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Lesson -6 THE ARTIST – By Shiga Naoya Lesson -6 THE ARTIST – By Shiga Naoya Lesson -6 THE ARTIST – By Shiga Naoya

1) Seibei was a twelve years___boy. 1) Seibei was a twelve years___boy. 1) Seibei was a twelve years___boy.
Indian Chinese Indian Chinese Indian Chinese
Korean Japanese Korean Japanese Korean Japanese
2) Shiga Naoya is a ___Writer. Amar Sir 2) Shiga Naoya is a ___Writer. Amar Sir 2) Shiga Naoya is a ___Writer.
Amar Sir
Japanese Chinese Japanese Chinese Japanese Chinese
Indian Bhutan Indian Bhutan Indian Bhutan
3) Seibei bought a __inch gourd from an old woman. 3) Seibei bought a __inch gourd from an old woman. 3) Seibei bought a __inch gourd from an old woman.
5 inch 4 inch 5 inch 4 inch 5 inch 4 inch
3 inch 6 inch 3 inch 6 inch 3 inch 6 inch
4) One day Seibei was caught red handed by his___ 4) One day Seibei was caught red handed by his___ 4) One day Seibei was caught red handed by his___
Physics Math Physics Math Physics Math
Hindi Ethics Hindi Ethics Hindi Ethics
5) The teacher became very__with Seibei for neglecting his 5) The teacher became very__with Seibei for neglecting his 5) The teacher became very__with Seibei for neglecting his
studies. studies. studies.
Happy Angry Happy Angry Happy Angry
Sad Friendly Sad Friendly Sad Friendly
6) You are an idiot___shouted. 6) You are an idiot___shouted. 6) You are an idiot___shouted.
The Teacher The doctor The Teacher The doctor The Teacher The doctor
The Principal His father The Principal His father The Principal His father
7) Seibei’s father worked at _______shop. 7) Seibei’s father worked at _______shop. 7) Seibei’s father worked at _______shop.
Blacksmith’s Carpenter’s Blacksmith’s Carpenter’s Blacksmith’s Carpenter’s
Barber’s Goldsmith’s Barber’s Goldsmith’s Barber’s Goldsmith’s
8) ________grawled at Seibei. 8) ________grawled at Seibei. 8) ________grawled at Seibei.
His father His teacher His father His teacher His father His teacher
His mother Minister His mother Minister His mother Minister
9) _____fetched his hammer and systematically smashed gourds. 9) _____fetched his hammer and systematically smashed gourds. 9) _____fetched his hammer and systematically smashed gourds.
Seibei His father Seibei His father Seibei His father
His mother His teacher His mother His teacher His mother His teacher
10) The teacher gave Seibei’s concficated gourd to an old_______ 10) The teacher gave Seibei’s concficated gourd to an old_______ 10) The teacher gave Seibei’s concficated gourd to an old_______
Porter Man Porter Man Porter Man
Woman Teacher Woman Teacher Woman Teacher
11) The curio-dealer sold the gourd to a wealthy collector for 11) The curio-dealer sold the gourd to a wealthy collector for 11) The curio-dealer sold the gourd to a wealthy collector for
_________yen. _________yen. _________yen.
500 /600 /1000 /100 500 /600 /1000 /100 500 /600 /1000 /100
12) Seibei’s hoppy of collecting gourd made his teacher ________. 12) Seibei’s hoppy of collecting gourd made his teacher ________. 12) Seibei’s hoppy of collecting gourd made his teacher ________.
Pleased Displeased Pleased Displeased Pleased Displeased
Amused Laughed Amused Laughed Amused Laughed
13) Who has written the prose piece ‘The Artist’? 13) Who has written the prose piece ‘The Artist’? 13) Who has written the prose piece ‘The Artist’?
