherical
␣ i is the polarizability of the ligand i located a distance R i
part; see, for example, Ref. 4. The interaction of the non-
from the metal ion, e is the elementary charge, and ⑀ 0 is the
spherical part with the 5d electron causes the crystal field
permittivity of vacuum. The summation is over all N nearest
splitting. A comprehensive review of the PCEM can be
coordinating anion ligands. The ligand polarization model
found in the work by Görller-Walrand and Binnemans.5
has, to the author’s knowledge, only been used by Morrison
A limitation of ionic models like the PCEM is their in-
to interpret the redshift in Ce3⫹ -doped fluoride crystals and
ability to predict any centroid shift. Yet, experimentally it is
by Aull and Jenssen10 to interpret the centroid shift in several
observed that in a crystal, the average energy of an LS term
Ce3⫹ -doped elpasolite fluoride crystals.
of the 4 f n configuration of a lanthanide ion is lower than the
Models on covalency predict in first order a centroid shift
free ion value.6 The same holds for the d n levels of the
proportional to the square of the overlap integral S
transition-metal ions and the 5d configuration of the lan-
⬅ 具 ␾ M 兩 ␺ L 典 between the metal 共M兲 and ligand 共L兲 orbital.10,12
thanides. The amount of lowering, i.e., centroid shift, tends
For the centroid shift one may write
to increase with the reducing character 共electron donating
power兲 of the nearest-neighbor anions in the order N

⑀ c ⫽ 兺 共 a i 具 ␾ 5d 兩 ␺ L i 典 2 ⫺b i 具 ␾ 4 f 兩 ␺ L i 典 2 兲 , 共5兲
F⫺ ⬍Cl⫺ ⬍Br⫺ ⬍I⫺ ⬍O2⫺ ⬍S2⫺ , 共3兲 i⫽1

which is known as the nephelauxetic series 共see Chap. 23 in where a i and b i are appropriate constants.
Ref. 7兲. Note that the same ordering can be seen for the Caro and co-workers13,14 and Antic-Fidancev et al.15 sys-
spectroscopic redshift of the La-based compounds in Fig. 1. tematically studied f f transitions in Nd3⫹ , Gd3⫹ , and Eu3⫹
The centroid shift has a long time ago been attributed to in many different compounds. Caro and Derouet13 relate the
an expansion of the charge cloud, i.e., the nephelauxetic fractional centroid shift of Nd3⫹ 4 f 3 LS terms to the amount
effect.7 It results in larger average distance and hence re- of overlap S between anion ligands and metal wave func-
duced Coulomb repulsion between the electrons of the metal tions. Later in 1976 Caro et al.14 suggest a possible relation-
15 642 P. DORENBOS PRB 62

