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R. E. Bach, Jr.
NASA Ames Research Cent er, Moffett Field, California 94035, USA

Abstract . In the usual formulation of the aircraft state-estimation problem, motions

along a flight trajectory are represented by a plant consisting of nonlinear state and
measurement models. Problem solution using this formulation requires that both
state - and measurement -d ependent Jacobian matrices be evaluated along any trajectory.
In this paper it is shown that a set of state variables can be chosen to realize a
linear state model of very simple form , such that all nonlinearities appear in the
measurement model. The potential advantage of the new formulation is computational :
the Jacobian matrix corresponding to a linear state model is constant, a feature that
should outweigh the fact that the measurement model is more complicated than in the
conventional formulation. To compare the modeling methods, aircraft motions from
typical flight -t est and accident data were estimated, using each formulation with the
same off-line (smoothing) algorithm. The results of these experiments, reported in
the paper , demonstrate c l early the computational superiority of the linear state-
variable formulation. The procedure advocated here may be extended to other nonlin ear
estimation problems , including on-line (filtering) applications .

Keywords. Aerospace trajectories; nonlinear systems; parameter estimation; smoothing.

INTRODUCTION been first suggested and successfully applied

to a flight control problem by Meyer (1981) .
Nonlinear systems governed by ordinary dif- Other researchers (Brockett, 1978; Brunovsky,
ferential equations constitute a large pro- 1970; Hunt and Su, 1982a, 1982b) have formal-
portion of the models used in practical ized the theory and provided the necessary
estimation problems . For example , accurate and sufficient conditions for transformin g
determination of aircraft motions along a a nonlinear system into its equivalent linear
flight trajectory is an important problem counterpart . The primary contribution of
that occurs in flight -t est and accident this paper is to demonstrate how the linear-
analysis . In formulating this problem , the state concept can be applied with a t ypica l
motions are usually represented by a six- off- line (smoothing) algorithm to reduce the
degree-of-freedom, rigid-body model , referred compu tational burden required to solve the
to a flat , nonrotating Earth . A conventional aircraft state-estimation problem . The pro-
choice of state variables leads to a plant cedure advocated here may be ex t e nded to
consisting of nonlinear state and measurement other nonlinear estimation problems, includ-
models . The solution algorithm must there- ing on-line (filtering) applications.
fore evaluate both state-dependent and
measurement-dependent Jacobian matrices along Research to p rovide aircraft state-estimation
any trajectory. algorithms is motivated by a need to analyze
the consistency of flight - test data, a
In this paper it is shown that a coordinate procedure which includes removal of bias and
tran sformation can be performed to realize scale- factor errors and construction of any
a plant with a linear state model of very missing states . Furthermore, in an accident
simple form, where all nonlinearities appear situation, estimation of aircraft motions
in the measurement model. The potential from limited data may be quite useful in
advantage of such a formulation is computa- helping to determine the probable cause of
tional: the Jacobian matrix corresponding the accident. The present algorithms for
to the state model is constant along any tra- estimating aircraft states (Bach, 1980;
jectory, a feature that can significantly im- Hansen, 1978; Klein and Schiess, 1977;
prove the efficiency of a solution algorithm. Stalford, 1980) all use the nonlinear-state
formulation of the rigid - body model . This
The reader is probably aware that the use of paper describes two estimation experiments
a coordinate transformation to simplify cal- in which the nonlinear and linear formula-
culations is a well-established technique in tions were compared , using a smoothing
mathematics . However, the class of trans- algorithm reported by Bach (1980) . The
formations considered here appears to have experiments were designed to illustrate the

