DAY 02 PQRS Passage

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CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

1. 1. I was
P. and stay for a few days in Delhi
Q. when my father told me
R. very excited
S. that I could go with him

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

2. 1. They’re mostly people
P. and they find the club very convenient,
Q. to get a reasonable meal
R. who work in the neighbourhood,
S. because it enables them
6. without too much trouble

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

3. 1. If you are serious about
P. vocabulary building not a hobby
Q. you will have to make
R. an absorbing interest
S. increase your vocabulary
6. or even an obsession

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

4. 1. Reading books
P. is a habit
Q. but also enlarges the mind
R. because it not only increased knowledge
S. which must be cultivated by everybody

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

5. 1. Everybody
P. attracts every other
Q. whether big or small
R. body with the force
S. in the universe
6. of gravitation

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599
6. 1. On reaching the station
P. he first looked around
Q. and when he could find none
R. he just lifted his luggage
S. for a coolie
6. and walked down to the platform

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

7. 1. There are people
P. to be able to say
Q. not because they enjoy the book
R. who read a book
S. but because they want
6. that they have read it

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

8. 1. I have never met
P. a friendliness and hospitality
Q. in your city
R. like the one
S. I have met
6. Calcutta

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

9. 1. A sub-inspector of police,
P. disturbing a public meeting
Q. justice to his uniform
R. rounded up a group of 18 miscreants
S. bent on doing
6. and marched them to the local jail in

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

10. 1. what we would like to judge
P. in this comprehension exercise
Q. the difficult words, phrases and sentence
R. and also the meanings of
S. is your grasp of the content
6. that constitute the paragraph

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

11. P. early today
Q. at least five persons were killed and 32
R. when a passenger train rammed into
S. a stationary goods train

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

12. 1. This is a letter
P. from a young lady
Q. who was lately wounded in a duel
R. written in the most passionate terms
S. wherein she laments the misfortune of a

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

13. 1. There was
P. needed for its everyday life
Q. a time when each family
R. for itself most of the things it
S. actually produced

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

14. P. I am planning to go
Q. to the hill station
R. to spend my vacation
S. where an acquaintance of my father lives

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

15. 1. The little girl
P. for the mother to leave
Q. said to her friend
R. little children on their own
S. it was not quite right
6. and go to work

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

16. 1. Western civilization is
P. in its character that
Q. national culture by affecting
R. it is bound to influence every
S. so powerful and so uniform
6. its external way of life

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

17. 1. All religions are
P. to advance the cause of peace,
Q. in a holy partnership
R. justice and freedom
S. bound together

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599
18. 1. Milton said that
P. those persons
Q. would be damned
R. who do not obey
S. god’s commands

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

19. 1. He dared
P. the forty thieves
Q. to fight
R. who
S. challenged him
6. to a duel

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

20. 1. The reporter of the newspaper informs us
P. Lala Lajpat Rai spent
Q. Lecturing widely and attracting many
American leaders
R. To sympathise with the Indian nationalist
S. Almost five years in America

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

1. C 6. A 11. B 16. D
2. C 7. B 12. B 17. D
3. D 8. B 13. B 18. A
4. C 9. D 14. C 19. B
5. D 10. A 15. B 20. A

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

Childhood is a time when there are few
responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child
has good parents, he is fed, looked after and
loved, whatever he may do. It is improbable that
he will ever again in his life be given so much
without having to do anything in return. In
addition, life is always presenting new things to
the child-things that have lost their interest for
older people because they are too well known.

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

1. A child’s life
(A) Has no time for entertainment
(B) Is packed with responsibilities
(C) Has few responsibilities
(D) Is full of miseries

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

2. A child gets all things
(A) If he is not naughty
(B) Only if parents are good
(C) If he is brilliant
(D) Without giving anything in return

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

3. A child is looked after well
(A) By greedy parents
(B) By selfish parents
(C) By prudent parents
(D) By good parents

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

4. For a child life is a series
(A) 0f outdated experiences
(B) New and wonderful things
(C) Of outmoded things
(D) Of things that the old people have

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

5. The old people tend to lose interest in
(A) New things
(B) Things belonging to children
(C) Familiar things
(D) The games of the children

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

Freedom has assuredly given us a new status
and new opportunities. But it also implies that
we should discard selfishness, laziness and all
narrowness of outlook. Our freedom suggests
toil and creation of new values for old one. We
should so discipline ourselves as to be able to
discharge our new responsibilities satisfactorily.
If there is any one thing that needs to be
stressed more than any other in the new set-up,
it is that we should put into action our full
capacity each one of us in productive effort-each

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

one of us in his own sphere, however humble.
Work, unceasing work, should now be our
watch-word. Work is wealth, and service is
happiness. Nothing else is. The greatest crime in
India today is idleness. If we root out idleness,
all our difficulties, including even conflicts, will
gradually disappear.
1. Nothing else can give us joy except
(A) Idleness (B) Wealth
(C) Freedom (D) Service

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

2. Anyone can free himself from the clutches
of difficulties, if he
(A) Fulfils his responsibilities
(B) Discards idleness
(C) Discharges his obligation
(D) Eliminates narrow outlook

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

3. What has freedom undeniable offered to the
citizens of India?
(A) New outlook
(B) New responsibilities
(C) New values
(D) New opportunities

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

4. One thing needs to be stressed more than
anything else in this new set up. It is that
people should
(A) Discipline themselves suitable
(B) Work to their full capacity
(C) Substitute old values with new ones
(D) Discard narrowness of outlook

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

5. ……work should be the motto of our
(A) Incessant (B) Productive
(C) Ingenious (D) Resourceful

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

Earth is the only planet so far known with the
suitable environment for sustaining life. Land,
water, air, plants and animals are the major
components of the global environment.
Population, food and energy are the three
fundamental problems facing making.
Unemployment, inflation crowding, dwingling
resources and pollution are all due to the factors
like increasing population, high standard of
living, deforestation etc.

