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StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

Copyright ©2022 Precious Greg.

All rights reserved.

You're obliged to share this Book to as many

people as possible. Even though it is completely
FREE and at no cost, the content of the Book
shows you how to write stories that can cause a
huge shift in your sales.

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

Hey!!! I can't contain my joy, seeing that you not

just grabbed your copy of the STORYSELLING
SECRETS but you actually took the time out of
your busy schedule to see what it has to offer.

This means a lot! And it's only wise that I make

this read completely worth your precious time.

And one more thing, ensure you read this Book

till the end as there is a sensational package I
have for you in the end.

Let's call it my gift to you for reading

STORYSELLING SECRETS but you'll only get it at
the end of the Book.

So sit still and let's get on a ride!

Just before we get into the meat of the matter,

I'd love to tell you a story…

It's a story you've probably read somewhere or

maybe not.

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

Sometime ago, a New York Times journalist once

set out to prove the power of storytelling with a
mind-blowing experiment.

Here's what he did...

He gathered 200 cheap items, the average cost

of each item was $1.25 and he bought all of
them at $197.

These items were not just cheap but they were

ordinary and things you could get from any local

Some of the items were: plastic bananas, an old

wooden mallet or what you know as a hammer,
even plastic keys, etc.

Do you see how almost irrelevant they are too?

They had no intrinsic value whatsoever.

Next thing he did was...

He got 200 professional authors to write a story

about each of the items.

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

Afterwards, he auctioned the items on eBay with

the stories added to their descriptions.

What happened?

The same items he bought for about $197 in

total; after adding the stories to their

He sold all of them for a total of nearly $8,000!

That's a whopping $7,803 difference and a

markup of more than 6,300%!

For example, one of the items, a small plastic

sculpture of a horse's head, which the journalist
bought for exactly 99 cents.

It was purchased at $62.95 when sold with a


How incredible is that?!

Were the buyers gullible or stupid? Definitely not!

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

The simple answer is that stories add value

because they tap into our emotions.

We, as humans, are swayed by stories especially

when it is done right.

Stories are the best way to capture our hearts.

That should give you a hint of how pivotal

Storytelling is in Marketing, Sales, Business or
any form of Persuasion.

In fact, it is important in our everyday life


Now, what is Storytelling?

As you may already know, Storytelling is simply

the act of telling stories.

It's how we create bonds.

It's communicating and establishing powerful

human connections in a sales pitch, a speech,

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

With all said, you should already understand

what the term STORYSELLING is.

It's basically selling with stories, which is by far

the best and most subtle way to sell.

According to Seth Godin, "Marketing is no longer

about the stuff you make but the stories you tell"

I'm certain you're already aware that selling

anything at all is largely based on the emotions
you're able to evoke in your prospects more than
the product or service itself you're selling.

There are two sides to the human brain.

The left side and the right side; they're both

responsible for different aspects of human
behaviour such as logic and emotions.

Your emotions are controlled by the right side of

your brain while your logical reasoning is
controlled by the left side of your brain.

And as humans, we make most of our decisions

on the right side of the brain (emotion) and then

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

we try to justify with the left side of the brain


That's why the good ole saying 'Humans buy

based on emotions and justify with logic'

That's because we're emotional beings and every

decision we make is emotionally charged.

Even Tom Ascaker confirmed that when he said:

"Facts don't persuade, feelings do and the best
way to get at those feelings is through stories"

You see, the ability to sell with stories is a skill

that, if you learn, can skyrocket your sales in less
time than you ever thought possible.

And it doesn't matter what you sell, it could be a

product, service, your ideas, opinions, goals, etc.

Yes! you can sell your ideas, opinions, goals.

For instance, when you pitch to Investors for

funding, you're selling your ideas or when you
stand in front of an audience and speak to them,
you're selling your opinion and belief and the list
goes on.

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

Storytelling is an important skill for living, for

teaching a lesson, for inspiring commitment, to
ace a job interview, for public speaking and most
importantly to sell a product or service.