T.S. Eliot Mahatma Gandhi T.S. Eliot Mahatma Gandhi T.S. Eliot Mahatma Gandhi
Shiga Naoya H.E. Bates Shiga Naoya H.E. Bates Shiga Naoya H.E. Bates
14) Who is the main character of ‘The Artist’? 14) Who is the main character of ‘The Artist’? 14) Who is the main character of ‘The Artist’?
Shiga Naoya Sebi Shiga Naoya Sebi Shiga Naoya Sebi
Seibei An old Man Seibei An old Man Seibei An old Man
15) When was shiga Naoya born? 15) When was shiga Naoya born? 15) When was shiga Naoya born?
1873/1884/ 1883/1882 1873/1884/ 1883/1882 1873/1884/ 1883/1882
16) When did Shiga Naoya die? 16) When did Shiga Naoya die? 16) When did Shiga Naoya die?
1951 /1971/1968/1974 1951 /1971/1968/1974 1951 /1971/1968/1974
17) Seibei often went out to buy himself __________. 17) Seibei often went out to buy himself __________. 17) Seibei often went out to buy himself __________.
Apples Oranges Apples Oranges Apples Oranges
Gourds Roses Gourds Roses Gourds Roses
18) Seibei lived in _______. 18) Seibei lived in _______. 18) Seibei lived in _______.
Village Religious town Village Religious town Village Religious town
Harbor town Business town Harbor town Business town Harbor town Business town
19) What would Seibei apply to get rid of the unpleasant gourd 19) What would Seibei apply to get rid of the unpleasant gourd 19) What would Seibei apply to get rid of the unpleasant gourd
smell? smell? smell?
Rose Water Scent Rose Water Scent Rose Water Scent
Tea- Leaves Curd Tea- Leaves Curd Tea- Leaves Curd
20) Which type of gourd did Seibei like? 20) Which type of gourd did Seibei like? 20) Which type of gourd did Seibei like?
Old Gnarled Old Gnarled Old Gnarled
Soft Even and symmetrical Soft Even and symmetrical Soft Even and symmetrical
21) Seibei was interested in gourd ______. 21) Seibei was interested in gourd ______. 21) Seibei was interested in gourd ______.
A little Splendidly A little Splendidly A little Splendidly
Passionate Casually Passionate Casually Passionate Casually
22) What a splendid gourd! Thought Seibei, but actually it was __ 22) What a splendid gourd! Thought Seibei, but actually it was __ 22) What a splendid gourd! Thought Seibei, but actually it was __
Watermellon Football Watermellon Football Watermellon Football
Old man’s bald head Coconut Old man’s bald head Coconut Old man’s bald head Coconut
23) Seibei was now _______in hish picture. 23) Seibei was now _______in hish picture. 23) Seibei was now _______in hish picture.
Busy Absorbed Busy Absorbed Busy Absorbed
Gripped Engrossed Gripped Engrossed Gripped Engrossed
24) The old woman asked _______for the gourd. 24) The old woman asked _______for the gourd. 24) The old woman asked _______for the gourd.
Ten sen Twenty sen Ten sen Twenty sen Ten sen Twenty sen
Thirty sen Fourty sen Thirty sen Fourty sen Thirty sen Fourty sen
25) The curio-dealer sold the confiscated gourd to___ 25) The curio-dealer sold the confiscated gourd to___ 25) The curio-dealer sold the confiscated gourd to___
A teacher The porter A teacher The porter A teacher The porter
Wealthy collector The King Wealthy collector The King Wealthy collector The King
26) Seibei’s mother was_softly 26) Seibei’s mother was_softly 26) Seibei’s mother was_softly
Weeping Laughing Weeping Laughing Weeping Laughing
Sobbing Howling Sobbing Howling Sobbing Howling
27) Seibei’s father___him by the collar and gave him a sound 27) Seibei’s father___him by the collar and gave him a sound 27) Seibei’s father___him by the collar and gave him a sound
beating beating beating
Pick Grabbed Pick Grabbed Pick Grabbed
Throw Fetch Throw Fetch Throw Fetch

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