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Fisheries Production of Bulacan: January to March 2022P

Date of Release: 15 June 2022

Reference No. 2022- 11
Bulacan’s Fisheries Volume of Production Increased by 55.2 percent
The total fisheries volume of production of Bulacan was estimated at 8,078.14 metric
tons which reflects an increase of 55.2 percent during first quarter of 2022 compared
to same quarter last year with 5,205.82 metric tons.

Figure 1: Volume of Fisheries Production, Bulacan:

First Quarter 2012-2022P
(metric tons)
16,000.00 14,295.17
14,000.00 11,932.58
12,000.00 10,818.45 10,866.47
Metric Tons

10,000.00 12,094.09 9,410.59 8,078.14

4,000.00 2,945.01
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

P- Preliminary Results
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

The Fisheries Sector comprises of three sub-sectors: Commercial Fishing, Municipal

Fishing and Aquaculture. Among these sub-sectors, the Aquaculture contributes the
largest production with 7,163.56 metric tons; this showed an increase of 69.2 percent
compared to same quarter last year. Aquaculture shared a total of 88.7 percent to
the total fisheries volume of production of Bulacan.
It was then followed by Municipal Fishing with a total volume of production of 809.65
metric tons which had a decrease of 14.2 percent compared to same quarter last
year with 943.27 metric tons. Of the total production of Municipal Fishing, 56.9
percent were come from Inland Fisheries while the rest were from Marine Fisheries.
The Municipal Fisheries shared 10.0 percent to the total fisheries volume of
production of the province.
Lastly, the Commercial Fishing with a total volume of production of 104.93 metric
tons while the production of previous year was 28.24 metric tons, it recorded an
increase of 271.6 percent. It contributed the remaining 1.3 percent to the total
fisheries volume of production of Bulacan. (Table 1)
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Table 1: Fisheries Volume of Production by Sub-Sector, Bulacan:

First Quarter 2021 and 2022P
Volume of Production
Percent Percent
Subsector (metric tons)
Change Share
Q1 2021 Q1 2022P
FISHERIES 5,205.82 8,074.14 55.2 100

Commercial Fishing 28.24 104.93 271.6 1.3

Municipal Fishing 943.27 809.65 -14.2 10.0

Marine Municipal Fishing 186.49 348.56 86.9 43.1

Inland Municipal Fishing 756.78 461.09 -39.1 56.9

Aquaculture 4,234.31 7,163.56 69.2 88.7

P - Preliminary results
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

Commercial Fishing Volume of Production increased by 271.6 percent

The Commercial Fishing volume of production of Bulacan increased by 271.6
percent from 28.24 metric tons a year ago to estimated production of 104.93 metric
tons during the first quarter this year. Among the species caught during the quarter,
Blue Crab (Alimasag) had the highest production with an estimated of 15.40 metric
tons. This was followed by Roundscad (Galunggong) with 14.70 metric tons,
Fimbriated Sardines (Tunsoy) with 9.60 metric tons and Slipmouth (Sapsap) with
9.08 metric tons. However, the Spanish Mackerel (Tanigue) had lowest among the
catch with 1.71 metric tons. (Table 2)
Table 2: Commercial Fishing: Volume of Production by Species, Bulacan:
First Quarter 2021 and 2022P
Volume of Production
Species (metric tons) Percent Change
Q1 2021 Q1 2022P
TOTAL 28.24 104.93 271.6
Blue Crab (Alimasag) 3.73 15.40 312.9
Roundscad (Galunggong) 3.00 14.70 390.0
Fimbriated Sardines (Tunsoy) - 9.60 *
Slipmouth (Sapsap) 4.04 9.08 124.8
Frigate Tuna (Tulingan) - 7.97 *
Acetes (Alamang) 3.78 7.80 106.3
Anchovies (Dilis) 4.36 7.08 62.4
Threadfin Bream (Bisugo) 3.80 4.18 10.0
Squid (Pusit) - 3.19 *
Spanish Mackerel (Tanigue) - 1.71 *
Grouper (Lapu-lapu) 2.63 - *
Mullet (Kapak) 2.90 - *
Others - 24.22 *
P - Preliminary results, * no comparison/not applicable, - data not available
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
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Marine Municipal Fishing Volume of Production went up by 86.9 percent

