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Summative Assessment – I, 2011


Class - X

Maximum Marks: 80
Time: 3 hours


The question paper is divided into four sections.

Section A: Reading 20 marks

Section B: Writing 20 marks
Section C: Grammar 20 marks
Section D: Literature 20 marks

(Reading – 20 Marks)

Q1. Read the following passage carefully: (5 marks)


Christie was probably the most successful writer in history. She wrote 78 crime
novels, six other novels, 150 short stories, four non-fiction books and 19 plays.
That represents two billion books sold: more than William Shakespeare!

Christie became a writer by accident. She was bored when her husband was away
in the First World War. Agatha was working in a hospital dispensary (which is
where she learned all the information about poisons that she used in her books).
She decided to write a novel to pass the time. She chose a detective novel because
she loved reading them. Her first novel, the Mysterious Affair at Styles, was an
instant success. Each book had a new ingenious plot. Readers loved the books,
particularly because Christie always gave the readers all the information they
needed to find the solution.

Christie loved travelling. When she became rich she could go all over the world.
She used the travels in her writing. Agatha Christie died in 1976, but her stories
are still immensely popular. Many have been adapted for film or television.

(a) Christie was a __________

(i) famous singer (ii) famous writer

(iii) famous dancer (iv) famous actress

(b) She knew a lot of things about poisons because __________

(i) her father was a doctor.

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(ii) she was ill.

(iii) her husband was a doctor in world war I.

(iv) none of the above.

(c) The title of her first book was __________.

(i) “The Mysterious Affair at Styles”

(ii) “War”

(iii) “The Mysterious Prison”

(iv) “The Body in the Library”

(d) The readers like her novels because __________

(i) they could find who was guilty.

(ii) her books contained great love stories.

(iii) the story was easy to understand.

(iv) her stories were full of action.

(e) When she became rich she __________

(i) travelled a lot (ii) ate a lot.

(iii) drank a lot. (iv) spent a lot.

Q2. Read the following passage carefully: (5 marks)

Good deeds aren‟t just good for the soul – they may be key to our survival
Sunil, an artist, read a newspaper report about the plight of a 10th standard school
girl. Her school had demanded Rs 10,000 excursion fee. But her father, a driver,
couldn‟t afford it, the report went on, and didn‟t want his daughter to go on the
trip. But the school authorities said they‟d hold back the girl‟s SSC hall ticket if she
didn‟t pay. So the father managed to borrow money and pay the school, just
before the exams.
Sunil (name changed) got the father‟s phone number from the newspaper and
invited him over to his work place for a meeting. “It was an injustice done,” Sunil
told the stranger after hearing the story again, this time first hand. “But I want you
to forget about it. Here is 10,000 rupees. I got it for some drawings I just did. I
want you to accept it.”
The newspaper, learning about this from the girl‟s father, wanted to write about
Sunil‟s deed as a follow up story. But Sunil refused.
“It wasn‟t just about the money, “explains Sunil, “but I found that this man had
lost his faith in the people. I wanted him to be happy and know that this world is
not such a bad place after all. It must have made a difference to him, but parting
with the cash has made no difference to my life. Meeting the man, I could learn
about his hardships and aspirations. A driver doing temporary jobs, he was also a
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good cook and hoped some day to start his own restaurant near a highway.
Months later, he called to tell me that his daughter had done well in the SSC. He
sounded happy. Actually, what I think I did was a bit selfish too, because I did it
for my own happiness as well.”
Complete the following sentences by choosing answers from the options given
below :
The girl‟s father could not __________ (a) __________ a driver. But the school
authorities __________ (b) __________ so the father managed __________ (c)
__________ just before the exams. When Sunil heard this he was really touched.
He __________ (d) __________ and wanted him to accept it.
(a) (i) pay as he was
(ii) afford as he was
(iii) afford to send his daughter for the trip as he was a
(iv) send his daughter as he was a

(b) (i) forced the father

(ii) requested that
(iii) insisted that they‟d hold back her SSC hall ticket if she didn‟t pay
(iv) abused saying that they‟d hold back her SSC hall ticket if she didn‟t

(c) (i) to make arrangements and pay the school

(ii) to beg and pay the school
(iii) to lend money and pay the school
(iv) borrow money

(d) (i) rang the father and expressed his concern

(ii) invited the father, offered him material help
(iii) invited the father for a meeting
(iv) rang the father to find out what the matter was

(e) Find the word in the passage that means the same as :
„unfortunate condition‟ (Para 1)
(i) destitution (ii) catastrophe
(iii) plight (iv) deplorable

Q3. Read the following poem carefully: (5 marks)

1. Life is complex, and full of shocks;

And no one is immune;

We have to live in grass or rocks;

And dance to His sweet tune,

2. We seldom know, what next day brings;

Thus should not lose this day;

This gives us hope that we can cope;

The future shocks this way.