ship with the polarizability of the lattice. In 1987 the situa-

tion on the centroid shift of the 2 P 1/2 level of Nd3⫹ was
reviewed by Antic-Fidancev et al.15 A main conclusion was
that a qualitative explanation of the centroid shift still had to
be found. Denning et al.11 demonstrate for the Tb3⫹ 4 f 7
levels in Cs2 NaTbX 6 (X⫽F,Cl,Br) that correlation crystal
field terms in the Hamiltonian become increasingly more im-
portant in the order F⬍Cl⬍Br, which is the same ordering
as in Eq. 共3兲. It was attributed to either a large contribution
from covalency or from ligand polarization or from a com-
bination of both. The relative importance of these contribu-
tions was not known. Understanding the centroid shift of LS
terms is still a challenging problem of 4 f n -level spectros-
The few systematic studies that have appeared on
5d-level spectroscopy pertain to the lowest 5d level and not
to the centroid shift. In 1967 Blasse and Bril reported on
about 30 different Tb3⫹ -doped16 and 20 different FIG. 2. Spectroscopic redshift in fluoride compounds. Different
data symbols were chosen to distinguish different types of com-
Ce3⫹ -doped17 oxides. In 1976 Fouassier et al.18 studied f d
pounds. The errors are typically ⫾250 cm⫺1 .
transitions in 13 different Eu2⫹ -doped M x B y Fz fluoride com-
pounds, where M ⫽Ca2⫹ , Sr2⫹ , or Ba2⫹ and B⫽Si4⫹ , Y3⫹ ,
The same data are also shown in Fig. 2 where the horizontal
Be2⫹ , Mg2⫹ , or Li⫹ . Besides the f d transitions in over 20
scale has been expanded by four orders of magnitude. On
different Eu2⫹ -doped compounds, van Uitert19 in 1984 also
this scale the fifth digit of the identification number is sig-
studied about 9 different Ce3⫹ -doped compounds, not only
nificant. It represents the trivalent rare-earth cation that often
in fluorides but also in some chloride, oxide, and sulfide
provides the site for Ce3⫹ . In decreasing order of ionic ra-
dius the La, Ce, Gd, Y, Lu共Yb兲, and Sc containing com-
It was noticed by Blasse and Bril16 that the first electric
pounds can be observed from left to right in Fig. 2. For more
dipole-allowed absorption in Tb3⫹ -doped Y2 Ca2 Si2 O9 ,
detailed information on the meaning of the identification
Y4 Al2 O9 , and Y4 Ga2 O9 shifts from 235 nm to 253 nm to
number, the reader is referred to Ref. 3. There also informa-
268 nm. All three compounds have the same crystal struc-
tion on absorption and emission wavelength, the Stokes shift,
ture. Replacing Si4⫹ by the larger Al3⫹ ion or by the even
and the references to the literature where all information was
larger Ga3⫹ effects the electron clouds of the oxygen ions. obtained can be found.
Blasse and Bril suggested that they are less and less attracted
For the interpretation of D(A) also information on ⑀ s ,
共polarized兲 toward these larger cations. Fouassier et al.18 ob-
⑀ c , ⑀ cfs and crystal structure is required. Therefore, all five
served essentially the same for the 13 Eu2⫹ -doped ternary
5d-level positions should be known. Such information is
fluoride compounds. In BaSiF6 with Eu on the large Ba2⫹
only available for a relatively small number of compounds
site, the largest value for the f d energy difference was found.
and only if Ce3⫹ is the dopant. Information obtained from
Also here the highly charged Si4⫹ ions strongly attract the literature has been compiled in Table I. Also information
fluoride ion charge clouds. The same was emphasized by van was gathered on the crystal structure, in particular, the type
Uitert19 for complexes like BeF4 2⫺ , AlF4 ⫺ , SiF6 2⫺ , SiO4 4⫺ , of anion polyhedron surrounding the Ce3⫹ site and the point
and PO4 3⫺ in fluoride and oxide compounds. symmetry at that site. References to the literature can be
The above ideas of attraction of the anion charge cloud by found in the International Crystal Structure Database 共ICSD兲
the neighboring small cations can be related to Eq. 共4兲, Eq. of FIZ Karlsruhe, Germany. Also the books on inorganic
共5兲, and Eq. 共3兲. Charge cloud attraction can be seen as a crystal structures by Hyde and Andersson20 and Wyckoff21
form of bonding that increases the binding energy of the were frequently consulted.
anion electrons. Stronger binding implies larger oscillation (N:R av) in the second column gives information on the
force constant and therewith smaller anion polarizability. number of anions 共N兲 in the polyhedron and their average
According to Eq. 共4兲 smaller centroid shift will result. Stron-
distance to the central Ce3⫹ site. R av was determined from
ger binding with other cations than Ce3⫹ will also reduce the crystallographic data. Occasionally it was estimated from an
covalency between the ligand charge cloud and the 5d or- isostructural compound by taking differences in cation ionic
bital of Ce3⫹ , i.e., Ce3⫹ ‘‘sees’’ a more ionic surrounding. In radii into account. The shape of the polyhedron and the site
that case Eq. 共5兲 predicts a smaller centroid shift. Stronger symmetry is given in the third column. Information on the
binding lowers the reducing character 共electron donating polyhedral shapes and their symmetry can be found in the
power toward Ce3⫹ ) of the oxygen ligands, and this has been work by Görller-Walrand and Binnemans.5 Often the poly-
the original interpretation of the nephelauxetic series of Eq. hedron is not perfectly regular and not all Ce-fluoride dis-
共3兲. tances need to be the same: it results in a lowering of site
symmetry. A nearby charge-compensating defect may also
lower the symmetry.
Column 4 shows the five wavelengths corresponding to
On the scale chosen in Fig. 1 the individual data points the transitions from the 2 F 5/2 ground state to the five crystal
belonging to the fluoride compounds are highly overlapping. field split 5d levels. In KMgF3 at least three different lumi-
PRB 62 5d-LEVEL ENERGIES OF Ce3⫹ AND . . . . I. . . . 15 643

TABLE I. Spectroscopic and crystallographic properties of Ce3⫹ doped fluorides. R av is in pm. Type of
polyhedron 共poly兲 and point symmetry 共sym兲 at the Ce site are given.

Compound (N:R av) 共poly:sym兲 Excitation bands 共nm兲 ⑀ c (cm⫺1 ) ⑀ cfs (cm⫺1 ) Ref.

