Brick Reading 100-3

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! IE A Better Earth (Let’s Start , &) People have a lot of garbage. Think about helping the j Our Earth can get dirty. Earth and check your But we can help our Earth. thinking. Today, my family helps our Earth. We collect garbage in our house. ~~ Tdon't use paper 1 Dad collects the paper. cups, . Mom collects the cans. 1 | — Tean put glasses in | _.. aglass box. | Dave collects the bottles. ) I collect the plastic things. oe We collect Then, we go outside, Mom says, things. It helps our Earth.” the box. He also helps our Earth! There are four different boxe: We put different things in each “People make new things with these Look! My puppy puts a plastic cup into LA oe: lamers plastic garbage dirty bottle can collect f y (Ro he vnitor (7) Comprehension Zone Check the main idea. This story is about cleaning our house | helping Earth Check the correct answers. Cj People have a lot of cars. |__| People have a lot of garbage. Bee | Mom collects the cans. ' Mom collects the food. Choose the correct answers. 1. Today, my family our Earth. a. helps. b. draws c. washes 2. Mom says, “People make with the garbage.” a. dirty things b. new things c. old things 3. What does Dave collect? a. paper b. plastic things c. bottles 4, What does my family do outside? a. We clean the house. b. We collect garbage. c. We put different things in each box. Word Zone Circle and write the words. The desk is . Let's clean it. dirty small There is a lot of in the park. benches garbage My family collects the bottles paper Dad Mom Dave My puppy collects collects collects collect brings | plastic | | | e.aplastie| a.cans Fines c.paper | d. bottles na unitor 9) rs\e af Social Studies Think about trading cards and check your thinking. a llike sports cards. | Tlike animal cards. &) Children are at a poster shop. They only have 2 dollars. They can buy one poster with the 2 dollars. Kate likes princess posters. She says, “Let's buy a pink princess poster! She wears a pretty dress.” Pep Fillin the blank. eee ‘ Go JEW ie Sires special shop dollar sports car front wear Junsu likes soccer posters. He says, “I want a soccer poster. Look! Messi’s picture is on the front.” Kurt likes car posters. He says, “No. Let’s buy this sports car poster. I really like red sports cars.” Oh, they find a special poster. The picture is very funny. A princess plays soccer with many sports cars! unito2 Comprehension Zone Check the main idea. This story is about choosing a poster | | drawing a poster Match and circle the correct answers. i shoes ° Kurt really likes red : sports cars a soccer poster e e Junsu wants . an animal poster Choose the correct answers. 1. Kate, Junsu, and Kurt only have a. one dollar b. two dollars c. twenty dollars 2. Kate likes posters. a. baseball b. car c. princess 3. How many posters can the children buy? b. two c.ten 4. Why is the special poster funny? a. Aman plays soccer with robots. b. Sports cars wear funny dresses. c. A princess plays soccer with many sports cars. Word Zone Circle and write the words. Ace > Jamie only has three pens dollars There are many on Main Street. shops cars Tom a T-shirt. cleans wears Bors Write and circle the correct answers. e Kate likes : A Special Poster au likes__ = & Kurt likes a A (man, princess) plays (baseball, soccer) with many (robots, sports cars). a. sports car posters b. princess posters c. soccer posters unit o2 13) | as ! Officer Jack 1 ected &) Jack wants to be a police officer. Think about being a He wears clothes like a police polcesificerandicherk officer. He wears blue clothes. your thinking. He wears sunglasses. ___ [can help people. Last, he wears a blue hat. “™ [ean wear special | = clothes. Pop Filinthe blank. QUIZ “Don'tbe__ ____. Tam here,” Jack says. hi k loth Mom is in the kitchen. erage eet “I can keep you safe,” he says. “Tam okay, Jack,” she says. sunglasses close police officer go away His sister is in the living room. “Don't be scared. I am here,” he says. f “Go away, Jack!” she shouts. 