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3. For what we sow, that will we grow;

And that we have to eat;

Then why we wait and get much late;

And why we ourselves cheat.

4. This day we got, and made it rot;

Then how our dreams can glow;

We can‟t reach home, if just we roam;

Or if go wrong or slow

5. Thus, everyday, that comes our way;

We give it due respect;

It builds good fate so makes us great

To get peace, do good act.

6. Let world go wrong, let it hate song;

Our heart no one can rule;

So keep just going, to His will bowing

And just let things go cool.

(a) The following message – „No one is used to the complexities of Life‟ is
given by stanza no. __________.

(b) According to the poet we work according to __________.

(c) To lead a peaceful life we should __________ to others.

(d) The synonym of the word „wander‟ in the poem is __________.

(e) Life can just go cool if __________ to God‟s will.

Q4. Read the following passage carefully: (5 marks)

Spitting to Survive

Spit keeps our mouths moist and softens our food when we chew. Without spit in
our mouths, we would have a hard time talking. We would find it even harder to
swallow. But for some animals, spit works better after it has left the mouth. Some
animals are experts at surviving because they are expert spitters.

Llamas are animals often found in zoos and farms. These animals seem to like
their personal space. A llama that feels threatened or annoyed will spit slimy gobs
at you to get you to leave it alone.

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Sometimes llamas even spit on each other to steal food! This trick usually works,
because llama spit includes food from the llama‟s stomach, and it can be quite
smelly. When a llama spits on another animal, the animal usually loses its appetite
and walks away, leaving its food behind.

The archer fish is a very skilled spitter. This fish is like a submarine with a loaded
weapon. It takes aim and spits jets of water at insects and other small creatures to
knock them into the water. Then it gulps them down quickly. To create such a
forceful stream of water, an archer fish closes its gills, and uses its tongue to form
a tube in its mouth. Then the fish sticks its snout out of the water and aims. Aim!
Launch! Lunch!

Spitting cobras are also known for their expert aim. These snakes spray poisonous
venom from their fangs to protect themselves. Scientists believe that these snakes
actually aim for the eyes! When the cobra‟s venom gets into the eyes of an animal,
the venom causes terrible pain, and even blindness. This gives the snake plenty of
time to get away. Spitting is considered to be rude behaviour in people. But for
some animals, spitting can be a smart way to get lunch – or a clever way to avoid
becoming lunch!

Complete the following sentences in a suitable manner.

(a) Spit helps humans to keep their mouths __________

(b) The Archer fish captures insects by __________

(c) A Llama might spit __________

(d) A Cobra can protect itself by __________

(e) The author‟s purpose for writing this passage is to __________

(Writing – 20 Marks)

Q5. Use the notes given in the box below to write a paragraph of about 80 words on (4 marks)
„Misuse of Pavements‟.

Pavement for people to walk on.

Display of goods from roadside shops.
Hawker stalls on the increase.
Roads widened in a few places to prevent
Ice cream Vendors and Pani puri vendors.
Traffic congestion on the increase.

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Q6. The Commonwealth Games are round the corner. There is hectic sprucing up of (8 marks)
Delhi and construction work going on. Is it only at these times that we are
awakened from deep sleep to make a mark in the international arena where
beautification and facilities are concerned?
Write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your views. (120 words)

Q7. The recent news report that CBSE is going to launch a „Healthy Food Habits‟ drive (8 marks)
in all its schools is a welcome one. Madhavi, a class X student has been asked to
deliver a speech in the morning assembly on the importance of healthy food habits
among teenagers as they are the future of our country. Prepare her speech in
about 150 words.

(Grammar – 20 Marks)

Q8. Fill in the blanks with the help of given alternatives. (4 marks)
When we (a)_________ anything we always have to keep in mind our
(b)_________. After all, except as an exercise, there would be little point in writing
anything if it (c)_________ not going to benefit someone or the (d)_________.
(a) (i) decide
(ii) undertake
(iii) rectify
(iv) write
(b) (i) viewpoint
(ii) reader
(iii) information
(iv) ideas
(c) (i) was
(ii) had
(iii) would
(iv) is
(d) (i) other
(ii) another
(iii) heinous
(iv) sundry

Q9. Choose the most appropriate options to complete the dialogue given below: (4 marks)

The Land lady : Hello! Mr. Maxim Gorky. (a) well?

Maxim Gorky : Not too good. The bugs (b) .

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Land lady : Bugs in my inn ! You (c) find a single bug here.

Maxim Gorky. I agree. None of them (d) . They are all married and
have large families.

(a) (i) Did you sleep

(ii) Have you

(iii) Were you

(iv) Didn‟t

(b) (i) made me get up

(ii) kept me awake

(iii) made me got up

(iv) made me awake

(c) (i) cannot

(ii) do not

(iii) may not

(iv) won‟t

(d) (i) is single

(ii) are single

(iii) were

(iv) is alone.

