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Interleukin-17 and Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease

Jordan S. Pober

A therosclerotic vascular disease (ASVD) involves several

overlapping pathological processes. Atherogenesis, the
process by which atherosclerotic plaques develop in the
effector cell subset releases interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5, and
IL-13 and mediates host defense versus helminths and other
multicellular parasites. Recently, a third CD4⫹ T effector
arterial wall, involves inspissation of abnormal circulating cell subset has been proposed, designated Th17 because these
lipoproteins into the vessel intima, resulting in inflammation, cells release the cytokines IL-17A and IL-17F, as well as
injury, and responses to injury.1 Mouse models of atherogen- IL-22; Th17 cells mediate host defense versus fungi. Each of
esis, involving impaired low-density lipoprotein clearance these 3 types of Th subsets can inhibit the other 2 types.
due to gene knockout of either apolipoprotein E (ApoE) or These various Th subsets also may, when inappropriately
low-density lipoprotein receptor, are widely used to study this activated, lead to disease. Both Th1 and Th17 cells have been
process. The presence of plaques in humans sets the stage for linked to autoimmunity, and Th2 cells are linked to allergy.
complications, such as plaque rupture or fissure that stimulate CD4⫹ T cells infiltrate atherosclerotic plaques, and certain
thrombosis; intraplaque hemorrhages that may rapidly cause aspects of ASVD may be a form of autoimmunity, meaning
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luminal impingement; more gradual but progressive vascular that the adaptive immune system perpetuates an inflamma-
stenoses due to inadequate outward remodeling that produce tory reaction by responding to self-derived rather than
chronic ischemia; inflammatory aneurysms with the potential microbe-derived antigens.4,5 Th1 cells are the major CD4⫹ T
for catastrophic events, such as aortic rupture; or plaque cell subtype found in human atherosclerotic plaques and, in
embolization, leading to infarcts in tissues distal to the plaque mouse models of atherogenesis, exacerbate plaque formation
site. Each of these complications arises from distinct but caused by elevated lipoproteins.6 More recently, IL-17-
overlapping causes, of which inflammation is a significant producing T cells have also been found in human plaques, but
component.2 Mouse models for the study of these complica- many of these cells can concomitantly produce IFN-␥,
tions have significant limitations. defying their neat characterization as Th17 cells.7 Further-
See accompanying article on page 1565 more, some human CD4⫹ Th cells, especially those that
make IL-17, exhibit plasticity, changing the effector cyto-
Inflammation in ASVD is best described as chronic active, kines they release depending on environmental stimuli and
involving acute exacerbations superimposed on a more per- sometimes even converting from effector cells to protective
sistent, indolent process. The initial trigger for inflammation regulatory T cells.8 Although this raises questions about what
in the vessel wall may be innate immunity, an inflammatory kinds of T cells are present in plaques, and these may vary
process that is activated by myeloid cells or some types of with disease activity or complication, the effects of the
innate lymphocytes recognizing conserved motifs in microbe- cytokines made by T cells (and other cell types) can be
derived molecules or of endogenous molecules that are studied directly. What is known about the roles of specific Th
released as a consequence of cell injury. Recognition of these cytokines in ASVD? IFN-␥ is a mitogen for human smooth
conserved molecular motifs also enables certain myeloid muscle cells within the intima or media of the vessel wall,
(especially myeloid dendritic cells) or innate lymphoid cell even though it may inhibit smooth muscle cell proliferation in
types to effectively present antigens to T cells, triggering the cell culture.9 It also can induce medial but not intimal smooth
adaptive immune system. Activated CD4⫹ T cells, a major muscle cells to express very high levels of the tryptophan-
effector cell type of adaptive immunity, function by releasing degrading enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase, depriving
cytokines that act on myeloid cells, on other lymphocytes, infiltrating T cells of this crucial nutrient and creating a
and on intrinsic tissue cells in an orchestrated response to compartment of immunoprivilege.10 At the same time, IFN-␥
eradicate the source of antigen. Chronically activated CD4⫹ may combine with other cytokines to potentiate the suscep-
T effector cells may differentiate to produce a limited pattern tibility of human vascular cells to killing by effector cells of
of cytokines that trigger specific types of responses.3 CD4⫹ the immune system.11,12 In the ApoE⫺/⫺ mouse model of
T cells that release interferon (IFN)-␥ are designated T helper atherogenesis, genetic deletion of IFN-␥ or its receptor
(Th)1 cells and serve as the principal mediators of host inhibits plaque formation.13,14 Overall, IFN-␥ is viewed as a
defense versus intracellular bacteria. The Th2 CD4⫹ T proatherosclerotic cytokine. Much less is known about the
roles of IL-17A or IL-17F in ASVD. IL-17A can collaborate
From the Department of Immunobiology, Yale University School of
Medicine, New Haven, CT. with IFN-␥ to increase the elaboration of inflammatory
Correspondence to Jordan S. Pober, Department of Immunobiology, cytokines by human smooth muscle cells.7 It does not appear
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06520-8089. to influence cultured smooth muscle cell growth, but it has
(Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2011;31:1465-1466.) not been tested for mitogenic potential in the context of the
© 2011 American Heart Association, Inc. vessel wall. Neutralizing IL-17A does not prevent intimal
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol is available at expansion of human vessel segments in a model of Th1-
DOI: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.111.228338 mediated transplant rejection, a process that may share some
1466 Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol July 2011

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Dr Pober’s research is supported by grants from the National
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Interleukin-17 and Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease
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Jordan S. Pober

Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2011;31:1465-1466

doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.111.228338
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology is published by the American Heart Association, 7272
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Copyright © 2011 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
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