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Theme: Developing Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Leadership Skills

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As a path toward more democratic Emphasis on transformative education was
outcomes, the authors propose a greater proposed to create a condition that will
emphasis on transformative education, in prepare students in taking part in their
which transformative leaders strive to create communities (Hermanns & Berlinners, 2021).
the conditions to enact democratic
education in ways that truly prepare K-12
students to take their place as informed,
engaged, and constructive participants in
their communities and our pluralistic
democracy (Hermanns & Berlinners, 2021).

In a similar vein, Prudence Carter (2022) Similarly, transformation in education and

argues that societal and educational society is needed to promote a balance in
transformation is necessary for education to democracy (Carter, 2022).
live up to its promise as a great equalizer
and cornerstone of our democracy.

Leading a school as an instructional leader Being a leader in time of crisis is stressful in

in a time of crisis is stressful especially in order to do so one must promote
times of change. Instructional leaders must collaboration and establish a strong bond
work to promote positive relationships with with each other (Sparks, 2022).
the teachers in the building as relationships
and bonds between teachers and principals
are vital to the success of collaboration
(Sparks, 2022)

In the literature on transformational For positive result in education

leadership, we generally find the transformational behaviors and practices are
assumption that transformational behaviors necessary (Kwan, 2020)
and practices are sufficient for positive
educational outcomes (Kwan, 2020)

Nevertheless, our findings strongly suggest Situations in crisis will not limit the capacity of
that crisis situations will not necessarily limit leaders in making action in congruent with
the ability of the (school) leader to the transformational leadership model, also
undertake actions and initiatives, in subordinates who act in accordance with the
accordance with the transformational model were more empowered (Menon,
leadership model. They also point to the 2020).
importance of the (situational) context and
suggest that teachers will feel more
satisfied and empowered by leaders who
act in accordance with the transformational
leadership model at times of crisis (Menon,

In order to prepare our students to become Provision of opportunities to enhance

transformational employees, it is essential intrapersonal and interpersonal skills will
to provide them with opportunities to prepare learners to be a transformational
enhance their intrapersonal and employees. Also, creating conducive climate
interpersonal skills, as well as to create a that will help them foster empowerment leads
school climate that is inclusive, engaging, to gaining fundamental skills for them to
celebratory, culturally responsive, peaceful, become successful both academically and
and provide students with opportunities to professionally (Paolini, 2020).
take on leadership roles, resolve conflict,
demonstrate accountability, promote
optimism, and foster empowerment so that
all students possess the fundamental skills
to be successful academically and
professionally (Paolini, 2020)


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