free ion (3⫻)192, (2⫻)201 0 2476 2

KMgF3 (12:281) (cubo:O h ) 203, 210, 共??兲, 227, 234 ⬇5330 6526 23
BaLiF3 (12:282) (cubo:C 4 v ) 204, 213, 220, 239, 248 6543 8697 27,46
BaThF6 (11:267) (5ctp:C 2 ) 188, 206, 220, 238, 256 5576 14129 40
LaF3 (11:259) (5ctp:C 2 ) 194, 208, 218, 234, 249 5580 11386 47,48
CeF3 (11:257) (5ctp:C 2 ) 194, 208, 218, 234, 249 5580 11386 49
NaYF4 (9:⬇236) (3ctp:C 3h ) 196, 207, 221, 233, 247 5630 10535 50
YF3 (9:232) (3ctp:C s ) 194, 203, 216, 239, 256 5630 12484 50,51
LuF3 (9:⬇228) a (3ctp:C s ) 191, 202, 214, 232, 259 5130 13746 52
BaF2 (8:269) (cubal:C 3 v ) 187, 193, 200, (2⫻)292 6474 19229 53
SrF2 (9:254) (1ccubal:C 4 v ) 187, 199, 205, (2⫻)297 7260 19806 53
CaF2 (9:241) (1ccubal:C 4 v ) 187, 195, 202, (2⫻)307 7350 20903 28,53
LiYF4 (8:227) (ddh:S 4 ) 186, 196, 206, 244, 292 5520 19517 54
LiLuF4 (8:⬇224) b (ddh:S 4 ) 186, 196, 206, 244, 296 5610 19980 55
BaY2 F8 (8:228) (ddh:C 2 ) 188, 197, 212, 244, 300 6143 19858 56,57
BaLu2 F8 (8:⬇224) a (ddh:C 1 ) 183, 196, 225, 246, 288 6130 19923 56
Rb2 NaScF6 (6:202) (octa:O h ) 共163, 180兲, (3⫻)313 ⬇8700 ⬇26500 33
CsY2 F7 :(Ce1) 188, 197, 226, 252, 265 6107 15456 43
CsY2 F7 :(Ce2) 186, 202, 221, 237, 295 6309 19865 43
R av was assumed to be 4 pm smaller than that of the corresponding Y compounds.
R av was assumed to be 0.8 pm smaller than that of LiYbF4 .

nescent Ce sites were identified.22,23 Francini et al.,23 based found in Ref. 3. All energies are relative to the centroid
on work by Ibragimov et al.,24 attribute the dominant Ce3⫹ position at 51 230 cm⫺1 of the free Ce3⫹ ion. Note the fairly
emission to Ce3⫹ on the 12-fold coordinated K-site with two constant centroid shift but widely varying crystal field split-
nearest-neighbor K⫹ vacancies for charge compensation. It ting and Stokes shift ⌬S.
changes the original O h symmetry to a site with C 4 v sym-
metry. For very low Ce concentration 共0.025 mol %兲 a dou-
blet emission at 263 and 283 nm is observed with excitation IV. DISCUSSION
bands at 203, 210, 227, and 234 nm. It is attributed by Mar- First the crystal field splitting will be briefly discussed. It
tini et al.25 and Francini et al.23 to isolated Ce centers on K⫹ will be shown that ⑀ cfs is determined by the shape and the
sites, i.e., without local charge compensation. The data in size of the coordinating anion polyhedron. A more detailed
column 4 pertain to this latter site. The position of the fifth discussion will be presented in the accompanying paper 共Part
5d band in KMgF3 is not known and some average was II兲. In this part emphasis will be on the interpretation and
assumed. analyzes of the centroid shift by means of the ligand polar-
For BaLiF3 , based on the work by Marsman et al.26 and
Yamaga et al.,27 Ce3⫹ is assumed to occupy the Ba2⫹ site
with a charge compensating Li⫹ on a nearest Ba2⫹ site. It
forms a defect with C 4 v site symmetry. The lowest energy
5d excitation band in the fluorites CaF2 , SrF2 , and BaF2
was, following the work by Manthey,28 assumed to be due to
the transition to the doublet e g state. The high-energy 5d
levels of Rb2 NaScF6 are not yet well established: their val-
ues have been put within brackets.
Columns 5 and 6 provide ⑀ c and ⑀ cfs calculated from the
5d-level positions. The errors in ⑀ c are usually smaller than
100–200 cm⫺1 and ⫾400 cm⫺1 for ⑀ cfs . In cases when 5d
levels are not fully certain also ⑀ c and ⑀ cfs are more uncer-
tain. Although the structure of CsY2 F7 is not known, infor-
mation on the five 5d-level positions of two different Ce
sites is compiled.
The energy of the highest 5d level, the centroid position, FIG. 3. Energy differences between the centroid position
the energy of the lowest 5d level, and the energy of emission (51,230 cm⫺1 ) of the free Ce3⫹ ion and (ⵜ) highest 5d level, (䊐)
from the relaxed lowest energy 5d level to the 2 F 5/2 ground centroid position, (䉭) lowest 5d level, and (䊊) relaxed lowest 5d
state are shown in Fig. 3. The energy of emission can be level of Ce3⫹ in compounds.
15 644 P. DORENBOS PRB 62