Everything we do as humans is based on

persuasion, making other people do what we
want them to do and storytelling is the best way
to influence others' behaviour both verbally and
in writing.

How so you may ask?

Storytelling is powerful because it's something

that meets us at the point where our minds and
hearts already are and it takes us on a familiar
and interesting journey.

It's like giving a little boy a snack he loves so

much. He eats it, becomes delighted and
instantly likes you.

Now ask yourself, if you send that boy on an


What do you think will happen?

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

He'll be so hyperactive and willing to go on the

errand with an over-the-moon excitement.

That's exactly how it is with Storytelling.

We, as humans, are hardwired to listen to stories

because we naturally love it.

We didn't learn to, it's something we were born

into loving.

Now, let's go down the memory lane…

Remember those days, when you were little, how

the sound of 'let me tell you a story' puts you in
an excitement mode and you instantly become
all agog in anticipation for the story?

The same thing happens to you even now that

you're much older. It's why we humans love
gossip and we're constantly on the ball for
trending gists.

'We are, as a species, addicted to stories. Even

when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up
all night telling itself stories'

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

That's why every great Advertising or marketing

message is emotional.

So, to write copy or content that sells, you must

be able to punch the emotional buttons of your
prospects, depending on whatever feeling you
want to arouse in them and that and only that
would make them tick.

And the best way to reach the emotions of your

prospects while selling is through

Since we already understand the concept of

Storytelling and how it can pull in a significant
increase in sales for you.

Let's talk about the HOW

How do you sell with stories?

You see, selling with stories is beyond just

picking up your phone and churning out a couple
of words telling a story and then throwing your
offer into it.

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

There's a huge psychological effect to it.

I'll show you a simple hack you can use when

writing stories to sell, inspire, inform, etc.

I call it the 5E Model of writing stories that sell

(coined by me)

Alongside the 5E Model which is the basis of this

Book, I'll also show you more storyselling tips
that'll help you in telling stories that captivate,
influence and evoke action.

The 5E Model are:

E - Eye-catching & Enticing

E - Emotionally Compelling
E - Empathetic
E - Erratic
E - Enjoining

Follow me, I'll explain them one after the other.

Let's start with the first E - Eye catching &


StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

When writing stories to sell, you must ensure

your story is eye-catching from the beginning.

You must ensure it grabs the attention of your

target audience from your headline or the first
sentence because…

Trust me, if the first sentence in your story isn't

eye-catching or attention grabbing enough, no
one will read the rest of your story!

Yes, we love stories but no one likes a boring


The attention span of humans keeps declining by

the day, so many things are fighting for our
attention in such a distracted world.

And the last thing we'd ever do is give our

attention to something that doesn't interest or
excite us.

A simple tip to help you achieve this is to begin

your story at the hottest part.

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

Begin your story from the climax.

It doesn't have to take the traditional method of

starting from the beginning and then to the end.

That's because the beginning of your story can

be boring.

Let's assume you want to tell a story of how you

went from grass to grace.

Instead of beginning your story from how you

were born into an average family, you managed
to scale through school, bla bla bla.

All of that is boring, nothing different or exciting.

What you should do is think of something crazy,

interesting or shocking that happened during
your journey from grass to grace.

Maybe the hottest part of your story is when you

got a scholarship to study abroad but a friend of
yours declined the offer in your absence.

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

The story could start in this form:

I got a scholarship to study abroad in my dream

school but my friend declined the offer in my

He saw the congratulatory mail before me

because I used his phone to apply for the

I didn't have a smartphone at the time.

I couldn't afford one and so I had to make do

with the Nokia torchlight I used.

So whenever I needed to do anything that

required a smartphone, I'd run off to the guy I
thought was my friend.

This guy not just declined the offer but he sent a

mail to them telling them I had been imprisoned
for a crime I committed.

This automatically tarnished my reputation in

their eyes.

I was devastated when I found out.

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

I didn't know whether to cry or just kill myself.

Heck! My life has been a mess for 27 years of my


I was born into abject poverty and had to

struggle my way through school…

Do you see that?