1156 R. E . Bach , Jr .

computational advantage possible with th e When motion of the air mass must be consid -
coordinate- transformed plant . e r ed , the model is augmented with wind-
velocity s tat es (w x , wv , wz) and acce l eration
The paper is organized as follows. First, forcing functions (gx' - gy , gz) as in Eq. (4).
the usual nonlinear formulation of the rigid-
body model and its equivalent linear-state
r ep resentation are described. Then the
problem of estimating aircraft motions along (4 )
a trajectory is defined, and an algorithm is
selected to comp~re the performance of th e
formulations for solution of such a problem.
Some comments are made regarding how algo -
rithm efficiency is model - dep e nd en t . Two Since an estimatio n prob l em is generally
estimation experiments are described and concerned with "fitting " t he response of a
their results in comparing the computational state model to a set of measurem e nts in some
burden associated with the Jacobian matrices suitable way, a measurement model mus t be
for each plant are reported . Finally, a specified. The measurements available in an
possible application of the linear-state aircraft state-estimation problem usually
concept for real - time estimation of pitch include body accelerati0ns, angular veloci-
and roll angles is presented and its practi- ties, Euler angles, and position coordinates.
cal significance is discussed . These make up the linear e l ements of the
measurement model corresponding to the state
model of Eqs . (1) - (4). Also in the measure-
EQUATIONS OF MOTION ment set are aerodynamic variables (airspeed
V, angle - of-attack a , and sideslip angle 3 )
For the trajectory analysis problems consid - as well as position variables (slant range R,
ered in this paper, aircraft motions are bearing angle B, and eleva tion angle E) _
assumed to be governed by a six- degree - of - The set is completed by allowing for the
freedom kinematic model, referred to a flat, measurement of winds (horizontal magnitude
nonrotating Earth (Etkin , 1972) . In the and direction Wh, Wd and vertical Wz ).
usual formulation, aircraft states include All of these are nonlin ear functions of th e
Eu l er angles (~ , e , w) and body angular state variables, and are given by
veloci~ies (p , q, r) which are related by

[~Je [(qSin~ + rcos~)~ane

= qcos~

+ pj [~J
; qrSl.n~

+ rcos~)/cos e ~
[ a R-l
, (1)

and vehicle inertial coordinates (x, y, z) and

body linear velocities (u, v, w) related by

+ rv - qw - gcin S ]

[t}m[:}[IH: + pw - ru + gsin~cos 6 ,
+ qu - pv + gcos~cos e
(2) The matrix .£ in Eq . (5) transforms from an
inertial f rame into a body - fixed frame and is
equal to the transpose of the matrix given in
Eq . (3). We should note in pass ing tha t any
where g is the gravitational co nstant and bias or scale-factor errors associated with
7n is a matrix that transforms from a body- the measurement model can be appended to the
fixed reference frame into a vehicle-carried state vec tor and tr eated as cdnstants , that is,
vertical frame; it is given by
b = 0 s = Cl (7)

cos9cos~ sirr,Osin Bcos-J cos.,csin '3cos ...

- cos..psin .... + 5 in.,cs in ...
where b is a vector of unknown biases and
s is a vector of unknown scale factors.
m= cos9sin,+, sin~sinEsin ... cos'Psin~sin", (3)
+ cos'PcoSt,; - sifllPcos ..

- sinoP 5 in..pcost: cos..pcos ... COORDI~ATE TRANSFORHATION

Forcing functions for this state model are The system of nonlinear differential equa -
the body angular accelerations (a R- , am, an) tions (1) and (2) is said to be block triang-
in Eq . (1) and the linear accelerations ular , a class t ha t r eadily permits coordinate
(a x , ay, a z ) in (2) . For a situation that transformation into a p lant with a linear
requires accelerations to be treated as state state model. The formal procedure for gener -
variables , the state model can be extended by ating such a trans fo rmation was outlined by
specifying new " forcing" functions (d £ , d m , Meyer (1981). More ge n e ral nonlinear systems
d n ) , (d x , d y ' d z ) as shown in Eq . (4) . are considered by Brockett (1978) and Hunt
A Ma t hema ti ca l Model fo r Eff i c ient Es timat i o n of Ai rcraft Mot i on s 11 5 7

and Su (1982a , 1982b). For our new model ,

we shall preserve as states the Euler angles
(~, e, ~) and the inertial position coordi- :r+'-----i
...------{ ~
nates (x , y , z) . A transformation of the
rigid - body equations is determined as fol-
lows. First note that the body angular ve-
locities (p, q, r) in Eq . (1) can be solved

o -sin e ]
cos~ sin~cose (8)
- sin~ cos~cose

Next, since expressions for angular accelera-

tions are needed in the measurement model,
they can be constructed from Eqs . (1) and
(8) as
!f'H---{ :~ an

~4f---t1 >-+---......- - - { ~
where ~ is the time - derivative of t he MODEL
matrix IR in Eq . (8) . Hence , the state
variables (~ , e , ~) , (~ , e,
~) , and (;p , e , ~) Fig . 1 . A transformed plant for aircraft
make up part of the linear state model . state estimation .

