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Analysis is so much more than just identifying or listing advantages and disadvantages. Analysis is
all about developing reasons, causes, consequences and effects. You need to ensure that in your
paragraphs you develop logical chains of reasoning showing cause(s) and effect(s). This will allow
you to write well developed arguments. It is also vital that your analysis is in context.

A useful technique to help you develop your arguments and to write more analytically. Connectives include:
• As a result • Therefore • This may lead to • Consequently

How and Why

Another simple technique to help you write fully developed lines of analysis and well developed arguments
is HOW and WHY.
For example, look at the argument and line of analysis below in response to the impact of car manufacturer
Nissan operating at 40% capacity utilisation:
‘One impact is that it could result in higher unit costs. Consequently, Nissan
may need to increase its prices’
The above line of analysis and argument lacks depth as it fails to examine:

A HOW this could result in higher unit costs

B WHY Nissan may need to increase prices

C HOW the price increase may impact Nissan

Our Top Tips for Writing Well Developed Arguments

Ensure that your arguments show depth and are underpinned and supported by application,
1 context and data

2 Arguments should have a clear start point and end point and be fully focused on the question

3 Arguments should be developed to their logical conclusion

4 Use models and theories (where appropriate) to support your arguments

Use connectives and discuss the HOW’S and the WHY’S in context. Arguments and analysis
5 should not be simple statements and assertions strung together

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