4 Dad is in the bathroom. “IT am a police officer, Do you need ea help?” he asks. “I am busy, Jack! Please la close the door!” Jack thinks, “Hmmm... Being a police — officer is hard work!” we 16 Comprehension Zone Check the main idea. This story is about acting like a police officer being a police officer Check the correct answers. 1 | 7 se | \_. Jack wears clothes like a police officer. _ Jack wears clothes like a cook. Jack wears a blue hat. Jack wears mittens. Choose the correct answers. 1. Jack wants to be a.a teacher b. a doctor c.a police officer 2. Jack says to his mom, “I can keep you ae a. funny b. safe c. happy 3. What does Jack's sister say to Jack? a. “Go away.” b. “Be careful.” c. “Help me.” 4. What does Jack think about being a police officer? a. It is scary work. b. It is easy work. c. It is hard work. Word Zone Circle and write the words. 1 - am i Sam wears ae _ onthe beach. mittens sunglasses Jane has many __ in her room. books clothes _____ helps an old woman. police officer firefighter ¢ says tol i - ° - =e = = “1 can keep you safe. BDO MON TIs erect : = e i *To : "Don't be scared.” scence oe aD e ° "To :“Do you need help?” his sister } Dad unitos 47 Think about making an old desk into anew desk and check your thinking. Ea Tneed new paint. ~ Tean draw pictures ~~ onthe desk. &) Today, my mom gives me an old desk. T say, “Mom, it is too dirty and old.” She says, “Jenny, we can make it new. Let’s work together.” First, we sand it. We use sandpaper. We rub and rub and rub. Now, the old paint is off. Comprehension Zone Check the main idea. This story is about making a new desk making a new toy Match and circle the correct answers. Lo an cut e © First, my mom andI the desk, sand 2.¢ © Mymompaintsarainbowand ° a the sun Choose the correct answers. 1. Today, my mom gives me a. anew desk b. a pretty bed c.anold desk 2. Second, my mom and I use and red paint. a. sandpaper b. brushes c. hammers 3. What do! paint on the desk? a.mymomandme __b. cute animals c. arainbow and a cloud 4. My mom and I finish the work. What do I have now? a. an old bed b. anew, special desk c.a small, pretty toy Word zone Circle and write the words. |= My dad and1 ____ the old table. sand glue brush pencil Tim the table with the towel. rubs paints Bern Ty Circle the correct answers. (A Big, An Old) Desk into a (New, Small) One! * Mom and I (clean, sand) it. * Mom and I (paint, erase) pictures on it. * Mom and I (start, finish) the work. unitoa 24 ) Animals meet in a forest. Cy They are from around the world. “Tam a komodo dragon. I am from Indonesia. Usually, it is sunny and hot in Indonesia.” A komodo dragon wears sandals. He wears light, white clothes, ‘Tam a puma. I am from Brazil. It rains a lot in Brazil.” A puma wears a raincoat. Os She wears shiny rain boots. wy. light heavy raincoat sweat sandal Comprehension Zone Check the main idea. This story is about ___ weather and clothes around the world people around the world Check the correct answers. 1 al. It snows a lot in Brazil. It rains a lot in Brazil. | The komodo dragon wears a colorful T-shirt. \_) The komodo dragon wears light, white clothes. Choose the correct answers. 1. The animals are from around a. the world b, the house c. the forest 2. Itis in Indonesia. a. windy and cold b. sunny and hot c. cloudy and rainy 3. What does the puma NOT wear? a. rain boots b. sandals c.a raincoat 4, The grizzly bear sweats a lot. Why? a. He works hard in the hot forest. b. He runs fast in the hot forest. c. He wears a thick jacket in the hot forest. Word zone Circle and write the words. Itis hot. Ken alot. sweats drinks Tina chooses at the shoe shop. boots sandals My mom's necklace is shiny dirty | So ean | e we Indonesia Match the correct answers. 4 Brazil %. Canada unites 2) &) My name is Kazuki. I live in Japan. My friends come to my house today. They come from many places. Tam excited! Michelle and Huia come first. Michelle is from France. She kisses me on my cheeks. Huia is from New Zealand. He presses his nose to my nose. POP Fillinthe blank. QUIz My Friends come From Bob and Yadira come last. Bob is from the U.S. He shakes my hand. Yadira is from Ecuador. She hugs me with one arm. In Japan, we bow to people. But I love my friends’ ways, too. Our different “hellos” are very fun. & Comprehension Zone Check the main idea. This story is about saying “hello” in different ways | } saying “hello” in the same way Match and circle the correct answers. | a kisses ie ® Michelle me on my cheeks. | presses e © Huia is from ance New Zealand Choose the correct answers. 