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Summative Assessment – I, 2011


Class - X

Maximum Marks: 80
Time: 3 hours


The question paper is divided into four sections.

Section A: Reading 20 marks

Section B: Writing 20 marks
Section C: Grammar 20 marks
Section D: Literature 20 marks

(Reading – 20 Marks)

Q1. Read the following passage carefully: (5 marks)

My late husband Albert was on the front line of polio research. In 1961, 30
years after he began studying polio, his oral vaccine was introduced in the
United States and distributed widely. Forty years since polio has been
eradicated in the Western Hemisphere, the WHO reports, that with a full-
scale effort, polio could be eliminated from the rest of the world too.

Without animal research, polio would be claiming thousands of lives each

year. Animals are needed to test every new batch of vaccine that is
produced for today‟s children. Animal activists claim that vaccines really
didn‟t end the epidemic ---that, with improvements in social hygiene, polio
was dying out anyway, before the vaccines were developed. This is untrue.
In fact, advanced sanitation was responsible in part for the dramatic rise in
the number of paralytic polio cases in the 50s. Improvements in sanitation
practices reduced the rate of infection, and the average age of those infected
by the polio virus went up. Older children and young adults were more
likely than infants to develop paralysis from their exposure to the polio

The polio-free generations have grown up to be doctors, teachers, business

leaders, government officials and parents. Cancer, heart disease, strokes
and AIDS are far more lethal realities to them now than polio. Yet, those
who support an „animal rights‟ agenda that would cripple research and halt
medical science in its tracks are slamming the door on the possibilities of
new treatments and cures.

by Heloisa Sabin

Complete the following statements by choosing the most appropriate

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options from the ones given below :

(a) Polio has been eradicated __________.

(i) from the whole world

(ii) only from the Western Hemisphere

(iii) from nowhere

(iv) United States and Europe only

(b) Animal research __________.

(i) has helped a great deal in bringing down the number of polio

(ii) has aggravated the situation

(iii) has impeded progress

(iv) none of the above

(c) The word in the passage which means „closing/shutting‟ is


(i) studying

(ii) claiming

(iii) dying

(iv) slamming

(d) Polio-free generations __________.

(i) have not carved a niche for themselves

(ii) have made a mark in many professions

(iii) have a dismal future

(iv) none of the above

(e) The oral vaccine was first introduced in __________.

(i) Asia

(ii) Africa

(iii) South America

(iv) The United States

Q2. Read the following passage carefully: (5 marks)

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When he came to be named the oldest man in town, Rao‟s age was estimated
anywhere between ninety and one hundred and five. He, had, however, lost
count of time long time ago and abominated birthdays; especially after his
eightieth, when his kinsmen from everywhere came down in a swarm and
involved him in elaborate rituals, and with blaring pipes and drums made a
public show of his attaining eighty. The religious part of it was so strenuous that
he was laid up for fifteen days thereafter with fever. During the ceremony they
poured pots of cold water, supposedly fetched from sacred rivers, over his head
and forced him to undergo a fast, while they themselves feasted gluttonously. He
was so fatigued at the end of the day that he could hardly pose for a group photo ,
but flopped down in his chair, much to the annoyance of the photographer, who
constantly withdrew his head from under the black hood to plead, “ Steady,
please.” Finally, he threatened to pack up and leave unless they propped up the
old gentleman. There were seventy-five heads to be counted in the group –All
Rao‟s descendents one way or another. The photographer insisted upon splitting
the group, as otherwise the individuals would be microscopic and
indistinguishable on a second plate. That meant that after a little rest Rao had to
be propped up a second time in the honoured seat. When he protested against
the entire ceremony, they explained. “ It‟s a propitiatory ceremony to give you
health and longevity.”


Complete the following statements by selecting the most appropriate options

from the ones given below:
(a) The old man’s relatives held a ceremony :
(i) to celebrate his eightieth year in town
(ii) to enjoy rituals
(iii) for his good health and long life
(iv) None of the above
(b) The elaborate celebrations resulted in Mr. Rao :
(i) catching fever
(ii) fasting for fifteen days
(iii) posing for too many photographs
(iv) feeling annoyed and turning violent
(c) Mr. Rao flopped down in his chair because :
(i) The photographer was pleading before him
(ii) The photographed threatened to pack up and leave
(iii) He was too fatigued to pose for a photo
(iv) All of the above.
(d) The word that means the same as ‘hated’ is :
(i) fatigued
(ii) abominated
(iii) propitiatory
(iv) gluttonously
(e) Mr. Rao had ________ descendents.
(i) seventy five
(ii) two
(iii) eighty
(iv) fifteen

