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Winter term 2023/2024

Tutorial master: 12- 14/ Monday

Beginning: 16.10.2023, SH 2.102
Sara Akbari:

Start of lectures: October 16, 2023

Semester break (Christmas): December 22, 2023 to January 5, 2024
End of lectures: February 9, 2024
End of semester: March 31, 2024

Session 1
Date: 16.10
Welcome and Icebreaker: Introduce themselves, get to know each other and me. Also, I will
explain what we are going to do during the semester. Also, I can ask their opinion on their
expectations from tutorial. (I will also inform them a bit about hierarchy and how to address
people in institute. Also, I will inform them about the map of the campus and where
different buildings are)
Lunch Together: Share a meal and have more friendly atmosphere.
Learning Goals for Session 1:

Students will become familiar with their fellow classmates. And the course.

Session 2
Date: 23.10
Q&A Session: Students bring up questions.
Credit Points and Exams: Detailed information on how exams work. And get account
Learning Goals for Session 2:

Students will have their questions answered.

Students will understand the credit point system and exam procedures.

Session 3
Date: 30.10
Finding Employment: Discuss job opportunities and scholarships. And other facilities on
campus. Library Tour: Explore the university library.
Learning Goals for Session 3:
Students will gain insights into job opportunities and financial resources and facilities like
sport, ticket …
Students will become familiar with the university library.

Session 4
Date: 6.11
Guest Speaker: Presentation from "Fixing Future."
Learning Goals for Session 4:

Students will learn about the activities of "Fixing Future" and relevant actors.
Students will gain insights into future career prospects, and PhD positions.

Session 5
Date: 13.11
Guest Speaker: Presentation from a master student.
Learning Goals for Session 5:

Students will learn from the experiences of a current master student.

Students will get insights into the master's program. (probably I can invite my classmates)

Session 6
Date: 20.11
Online Tools and Writing: Introduction to helpful writing tools.
Term Paper Guidelines: How to write a term paper effectively. ( I will invite Yasmin )
Learning Goals for Session 6:

Students will acquire skills in using online tools for research and writing.
Students will understand the basics of writing a term paper.

Session 7

Date: 27.11
Guest Speaker: Presentation from a graduate master students (Tessa). Or ( Janine)
Learning Goals for Session 7:

Students will gain insights into the experiences of Tessa, as a master student.
Students will have an opportunity for Q&A.

Session 8

Date: 4.12
Mini Project (if applicable): Briefing on a potential mini project.
Ethnography: Introduction to ethnographic research.
Learning Goals for Session 8:

Students will understand the expectations for a mini project.

Students will gain knowledge of ethnographic research.
Session 9
Date: 11.12
Campus Visit (Tour): Explore the history of the campus. ( if there is a tour)
Learning Goals for Session 9:

Students will learn about the history of the campus.

Students will become more familiar with the university's physical layout.
Session 10

Date: 18.12
Christmas Market Visit: Explore the city's Christmas market.
Learning Goals for Session 10:

Students will have a cultural experience and bond with classmates.

Students will enjoy the holiday season.

Session 11

Date: 8.1
Guest Speaker (Fixing Future) OR STS Kitchen: Another session with a guest speaker or an
STS Kitchen presentation.
Learning Goals for Session 11:

Students will learn about the activities of "Fixing Future" or STS Kitchen.
Students will continue to gain insights into potential career paths.
Session 12

Date: 15.1
Open Consultation Hour: Individual meetings if needed.
Learning Goals for Session 12:

Students will have the opportunity for one-on-one consultations.

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