Q10. Rearrange the jumbled words and phrases to form meaningful sentences : (4 marks)

health/leads to/ happiness/ early/ and/ rising

rises late/ one who/ during the day/ little rest/ can have

compelled/ who lies/ to work / is/ till late/ in bed late/ anyone

overwork/ those/ themselves/ health/ who/ ruin/ their.

Q11. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. (4 marks)
Write the incorrect word and correction in your answer sheet against the correct
question number. Remember to underline the words you have supplied.

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Error Correction

Bernard Shaw or Chesterton were Eg. or – and

known to having jokes at each (a)____________

other‟s expense. Once they faces (b)____________

one other in a corridor. Chesterton (c)____________

stood her ground and firmly said, (d)____________

“I did not give way to fools.” (e)____________

Shaw must not be easily browbeaten. (f)____________

He moved aside and said on a (g)____________

flourish at his hand, “But I do”. (h)____________

Q12. Below are given some steps for an experiment to prove that unlike charges (4 marks)
attract each other. Complete the paragraph given below, using suitable words.

 Take a hard rubber rod and a piece of flannel.

 Electrify the rod by rubbing it with flannel.
 Suspend the rod with a silk thread.
 Electrify a glass rod by rubbing it with silk cloth
 Bring the glass rod near the suspended rubber rod.
 The glass rod would attract the rubber rod.
First of all, a hard rubber rod and a piece of flannel are taken. The rod is, then,
(a)__________ by rubbing it with flannel. The rod is suspended with a silk thread.
A glass rod is, then, (b)__________ by rubbing it with silk cloth. The glass rod
(c)__________ near the suspended rubber rod. The rubber rod (d)__________ by
the glass rod.

(Literature – 20 Marks)

Q13. (A) Read the extract and answer the following questions by choosing the most (3x2=6 marks)
appropriate options.
You must make your public happier:

Give them something sharper snappier

We must aim for better billings

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You still owe me sixty shillings”

(a) Who says these words?

(i) the frog

(ii) the titled crowd

(iii) the ladies with tiaras

(iv) the nightingale

(b) The speaker asks for sixty shillings ________.

(i) for training the nightingale

(ii) for singing to the creatures of the bog

(iii) for making the public happy

(iv) for killing the nightingale

(c) The rhyme scheme of these lines is

(i) abab (ii) abcd (iii) abba (iv) aabb

“He was staring with wide open eyes at the doorway from which Ali had
disappeared. Where could he have gone ? At last he turned to Lakshmi Das.
“Yes, I was speaking to Ali.” He said.
(a) Who is `He‟ in the first line mentioned in the above extract ?
(i) Lakshmi Das
(ii) Postmaster
(iii) One of the clerks
(iv) Coachman Ali
(b) The speaker realises later that ____________.
(i) he was speaking to the coachman Ali who had come to collect the
(ii) he was speaking to the ghost of Ali
(iii) he was sleeping and saw Ali only in his dream
(iv) he was trying to clarify things with coachman Ali (alive)
(c) Lakshmi Das came there ______________.
(i) because he had heard the Postmaster‟s words as he came towards
the office from another quarter
(ii) because the Postmaster called him
(iii) to see coachman Ali
(iv) to give all the letters to the postmaster
B. Read the extract given below nd answer the questions that follow :
Don‟t show your ignorance, Ben. All artistic things are second hand.
Look at those artists.

(a) Who is the speaker?

(i) Mrs Jordan (ii) Henry

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(iii) Victoria (iv) Amelia

(b) The artistic thing being referred to here is a _________

(i) chest of drawers (ii) bureau

(iii) clock (iv) watch

(c) The speaker made this remark because he/she _________

(i) did not want them to know it was cheap

(ii) loved it

(iii) did not want them to know it was father‟s

(iv) did not like it

Q14. Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each : (2X4=8 marks)

(a) How were the boys useful to the author in “Two Gentlemen of Verona” ?

(b) In what way did the villagers help Mrs. Packletide shoot the tiger ?

(c) The postmaster says to Ali, “What a pest you are brother!”Do you agree
with the statement. Give reasons for your answer.

(d) The poet says that neither forces of nature nor wars can destroy his poetry.
What quality of the poet is revealed through these lines ?

(e) In what way is the play, “The Dear Departed” satirical. Comment on the
nature of human beings.

Q15. Answer the following in about 150 words (6 marks)

You are Miriam who on returning to your hometown learn that your father is no
more. Overwhelmed by grief you wish to share your thoughts with a friend. As
Miriam, write a letter to Muneerah, in not more than 150 words, expressing your
feeling of guilt and regret.

Imagine you are the mirror. Make a diary entry on a day in your life.

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