PMP DriveWayCourse L3

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Lesson 3: Project

management process
By: Yassin Hassan
Project management processes

Initiating process group

Planning process group

Executing process group

Monitoring & controlling process group

Closing process group

6/12/2020 PMP Driveway Course 2

Project management process groups mapping

6/12/2020 PMP Driveway Course 3

Process iterations

6/12/2020 PMP Driveway Course 4

Select Project Manager

Determine company culture & existing systems

Initiating Collect processes, procedures & historical info


Divide large projects to phases

Understand the business case (Why is this project


6/12/2020 PMP Driveway Course 5

Uncover initial requirements & risks

Create measurable objectives

Initiating Develop project charter

Identify stakeholders

Develop stakeholder management strategy

6/12/2020 PMP Driveway Course 6

Determine how you will do planning

Finalize requirements

Create project scope statement

Planning Determine what to purchase

Determine team

Create WBS and WBS Dictionary

Create activity list

6/12/2020 PMP Driveway Course 7

Create network diagram

Estimate resource requirements

Estimate time & cost

Planning Determine critical path

Develop schedule

Develop budget

Determine quality, standards, procedures & metrics

6/12/2020 PMP Driveway Course 8

Create process improvement plan

Determine all roles & responsibilities

Planning Plan communications

risk identification, qualitative and quantitative risk analysis
Perform and risk response planning

Go back - Iterations

6/12/2020 PMP Driveway Course 9

Execute the work according to PM plan

Produce product scope

Request changes

Executing Implement only approved changes

Ensure common understanding

Use the work authorization system

Improve Continuously improve

6/12/2020 PMP Driveway Course 10

Follow processes

Perform quality assurance

Perform quality audits

Executing Acquire final team

Manage people

Evaluate team and project performance

Hold team building activities

6/12/2020 PMP Driveway Course 11

Give recognition and rewards

Use issue logs

Facilitate conflict resolution

process Send and

and receive information

Hold meetings

Select sellers

6/12/2020 PMP Driveway Course 12

Approve or reject Inform stakeholders of Manage configuration
changes approved changes

Create forecasts Gain acceptance from Perform quality

customer control

6/12/2020 PMP Driveway Course 13

Take action to control Measure Determine variances

Monitoring the project performance and if they warrant a

change request


Influence the factors Request changes Perform integrated

that cause changes change control

6/12/2020 PMP Driveway Course 14

Report on project Perform risk
performance audits

Manage reserves Administer


6/12/2020 PMP Driveway Course 15

Confirm work is done as per requirements

Complete procurement closure

Gain formal acceptance

Closing Complete final performance reporting

process Index and archive records

Update lessons learned

Hand-off completed product

Release resources

6/12/2020 PMP Driveway Course 16

Q1: in which process the project
manager can set up a detailed
project budget?

A. When the project manager initiate the project

B. Before the project started
C. During planning process
D. During monitoring the project work

6/12/2020 PMP Driveway Course 17

Q1: in which
process the A. During monitoring and controlling process
B. During the final product delivery
high-level risk C. During the initiating of the project
can be D. During the planning of the project

6/12/2020 PMP Driveway Course 18

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