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Title : The Happy Cobbler

Hi everyone ! A very good morning to the honorable judges, timekeeper,

headmasters, dedicated teachers and my fellow friends.Today, I would like to tell
a story entitled “The Happy Cobbler”.

This story took palce in Baghdad. Hmmm…. Do you know where is Badgdad?
Badgdad is the capital city is Iraq. Iraq is a country which is rich in oil. This
story happened long, long time ago when people rode on camels in the desets.
There lived a poor cobbler. He lived happily with his wife and 2 young children.
His children were always very happy and they were always laughing, playing
and singing, La la la la lala la..

The cobbler had a rich neighbour. The rich man owned a lot of money and
jewellery. He spent a lot of time counting his money. The rich man worried alot.
He always worried that someone might steal his money or his business might not
do well.
Thousand and one, thousand and two, thousand and three thousand and four…
La la la la laaaa…..
“Oh! Who is that singing. Whwrw was I again? Now I have lost count of my
money”. said the rich man.
Thousand and five, thousand and six, thousand and seven………
La la la la la laaa……..

“Oh, the cobblers children. They are singing again. How can they be so happy
while Im am so worried”,said the reac man.

He began to feel jealous of his neighbour’s peace and happiness. He thought of a

way to end the peace and happiness of his neighbour.One day he came up with a
plan. The following day, as soon as the sun came up, the rich man took a box of
money to the cobbler’s house.

“Can you help me?” he asked.

“How can I help you. I am only a poor cobbler,”reply the cobbler.

“I don’t need any money from you,” said the rich man. I just need you to look
after this money for me.

I’ll pay one dinar a day. The cobbler agreed. From that day onwards, the
cobbler started to worry alot. He worried that someone might steal the money.
fEvery night, after dinner, the cobbler would count the money to see if any of
them had gone missing.

“Father! Father! Come and play with us.

“I can’t play with you now. I’m very busy.”

Then the cobbler realized that his family was no longer happy. They had stopped
laughing,playing and singing as they used to be. He then decided to return the
bag of money.
The next day he went to the richman”s house.

“Forget mebut as long as we keep this bag of money, we will always be worried”.
So, I would like to return your money.and take care of my family comletely.”
After that the cobbler and his family were happy again. They laughed, played
and sang. La la la la laaaa……
My dear friends,

That’s the end of my story. I hope you had enjoyed it. The moral of the story is
money is not everything. A simple life is a happy life.

Thank you.

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