Now , recall that we wish to prese r ve as state

variables the position coordinates (x , y, z) . non l inear re l ations given by Eqs . (5) and
Note that from Eq. (2), the body linear (6) of the previous formulation . The new
velocities cau be written in terms of the measurement model , however , requires the
inertial velocities. Finally, the body additional nonlinear transformations £,
accelerations can be expressed in terms of ~, and ~ to generate the body velocities
inertial accelerations. These well - known and accelerations according to Eqs . (8) -
relations are given by (10). Hence , we are confronted with an
unavoidable trade-off : simplification of
the state model is achieved with an increase
in complexity of the measurement model . If
the potential advantage of the linear state
formulation is to be realized with a given
estimation algorithm , the feature of a con-
stant state-Jacobian matrix must outweigh
the fact that the measurement model is more
The state variables (x , y , z), (~ , y, ~) , and complicated than in the conventional formu-
(i , ~, , ~) , ,along with (wx, wy ' wz ) from lation . The choice of an algorithm that
Eq . (4) make up the rest of the linear state seems to have this property is adressed in
model . the next section .

That our transformed plant has a truly linear

state model is clearly evident in the block SMOOTHI~G ALGORITlmS
diagram shown in Fig . 1 . There we see that
the model consists of integrator "bundles , " Here we consider the choice of an off-line
a structure known as a Brunovsky canonical (smoothing) algorithm for use in comparing
form (Brunovsky , 1970) . Note that the "new" the mathematically equivalent formulations
forcing functions for this system are of the rigid - body model described in pre -
ex', '/, Xl, (gx, gy ' gz), and (iti , ',l", iI;) . 1 vious sections. The problem of determining
In the measurement model , the blocks aircraft motions along a trajectory is
labeled a, P , and W comprise the conveniently posed as a fixed-interval
smoothing problem, which is defined as
follows : Given a system with state model

I In some situations it is preferable to use

xCi + 1) f[x(i) ,w(i) 1 x(O) xo (11)
a simpler state model with forcing functions
(i,y, z) , (gx, gy ' gz)' and (<i; , ~) , e, and measurement model
1158 R. E . Bach , Jr .

z(i) ; h[x(i)] + veil (12)

Z MEASUREMENT ~ _ _ _ _ __
determine Xo and the sequence [w(i)] , MODEL
i ; 0, ... , N - 1, that minimize the per -
formance measure

N-l /\
+ L [wT(i)Q-1w(i) + v T (i+l)R- 1v(i+l)]/2 .


In Eq. (11), xCi) is the state vector and RECORD
w(i) is the (unknown) forcing-function
vector; in Eq . (12), veil is assumed to be
the error in measuring the system output Fig. 2. Block diagram of compu ting
h[x(i)] . The performance measure, Eq. (13) , strategy for solving a
is a squared- error criterion, where Xo is state-estimation problem.
an a priori estimate of the state, and Po'
Q, and R are weighting matrices . A Bayes -
ian maximum-likelihood interpretation would The smoothing algorithms shown in Table 1
consider Po as the error-covariance matrix are representative of those in present use .
for the a priori estimate and R as the The first, at least in form, is similar to
error-covariance matrix for the measurement extended Kalman-filter methods (Hansen,
sequence. Although the forcing-function 1978; Klein and Schiess, 1977; Stalford,
sequence is "deterministic ," good results 1980) . The second has been implemented as
are obtained when each diagonal element of part of a program called S~~CK (SMoothing
Q is chosen to match the expected mean- for AirCraft Kinematics) for use in flight-
square value of the corresponding element test analysis and to assist the National
of w(i). Transportation Safety Board in its investi-
gation of aircraft accidents. To determine
Two equivalent algorithms for solution of the which of the two algorithms might be more
nonlinear smoothing problem are outlined in improved by incorporating the transformed
Table 1; details were published previously plant, we should observe the manner in which
(Bach , 1980). The first algorithm consists the Jacobian matrices fx and hx enter
of a forward covariance filter a n d backward into the computational process . Generally,
smoother. Notice that sequences [e(i)] , both are sparse : for the linear state
[K(i)] , computed during the filtering pass, model, however, not only is fx very sparse ,
are utilized during the smoothing pass . but its entries are constant. On the other
Hence, the storage required depends on the hand, the hx will be more complicated and
dimensions of z(i) and xCi) and , of less sparse than the hx corresponding to
course , on the length of the data record . the nonlinear state model . Scrutiny of the
The second algorithm , shown in Table 1 , algorithms of Table 1 indicates that the
consists of a backward information filter second algorithm should be more improved,
and a forward smoother . An advantage of this since computations involving fx appear to
formulation is that the covariance of the dominate over those involving h x ' Because
a priori estimate can be ignored (P o - 1 con- that algorithm was already programmed in
sidered to be zero) . Here the sequences SMACK , it was a relatively simple matter to
[dei»), [L(i)] are utilized during the produce a version with the transformed plant
smoothing pass , so that the storage required for the experimental evaluation described
depends on the dimensions of w(i), xCi) in the next section .
and on the record length.

