Entrepreneurship Group 6

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Group 6 :

1. Aprilia Fetrasonia-203020201027
2. Lovenia Putri-203020201032
3. Riani Aulia Rahmi-203010201014
4. Renza Juniasi-203010201010
5. Novita Desriana Br Girsang203010201016
6. Silvia Noviana-203020201023

Name Of Enterprise: De’umbut

Description of enterprise:

De’umbut is a food business made from the basic ingredients of

coconut umbut. Umbut is the stem on the head of the coconut
which is where the young leaves grow. Coconut Umbut is usually
cooked as a vegetable for a side dish for rice. Umbut head and food
ingredients or vegetables that are well known among the people of
Central Kalimantan. De'umbut processes snacks made from coconut

Vision-Mission and Theory of change :

Vision-Mission De’umbut is to introduce processed snacks made from typical Kalimantan tubers,
preserving processed snacks made from typical Kalimantan tubers.

Theory of change De’umbut has a distinctive characteristic that

distinguishes it from the usual processed tubers that are used as
home food. Here we present processed tubers in the form of snacks
that can be consumed by all groups. One of the products that we will
present is Samosa Umbut.

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