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Children’s Welfare

“A child’s good health and happiness all lies in a world of welfare”


A child can be said as a happy, sad or a deprived child. All of this

belongs to children’s welfare. Children’s Day is dedicated into keeping a
child happy and carefree. Children’s day is a day when parents spoil
their children by giving them numerous items and sweets to keep their
child happy. Children can be kept healthy and happy at home by doing
numerous activities such as: football, basketball, scrabble, chess or any
other activity. If a child is incapable of doing outdoor activities, then at
least the child should dedicate his time to some indoor games that
requires a thinking skill. By means of doing this the child will remain
happy and healthy in mind or body. ‌Parents should at most dedicate an
hour each day to be with their children. By this way the parents soon
could get to know about the woes and worries of their children and find
ways to solve them. All children should have the right to express their
own thoughts and feelings. If a child cannot express his/her feelings or
emotions they might become isolated from the public and may result in
a personal change in behavior. Parents should notice these changes in
their child and try to prevent those particular changes happening.

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