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Vocabulary test: Companion book p. 15-17

1.Use the right form of the words listed below to fill in the gaps. Be careful, there is an extra
Put (someone down), get on (well) with, leave (someone) out, stand up for, fall out with, go
on about, look out for, take advantage of, have no doubt, make the most of, have a lot in
common (with), have nothing to do with, take someone for granted, make no difference, take
(someone or something) seriously, ambassador
1. I …................. my studies very …........................... because I want to get ahead in life.
2. The captain of the football team was chosen to be a sports ................................... foe
the school.
3. You should tell Sophia to stop … .................. all the time! That’s not how
friends behave!
4. We can see either film - it................................... to me.
5. I …........................... my older sister.
6. I feel that Mike …................... me ............................... and doesn’t appreciate how
much I help him.
7. I didn’t mean to … ............... of the game yesterday, but I couldn’t
find your phone number.
8. My winning the contest ................................…...... the fact that my best friend was a
9. It is important to ........................... your friends when they are in trouble.
10. Sam and I ........................................ .
11. I walked away when Tony started ….........…....................... his new video game again.
12. We’ve got a long weekend coming up, so let’s …...............….................... it and go to
an island.
13. I …................................. Mandy over something silly and now we’re not speaking to
each other.
14. My older brother really ….................................. me when I started my new school.
15. Janet …..................................... the quiet atmosphere at the library and studied there.

2. Fill in the gaps using the appropriate derivative of the word given:

❖ Relevant (n) ….................................. (opp) ….................................

❖ Logical (n) …................................. (opp) …................................
❖ Mature (n) ….................................. (opp) …................................
❖ Moral (n) ….................................. (opp) …..................................
❖ Literate (n) …................................. (opp) …................................

Good luck!

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