ization model. Both crystal field splitting and centroid shift B. Centroid shift
behave rather independently from one another and in a more Within the fluorides the centroid shift varies between
or less predictable manner. With the acquired knowledge,
5130⫾50 cm⫺1 for LuF3 until 8700⫾1200 cm⫺1 for
finally the redshift in the compounds in Fig. 2 will be inter-
Rb2 NaScF6 . Among the crystals BaF2 , SrF2 , and CaF2 , cen-
troid shift increases with 900 cm⫺1 . At first sight one obvi-
ous explanation would be the increasingly smaller site size
A. Crystal field splitting and hence shorter distance to the fluoride ligands when Ce3⫹
The crystal field splitting ⑀ cfs of the compounds from is on the Ba, Sr, or Ca site. However, site size appears not to
Table I, more or less arranged in order of decreasing anion be the most important parameter that determines the centroid
coordination number, can be seen in Fig. 3. A first inspection shift. This is demonstrated by LuF3 which has, despite its
shows that the crystal field splitting tends to increase with relatively small site (9:228) for the large Ce3⫹ ion, the
decreasing coordination number. The smallest ⑀ cfs values are smallest centroid shift of all fluoride compounds. In fact it is
found amongst KMgF3 and BaLiF3 . They have the perov- the smallest centroid shift of all compounds to be discussed
skite structure in which the K⫹ and Ba2⫹ sites are coordi- in this and following papers.
nated by 12 fluoride ions at relatively large distance in the It was already noticed by Blasse and Bril,16 Fouassier
form of a regular cuboctahedron (cubo:O h ). et al.,18 and Van Uitert19 that small highly charged second
There are two different Y3⫹ sites in NaYF4 both ninefold cations in ternary compounds tend to reduce the redshift. It
coordinated in the form of a trigonal prism with caps on the was explained by the attractive forces of the small cations on
three rectangular faces.29 Possibly Ce3⫹ may occupy both the anion charge clouds. Charge is ‘‘pulled’’ away from the
sites (R av⫽233.0 or 238.6 pm兲 but probably the largest one lanthanide ion located at the large cation site, and interaction
is preferred. YF3 and LuF3 have similar but severely dis- between lanthanide 5d electrons and anion ligands becomes
torted coordination polyhedron. The larger distortion and less. The same idea seems to hold for the centroid shift in
smaller site size (R av) yield larger crystal field splitting than binary compounds like YF3 and LuF3 . The small Y3⫹ ions
in NaYF4 . attract the charge cloud of the fluoride ions more strongly
In LaF3 , CeF3 , and BaThF6 , which have the hexagonal than the 12 pm larger Ce3⫹ ion does. Lu3⫹ is 4 pm smaller
thysonite structure, the lanthanide ion is 11-fold coordinated
than Y3⫹ and an even stronger attractive force is expected.
with a so-called 共distorted兲 Edshammer polyhedron 共see p.
Apparently, despite the smaller site size for Ce3⫹ in LuF3 , its
43 in Ref. 20兲. It resembles a 共distorted兲 tricapped trigonal
prism with two more fluoride ions forming caps on the two interaction with the F⫺ 2 p ligands is less than in YF3 .
remaining triangular faces, i.e., a five-capped trigonal prism Generally one expects that the smaller the ionic radius of
(5ctp:C 2 ). Note that these compounds plus those with 3ctp the cation and the larger its valency, the more strongly it will
and cuboctahedral coordination all show relatively small attract the fluoride ligands. The decrease of centroid shift in
crystal field splitting together with large value for the Stokes going from BaLu2 F8 to LiLuF4 to LuF3 provides some indi-
shift ⌬S, see Fig. 3. This anticorrelation has also been ob- cations for the above expectation. The attractive force on the
served for several chlorides and oxides.30 fluoride charge cloud toward the monovalent Li⫹ and the
BaF2 , SrF2 , and CaF2 have the cubic fluorite structure large Ba2⫹ are relatively weak compared to that towards
and the cation has a cubal coordination of eight fluoride ions. Lu3⫹ in LuF3 . The perovskites KMgF3 and BaLiF3 provide
The excess charge of the Ce3⫹ ion on the divalent cation site even better indications. Two well-resolved excitation bands
needs to be compensated. In CaF2 and SrF2 it is by means of at 227 nm and 234 nm in KMgF3 are attributed to the split e
an extra F⫺ ion preferably located on the nearest interstitial doublet and a weak band between 200 nm and 215 nm is
site thus producing a monocapped cube with C 4 v site sym- attributed to the triplet t levels. Although the position of the
metry (1ccubal:C 4 v ). In BaF2 the F⫺ ion is preferably lo- fifth 5d level in KMgF3 is not precisely known, the esti-
cated at a next-nearest-neighbor site along the 共111兲 direc- mated centroid shift of 5300⫾600 cm⫺1 is smaller than that
tion producing C 3 v site symmetry. The approximately cubal of BaLiF3 . Both crystals have the perovskite structure and
coordination in BaF2 :Ce3⫹ gives more than a factor of 2 Ce3⫹ on the K⫹ or Ba2⫹ site is in both crystals coordinated
larger ⑀ cfs than the cuboctahedral coordination in BaLiF3 . by 12 fluoride ions at practically the same distance. The only
The polyhedron around Y or Lu in the scheelites LiYF4 difference is in the first cation neighbor shell where Mg2⫹ in
and LiLuF4 , monoclinic BaY2 F8 , and the strongly related KMgF3 is thought to yield a stronger attractive force on the
structure of orthorhombic31,32 BaLu2 F8 is a dodecahedron fluoride charge cloud than the Li⫹ in BaLiF3 .
共ddh兲. All four compounds have about the same R av and In addition to the attractive forces on the fluoride charge
show similar crystal field splitting around 20 000 cm⫺1 . clouds by cations other than Ce3⫹ , also the Ce3⫹ to fluoride
The level positions in the elpasolite Rb2 NaScF6 were ob- ion distances (R i ) and the anion coordination number 共N兲 is
tained from the work of Aull and Jenssen.33 The excitation of importance for the centroid shift. The model of ligand
band at 313 nm is assumed to be the triplet component of the polarization 关see Eq. 共4兲兴 and the model of covalency 关see
octahedrally split 5d levels. It is, however, not firmly estab- Eq. 共5兲兴 both predict that the contribution from each fluoride
lished whether both the absorption bands observed at 163 ion to the centroid shift is simply additive. However, the
and 180 nm are indeed related to the split e g doublet excita- types of cations, the values for R i , and coordination number
tion bands. A conservative estimate for the crystal field split- differ from compound to compound. This makes it difficult
ting caused by the octahedral coordination with relatively to relate the centroid shift observed for one compound with
short metal-ligand distance is 26 500⫾3000 cm⫺1 . those of others.
PRB 62 5d-LEVEL ENERGIES OF Ce3⫹ AND . . . . I. . . . 15 645