1. Bobis from . He shakes my hand. a. China b. the U.S. c. France 2. In Japan, we to people. a. bow b. say hi c. wink 3. How does Yarida say hello? a. She presses her nose to my nose. b, She takes off her hat. c. She hugs me with one arm. 4. How dol feel about my friends’ “hellos”? a. different but very fun —_b. different and boring _c. new but silly Word Zone Circle and write the words. the door bell. Press Throw me on my cheek. kisses washes My mom always me. says hugs 42a France Michelle on my cheeks, £3 New Zealand Huia to my nose. < the U.S. Bob my hand. & Ecuador Yadira with one arm. a.kissesme b.shakes c.hugsme d.presseshis nose — | oe EE eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee Today, I have art class. A — It is my favorite class at school. We make a special painting. It is my first time. First, I paint a picture. T use a brush and paper. Tuse lots of wet paint. I paint mountains, trees, and birds. POP Filin the blank. QUIz Today, I have = New Words pull painting Then, I get a piece of glass. I put the glass on the painting. 1 push on the glass. favorite Next, I pull the glass off. brush push I look at the glass. What do I see now? I see my painting on the glass! On the glass, I see mountains, trees, and birds. Comprehension Zone Check the main idea. This story is about washing a glass C making a painting Check the correct answers. ad ~_| First, I get a brush. (| First, I paint a picture. | I put the glass on the painting. I paint the glass with colors. Choose the correct answers. 1. We make in art class. a.aspecial painting —_b. a paper ship c.acute doll 2. Second, I get a. yellow paint b. a board c.a piece of glass 3. Ipush on the glass. What do I do next? a. I push again. b. I pull the glass off. _c. [wash the glass. 4, What doIsee on the glass? a. dogs, cats, and rabbits b. mountains, trees, and birds c, my dad, mom, and sisters Word Zone Circle and write the words. Ls mn | Linda the door. pushes pulls 2. Oranges are Nick's fruit. favorite healthy My is on the wall. jacket painting Zeca tay Circle the correct answers. My (Special Painting, Favorite Color) ae 5] I (paint, take) a picture. I put the glass on (the board, the painting). Ipull (the paper, the glass) off. On the glass, I see (mountains, the sun, trees) and birds. vitor &) Kate, Jane, and Ming have a pajama party at Jane’s house. First, something funny happens. Kate says, “Jane, your brother is at the door!” Jane jumps up and locks the door. They all giggle. Later, Jane says, “I am hungry. Let’s eat popcorn and watch TV!" Jane makes popcorn. PR Fill in the blank. Oke Kate, Jane, ond Ming are at ae COS 5 They eat and watch a Gartoon. iggle lock They laugh together. bled soft pillow Last, they have a pillow fight. artoon popéorri They hit each other with pillows. It does not hurt. The pillows are Soft. It is very fun! Then, Jane’s dad says, “Time for bed, girls.” It is late. They go to sleep together. unitos 35 Comprehension Zone Check the main idea. This story is about a pajama party | abirthday party , brother e Jane's is at the door. mom orts © Kate, Jane, and Ming watch oo acartoon Choose the correct answers. 1. Kate, Jane, and Ming have a a. math test b, pajama party c. birthday party 2. Jane is hungry. Jane makes a. popcorn b. pancakes c. cookies 3. Kate, Jane, and Ming watch TV. What do they do next? a. They eat food. b. They go to bed. c. They have a pillow fight. 4. What does Jane's dad say? a. “Time to study.” b. “Time for bed.” c. Time for dinner.” Word Zone Circle and write the words. 