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ES200 - Assignment 2


Their environment is the surroundings or circumstances in which a human,
animal, or plant lives or functions. The gift of nature is what sustains life on Earth.
Pollution, climate change, biodiversity loss, overcrowding, etc., are just a few
environmental issues affecting every ecosystem.

When elements in the air are dangerous to the health of people and other
animals or impair the environment by causing climate change or material
degradation, it is considered air pollution.

Location: Hyderabad

Air Quality Study:

In my area, a few air quality issues have been addressed here. Just over the
street is a vast dumping area, where waste is sometimes burned outside.
Household trash, plastics, small amounts of electronic waste, and organic debris
are all included in the garbage. Instead of decomposing trash using the proper
methods, it is just burned outside. Consequently, harmful gases such as Dioxins,
Furans, Mercury, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, and Carbon Dioxide are released,
producing air pollution. Secondly, my neighbourhood has a big playground with
loose red dirt. The loose soil erodes and is transported by the wind in the
community due to wind or when kids play—the tiny dirt particles hanging in the
air result in particulate air pollution.

Then comes vehicular emission. We know Hyderabad is a large metropolis

with a large population that is active 24/7. There is a flyover right next to my
building, and it gets bustling during rush hour. This results in significant vehicle
emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, nitrogen oxides, and other vehicle gases.
The government is changing the building industry significantly as a result of
urbanisation. Over the past few years, many projects have been under
development. This cause both air pollution and noise pollution. It contaminates
the air with volatile chemicals and particle materials. VOCs (volatile organic
ES200 - Assignment 2

compounds), asbestos, PM10, PAHs linked to particulate matter, asbestos, and

gases including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen oxides are the
main contributors to air pollution at construction sites. These are the main
reasons I saw in the region, and the following remedies can be used to eliminate

Some of these issues can be tackled together in society. Buildings may collect
organic household waste and employ anaerobic digestion, fermentation, and
hydrogenation to turn it into biogas fuel. Also, using public transport to collect
waste materials helps in vehicular emissions and also helps in recycling waste
components. The public should receive more awareness about air pollution as
scientific knowledge. Most problems may be resolved by establishing a powerful
regional authority dedicated to lowering pollution (Institutional Improvement).

They are constructing enclosed burning areas with a suitable treatment method.
Proper electronic trash disposal and recycling. They recycle plastics, produce
valuable goods, maintain parks, and plant grass in open spaces. Enhance public
transportation and actively promote it. Traffic lights' timing needs to be better.
Using CNG as an energy source helps ensure personal and cargo movement
while enhancing air quality. The decrease in per-vehicle emissions brought on by
new, clean technology is frequently more than made up for by an increase in the
number of cars in many major urban areas. A place named Santiago de Chile
has initiated reversible street directions, an integrated bus-metro system, a BRT,
and a land-use planning framework that may all drastically save travel times.

The performance of new vehicles in terms of mobile source emissions has

significantly improved thanks to new vehicle technologies. Because lead has
been removed from gasoline fuel, the quality of the fuel has been improved, and
vehicle emissions regulations are being used globally, clean car technologies are
being used in emerging nations. Also, Promoting participatory procedures and
creating strong partnerships with and among all civil society players, notably the
commercial and community sectors, are only a couple of the actions that are part
of efforts to strengthen the urban government. Public involvement gives these
initiatives more credibility and contributes to their success.
ES200 - Assignment 2

Take measures to reduce pollution by preventing it, managing it or both.

Examine the sewage and rubbish disposal facilities. Organize additional air
quality inspections around the State. the advancements in the domains of
pollution control, trash recycling, and eco-friendly activities. the promotion of a
clean, healthy environment and the introduction of fresh ideas for environmental
improvement. Numerous developing nations have stringent pollution control laws,
but all too frequently, they are not adequately implemented due to a lack of
appropriate institutions, legal frameworks, political will, and competent

Identifying and studying the social, economic, and political barriers that are a
feature of the megacity issue is necessary. It will be necessary to establish a plan
to get beyond these obstacles, which may involve lobbying, public pressure,
education, etc.. in collaboration with the pertinent parties. To effectively establish
and implement air quality improvement strategies, it will also be necessary to
coordinate and communicate with stakeholders and experts from the academic
and industrial sectors and conduct various research activities and financial
analyses. Furthermore, substantial progress requires good communication with
the public.

Although it's conceivable that several substances are dangerous, organic

molecules like PAHs that are adsorbed on soot and some heavy metals that are
present in tiny particles are potential offenders. Scooters, motorcycles, autos,
other private vehicles, private Ola, Uber, and other services were widely utilised.
Due to this, there has been a difference in AQI levels over the past few years. To
evaluate their regional and global effects, it is necessary to conduct field
measurement campaigns that characterise megacities emitting air contaminants.
Establishing long-term measuring programmes to describe air quality locally to
globally is also crucial. By encouraging people to live closer to their places of
employment, creating convenient and affordable mass transit systems,
encouraging economic activity outside of megacities to lessen migration
incentives, and strategically placing industries, good urban planning can improve
the air quality in megacities. Government representatives might be able to solve
issues that seem intractable by taking lessons from what has worked and what
hasn't in other places. Arriving at integrated control techniques that are
successfully executed and supported by the general public will be successful.

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