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SCRIBD sins Resonence” Educating for better tomorrow JEE (Main) PVs SRA ea COMPUTER BASED TEST (CBT) Memory Based Questions & Solutions Date: 13 Apri, 2023 (SHIFT-1) | TIME : (9.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m) Duration: 3 Hours | Max. Marks: 300 SUBJECT: CHEMISTRY Resonance Eduventures Ltd. Fenita - s00s Testo amram femora (a 9 Sten ora sein) 2023 OA PAPER | MEMORY BASED | CHEMISTRY Sens 4. Tre Os atroomtemperatre ()caturess iui, Square pyre (2) Calures gs, Gort T-shaped (3) Coturess ga, Pentagonalbipyranica (8) Votow arn iui, Bort T shaped ans. (1) Sol CH: exouress gud Square pyramidal 2. _Inwhch oftnefotoning process he ondordrhas neared and paramagnete charactor has changed ‘oaemognete? ()NO—» NO 2) 002" GIN ow a0" ans. (1) ‘MOISE | ElGROTI configuration Bond orser Ne ESE OS TS TA Disagree N (S16 69) (os (25> (2% = a> i025 12 Parra or (Gis GF as 28 ah farsa) (STBI=| VEOH =z [Peano oF ane TaF CLaP o2aF Con F = OY ABE] WTO SJ 5 | Paranal oF ene TSF CLEP (°25F CDF A= BPAY ABPE | WALTO= 8) 10 | BiamagneTe We (ce ar a we a a= Tia apr = | AIO —8) 2S | Paarognetc NOLL eto (TS (2 (2aF (P= He Taos | Dianagrate 3. Wat happens when Hopi soli cd te yophotic sol? (1) Coagulation {2} Lyphic et rounded by yophote st (3) Dspersion of Lyopie a (a) Lyopnobie sl srraunded by Lyopic al Ans (8) Sel. Lyechiic colds have 2 uriaue property of prcecnghophobic colds, When @ opi slis aed toe yoanenc eo, tho Wepre paris Tom a layer around yophebe parclos and tus prtect he later em eects 4. ina rat order reaction the ato of Tis 10 Tons Bis. (nitsqyee (2) thas banana bond {2} Dstoeteston posse (@) rac wih water ans. (@) Resonance Eduventures Ltd. hag ce orp. Offe: CG Tower £46852, PIA, Near Cy Mal awa Road Kota) - 24008 Nass 12777, 2770 [RNa 51D? 81222 . Talon: 1608 98 S555 (8 ruootoana Efuon sre Eunesonn ne sotto was dnrond rom Rsonone EE Main) 2023 Sotalonporat PAGES In torazne coordination bond is formed betwoen 8 & N BINH 94:0 > INH BH.BO.* SHO. 6. 129.fcompound ecole 1000 mL sliton Nak eae oem presse ata 005M aose, ‘compound nas emia amuse CHAO and imal fomua {CHO}. Find 9 ans. (6) So Ses ere 22 , 1009 095 "eo we" Molar mass of ompcund = 240, Empirical forma mass = 20 ne Hag 7. Radi of ori of Ho in radi of 4 st of Be ia fn in) @. Whi Lanaiaeeament nas mare value of" lonston energy (uaye @evaca Geet (@oyaye ans. (3) Soi Element etre configuration Eorepum (Eu) Palaver ‘Gada ay Paareaes ‘sore Oy Taare Yeu (VB) 1 erase Tata ay Paar Resonance Eduventures Ltd. hug ce orp. Offe: Cowes £46852, PIA, Near Cy Mal awa Rad Kota) - 24008 Nass 142777, 270 | RNa. 512 8167222 “Tal roe 108 258 $685 68 Taeeet0889 Edm twee [Jie rmrmn EJs erm Eun Tas soition was downlond Wom ResonenceJEE (Main) 2023 Sohaionporit PAGE 82 TUESSEESST | sey) 2023 OnTE: 19.062025 GHWT) [PAPER MEMORY BASED CHEMISTRY 3, — Arvorpane compound's bunt n excess a then COs obiarod 5 07209 & wal Obaned BOTH mass parentage carbon ls 2%, td percentage of ryarogen? set 10, 222-0005 nc +0018 nk 0.126 - 9007, nH= 0.014 mete aa at “een onto Sol. MnO; +5Fo%+8H) stn? +5Fe" = 2H.0 44. Ao+ 82248; a= 2004 ‘A. Bs AB hos bond entiaby inthe rato a6 1: 1. Find Bond entapy of Az Ane. 460 Sok Ate: AB x |e |e 12, Sotenentt: Pemul mets beter hen syne resin method, Sbtsmert I: Synthate resin thot Nis sub (1)Satorent-s Gorect and Stloment=i'sincorect (2) StatomentisIcorect and Statements conect. (3) Bot statement and statement ae corect (a) Bot tstement and etalon a incerect ans. (2) Sol Theor Based 49. Whichlememattod about punfcaton ? (N= Mong process (2)zn-tiquaten (9) Yan ta proces ans. (2) Soh Znseroined mainly by cstaton Resonance Eduventures Ltd. Ph Nos SL 744277777, 27700 | ARNG. +422 38167222 Totagnmare: 50 667 | Wane: ata nema are Tao: 10026855 8 awotons Fiver. [feesnnara Ts soition was ownlond hom ResonenceJEE Moin) 2023 Sohionporit PAGE BS Sumas, TINSSSRECSET | seenain) 2023 /OATE :19-04:2029 (SMIF-1) PAPER | MEMORY BASED | CHEMISTRY, 4. — Sec nooect match (vtiareon cao OVPRPR CC: Co Preorenny basen (tam Bee Ans. Sol Choos is complex tig 15. vinen Be(OH's adden SOM): ten set incoedt stalament (1) Troy wil exbitacid base rescton (2) nthe complex ime bath Be 8 Se are present (3) Beis presen catonc pa of earn (a) Sris present incaone ga of comelex ans (3) Sol S(O, + BOM, —rSqBIOHN or BHOr 16 Equal elume of. 1M Bat: & 02M NaF oe mized fa vale of 80" F-FMer? 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Offe:C Tower £46452, 1A, Near Cy Mal award Kota) - 24008 Nas sS1 12777, 2770 | ARN. 51022817222 Touma: 50 867 | Webbe: ata mal circ | CM LEOERAAALCOTS Tea oe: 00 388599 8 Toaot00ts Ldsoss, Efssesrmmrnse Efesaenens Closes Ts soition was ownlond hom ResonenceJEE (Main) 2023 Sohionporit PAGES TINGESSOECSE | sex nain) 2023 /OATE :19-04:2029 (SHIFT) PAPER | MEMORY BASED | CHEMISTRY, » He oat x 8 (1) AandB both ae Smee ring (2)Aand Boon are Smemberes ng (5) Oni ais Smemberes ning. (3) One ng & Pramerod rng. ans. (1) Ring sxoancion, | so m Rearangement = ie x e HON 21. cyceratehyde HOH protic (1) One product optical inacve and one preduct meso. (2) One product optcalyaeive dane proauct meso. (3) Ban peauct are opal active (@) Bot reduc are optical inacive ans (2) oon oo 2 aR HS ex ‘cooH Sek toon wa. f% a HoH Cheon chon H -00H notn | toon cH.0H HOH oon pean wot Hon Hon * Hf on 00H coon 22, The onset nah of he gym and ha cage LLNS, Ty [Netrareoer B) Ci: poy map iy copeetacuns (| Vateunaised Rubber (al Coss image 0) | Patyenoropere ts) _[Nesorene Resonance Eduventures Ltd. ag ce Carp. Oe: CG Tower £46852, Nery Mal awa Road ote) 324005, Noss 12777, 270 | ARN. S12 81? Toure: = 0 Ge | Webn:aas.n|malanasesse in| EM LSA Taree 100 2583599 5 Tasotoss Ldsoss, Eyosesrnee Efesarn Closwmne Tis sohition was downlond hom ResonenceJEE Main) 2003Sohtionporat PAGE SS (ESESCSCE | seegnn) 2025) ATE + 1062025 FT) PA one mA o 2A) —€ 8) 0:46) B)—(%) (3)(A)=(0)18)-(0:()-(0):0)-0) (491A): (8) 00) (6)~ (0 )~ 08) ans @) 23, which camoaund tas maximum dipole momentum? KT OD of e Ans. o Sol > Je tonring become Aromat tht why mest paler compounds (_ ro opty roa i e 0. re @ 17“ ‘ io oon NANO @ = 4c ta cece com Cro Resonance Eduventures Ltd. ug Oe Cor. OMe: CG Tower, £4552, PA, Nes Cy Mal awa Rad Koa) 24008 ‘PR Nass 72777, 2700 | AN. 1512238167222 Toegumre: RS 2867 | Weiter mal are | CM LSOSPAPLCDIS Tale: 106 258895 13 Yoeov06s T= a This soition was downlond hom ResonenceiEE Main) 2023Soldion port PAGE BS TINSSSSCECSE | seen) 2023 OnE :19-06:2029 (SMIF-1) PAPER | MEMORY BASED | CHEMISTRY, 25, 2tahypropyttronico—] EH Cerreet opt or product A aad 8 (A iobutl thyt ethe St (Bt tr By eer Sot (2) Albu ty the Sed 1B~Etny te Buy eher—Saa (9) A lobule Se 1B Et tr Buy ether-Sat (3) Albu ty athe Set 18 ety tor Buy) ether Su2 we 1) pol a, ag i oo we ts He Prete Aone awit ° Ce AK wc Ans. (2) sa cere tie to 4 <>, iver, Resonance Eduventures Ltd. 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