1. ii ) | There are two on the bed. | | pillows dolls 27 — Tom makes a about history. TV show cartoon Ba ry Up Circle the correct answers. Jane's (school, house) Kate, Jane, Ming ZTE ry) Party * They eat (popcorn, salad). * They watch a (movie, cartoon). * They have a (snowball fight, pillow fight). Think about stars in the sky and check your thinking. ~~ Tean see the stars in the night sky. ome stars look like fe } There are many Seas in the night sky. » There are stars for every season. SLSR inlA Mer= ALSO MIoSICaLCe Sermenoolelixereynunterk The hunter has a Rife 7 o _ a nee eran eTENe TTT In spring, there are stars like animals. Some stars look like a bear. The bear has four large legs. F ') New Words bow sword star hunter lookup arrow In summer, we can see strange stars. They look like half Eien Niels animal He has a long [ eivelicia E In fall, we can see fall stars. Some look Jike a horse. za The horse has wings. We at the night sky. What do you see? Comprehension Zone Check the main idea. This story is about stars in each season \_| stars in summer Check the correct answers. 1 | In winter, some stars look like a hunter. In winter, some stars look like a horse. 2. The man has a long bow and an arrow. The man has wings. Choose the correct answers. 1. There are stars for every a. season b. month cc. hour 2. Some stars look like a bear. The bear has a. wings b. large legs c. along neck 3. When can we see stars like a horse? a. in spring b. in winter c. in fall 4, What can we see in summer? a. stars like a fish b. stars like a unicorn c. stars like half man and half animal Word Zone Circle and write the words. Children the big tree. look up climb up shine in the night sky. Stars Clouds Cupid has a bow and aheart an arrow AM os Choose and write the correct answers. pS RRM eT Ce Ss a a aa They look like They look like They look like They look like a.ahunter b.abear c.ahorse d. half man and half animal ————— unitos i 20} Brad and his sisters fly kites. Up, up, up. The kites fly high in the sky! Kate's kite is black and yellow. It looks like a bee. It has two oval body parts and long wings. Look! It flies high! Ally’s kite is gray and red. It is like a train. It has four rectangles and eight round wheels. Wow! It flies fast! Fill in the blank. QUIZ Kate's kite looks like a i &) Sl le pyramid rectangle crash bottom oval side Brad's kite is orange and blue. Triangles are on its sides. A square is on the bottom. n Ah-ha! It is a pyramid! Uh-oh! Down, down, down... Brad's kite falls down and crashes! unto Comprehension Zone Check the main idea. This story is about _ different colors of pictures “| different shapes of kites Match and circle the correct answers. ae | Hee plane ° © Ally's kite is like a ~ | train oran; id blue See ° ¢ Brad's kite is _ a = yellow and green Choose the correct answers. 1. Brad and his sisters fly a. kites b. paper planes c. birds 2. Ally's kite has four __ and eight round wheels. a. ovals b. rectangles c. triangles 3. What does Brad's kite look like? a.a bee b.atree c.a pyramid .. What happens to Brad's kite in the end? a. It crashes. b, It flies away. c. It flies up. Word Zone Circle and write the words. | | Eggsare | | a> | square oval | _ The cars on the road. See crash watch | | ATVisa . | | rectangle triangle 1. ey oe &) Fred’s family travels around the world. First, they go to Egypt. They see the Sphinx. It has a lion’s body and a person's head. Fred takes a picture. Click, click, snap! POP Filin the blank. Quiz Last, they goto . Lei Sams pose take a picture sharp — torch crown _ in front of Next, they see the Statue of Liberty in the U.S. It is a woman with a torch and a crown. a Fred's sister poses like it. Fred takes a picture. oe Click, click, action! Last, they go to France. ‘5 They see the Eiffel Tower. f = It is tall and sharp. | together in front Of it. They tak , smile! 8 Comprehension Zone Check the main idea. This story is about travels and pictures _] family and friends Check the correct answers. 1 a \_| Fred's family sees a tall tower in Egypt. | Fred's family sees the Sphinx in Egypt. 2. ( t a : 4, The Statue of Liberty has a torch and a crown. 4 The Statue of Liberty has big wings. et. Choose the correct answers. 