Q3. Read the following poem carefully: (5 marks)

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The earth was green, the sky was blue
I saw and heard one sunny morn
A skylark hang between the two
A singing speck above the corn.
A stage below in gay accord
White butterflies danced on wing
And still the singing skylark soared
And silent sank and soared to sing.
The cornfield stretched a tender green
To right and left beside my walks
I knew he had a nest unseen
Somewhere among the million stalks.
And as I paused to hear his song
While swift the sunny moments slid
Perhaps his mate sat listening long
And listened longer than I did.
Complete the statements given below :
(a) The skylark sang when __________.
(b) While singing, the skylark looked like __________.
(c) The skylark rose upwards and upwards __________.
(d) The nest of the skylark was __________.
(e) The word in the passage which means „stopped‟ is __________.
(i) paused (ii) listened
(iii) heard (iv) dancer

Q4. Read the following passage carefully: (5 marks)

Weight Loss Secrets :

The obsession with weight loss and the hidden desire of attaining that wafer thin
model-like figure has created a billion dollar industry, the world over. A large
number of companies in the health industry have tried to develop new concepts.
Each new idea or concept is touted as the „best‟ weight loss supplement or one
that has been able to unearth the secret behind weight loss.

Just as there is no short cut to success, there is no short cut to weight loss. We all
know that obesity has increased tremendously with the increase in technology
and automation. It was hard to find people who were obese in the olden days
since work involved physical effort and exercise. The only overweight people
where those who were genetically predisposed or those who suffered from a
disease like thyroid malfunction.

The secret losing weight is to lose it naturally by burning more calories than you
consume. This needs to be done by exercise and by controlling the amount of
intake. Do consume the necessary amount of nutrients that are required by the

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The body needs all nutrients to maintain health. Denial of any one can lead to an
unacceptable level of a required nutrient – a situation that can lead to an adverse
change in the metabolic rate, disease and inhibited growth. Assuming that
popping in a pill will lead to weight loss is foolhardy. The only secret of weight
loss is to eat a balanced diet, stay away from junk food and stick to an active
lifestyle, which includes exercising daily for at least thirty minutes.

Questions :

(a) What do the health companies claim about their weight – loss products ?

(b) What adverse effects does the author warn of regarding the crash diet ?

(c) Why was it difficult to see an obese person in the past ?

(d) What is the best way to lose weight according to the author ?

(e) Find the word that means the opposite of: lethargic.

(Writing – 20 Marks)

Q5. Given below is a profile of J.K. Rowling, the popular creator of Harry Potter. Write (4 marks)
a short bio-sketch in about 80 words with the help of the clues given below.

Age : around 46 years

Family status : one elder sister, two years older

Education : attended primary school, attended Exeter


Marital status : married a journalist, has one daughter

Aim : to complete Harry Potter series and publish

Happiest moment : Arthur A Levine Books/Scholastic Press bought the

American rights to the first „Harry Potter‟; received
enough money to write full time.Why she is

Q6. Write a letter to your friend describing the educational tour that you went on and (8 marks)
how you enjoyed it. You may mention the places visited, how you travelled, who
accompanied you; description of the places; their educational value etc.(120 words)

Q7. It was the festival of spring. One little boy ran as his father called out to him. He (8 marks)
had lagged behind as he was fascinated by the toys in the shop. He hurried
towards his parents his feet obedient to the call but suddenly __________

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(Complete the story using your imagination in about 150 words).

(Grammar – 20 Marks)

Q8. Complete the following passage by choosing the correct options from the given (4 marks)
clues :

The pride of ownership(a)__________ made man the most cruel animal

(b)__________ the world. He (c) __________ palatial buildings and big cities on
the (d)__________ of small creatures and other burrow dwellers.

(a) (i) has (ii) had

(iii) have (iv) has been

(b) (i) in (ii) around

(iii) of (iv) on

(c) (i) has built (ii) built

(iii) had built (iv) builds

(d) (i) habitat (ii) abodes

(iii) living places (iv) ant hill

Q9. Choose the most appropriate options to complete the dialogue given below. (4 marks)

(a) Neetu : Mom, (a) _________ to visit my friend, Veena ?

Mother: (b) ______________ your home work ?