where 12 ⌬R has been introduced to account for lattice relax-

ation around the Ce3⫹ ion. The amount of relaxation is gen-
erally not known and as a rough estimation it is assumed that
the nearest-neighbor fluoride ions relax radially inward or
outward by half the difference ⌬R between the ionic radius
of Ce3⫹ and the ionic radius of the cation for which it sub-
stitutes. For 具 r 2 典 5d and 具 r 2 典 4 f the values calculated for the
free Ce3⫹ , 1.67⫻10⫺20 m2 and 0.43⫻10⫺20 m2 , respec-
tively, were taken.33,34 Since 具 r 2 典 5d is considerable larger
than 具 r 2 典 4 f , the centroid shift is positive as observed experi-
R i was obtained from the crystal structure. ⌬R was de-
rived from the effective ionic radii tabulated by Shannon35
共the so-called crystal radius pertaining to the appropriate co-
ordination number was used兲. In Fig. 4 the average contribu-
tion to the centroid shift from each coordinating fluoride ion
FIG. 4. Centroid shift ( ⑀ c ) per coordinating 共N兲 fluoride ion. ⑀ c /N is shown against R eff as defined in Eq. 共6兲. Through
Dashed curves show the dependence on R eff . some of the data, the curves representing ⑀ c /N as function of
R eff are drawn. The only distinction between the curves is the
To overcome this difficulty, the centroid shift will be fur- value for ␣ sp that can be obtained directly with Eq. 共6兲.
ther analyzed by using the model of ligand polarization ex- These values together with those of R eff are compiled in
pressed by Eq. 共4兲. The contribution of covalency effects to Table II.
the centroid will be completely ignored. Following Eq. 共4兲 it ␣ sp appears to behave in a consistent manner with the
will be assumed that 共1兲 the total centroid shift is the result type of cations present in the structure. The smallest value is
of the added contribution of each coordinating anion indi- observed for LuF3 and it increases with the ionic radius of
vidually; 共2兲 only nearest-neighbor anions give a significant the trivalent cation in going to YF3 and LaF3 . The large
contribution to the centroid shift; and 共3兲 all ligands are iden-
divalent cation Ba2⫹ in BaF2 yields the largest value for ␣ sp .
tical, each with polarizability ␣ sp . Equation 共4兲 can then be
rewritten as Replacing Ba with the smaller Sr2⫹ or even smaller Ca2⫹
reduces ␣ sp as in SrF2 and CaF2 . In the series LiYF4 ,
BaY2 F8 , and NaYF4 , ␣ sp increases with increasing size
⑀ c ␣ spe 2 2 1
and/or decreasing valency of the second cation (Li⫹ , Ba2⫹ ,
⫽ 共 具 r 典 5d ⫺ 具 r 2 典 4 f 兲 6 ,
N 4␲⑀0 R eff and Na⫹ ). In the other halides discussed in Part II but par-
ticularly the oxides the same trends will be observed.
N The assumption that the neighboring ligands relax by half
1 1 1
R eff

N 兺
i⫽1 共 R ⫺ 1
⌬R 兲 6
, 共6兲 ⌬R is of course very crude. If the relaxation were 0.3 or 0.7
times ⌬R, and Ce3⫹ substitutes a very small cation like Sc3⫹
i 2

TABLE II. Results from the ligand polarization model. Compounds are arranged according to increase of
␣ sp . ␣ exp are in-crystal fluoride ion polarizabilities derived from macroscopic parameters.