1. Fred's family __ around the world. a. draws b. travels c. collects 2. The Sphinx has and a person's head. a.a horse's body b. a bird's wing c.a lion's body 3. What does the Eiffel Tower look like? a. tall and sharp b. small and shiny c. small and pretty 4, What does Fred's sister do at the Statue of Liberty? a. She draws a picture of it. b. She poses like it. c. She eats her lunch. Word Zone Circle and write the words. Aking wears a crown cape I of my friends, draw apicture_ take a picture Rt ada Sea EERE | Circle the correct answer. C5. a aa at} They see the we (Great Lakes, Eiffel Tower). They see (the Statue of Liberty, Big Ben). They see the (Sphinx, Eiffel Tower). k Neen sn orni | 1 unit 12 rd Think about the future and check your thinking. ~~ Aliens can live with ‘py us in the future. ~~~ People can live under | the water in the IN THE YEAR... 0) “Do you have your homework about the future? Good!” The teacher says, “You are first, Debbie.” “Tt is January 6th, 2267. People live under the sea,” she says. “People swim and eat like fish. The water is clean.” POP Filinthe blank. QUIz In 8726, people lve the ___ en Earth, same homework January alien “You are next, Sam.” “It is April 22nd, 3142. People don’t live on Earth,” he says. “People travel and live in space. Space never ends.” space future “You are last, Ruby.” “It is November 3ist, 8726. People live the same on Earth,” she says. “But aliens from space live here, too! We are great friends!” “Great job!” the teacher says. _ “Your different futures sound very interesting!” units2 51 Comprehension Zone Check the main idea. This story is about a different futures t | the future in space Match and circle the correct answers. “(aD sea oe le eIt is 2267, People live under the ee sky 2. = ti ottis8726, MNS live on Earth, too. Stars Choose the correct answers. 1. The teacher says, “Do you have your homework about a a. your dream b. your friends c. the future 2. Debbie says, “People swim and eat like a. fish b. birds c.aliens 3. Where do people live in 3142? a. under the sea b. in space c. under the ground 4, What are the students’ different futures like? a. interesting b. sad c. boring Word Zone Circle and write the words. are from space. Aliens Monkeys People travel in space in the movie future Thave a lot of homework toys It is 2267. People live under the (ground, sea). It is 3142, People travel and live in (space, the sea). It is 8726. People live with (aliens, monsters) on Earth. unta2 A Paper Dog | eyes @) Let’s make a paper dog! We need one square piece of paper with spots. Oh! And we need our fingers! Put the paper colored side down. Next, fold the paper in half. Now, unfold it again. | Second, fold both side corners. | Then, fold up the bottom tip. PEP Filin the blank. QUIZ You can see the fold bottom corner Now, fold the top half down. Do you see the spots? Super! Next, fold the bottom tip up. Last, fold the corners down. You can see the dog's face. But the nose and eyes are not there. Now, draw them with a marker. square spot marker Great work! Now, you have a paper dog! @ A Unitas 65 Comprehension Zone Check the main idea. | This story is about oO making a paper flower making a paper dog Check the correct answers. L eee ©) Let's make a paper plane! | | _| Let's make a paper dog! | Putthe paper colored side down. _ Fold the top half down. Choose the correct answers. 1. Weneed one piece of paper. a. square b. triangular c. diamond 2. Last, fold the down. a. bottom tips b. corners c. top tips 3. Fold the top half down. What can we see? a. the paper dog b. the colored side c. the spots 4. What do we draw on the dog's face? a. the nose and eyes b. the eyes and mouth c. the ears and teeth Word Zone Circle and write the words. Jenny the clothes. folds brings Tom wears the T-shirt with blue : spots stripes _ | A square has four ‘ | | | | corners lines Story Wrap Up Write the correct numbers and circle the correct answers. Make a (Paper dog, Paper Plane)! : i") CJ We need one (triangle, square) piece of paper. CJ Draw the dog's (mouth and teeth, nose and eyes). CJ Fold the paper many times. units) reo U, unit 14 “Social Studies @) Kyle always says, “Dracula is not scary. I am brave!” One night, Kyle is bored. “Let’s go to the cemetery, Herby!” he says to his dog. “Ruff! Ruff!” Herby barks. Think about scary things and check your thinking. On the walk, they sing. “I love the dark night! It is not a fright!” “Ruff! Ruff!” “Tt is night—the dark, black night! Dracula is not scary! 