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

Man had been tempering with the Ecosphere
or a very long time and is forced to recongnize
that environmental resources are scarce.
Environmental problems are really social
problems. They begin with people as cause and
end with people as victims. Unplanned use of
resources has resulted in the depletion of fossils,
fuels, pollution of air and water, deforestation
which has resulted in ecological imbalance and
draining away of national wealth through heavy
expenditure on oil and power generation

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

1. Depletion of fossils and fuels, pollution of
air and water and deforestation will never
occur in case of
(A) Over use of resources
(B) Improper use of resources
(C) Planned use of resources
(D) Unplanned use of resources

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

2. We face the three fundamental problems
that are
(A) Population, food and energy
(B) Inflation, deforestation and unemployment
(C) Population, deforestation and energy
(D) Population, inflation and food

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

3. Increasing population causes
(A) Unemployment, inflation, crowding,
dwindling resources and pollution
(B) Unemployment and crowing
(C) Inflation and pollution
(D) Dwindling resources

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

4. National wealth is drained away by spending
heavily on
(A) Oil and power generation
(B) Power generation
(C) Fuels
(D) Water and power generation

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

5. The three major components of the global
environment are
(A) Plants, animals and mankind
(B) Food, energy and population
(C) High standard of living, crowding and
(D) Land, water and air

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

The peacock, which happens to be our
national bird, is regarded a good omen. It is also
considered to be vain because of its habit to
draw attention to itself. Different religions see
the peacock as a symbol in varied ways. In
Christianity, it represents the all seeing God and
is often used as a symbol of immortality. The
Chinese believed that a glance from the bird
could impregnate a woman. According to
Hinduism, Saraswati the Goddess of knowledge
and wisdom rides a peacock and when God

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

Indra transformed himself into an animal, he
chose to be a peacock. In Buddhism, the
peacock symbolizes purity, and their feathers
are used for purification ceremonies.
1. The peacock is said to be vain bird because
(A) It is the national bird of our country
(B) It is the most colourful of all birds
(C) It attracts all focus to itself
(D) It is considered a symbol of good omen.

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

2. ‘Immortality’ refers to
(A) Deathlessness (B) Hopefulness
(C) Longevity (D) tranquility

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

3. The Chinese believed that the peacock
could bless their women with
(A) Reproduction of healthy offspring
(B) Conception of babies
(C) Maintenance of fertility
(D) Growth of foetus

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

4. The Hindu Goddess used the peacock as
(A) A royal throne
(B) a trusted messenger
(C) An ornamental bird
(D) A mode of transport

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

5. The Buddhists use the peacock feathers in
(A) Religious rites
(B) Cleansing rituals
(C) Family functions
(D) Spiritual ceremonies

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

Once Alexander was camping near a town
that was inhabited by only a helpless woman
and some children. The menfolk had already
been killed in the battle. Feeling hungry, he
stopped before a house and knocked at the door.
After he had knocked about a dozen times, an
old woman supported by a stick came out and
enquired what he wanted. In a stern voice
Alexander commanded her to get him food.
The old woman who recognized Alexander
from his Greek dress went inside and presently

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

came out with a covered plate and presented it
to him. When Alexander removed the cover, he
found that it contained gold and jewellery. He
became very angry.
“You stupid woman,” he said angrily, “What
have you brought? Can I eat jewellery? I need
only food.” The old woman coolly said, “You are
Alexander the Great, aren’t you? I thought that
you ate only gold and jewellery. That is why you
wander from place to place and mercilessly kill
innocent people for it. If ordinary loaves could

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

satisfy your hunger, surely you have enough in
your own country.”
Alexander was taken aback by the words of
the old woman. He realized his foolishness and
felt ashamed of himself. The old woman then
served him good food with great affection.
Alexander learnt his lesson from the old woman.

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

1. The town had only one old woman and
some children because the menfolk
(A) Went out to find jobs
(B) Had to go away from the country
(C) Had been killed in the battle
(D) Had to help Alexander

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

2. Alexander knocked at the old lady’s door
(A) He was hungry and wanted something to
(B) He was angry with the lady in the house
(C) He wanted to check if she walked with a
(D) The old lady had asked him to come home

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

3. The old lady recognized Alexander from his
(A) Commanding voice
(B) Greek dress
(C) Stern appearance
(D) Hungry looks

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

4. The old lady was
(A) Old and lame
(B) Brave and wise
(C) Angry and vindictive
(D) Rich and lived alone

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

5. Which of the following is not the meaning
of ‘stern’?
(A) Harsh (B) severe
(C) Demanding (D) adjusting

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

1. C 1. C 1. C
2. D 2. A 2. A
3. D 3. A 3. B
4. B 4. C 4. D
5. C 5. D 5. B
1. C 1. C
2. A 2. A
3. D 3. B
4. B 4. D
5. A 5. B

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599
CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599
CONTACT; 7599367318, 9193775511, 9193775599

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