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1st interview mai

- Fibonacci series (recursion + normal with TC)

- tcp vs udp
- http is stateless or stateful
- cookies,cookies vs local storage
- find sqroot of number even if its not perfect square (linear + logn) approach


- write a code to check whether integer b is a part of integer a without
typecasting integer to string
- water jug problem(you have given 5L & 3L of container you have to fill 4L of
water in container & you have unlimited source of water)
- u r standing in front of 100 floors of building & have 2 eggs
- eggs have a property that till xth floor it will not break
- after x+1 to 100th floor it breaks
- how u will evaluate x ? what is x?
- discuss about projects
- discuss about tech stack that used in frontend,backend(different
projects).How they shown ads?And how it is different from google adsense?


1.5 hour duration

Coding on screenshare

1) Number of paths in a grid (leetcode dp easy)

1) Greatest next number (leetcode I guess)

Input -> 123
Output -> 132

Spiral matrix (on gfg you will find it)

Web dev theory in depth (basis of my dev profile) -> Not for people who haven’t
done (real) internships

3 sql problems (easy ones)

SQL Regex example for spotting characters “ab” in a tuple.

Between (wrote query)
Order by (wrote query)
Group by (theory only)

Explanation on reverse a Linkedlist and palindrome Linkedlist

Dfs BFS theory

What is binary search tree

Depends on interviewer, my interviewer asked theory too others aren’t.

________ 2nd round interview experience

Duration 50 mins

One coding problem on screen share

Remove alternating duplicates from an array (probably leetcode easy)


How session keys work

What happens when we write in a browser (internal working)
Indexing and database Sharding
Some SQL queries related to joins
A brief discussion on the architectural solution (microservices load balancing) of
how adhar card details are fetched by UAIDAI.

Enjoyed it!
Product-based Interviews are always thrilling and interesting as it’s never from a
textbook but from what we work on in real life.

______________ Round 1
1 hour 15 mins duration

Coding questions


Theory questions

1) What are cookies, local and session storage?

2) What are HTTP methods?
3) Explain GET and PUT request.
4) Questions on building an api in ExpressJS.
5) Sessions, SessionID
_____________ Round 2

What is HTTP?
Difference between HTTP & HTTPS.
Is HTTP stateful or stateless? Reason behind it.
Explain git pull and git push.
What does origin stand for in `git pull origin main`?
Difference between abstract classes and interfaces. Use case for both.
Asked about my projects and the working behind them.
What is blockchain? How does it achieve immutability (was in my resume)
Maybe a few more questions which I am unable to recall.


1. Rotate a 2D array 90 degrees clockwise. (In-place solution was preferred)

2. Take a list of numbers

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...(until infinity)
At every i-th iteration, every alternate (i + 1)th element will be eliminated
For example, at iteration 1, every 2nd element will be eliminated which will
result in the following array-
1, 3, 5, 7, 9...
Next iteration, every 3rd element will be discarded
1, 3, 7, 9...
So, the question was given an input 'n', find whether the number 'n' will be
ever discarded or will remain eternally in the array (1, 3, etc will remain forever
in the array and will never be removed)


Um so the first interview they asked some question about Arrays, string reversal
and one more question but idr
Space and time complexities
and second interview, he was giving real life scenarios
Like you have a website hosted, how would you optimize it and make it faster
then you have a DB w a million rows and your manager wants you to run a certain
query periodically, how would you optimize that
indexing etc etc
then gave one question about traversal in BST

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