Compound R eff (pm) ⑀ c /N (cm⫺1 ) ␣ sp (10⫺30 m3 ) ␣ exp (10⫺30 m3 )

LuF3 237 570 0.69
LiLuF4 231 701 0.75
LiYF4 233 690 0.77
YF3 237 625 0.78
BaLu2 F8 232 766 0.83
BaY2 F8 234 767 0.87
NaYF4 242 625 0.87⫾0.6
BaThF6 251 506 0.87
CeF3 253 487 0.88
LaF3 254 507 0.94
Rb2 NaScF6 215 1450 0.99⫾0.14
KMgF3 266 444 1.09⫾0.12 0.95 a
CaF2 241 816 1.10 1.06 b
SrF2 247 806 1.26 1.10 b
BaLiF3 269 545 1.42
BaF2 255 809 1.55 1.15 b
Reference 37.
Reference 36.
15 646 P. DORENBOS PRB 62

(⌬R⫽⫺26 pm) or a very large cation like Ba2⫹ (⌬R⫽

⫹28 pm), then ␣ sp will change typically by ⫾10%. It may
effect slightly the ordering of the compounds as in Table II
but the general trend remains the same. Depending whether
Ce substitutes the smallest or largest Y site in NaYF4 , values
of 0.81 and 0.93 are obtained for ␣ sp , respectively. Also
accuracy of ␣ sp for Rb2 NaScF6 and KMgF3 is rather poor
because of the uncertainty in ⑀ c . Accuracy of ␣ sp is highest
when Ce3⫹ is on a La3⫹ site with negligible ⌬R⫽2 pm.
Instead of using the ligand polarization model, one may
also choose to analyze the centroid shift by assuming that it
is entirely caused by covalency effects. For that purpose Eq.
共5兲 can be rewritten as
⑀c ␤

N N 兺 e ⫺(R ⫺[1/2]⌬R)/b ,
i 共7兲
FIG. 5. Spectroscopic redshift in the fluoride compounds with
where it is assumed that the overlap integral varies exponen- the lanthanide ion on a monovalent or divalent cation site. Different
tially with the metal to ligand distance10 and that the term data symbols were chosen to distinguish different types of com-
arising from the covalency with the 4 f orbital can be ne- pounds. The errors are typically ⫾250 cm⫺1 .
glected. Again all N ligands are assumed to be equivalent.
With a proper choice of the value for b, the exponential identification number A assigned to the compounds which is
dependence appears quite similar to the power-law depen- treated as a running variable. Figure 2 is a 10 000 times
dence of the ligand polarization model. The parameter ␤ enlarged view of Fig. 1. On this scale, the compounds are
should now be seen as a measure for the amount of cova- grouped depending on the size of rare-earth cations in the
lency. Such analyses have been done and about the same structure. Those that do not contain trivalent rare-earth cat-
ordering of compounds as with the ligand polarization model ions have zero value for the fifth digit (d 5 ⫽0) and they are
is obtained. shown with further expanded horizontal scale in Fig. 5.
In-crystal anion polarizabilities cannot be measured di- Yttrium-containing compounds with d 5 ⫽4 are shown in Fig.
rectly but have to be inferred, with the help of 共empirical or 6.
ab initio兲 theoretical models, from macroscopic properties Identification numbers were assigned to the compounds in
like the dielectric constant or refractory index of the crystals. Ref. 3 in such a way that increase of A tends to reflect in-
Values are known for the alkaline earth halides36 CaF2 , crease of the spectroscopic redshift. This can be observed in
SrF2 , and BaF2 and the perovskite37 KMgF3 , see Table II. It Fig. 1. It can also be observed in Fig. 2 where the smallest
is reassuring to see that the magnitude of ␣ sp derived from redshift value is found in the left lower corner for the large
the centroid shift compares so well with experimentally de- K⫹ site in the perovskite KMgF3 with O h point symmetry;
termined fluoride ion polarizabilities. More importantly, the- see also Fig. 5. It is more than 10 000 cm⫺1 larger for the
oretical models on anion polarizability predict,38,39 and it is small Sc3⫹ site in the elpasolite Rb2 NaScF6 , see the right top
also observed experimentally, that polarizability decreases corner of Fig. 2. Figure 3 shows that most of the variation
when small high valency cations are present in the structure. (8000 cm⫺1 ) in the redshift stems from variations in the
The 共calculated兲 in crystal fluoride polarizability in the per- crystal field splitting. The variation in the centroid shift is
ovskite KMgF3 (0.84⫻10⫺30 m3 ) is smaller than in KCaF3 two times smaller.
(0.87⫻10⫺30 m3 ).37 For the alkali fluorides, the 共experi-
mental兲 polarizability is smallest for LiF (0.80⫻10⫺30 m3 )
and largest for CsF (1.23⫻10⫺30 m3 ), see Ref. 36.
The most appealing aspect of the ligand polarization
model is that it is a zero-parameter model, and it provides a
direct quantitative and qualitative physical interpretation of
the centroid shift. With the covalency model, the interpreta-
tion of ␤ and b is much less obvious. Nevertheless a contri-
bution from covalency effects to the centroid shift cannot be
ignored and one should regard ␣ sp as a phenomenological
parameter representing 共1兲 the effects of ligand polarization,
共2兲 the effects of covalency, and 共3兲 possible charge cloud
expansion effects. Since ␣ sp is calculated from the spectro-
scopic properties, it will hereafter be called the spectroscopic