The Marine Municipal Fishing volume of production increased during the quarter
compared to same quarter last year from 186.49 metric tons to 348.56 metric tons.
Among the species in the municipal fishing, the Blue Crab (Alimasag) had the largest
catch with 48.77 metric tons. This was followed by Squid (Pusit) with 28.25 metric
tons and Roundscad (Galunggong) with 22.53 metric tons which represent the top
three most caught species. On the other hand, among the catch, Bigeye tuna
(Tambakol/Bariles) has the least production with 0.54 metric tons. (Table 3)

Table 3: Marine Municipal Fishing: Volume of Production by Species, Bulacan,

First Quarter 2021 and 2022P
Volume of Production (metric
tons) Percent
Q1 2021 Q1 2022P
TOTAL 186.49 348.56 86.9
Blue Crab (Alimasag) 14.70 48.77 231.8
Squid (Pusit) 7.99 28.25 253.6
Roundscad (Galunggong) 8.99 22.53 150.6
Slipmouth (Sapsap) 8.13 19.52 140.1
Acetes (Alamang) 10.27 17.77 73.0
Mullet (Kapak) 10.54 15.86 50.5
Anchovies (Dilis) 8.33 15.27 83.3
Caesio (Dalagang-bukid) 2.52 9.08 260.3
Indo-pacific Mackerel (Hasa-hasa) 2.70 7.62 182.2
Fimbriated Sardines (Tunsoy) 3.46 5.78 67.1
Frigate Tuna (Tulingan) 0.06 5.45 8,983.3
Bali Sardinella (Tamban) 2.75 4.83 75.6
Hairtail (Espada) 2.90 3.97 36.9
Threadfin Bream (Bisugo) 3.70 3.75 1.4
Crevalle (Salay-salay) 9.58 3.54 -63.0
Snapper (Maya-maya) - 2.68 *
Big-eyed scad (Matangbaka) 5.97 2.58 -56.8
Spanish mackerel (Tanigue) 3.25 2.31 -28.9
Indian mackerel (Alumahan) 6.80 1.49 -78.1
Cavalla (Talakitok) 1.16 1.39 19.8
Skipjack (Gulyasan) - 1.23 *
Grouper (Lapu-lapu) 1.23 1.19 -3.3
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Yellowfin Tuna (Tambakol/Bariles) - 0.66 *

Bigeye Tuna (Tambakol/Bariles) - 0.54 *
Others 69.45 122.50 76.4
P - Preliminary results, * no comparison/not applicable, - data not available
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

Volume of Production for Inland Municipal Fishing decreased by 39.1 percent

The volume of production for the Inland Municipal Fishing had a decrease from
756.78 metric tons in same quarter last year to 461.09 metric tons during the first
quarter of 2022. Among the species caught, Tilapia exhibited the largest catch with
an estimate of 131.80 metric tons. This was followed by Mudfish (Dalag) with 59.63
metric tons and Big Head Carp with an estimate of 32.93 metric tons. Meanwhile,
among the Crustaceans, Blue Crab (Alimasag) had the largest production with 29.29
metric tons. This was followed by Freshwater Shrimp (Hipon) with 11.11 metric tons,
White Shrimp (Hipong Puti) with 3.05 metric tons, while the least species caught was
Mud Crab (Alimango) with 0.27 metrics tons. For mollusks, only Freshwater Clams
(Tulya) were caught with an estimate of 10.29 metric tons.
Comparing catches from first quarter of 2021 to 2022, no production were recorded
on the following species: Freshwater Goby (Biya), Milkfish (Bangus), Tarpon (Buan
buan), Endeavor Prawn (Suahe), Lobster (Ulang), Oyster and other crustaceans not
specified. (Table 4)
Table 4: Inland Municipal Fishing: Volume of Production by Species, Bulacan,
First Quarter 2021 and 2022P
Volume of Production (metric
tons) Percent
Q1 2021 Q1 2022P
TOTAL 756.78 461.09 -39.1
FISH 537.80 407.08 -24.3
Tilapia 135.52 131.80 -2.7
Mudfish (Dalag) 32.65 59.63 82.6
Big Head Carp 0.16 32.93 20,481.3
Climbing Perch (Martiniko) - 25.38 *
Catfish (Hito) 13.78 17.03 23.6
Gourami 41.58 15.50 -62.7
Silver Perch (Ayungin) 1.89 5.76 204.8
Mullet (Kapak) 0.58 4.90 744.8
Carp 5.99 2.47 -58.8
Spade Fish (Kitang) 1.55 1.37 -11.6
Freshwater Goby (Biya) 19.85 - *
Milkfish (Bangus) 20.46 - *
Tarpon (Buan Buan) 0.68 - *
Other fishes 263.11 110.31 -58.1
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CRUSTACEANS 218.19 43.72 -80.0