Each nominal, or "smoothed" trajectory is ESTIMATION EXPERUIENTS

computed by employing a finite - d i fference
approximation to the continuous state model . In order to compare algorithm efficiency
Here we use a simple Euler procedure , with each of the rigid - body models, an
aircraft flight simulation was prepared .
x(i+l) ; xCi) + 6 tx(i) ; x(O) ; Xo (14) The maneuver consisted of a climbing, 180 0
left turn lasting 1 min, made in a moderate
where 6 t is the time - step . The compu t ing wind . All measurements were suitably con-
strategy used to solve the smoo t hing problem taminated with random noise . The data rate
is shown in Fig . 2 . An i t e r a t ion loop (not was chosen to be the same for each measure-
shown) evaluates the performance measure, ment at 10 Hz , providing 600 points for
exerts some control ove r s t ep size ax o , each record , and the equations of motion
[aw(i») , and decides when to t erminate the were integrated at the same rate .
solution .
A Mathemat i cal Model for Eff icient Estimation of Aircraft Mot ions IIS<}

TABLE 1 Equivalent Algorithms for So lut ion of a Fixed- Interval

Smoothing Problem

No . 1. Forward filter , backward smoother No . 2 . Backward filter , forward smoother

1. With Xo and [w(i)] obtained from the 1 . With Xo and [w(i)] obtained from the
preceding iteration (or an initial guess) , preceding iteration (or an initial guess) ,
compute a nominal trajectory using (11) , compute a nominal trajectory using (11 ) ,
evaluate the residual sequence [veil] using evaluate the residual sequence [veil] using
(12) and the performance me asure using (13) . (12) and the performance measure using (13) .

2 . Solve the forward covariance filter , 2 . Solve the backwa r d information filter ,
consisting of a time update: consisting of a measurement update:

6 x(i);fx O ~(i -l )-fww(i - l) ; ox(O);xo- x o B (i); ~ (i) - hxTR- 1 V(i); ~(N) ; 0

M(i);fxP(i-l)fxT+fwQfwT; P(O);P o S(i);M(i)+hxTR- 1h x ; M(N) ; O

and a measurement updat e : and a time update:

O ~(i); o x(i)+K(i)e(i) ~(i-l);fxT[ S (i) - S(i)fwd(i)]

P(i);[I - K(i)hx]M(i) M(i-l );fxT[I - fwL(i)]TS(i)fx

where where

e(i);v(i) - hx ox(i) ; K(i);M(i)hxTR- 1 d(i);Q[fwT S (i)+Q-1w(i-l)]; L(i);QfwTS(i)

R;R+hxM(i)h x T Q;[Q- l + fwTS(i)fw] - l

3. Solve the backward smoother : 3. Perform the Newton- Raphson compu tation:

S(i) ;[I-K (i)hx]T[ l (i) - hxTR- 1e(i)]

A(i-l);fxT S (i) , A(N) ; O and solve the forward smoo th e r:

During the backward pass , update t he

sequence [w(i)] using

ow(i);-d(i+l)- L(i+l) fx ox(i)

and determine an updated initial condition
for t he next iteration from 4. Update Xo and [w(i)] . Itera t e until
6x o ' [ cw(i)] are " sufficiently " sma ll and
the pe r formance measure is minimized.

4. Iterate until changes in x o ' [w(i)]

are " sufficiently " small and the perform-
ance measure is minimized .