C. Spectroscopic redshift D„A…

FIG. 6. Spectroscopic redshift in the yttrium-based fluoride
The redshift D(A) of the first 4 f →5d transition of Ce3⫹ compounds. Different data symbols were chosen to distinguish dif-
in the fluoride compounds is shown in Fig. 2 against the ferent types of compounds. The errors are typically ⫾250 cm⫺1 .
PRB 62 5d-LEVEL ENERGIES OF Ce3⫹ AND . . . . I. . . . 15 647

Going from small to large D(A) in Fig. 2, one first en- tribution to the redshift. Coordination number depends on the
counters the perovskites and next the compounds with coor- size of the cation that is being replaced by Ce3⫹ but also on
dination in the form of a five-capped 共5ctp兲 or a tricapped the size of other cations in the crystal. This can be demon-
trigonal prism 共3ctp兲. The larger redshift of the thysonite strated with the yttrium-based fluorides in Fig. 6. Decrease of
GdF3 as compared to LaF3 共11:259兲 and CeF3 共11:257兲 is coordination number around the yttrium ion can be accom-
attributed to increase of crystal field splitting. PbThF6 and plished by introducing large cations and/or lower valency
BaThF6 have also the thysonite crystal structure, see Fig. 5, cations into the structure. YF3 has ninefold coordination; re-
but with a random distribution of the two cations over the placing part of the Y ions with larger Ba2⫹ or K⫹ ions re-
available sites and somewhat larger, 1% and 3%, respec- sults in BaY2 F8 , KY3 F10 , and KY2 F7 each with eightfold
tively, lattice parameters40,41 than LaF3 . Redshift in these coordination. In K2 YF5 共7:224兲 where the abundance of
compounds is 2000 cm⫺1 larger than in LaF3 . Redshift is large K ions is relatively large the coordination is reduced to
even larger in Ba1.15Th0.85F5.7 , which has, compared to sevenfold. In the elpasolites with several large cations, the
BaThF6 , a fluoride ion deficiency resulting into fluoride va- coordination is even reduced to sixfold.
cancies in the coordination polyhedron. Probably the missing The reason for these coordination changes is purely crys-
fluoride ion enhances the otherwise small crystal field split- tallographic in origin. Large cations like K⫹ , Cs⫹ , Ba2⫹
ting. Tricapped trigonal prismlike coordination is found in require a large coordination number of anions (N⫽10–12)
NaGdF4 (9:⬇239), NaYF4 , YF3 , and LuF3 . All com- and this goes at the expense of the coordination around the
pounds show small redshift attributed to small crystal field smaller lanthanides, i.e., in this case the yttrium ions. Mono-
splitting. The above data show that type and size of the anion valent cations like Li⫹ in LiYF4 also enhance the cation to
coordination polyhedron around Ce3⫹ are crucial for the anion ratio, which also tends to reduce the coordination num-
crystal field splitting and redshift. ber around the yttrium ion. The same behavior can be ob-
Moving toward larger D(A) values one arrives at com- served in Fig. 2 for the Gd- and the Lu-based fluorides.
pounds with eightfold coordination, the fluorites BaF2 The reverse behavior is expected if small cations like
共8:269兲, PbF2 共8:257兲, SrF2 共8:250兲, and CaF2 共8:237兲, the B3⫹ , Si4⫹ , or Al3⫹ are introduced into the structure. These
scheelites LiGdF4 , LiYF4 , LiYbF4 , LiLuF4 , and the com- ions require a small coordination number (N⫽4 –6) result-
pounds BaY2 F8 and BaLu2 F8 . Most of them were already ing in an enhancement of the coordination number around
discussed in Secs. IV A and IV B. Note the tending increase the large lanthanide ion. This can be demonstrated by Fig. 5.
of redshift in the fluorites, see Fig. 5, with decrease of the The coordination in CaF2 共8:237兲 and SrF2 共8:250兲 is eight-
size of the coordinating cubal polyhedron. fold. In the colquirites LiCaAlF6 and LiSrAlF6 the coordina-
NaCaYF6 共8:236兲 has the same structure as CaF2 but with tion around the M 2⫹ site is 12-fold of which six fluoride ions
a random distribution of the three cations over the available are located at relatively close distance of 228 pm and 242
sites. Redshift is practically the same as in CaF2 ; see Fig. 2. pm, respectively, and six at large distance of 349 pm and 353
KY3 F10 is a so-called anion excess fluorite.42 The lanthanide pm, respectively. In SrAlF5 the coordination is even 13- to
site is coordinated by eight-fluoride ions in the form of a 14-fold. Figure 5 shows that redshift becomes increasingly
square antiprism. The point charge electrostatic model pre- smaller. The small cations enhance coordination number and
dicts that the crystal field splitting for the antiprism is quite therewith tend to reduce the crystal field splitting. They also
similar to that of the normal prism, see Part II and Ref. 5. reduce the polarizability of the fluoride ligands thus reducing
The yttrium site in Ba4 Y3 F17 , see Fig. 6, is coordinated by a the centroid shift as expressed in Eq. 共6兲.
monocapped square antiprism.
The crystal structure of the crystallographically related
D. The role of charge compensating defects
compounds RbGd2 F7 , CsGd2 F7 , and CsY2 F7 is not precisely
known. Two different luminescing Ce sites were observed in The necessity of charge compensation is often a compli-
the last two compounds.43 The data on CsY2 F7 , see Table I, cating factor in the interpretation of the redshift of com-
show that the crystal field splitting at both sites is different pounds where the lanthanide ion occupies a divalent cation
resulting in different redshift, see Fig. 2. site and especially a monovalent cation site. In CaF2 com-
The largest redshifts are found among the cubic elpaso- pensation is by means of a fluoride ion at the nearest inter-
lites M 2 NaYF6 (M ⫽Cs,Rb,K) and Rb2 NaScF6 with the six- stitial site. If treated in oxygen atmosphere an O2⫺ ion may
fold coordinated rare-earth sites. The luminescence proper- substitute for a nearest fluoride ion as the charge compensa-
ties of the yttrium-based elpasolites are quite complicated tor. The zero phonon absorption line measured at low tem-
because there appear to be different luminescing sites.33 The perature shifts by 2300 cm⫺1 from 313.2 to 338 nm.28 The
dominating emission stems from Ce3⫹ on the octahedrally polarizability of the O2⫺ ion in CaO amounts38 to 2.38
sixfold coordinated Y site, the so-called blue emission.33 It is ⫻10⫺30 m3 , which is more than two times larger than that
characterized by a large redshift and hence long absorption of F ⫺ in CaF2 . Also covalency between O2⫺ and Ce3⫹ will
and emission wavelengths. Starting with Cs2 NaYF6 共6:227兲 be larger than in the case of F⫺ . One therefore expects a
via Rb2 NaYF6 共6:217兲 to K2 NaYF6 共6:213兲, see Fig. 6, the substantial enhancement of the centroid shift.
site size decreases but D(A) remains practically constant. Possibly charge compensating oxygen ions play also a
Rb2 NaScF6 共6:202兲 despite its very small site size has only role in NaF:Ce3⫹ 共6:231兲. The work by Pisarenko et al.44,45
slightly larger redshift than Rb2 NaYF6 . yields a redshift of 23 700 cm⫺1 , which is exceptionally
The above results show that in the fluorides the coordina- large for a fluoride compound; see Fig. 1. Assuming a crystal
tion number is important for the overall redshift. It deter- field splitting of at most 27 000 cm⫺1 , i.e., about the same
mines the crystal field splitting, which is the dominant con- largeness as in Rb2 NaScF6 , one obtains with Eq. 共2兲 and
15 648 P. DORENBOS PRB 62

