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Negative Question Tags Zaza Question mnge are used when asking for agreement or confirmation, apositive statement + a negative question tag Positive Statement Negative Tag You astudent, aren't) you? He a, rey ie dant he? He py: wash't her They were surprised, weren't they? You (speak English, don't you? He studies: Spanish, doesn't he? You studied for the test, didn’t you? You hawe studied all week, hawen’t you? you had arrived beforeheleft, hadin't you? wel oo aa te languages, ee ca two You coulddo itforme, couldn't you? We Mit be patient, feustn't we? You gheuld go now, Shouldrrt yout You would like anew job, wouldn't you? Exceptions 1 en) late, ‘Let's go home, Dad dele ei ebasee ae Lei ed eat a eee 2:53 R OWS FB So all wl O tag. Rule-1: Some words are negative in meaning . For e.g. hardly, seldom, scarcely, rarely, barely etc. Hence they will take positive question tag after them. e E.g.- He hardly does any work, does he? © He found barely anything to eat , did he? * He is seldom absent, is he? Rule-2:lf a sentence starts with "There", the question tag will have "there" in the place of pronoun. * E.g- There is no water , is there? © There were no good schools in the town, were there? Rule-3: Question tag is always made in accordance with the main part of the sentence. * E.g- I think, he is right, isn't he? (Here ‘I think' is not important and hence it is not the main part of the sentence". Rule- 4: There is no contracted form of 'am fA ~ a a HOME ‘COURSES TEST SERIES PREPARE 254 2B WE FZ So wall ail Rule- 4: There is no contracted form of 'am not' but 'aren't' is used in question tag. ° Eg- | am fine, aren't I? Rule-5 : Each, every, everyone, everybody, no one, nobody, none are singular and hence will take singular verb/ singular pronoun/ singular adjective with them but their question tag will take plural verb and plural pronoun. * E.g- Everyone has come, hasn't he ( Incorrect) * Everyone has come, haven't they (correct) © None of your friends like her, do they e Everyone can speak English, can't they? Rule-6: If the sentence starts with "let us/ let's shall we" is used in the question. ° E.g.- Let us go to party tonight, shall we? Rule-7: In Imperative sentences, question tag 'won't you' is used. f ™ a ws HOME ‘COURSES TEST SERIES PREPARE 254 R © 199 F te wll al © Rules of Question... : x @ From — deliver Q < ha Rule-7: In Imperative sentences, question tag 'won't you’ is used. * E.g- come in, won't you? Rule-8: Collective noun takes singular verb and singular pronoun in question tag. * E.g.- The jury has taken its decision, hasn't it? Rule-9: If we talk about the individual members of the collective noun or if there is a difference in opinion among the members. of the collective noun, plural verb and plural pronoun are used. * E.g.- The comm are divided in their opinion, aren't they? * The audience have taken their seats, haven't they? Rule-10: If in a imperative sentence, somebody is being offered anything, or if someone is being asked to do something, fA ~ a a HOME ‘COURSES TEST SERIES PREPARE 255 R © 62 FB So all wl @ > @ Rules of Question... 2: From ~ delivei Rule-10: If in a imperative sentence, somebody is being offered anything, or if someone is being asked to do something, "will you/ would you" is used in the question tag. * E.g- Open the door, would you? «¢ Have some more tea, would you? We hope that the post would have cleared all your doubts related to the topic. More from us: Preparing for Government Exams 2020? Get best test series for upcoming SSC CGL 2020. Our all in one SSC Test Series pack provides a free mock test of each and every exam. Try a free test from the link given below: Want to Attempt SSC CGL 2020 FREE Mock Test? Attempt Here ‘Attempt subject wise questions in our HOME ‘COURSES TEST SERIES Rule-1: Some words are negative in meaning . For e.g. hardly, seldom, scarcely, rarely, barely etc. Hence they will take positive question tag after them. ¢ E.g.- He hardly does any work, does he? ¢ He found barely anything to eat , did he? ¢ He is seldom absent, is he? Rule-2:lf a sentence starts with "There", the question tag will have "there" in the place of pronoun. e E.g- There is no water , is there? ¢ There were no good schools in the en Were thet Rule-3: Question tag is always made in accordance with the main part of the sentence. ¢ E.g- | think, he is right, isn't he? (Here 'I think' is not important and hence it is not the main part of the sentence". Rule-7: In Imperative sentences, question tag 'won't you' is used. e E.g- come in, won't you? Rule-8: Collective noun takes singular verb and singular pronoun in question tag. e E.g.- The jury has taken its decision, hasn't it? Rule-9: If we talk about the individual members of the collective noun or if there is a difference in opinion among the members of the collective noun, plural verb and plural pronoun are used. e E.g.- The comm are divided in their opinion, aren't they? e The audience have taken their seats, haven't they? Rule-10: If in a imperative sentence, somebody is being offered anything, or if someone is being asked to do something, "will you/ would you" is used in the question tag. ¢ E.g- Open the door, would you? e Have some more tea, would you? Rule- 4: There is no contracted form of 'am not' but 'aren't' is used in question tag. ° Eg- | am fine, aren't I? TS Rule-5 : Each, every, everyone, everybody, no one, nobody, none are singular and hence will take singular verb/ singular pronoun/ singular adjective with them but their question tag will take plural verb and plural pronoun. e E.g- Everyone has come, hasn't he ( Incorrect) e Everyone has come, haven't they (correct) e None of your friends like her, do they e Everyone can speak English, can't they? Rule-6: If the sentence starts with "let us/ let's ", " shall we" is used in the question. e E.g.- Let us go to party tonight, shall we?

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