A first estimation experiment , typical of a A comparison of t he computatio nal burden

full-scale flight t est , utilized measure- gene rat ed by th e backward filter and forward
ments of accelerations (a Z, am ' an) ' smoothe r with each model is shown in Table 2,
(a x , ay , a z ), angular rates (p , q , r ) , Euler in terms of t he numb er of elements and the
angles (~ , 9 , ~ ), position variables computation times (per iteration) associated
(R , B, E) , aerodynamic variables (V , a , B) , with each of t he Jacobian matrices fw ' fx '
and winds (Wh ' Wd' z ) . The plant for the
nonlinea r s t ate formu lati on is given in
and h x . In that tabl e , NFW, NFX , and NHX
r efer to the number of nonzero e l ements in
Eqs . (1) - (6), and th e linear-state plant each of the Jacobian matrices . The result s
is shown in Fig . 1. No t e that t he number of th e fligh t-test experiment indicate an
of state va riabl es (o rd er of the differen- overall improvement in algorit hm efficiency
tial- equa tion model) is NF; 21 , and that of about 25% using the linear s tat e model;
e l emen t s of th e measu r ement model number t he improvement was r ealiz e d, as predicted,
NH ; 21 . The numb er of unknown fo r cing in th e fx -r e lat ed ca l cu lations. Notice also
func tions is NI.; 9, and t he numbe r of that because of t he simple form of the h x -
initial conditions, including bias and scale~ related calculations requir ed by the algorithm
factor parameters , was set at NX ; 39 . used , the added complexi t y of th e measurement
Convergence to a sa tisfa c t ory solution was model in th e trans forme d plant caused only
accom plished (in an equal l y "robust " manner) a small increase in computation time.
in each case within seven iterations .
1160 R. E. Bach, Jr.

TABLE 2 Comparison of Jacobian Matrix Computation Times

for Two Simulation Experiments

No . 1. Flight testa No. 2 Accident
Jacobian matrix NF=2l, NW=9, NX=39 , NH=2l NF=13, NW=6 , NX=19,NH=7
Nonlinear model Linear model Nonlinear model Linear model

~N\.J -

[ nFI.J 1JF
_ NX _

[ 1+NFX NF 61; 5.94 s 43 ; 2 . 20 s

- NX -


100; 0.47 s 12; 0 . 10 s 32 ; 0 . 20 s

Total time for all

algorithm calculations 11 . 43 s 8.51 s 3 . 90 s 2 . 71 s
(per iteration)

a The first number in each column is the number of nonz e ro elements in each of th e Jacobian
matrices (NFW, NFX, NHX); the times shown are computation times associated with the
particular Jacobian matrix (per iteration).
bAll unity.

A second experiment was designed to compare

the models in analyzing an accident situa-
tion, for which only limited data would
generally be available 0.Jingrove, Bach ,
and Parks , 1979). Here we consider estima-
tion of roll and pitch angles (~ , e ), given MEASUREMENT
measurements typically recoverable from a MODEL
metal-foil flight recorder 2 following an
accident. Such measurements would include h
altitude, airspeed, magnetic heading , and
normal acceleration. Because of observa-
bility limitations, these data must be
augmented by assuming zero side-slip angle
and side acceleration. In addition , it is
necessary to provide an estimate of the v
angle-of-attack time history. This can be Cl

done by combining aircraft performance data 13= 0

with other data, as outlined by Bach and
l.Jingrove (1982b).

The transformed plant for this experimen t

is shown in Fig . 3 . Corresponding state
variables for the nonlinear model are
(~, e, 1jJ ), (p, q, r), z, (u, v, w), and
(a x ' ay , a z ); the forcing functions are

2Meta l-foil flight recorders, used on many Fig . 3. Roll and pitch estimation with
airliners and some military aircraft , are on-board measurements and
designed to withstand severe accidents . aircraft performance data .
A Mathemati ca l Model f or Eff i c i ent Es t imation of Aircraft Mot i ons 1 161

