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Fuel is one of the most widely used sources of energy in

the world.
Greetings to all
Most fuels are natural substances such as petrol, diesel
and natural gases which are either extracted straight
from the earth or produced by refining substances such
as petroleum. Energy produced by burning fuels has
many applications such as powering vehicles, ships and
airplanes as well as providing electricity for homes and
buildings. Because of its widespread uses, fuel is a critical
component of the global economy. Since these fuels are
natural- based they go out of availability as we use. This
is called as a non-renewable source. As a solution for this
problem we should use renewable energy sources such
as solar power and hydro power as much as possible.
This fuel source does not produce toxic gases that harm
the environment. Hence they are known as
environmental friendly.
Next, I would like to invite my friend Menuga to tell you
about water. Thank you.

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