r(A)⬇2 a centroid shift of around 12 500 cm⫺1 . This is too for the Stokes shift. Cubal and octahedral type coordination
large for a fluoride compound and clearly something must yield 2 to 3 times larger crystal field splitting but much
have changed in the structure. Pisarenko et al. suggest the smaller Stokes shift.
presence of Na vacancies as charge compensator. However, With the ligand polarization model, the so-called spectro-
this cannot explain the large centroid shift and redshift. One scopic polarizability ( ␣ sp) has been introduced that is ob-
may speculate on the presence of two oxygen ions at neigh- tained from the observed centroid shift without the use of
boring fluoride sites. They may contribute 7000 cm⫺1 to the any fitting parameters. Its value increases in a systematic
total centroid shift. If so, NaF:Ce should be treated as a manner with increasing size and decreasing valency of the
fluoro-oxide compound instead of a fluoride compound. cations in the structure. The value for ␣ sp and its dependence
on the type of cations in the structure behave qualitatively
V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS and quantitatively similar to experimentally known polariz-
abilities of the fluoride ions. Small highly charged cations
Data have been collected on 5d-level positions of Ce3⫹ in reduce ␣ sp and ␣ exp : large cations have the opposite effect.
fluoride crystals from which the values for the centroid shift In order of decreasing importance three aspects determine
⑀ c , crystal field splitting ⑀ cfs , and redshift D(A) were ob- the spectroscopic redshift of the first allowed f d transition:
tained. ⑀ cfs is determined by the type and size of the anion 共1兲 the type of anion coordination polyhedron, 共2兲 the size of
polyhedron coordinating the Ce3⫹ ion. Cuboctahedral, five- the cation that is replaced by Ce3⫹ , and 共3兲 the attractive
capped, and tricapped trigonal prism coordination always ap- forces on the fluoride charge clouds by the cations other than
pear to produce small crystal field splitting with large values Ce3⫹ .

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