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🔹 Understanding Hoisting and its impact on variable and function declarations

🔹 The differences between let, const, and var in variable declaration and scope
🔹 Exploring Closures and their practical applications in JavaScript
🔹 Prototypal Inheritance vs. Classical Inheritance: A comparison of object-oriented
🔹 The 'this' keyword in JavaScript and how its value is determined
🔹 Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await: Managing asynchronous operations in
🔹 Diving into ES6 features like Arrow functions, Template literals, and
🔹 Exploring Higher-order Functions and their role in functional programming
🔹 The significance of the Event Loop and Concurrency Model in JavaScript
🔹 Handling errors and exceptions using try...catch blocks in JavaScript
🔹 Deep dive into Array methods like map, filter, reduce, and forEach
🔹 Understanding the concept of Prototypes and how they relate to Objects
🔹 Scope chain and Lexical Scoping: How JavaScript handles variable access
🔹 The difference between == and === in JavaScript for value comparison
🔹 Caching and Memoization techniques for optimizing performance
🔹 JavaScript Design Patterns for writing efficient and maintainable code
🔹 Throttling and Debouncing: Controlling the rate of function execution
🔹 Common array and string manipulation techniques in JavaScript
🔹 Exploring ES modules and their role in modern JavaScript development
🔹 Functional vs. Class Components in React: Choosing the right approach
🔹 JavaScript's new features in ES7, ES8, and beyond
🔹 DOM manipulation and event handling using Vanilla JavaScript
🔹 Understanding CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) and how to handle it
🔹 Implementing data structures like linked lists, stacks, and queues in JavaScript
🔹 The importance of Web APIs and how to work with them in JavaScript
🔹 Unit testing with popular testing frameworks like Jest or Mocha
🔹 JavaScript bundlers and their role in optimizing code for production
🔹 Security best practices for JavaScript applications, including XSS and CSRF
🔹 The concept of currying and partial application in functional programming

📚 Brush up on these concepts and be well-prepared for your JavaScript interview!

Good luck!

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