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Digital literacies refer to the skills, knowledge, and attitudes required to effectively use digital
technologies to access, manage, evaluate, and create information. Digital literacies are becoming
increasingly important in today’s digital age for several reasons. One of the reasons is the access
to information.

Digital technologies have made it easier than ever to access information from various sources.
Digital literacies enable individuals to navigate and evaluate the vast information available
online effectively. Digital literacies can have a significant impact on our identity. For example,
our digital identity is a representation of ourselves online. Digital literacy skills enable us to
manage and protect our digital identity, which is essential for our personal and professional
reputation. Digital literacies play a significant role in shaping our online identity and can impact
how others perceive us. Developing strong digital literacy skills can help us manage and protect
our digital identity and participate effectively in the digital world.

Find The Meaning!

Refer to : menunjukan Reputation : reputasi

Required : membutuhkan Significant : besar
Increasingly : sangat Impact : dampak
Various : berbagai macam Perceive : melihat
Navigate : mengarahkan Developing : mengembangkan
Available : tersedia
Representation : perwakilan
Essential : penting

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