(a l , am' an) and (d x , d y ' d z ) . Hence , the The rigid - body aircraft model described in
dimensions for this problem are NF = 13 , this paper has been shown to be a " natural"
m, = 6, ' and NH = 7 . The number of param- formulation for a linearization coordinate
eters was chosen to be NX = 19 . The results transformation . Although not all nonlinear
of this experiment, shown in Table 2 , again systems are transformable, there are probably
indicate that computational savings are many other areas yet to be discovered for
obtained by using the transformed plant; in which the method can be successfully used.
this case, the savings are greater than 30%.
As in the previous experiment, each version
of the algorithm was equally robust and REFERENCES
provided similar fits to the data.
Bach, R.E., Jr . (1980) . A Variational
Technique for Smoothing Flight-Test and
CONCLUDING REMARKS Accident Data . AlAA Atmospheric Flight
Mechanics Conference , Danvers , Mass .,
This paper has shown that the usual formu- Aug . (to appear in AlAA Journal of
lation of the rigid-body equations of motion Aircraft , Aug. 1982).
used for representing an aircraft can be Bach , R. E. , and R.C. Wing rove (1980) .
readily transformed to a plant with a linear Equations for Determining Aircraft
state model . The potential advantage of this Motions from Accident Data. NASA
formulation when used with an algorithm to TM- 78,609.
solve a state-estimation problem is computa- Brockett, E. W. (1978). Feedback Invariants
tional, and depends on the fact that the for Nonlinear Systems. IFAC Congress,
state-Jacobian matrix is constant along any Helsinki .
trajectory . A recently implemented smooth- Brunovsky , P . (1970). A classification of
ing algorithm was chosen as a test-bed for linear controllable systems . Kibernetika
a performance comparison of the two plant (Praka) , 6, 173- 187.
formulations . Two experiments were described Et kin , B. (1972) . Dynamics of Atmospheric
in which the smoothing algorithm was used to Flight. Chaps. 4 and 5 . Wiley , New
estimate aircraft motions along a simulated York .
trajectory. The first experiment , typical Hansen, R. S . (1978). Discrete Extended
of a flight-test data consistency a nalysis , Kalman Filter/Smoother Program for Air-
indicated a savings of more than 25% i n craft and Rotorcraft Data Consistency .
computation time with the linear model . DEFKIS User ' s Guide , NASI-14549 , Systems
Similar results were reported in a second Control, Inc., Palo Alto , Calif ., Jan .
experiment that was typical of an aircraft Hunt , L . R. , and R. Su (1982a) . Global trans -
accident analysis . In that case the compu- formations on nonlinear systems .
tational savings were better than 30% . Submitted to IEEE Trans . Autom . Control .
Hunt , L.R . , and R. Su (1982b). Linear
The design of efficient algorithms for air- Equivalents of Nonlinear Time Varying
craft state estimation is especially impor- Systems . Proceedings of 1981 Inter-
tant in a real- time environment because of national Symposium on Mathematical Theory
word-length and cycle~time limitations of of Networks and Systems (to appear).
flight computers. Choice of a postflight Klein, V., and J . R. Schiess (1977). Compat-
smoothing algorithm as a vehicle for ibility Check of Measured Aircraft
comparing the rigid-body models was one of Responses Using Kinematic Equations and
convenience and expediency: the algorithm Extended Kalman Filter. NASA TN D-3514 .
was available and its performance was well t1yer , G. (1981). The Design of Exact
understood . It should be emphasized , Nonlinear Model Followers . JACC ,
however, that the experimental results of Charlottesville, Va . , June .
that comparison apply directly to the real- Stalford, H. L. (1980). The EBM System
time filtering problem . In fact , implemen- Identification Technique and Its Applica-
tation of the linear-state concept with a tion to High a/B Modeling of Aircraft .
real-time filtering algorithm is currently AlAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics
under study. For an example of such an Conference, Danvers , Mass ., Aug .
application, note that the plant shown in Wingrove, R. C., R. E. Bach , and E. K. Parks
Fig . 3 could also serve as a model for on- (1979) . Aircraft Motion Analysis Using
board, real-time estimation of roll and Limited Flight and Radar Data . Presented
pitch angles. Such estimates could replace at 10th Annual Symposium of the Society of
or supplement corresponding gyroscopic Flight Test Engineers, Las Vegas, Nev . ,
measurements . Alternatively , real-time Sept.
estimates of roll and pitch angles could
be made by adding accelerometer measurements
(ax, ay); the aerodynamic "pseudomeasure-
ments" (a , B) would then not be necessa r y .

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