Do you see how the story grabs your attention

from the beginning and keeps you reading on?

And do you see how it goes from the hottest part

and back to how it all started (the beginning)?

As you may already know, grabbing your readers'

attention is just one side of a coin.

Like in the story, you should also be able to

retain it, that's where enticing your readers
comes into play.

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

After grabbing your readers' attention, you allure

them, or should I say, bribe them into reading

You hold their attention in a subtle manner.

It's like when a lady seduces a man into having

sex with her.

She starts with an exciting view that grabs the

man's attention and then she does her thing
slowly until the man is completely lost in her.

She doesn't rush it.

It's the same approach you take in Storytelling,

slowly and steadily you sustain your readers'
attention and make them yearn for more.

Don't rush your story.

Lead your readers gently into it.

Don't spill the bean at once in your first few


StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

Make them keep reading to see where your story


Does that make sense?

To the next E on our list - Emotionally


You see, your story has completely failed if it

doesn't have an emotional punch to it.

It should reach out to the emotions of your


Make them feel a certain kind of emotion.

Joy? sadness? anger? hope?

Whatever the case may be!

When people feel a deep resonating feeling with

what you present, they will always follow you.

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

Don't leave your story cold and dry!

It won't make any impact and no impact, no


The snippets of the grass to grace story I shared,

you'd agree with me that the underlying emotion
in there is PITY, SADNESS, etc.

So, before penning down your story, you must

first decide what sort of emotions you want to
arouse in your readers' minds.

Maybe you want your readers to feel that they

too can move from their current situations to
where they want to be, just as you did.

The emotion you're arousing here is HOPE.

You're giving them hope of a better future, hope

that with the product you're selling to them they
can finally have the solution they crave for.

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

For some others you can arouse ANGER in them,

anger for their present situation and an
EAGERNESS to change their lives.


GREED, HUMOUR the list is long!

The bottomline is, make your readers feel

something and the way to go around this is to
show, don't tell.

Be specific when telling stories.

Use descriptive words.

You want to ensure your story is well detailed

and appeals to your readers' five senses (seeing,
hearing, touching, smelling, tasting).

Paint pictures in your readers minds.

Let them see what you saw, hear what you

heard, perceive what you perceived, etc.

Instead of:

"I bent my head and cried in shame"

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

Here's a better approach:

"I felt cold tears well up in my eyes and I bent

my head in shame as streams of tears flowed
down my face faster than my heartbeat"

You'll agree with me that the second statement

puts you in the scene more than the first and it
also arouses emotions in you more than the first.

On to the next E - Empathetic

What this means is, your story needs to be

relatable to your readers.

Your readers or prospects should see themselves

in your story.

They should have an AHA moment and be like

'Wow! that sounds like me'

Or 'that happens to me too!'

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

This way, you're showing your readers that you

understand what they may be feeling or going

You're showing them how you've been in their

shoes and you know how it hurts.

Or that you understand how much they desire a


Just like the word Empathy means: "the ability to

understand and share the feelings of others"

You must show that you understand your

prospects' situation.

To do this effectively, you must first understand

the people you're selling to.

What are their pain points? their desires? their

goals? interests? etc.

This would help you a great deal, to tell stories

that are relatable to this category of people.

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

Let's use the grass to grace story as an example

again, when using it to sell a money making
product or service.

It can be quite relatable.

That's because the majority of your prospects

are looking for a means to change their 'grass'
situation and have a better life for themselves.

To the next E - Erratic

Erratic simply means unpredictable.

When writing stories to sell, you should ensure

that your story is unpredictable.

You must never forget this.

Your readers shouldn't be able to tell where your

story is headed.

That's why I said earlier that you shouldn't spill

the beans at the beginning of your story.

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

And most importantly, in your story, take your

readers on an unexpected tour.

They should be taken by surprise.

And the fact that your story is unpredictable

arouses curiosity in your readers' minds.

It makes them say to themselves: 'Oh Wow! I

never expected that!'

This also makes your story intriguing.

Unlike those Nigerian movies of early 2000s 😅

your readers shouldn't be able to tell the end of
your story from the beginning.

