Why You Should Watch Foreign Films - Questions

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Lengua Inglesa VI


Why You Should Watch Foreign Films

1. What is the main reason why people are reluctant to watch foreign movies?
Because of most common excuse which is subtitles ,they don’t want to read it
2. Which advice does the speaker give to overcome that obstacle?
Being in the right environment , Requires your attention for 90%of the movie ,if you
lose the concentration you are not going to understand it . A lot of practice
3. What did the speaker feel when he first started watching foreign movies?
Feeling of discovery new authors and directors
4. Which aspects about a country can you get to know by watching a foreign
Learn the culture, history, landscape, clothing, architecture, food of that country.
5. Why are fight scenes more realistic and investing for viewers in Asian cinema?
The director can step back and leave the actors do the choreography, and actually
showing the impact of the people they take actual beatings , willing to put them into
6. Why does the speaker find foreign movies refreshing in terms of tropes and
They are unpredictable , goes in so many directions , they don’t deal with the clichés of
your own country , in Hollywood everything is a remake…
7. In what sense are those who have not yet started watching foreign movies lucky?
That movies are waiting for them to be discover and someone to see them ,they are so
many movies . Jealous of all of the amazing films that they are going to discover .

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