Blue Crab (Alimasag) 113.30 29.29 -74.1
Freshwater Shrimp (Hipon) 3.78 11.11 193.9
White Shrimp (Hipong Puti) 18.11 3.05 -83.2
Mud Crab (Alimango) 18.36 0.27 -98.5
Endeavor Prawn (Suahe) 3.52 - *
Lobster (Ulang) 7.25 - *
Other Crustaceans 53.87 - *
MOLLUSCS 0.79 10.29 1,202.5
Oyster (Talaba) 0.79 - *
Freshwater Clams (Tulya) - 10.29 *
P - Preliminary results, * no comparison/not applicable, - data not available
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

Aquaculture went up by 69.2 percent in production

During the First Quarter of 2022, the volume of production in aquaculture increased
by 69.2 percent compared to same quarter last year, from 4,234.31 metric tons to
7,163.56 metric tons. Among the type and environment, the Brackishwater Fishpond
had the largest contribution with 2,717.46 metric tons, followed by Brackishwater
Pen with 3,853.33 metric tons, Freshwater Fishpond with 383.11 metric tons,
Mussel with 133.05 metric tons, Oyster with 73.96 metric tons, Freshwater Cage with
2.31 metric tons, and the least was Small Farm Reservoir with 0.34 metric tons.

Table 5: Aquaculture: Volume of Production by Type/Environment/Species,

Bulacan, First Quarter 2021 and 2022P
Volume of Production (metric
Type/Environment/Species tons) Percent Change
Q1 2021 Q1 2022P
TOTAL 4,234.31 7,163.56 69.2
Brackishwater Fishpond 3,869.10 2,717.46 -29.8
Milkfish 3,470.99 2515.52 -27.5
Tiger Prawn 89.27 60.38 -32.4
Tilapia 29.57 9.66 -67.3
Mud Crab 3.85 8.90 131.2
Others 275.41 123.01 -55.3
Brackishwater Pen - 3,853.33 *
Milkfish - 3853.33 *
Freshwater Fishpond 327.12 383.11 17.1
Catfish 89.96 239.38 166.1
Tilapia 227.09 116.72 -48.6
Carp - 0.06 *
Milkfish 10.00 - *
Mudfish 0.00 - *
Others 0.07 26.94 38,385.7
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Freshwater Cage 0.57 2.31 305.3

Tilapia 0.57 1.19 108.8
Catfish - 1.13 *
Oyster 37.52 73.96 97.1
Mussel - 133.05 *
Small Farm Reservoir - 0.34 *
Tilapia - 0.34 *
P - Preliminary results, * no comparison/not applicable, - data not available
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

 Fisheries production are posted at the PSA website
 Quarter 1 2022 available data is preliminary 0.00 denotes volume of
production is less than two decimal points but not zero
 Production per species may not sum up to total due to rounding off.


Commercial Fishing - cover fishing operations in marine waters that make use of
boats of more than three (3) gross tons.
Marine Municipal Fishing - covers fishing operations performed in marine water
within 15 kilometers from the shoreline using fishing vessels of three (3) gross tons
or less, or fishing not requiring the use of fishing vessels
Inland Municipal Fishing - is the catching of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other
aquatic animals and plants in inland water like lakes, rivers, dams, marshes, etc.
Using fishing vessels of three (3) gross tons or less, or fishing not requiring the use
of fishing vessels
Aquaculture - is a fishery operation involving all forms of raising and culturing of fish
and other fishery species in fresh, brackish and marine areas
Aquafarm Type
Fishpond - refers to a land-based type of aquafarm; a body of water (artificial or
natural) where fish and other aquatic products are cultured, raised or cultivated
under controlled conditions
Fish Cage - refers to a stationary or floating fish enclosure made of synthetic net
wire/bamboo screen or other materials set in the form of inverted mosquito net
(“hapa” type) with or without cover with all sides either tied to poles staked to the
water bottom or with anchored floats for aquaculture purposes.
Oyster Farm - is an aquafarm involved in the cultivation of oyster in shallow
brackish or marine areas by any method for production purposes
Water Environment
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Brackish-water environment - refers to mixed seawater and freshwater and

salinity varies with the tide
Freshwater environment - refers to water without salt or marine origin. It is pure
fresh water.

(Supervising Statistical Specialist)

Date: 15 June 2022

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