Neetu :No, not yet : I will complete it after I return

Mother : (c) ____________ to go ?

Neetu : I (d) ____________ some notes from her

(a) (i) if I go to (ii) may I go

iii) shall I go (iv) could I go

(b) (i) had you completed

(ii) should you complete

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(iii) have you completed

(iv) whether you completed

( c) (i) How do you want (ii) Why do you want

(ii) What do you want (iv) When do you want

(d) (i) will borrow (ii) have to borrow

(iii) would have borrowed (iv) had to borrow

Q10. Rearrange the following words or phrases into meaningful sentences. (4 marks)

(a) eradicated/face of / small pox/ vaccination/from/ the/ the earth

(b) lessened / other childhood / the horrors / it has also / of / like polio and
mumps / diseases

(c) vaccination/is achieved/immunity/An overall/by

(d) believed/ develop/it is also/ children/immunity/natural/ that

Q11. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. (4 marks)
Write the incorrect word and correction in your answer sheet against the
correct blank number. Remember to underline the words you have supplied.

Here is a old story Eg. a -an

which may entertained you. One (a) __________

day the discussion arose in the (b) __________

British parliament for the (c) __________

difference among the words `tragedy‟ (d) __________

and `calamity‟. Benjamin Disraeli says (e) __________

to Gladstone, “If you was to fall (f) __________

on the Thames and drown that (g) __________

can be a tragedy. If someone (h) __________

saved you that would be a calamity”.

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Q12. Read the news items given below. Use the information in the headlines to (4 marks)
complete the sentences. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the
correct blank numbers.

(a) Jaspal Rana wins Centre- Fire Gold

India‟s medal tally went up when a gold medal __________ in the Centre -
Fire pistol.

(b) Police recover illicit liquor

Delhi police reports that 15 crates of __________ by them from three

persons at Timarpur in New Delhi today.

(c) Tatas order enquiry into the DTC bus fires.

An enquiry into the DTC bus fires __________ by the Tata Motor

(d) Idols immersed in Ganga.

The ten-day Puja festival comes to an end today with __________ in the

(Literature – 20 Marks)

Q13. (A) Read the extract and answer the following questions by choosing the most (3X2=6marks)
appropriate options.
“ That‟s not much to boast about,”

Said the heartless frog, “without

Proper training such as I

And few others – can supply

You‟ll remain a mere beginner,

But with me you‟ll be a winner.”

(1) Name the writer of these lines.

(a) P.B. Shelly

(b) Vikram Seth

(c) Sylvia Plath

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(d) Nissim Ezekiel

(2) Why is the frog referred to as ` heartless‟?

(a) Because he treats the nightingale very badly

(b) Because he uses very bitter words to criticize the nightingale‟s song

(c) Because he speaks ill of other creatures

(d) All of the above

(3) What trait of the frog is brought out in these lines ?

(a) He is a heartless creature

(b) He is taking undue advantage of the innocent nightingale.

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

Don‟t show your ignorance, Ben. All artistic things are second hand. Look at
those artists.

(a) Who is the speaker?

(i) Mrs Jordan (ii) Henry

(iii) Victoria (iv) Amelia

(b) The artistic thing being referred to here is a _________

(i) chest of drawers (ii) bureau

(iii) clock (iv) watch

(c) The speaker made this remark because he/she _________

(i) did not want them to know it was cheap

(ii) loved it
(iii) did not want them to know it was father‟s
(iv) did not like it

(B) “For several days Ali had not come to the post -office. There was no one
with enough sympathy or understanding to guess the reason, but all were
curious to know what had stopped the old man.”

(a) Why did Ali come to the post office ?

(b) Why had Ali stopped coming to the post office ?

(c) Why were all curious to know ?

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Q14. Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each : (2X4=8 marks)

(a) How were the boys useful to the author in “Two Gentlemen of Verona” ?

(b) In what way did the villagers help Mrs. Packletide shoot the tiger ?

(c) The postmaster says to Ali, “What a pest you are brother!”Do you agree
with the statement. Give reasons for your answer.

(d) The poet says that neither forces of nature nor wars can destroy his poetry.
What quality of the poet is revealed through these lines ?

(e) In what way is the play, The Dear Departed satirical. Comment on the
nature of human beings.

Q15. Answer any one of the following in about 150 words (6 marks)
Imagine you are the mirror. Make a diary entry on a day in your life.

It‟s a marvel how Louisa manages to do it- is the general verdict. Describe the
circumstances which led to this verdict.

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