Lapril c101 en

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1. Description of Work
2. Reference Standards
3. General Procedures
4. Construction Requirements
5. Measurement
6. Payment



Project Director, Project Manager, Area Manager, Engineering
Manager, Engineering Discipline Managers, Documentation Dept

2 10. 12. 14/ NXW 10. 12. 14/ PVK 10.12.14 /WB General update

11.04.07/ AHN 11.04.07/ EJS 11.04.07/ JPV General update

Rev. Date/ Checked Date/ Approved Date/ Issued Notes
Orig. Original issue HHO
10.10.03 AHN 10.10.03 RJB 10.10.03 KE


This work includes the grading and site preparation of the designated construction areas. Such
work shall be in accordance with grades, lines, details and dimensions as on the grading layout
and detail drawings.


Organizations whose standards are referenced herein and related works in other sections are
as follows :
2.1. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ( AASHTO )
2.2. American Society for Testing and Materials ( ASTM )
2.3. Project standard LAPRIL-C102: PEC-Tech Project Standard for Excavation and


3.1 General

3 .1.1 The Contractor shall study and strictly follow all the details /sections, elevations,
profiles, dimensions and alignments shown on drawing. Should the Contractor have any doubt
of the dimensions which may not be readable, the Engineer must be consulted prior to
execution of the work. Any errors of omission by the Contractor shall be his own
responsibility and such negligence shall be paid under his own account and will not be
reimbursed by the Owner.

3.1.2 The Contractor shall inform the Engineer in writing duly signed by his
authorized / designated representative, where and when to start any portion of the work and
this shall be approved by the Engineer.

3.1.3 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, his work schedule every two (2)
weeks and which shall include the following :
. equipment list,
. manpower list,
. volume to be accomplished in such period.
Such schedule shall be approved by the Engineer, before starting any work.

3 . 1 . 4 The Contractor shall not be permitted to transfer any equipment or manpower assigned
to the portion of work which was mentioned in the work schedule already approved unless
otherwise a reconsideration is made prior to the shifting and approved by the Engineer.

3 .1.5 The Contractor shall obtain the government permits and other requirements for such
Delay of work due to untimely acquisition of the permits from government authorities shall not
be considered for requested extension of the time to complete work as stipulated in the

3.1.6 During bad weather and / or occurrence of rain or if the ground to be worked out is wet,
the Contractor shall not be permitted to operate till moisture content is brought within
permissible limits.
3 .1.7 Night shift operation will not be permitted, unless approved by the Engineer.

3 .1.8 The method of joint measurement shall be strictly followed. All lines levels, measurements
shall be checked and certified by the Engineer. No payment shall be made to the contractor if the
joint record is absent and/or incomplete.

3.2 Inspection and Testing

3.2.1 A standby survey team must be on site during the course of the operation.

3 .2.2 Inspection shall be conducted with the following steps :

. before work starts,

. before work stops daily.
3 .2.3 All equipment and survey instruments that shall be used in this particular job must be
inspected and tested before permitted to work.

3.3 Clearing and Grubbing

3 . 3 . 1 The area above natural ground shall be cleared off all vegetable growth, such as trees,
logs, upturned stumps, roots of downed trees, bushes, grass, weeds and all other objectionable
material, within the limits designated on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

3 .3.2 Within the limits of clearing, the areas below natural ground surface shall be grubbed to a
depth necessary to remove all stumps, large roots, buried logs and other objectionable material.

3.3.3 The limits of clearing and grubbing shall be as defined and shown on the drawings or as
directed by the Engineer. Generally clearing and grubbing shall be in all the construction areas
of buildings, structures, roadways, embankments, material sites located on the site, areas through
which ditches and channels are to be excavated and such other areas as may be specified.
Clearing and grubbing shall be performed in advance of grading operations.

3.4 Stripping and Stockpiling Topsoil

3.4.1 Topsoil shall consist of organic soils reasonably free of admixtures of subsoil, refuse,
stumps, roots, rocks, bushes, weeds or vegetable growth.

3.4.2 Stripping of topsoil shall comprise the excavation of suitable material from the natural
ground cover on those portions of the site designated on the plans or as directed by the Engineer.

3.4.3 Topsoil shall be segregated and stockpiled in designated locations for subsequent use in
landscaping and / or reclamation.

3 .4.4 The Contractors shall remove topsoil and unsatisfactory surface material from portions
of construction area where existing grades will be changed, to a minimum depth of 30cm or to
greater depths as the Engineer directs.

The Contractors shall excavate soft spots encountered during stripping unless these spots occur in
areas where deeper excavation will be required later for construction.
Topsoil shall be segregated and stockpiled for subsequent use in landscaping and/or reclamation.
Stripping will be required at the location where swamp lands exist. They shall be stripped to
the bottom of the organic soil and root mat as directed by the Engineer.
Topsoil to be reused shall be classified and stockpiled by type at slopes not greater than 3
horizontal:1vertical at designated locations in a manner which will facilitate the measurement of


4.1 General

4.1.1. Finished levels of embankments which are final subgrade levels, hall not be more than 15
cm higher nor 10 cm lower than the required grade and shall allow free run-off for surface water.

Side slopes shall be neatly trimmed to the lines and inclinations shown on the drawings.

4 . 1 . 2 . The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of all embankments and replace any
portion that have been damaged or displaced due to carelessness or neglect on the part of
Contractor or to such natural causes as storms.

4.1.3. All foundations for structures such as sheds, drains culverts or other objects such as trees,
etc. not specified to remain on the site shall be demolished and removed by excavating to a depth
of 90 cm below the finished grade and the holes shall be backfilled and compacted immediately.

4.1.4. Any construction material shall not be stored in the prepared site until the grading and site
preparation works are completely turned over and accepted by the Engineer.

4.1.5. Prior to site preparation and grading, all top soil, clearing and grubbing shall be done by
the contractor and accepted by the Engineer.

4.1.6. Equipment used for site preparation and grading shall be approved tools, road graders or
compactors suitable for soil condition of the site.

4.1.7. Any finished portion of the work area found to be unstable or below grade and not
acceptable shall be repaired and be graded by the Contractor with no additional compensation.

4.1.8. All bench marks designated in place shall stay and must never be altered in any manner
unless approved in writing by the Engineer.

4.1.9. After the work is completed, all stakes or vertical controls destroyed or damaged
during work shall be re- established.

4 .1.10 During the final grading, only expert grader operators shall be allowed to conduct the
operation in order to maintain the requirements of this specification, except on areas to be done
by hand tamping.

4.1.11 At the end of the day's work, all holes must be covered or filled and areas composed of
loose soil fragment must be levelled off and compacted.


No separate measurement shall be made for site preparation and grading works.

No special payment shall be made for site preparation and grading works but the cost of
expenses there of shall be included in the excavating and backfill works.

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