1 am brave!” “Ruff! Ruff” quiet whisper fright bored mosquito cemetery a mosquito. “Ouch! What is that?” “Ruff! Ruff” “IT am scared! Let’s go home, Herby!” They run home fast! Comprehension Zone Check the main idea. This story is about a boy and a dog ona dark night [| Dracula and a mosquito Match and circle the correct answers. 1 Ven? run GLI Go Kyle and Herby oe LE walk 2. Ay. | bright | & \6 @ The cemetery is — ne and quiet. | dark Choose the correct answers. 1. “Let's go to the , Herby!” Kyle says to his dog. a. cemetery b. school c. hospital 2. “Tlove the dark night. It is not !" Kyle sings. a. boring b. a fright c. fun 3. Kyle sings, “Dracula is not scary.” Why? a. He is shy. b. He is strong. c. He is brave. 4, Why is Kyle scared in the end? a. A mosquito bites Kyle. b. Kyle and Herby meet Dracula. c. Kyle and Herby catch a mosquito. Word Zone Circle and write the words. 1. A bites my arm. cricket mosquito The is scary. cemetery market . He yawns, bored happy Choose and write the correct answers. Ilove the dark mi Let's go to the Iam ——— eee home } school) night ) unit 15 &) We are on vacation in California, the US. It is hot. But we are ready for fun! First, we go to Disneyland. Dad says, “Three people.” “That is $230.60 for one day,” the ticket person says. Mom gives me the money. I count two hundred and thirty dollars. Then, I count sixty cents. POP Flin the blank. QUIZ Next, we goto Next, we go to Sea World. Dad says, “Three people.” “That is $212.30 for one day,” the ticket person says. I count two hundred and twelve dollars. After, I count thirty cents. Mom says, “Thank you.” Both places are exciting! AND both places are VERY expensive! cent count ticket money dollar expensive unit 15 Comprehension Zone Check the main idea. This story is about counting money i J saving money Check the correct answers. 1 First, we go to Disneyland. |__| First, we go to the Eiffel tower. J Mom gives me the lunch box. | Mom gives me the money. Choose the correct answers. 1, Weare in California, the U.S. a. on vacation b. ata meeting c. at school 2. At Disneyland, the tickets are for one day. a. 203 dollars b. 236 dollars c. 230 dollars and 60 cents 3. How much money do! count at Sea World? a. $230.12 b. $212.30 c. $212.13 4. How are both places? a. exciting and expensive b. dark and quiet c. boring and expensive Word Zone Circle and write the words. 1 £ Jane pays at the shop. tickets money We buy at the zoo. tickets snacks j | Chris the pens in the case. | | “counts puts | y~ The tickets are The tickets are : ($230.60, $300) “on ($250.20, $212.30) ta for one day. co for one day. At Disneyland At Sea World at Pranuary 13th, 20125 0) 1am Letty Letter. Children sometimes write on me to their friends. Today, let’s write a letter on me. the Christmas gift. like the mittens. Thank you again. | First, I need a date. It goes on the top right. Then, I need a greeting. i Write “Hi” on the left side of meS Next, I need a body. No! Not your body! This body tells your message. It goes under the greeting. Pop Fill in the blank. Que the 8 qecndienn, math Go Ean greeting letter closing body send date wt? Pages| After, write a closing. CA j I like “Good-bye.” i _ Please write it on the right side. ie | 4 Last, I need your name. wo N It goes under the closing. I Finished! Now, just send me to your friend. 1 Comprehension Zone Check the main idea. This story is about i | writing a book |__| writing a letter Maich and cricle the correct answers. ec dat | e First, [needa as \, body 2. ight ° © Write “Hi” on the oa _ side of me. left Choose the correct answers. 1. Today, let's _ onme. a. write a song b. write a letter c. send an e-mail 2. Write the body. After, write a.aclosing b. a greeting c.adate 3. What does a body do? a. It says good-bye. b, It tells the date. c. It tells the message. 4. What do I need last? a. your name b. your greeting c. your phone number Word Zone Circle and write the words. Today's is March 6th. date | year Danny writes a to his friend. map letter word. Let's write a (saa a

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