Your readers generally have a thought going

through their minds as they read your story.

They already envision a direction in which your

story is headed.

What you should do is disrupt that flow.

In Copywriting, it's called Pattern Interrupt.

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

Let something unexpected happen.

You'll notice that in most of the great stories

(novels or movies) ever written, there's always a
pattern interrupt.

In that same grass to grace story, your readers

already have this thought going through their

'What a bad friend! How could he do something

this terrible to his friend? I'm sure he'd meet his
waterloo and pay greatly for being this mean'

But alas! It turns out that the friend is the one

who showed him the money making opportunity
in the end and asks for his forgiveness.

So literally, the same friend who destroyed his

life in the beginning, made him a billionaire in
the end.

How about that? 😅

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

Well, that's just me trying my hands on

something to show you how to make use of
unpredictability in your story.

Think of something your readers would probably

be expecting while reading your story and give
them something different.

NOTE: the grass to grace story is completely

fiction, only a product of my imagination.

But when selling with stories, ensure you use

real stories, except you're writing fiction which
your prospects are aware of.

If your story doesn't exactly tick the erratic box,

that's fine. Just ensure it ticks the others.

The last but not the least E - Enjoining

Your story won't sell no matter how compelling it

is, if it doesn't have a CALL TO ACTION.

What should your readers do after reading your


StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

Here's where you enjoin or urge them into taking

that buying action.

Everything in your story leads to this last E which

is the end goal of your story - to make a sale.

And before the call to action is presented in your

story, so many things take place.

Some of them are:

● Make a point
● Apply it to your product or service
● Ask for the sale

After telling your story, make a point from it. I

like to call it the big idea of your story.

What exact detail in your story do you want your

readers to take note of? Highlight it.

Then of course, apply that point to your product

or service.

This is where you transition from your story to


StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

Lastly, you ask for the sale with your Call to


Another thing you must keep in mind is to make

your Call to Action a 'call to value'.

Show them how taking that buying action would

add great value to their lives.

It's about them not you.

So, that's all on the 5E Model of writing stories

that sell.

I hope all I've shared with you thus far makes a

lot of sense?

Now, which of these 5 Es is your favourite and

why? 😊
You can send me a WhatsApp DM telling me
which one is your favourite and why.

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

Use the link below, incase we aren't connected

on WhatsApp:

Let's connect here

Before I draw the curtains...

You see, all I've shared with you is only the tip of
the iceberg when it comes to selling with stories.

Now, here's the iceberg…

The full package!

Remember the gift I promised you at the

beginning of this Book?

Here it comes! 💃
If you love the thought of understanding the ins
& outs of selling with stories.

Including everything from how to come up with

ideas for your story, how to maintain a consistent
flow in your story, how to seamlessly transition
from your story to offer, how to show and not tell

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

in your story, how to sell with stories and many

many more!

This package below would blow your mind!

In this package, I reveal to you a SUPER-EASY

and LAZY-MAN way to write stories that
CONSISTENTLY rake in trembling sales and help
you land high ticket clients like a BOSS using the

You'll also get a report on how I closed a 6-figure

deal with storytelling, yours for FREE.

But this is only for a few people.

Use the link below to access it now!

Here's the package

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG


PRECIOUS GREG is a Brand Copywriter &

Storyteller; she helps Business owners convert
their prospects to raving repeat customers and at
the same time build Brand impression in the
minds of the prospects.

In 2 years of being a Copywriter and being

trained by one of the world's best Copywriters in
the US, she's worked with different Organizations
(B2B & B2C) across 7 countries and 10+
Industries and her work with them proves that
she brings creativity, attention to details and
results to the table.

She is also the Founder of CopyAce Community,

a community of 1000+ Copywriters, She is also
the Convener of COPYWRITERS HANGOUT, an

StorySelling Secrets By PRECIOUS GREG

annual conference for Copywriters & Marketers in

Africa and beyond.

She has also trained over 3000+ people on the

skills: Copywriting, Storytelling & Content


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