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Exercise 1
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Course and Section: __________________________________ Teacher: ________________
1. Find the probabilities for each of the following.
a. P ( z< 0 )
b. P ( 0< z <2.0 )
c. P ( 1< z< 2.25 )
d. P (−1< z< 1.37 )
e. P ( z←1.23 )
f. P ( z> 0.25 )
g. P (−1.39< z ←1.25 )
h. P ( z>−2.25 )
i. P ( 0< z <3.0 )

2. A normal distribution has the mean of 150.5. If 70.54% of the area under the curve lies
to the left of 177.5, find
a. The standard deviation
b. The area to the left of 140.5
c. The area to the right of 165.5
d. The area between 155.5 and 180.5
e. The area between 145.5 and 165.5

3. The state university desires to accept only the top 25% of all graduating senior high
school who took their entrance test. This test has a mean of 200 and a standard
deviation of 50. Find the cut off score for the test. Assume the variable is normally

4. The average age of the company’s presidents is 60 years old. Assume the variable is
normally distributed. If the standard deviation is five years, find the probability that the
age of a randomly selected president will be in the following range.

a. Between 52 and 67
b. Between 57 and 70
c. Between 40 and 60

5. In medical study, a researcher wishes to select respomdents in the middle of 45% of the
population based on blood pressure. If the mean systolic blood pressure is 100 and the
standard deviation is 20, find the upper and lower reading that would qualify respondent
to participate in the study.

Exercise 2
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Strand and Section: ___________________________________ Teacher: _________________

Directions: Do as indicated. Show your complete solutions and avoid the unnecessary erasure in
the final answers.
1. Using the table below and find the indicated area under the standard normal curve.

Student Scores ( x 2 Student Scores ( 2

No. )
x No. x) x

1 10 22 2

2 2 23 3

3 9 24 2

4 9 25 4

5 5 26 3

6 6 27 5

7 7 28 7

8 8 29 8

9 1 30 9

10 2 31 10

11 3 32 9

12 1 33 9

13 4 34 9

14 5 35 2

15 6 36 1

16 6 37 1

17 7 38 1

18 8 39 1

19 6 40 4

20 5 Total

21 4 Mean

a. Mean and Standard Deviation


∑ x =¿ _________ x=
∑ x =¿_________

∑ x 2=¿ ¿ ______________ s= √ n ∑ x −¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ =__________


b. The area between 23.5 and 40.

c. The area between 20 and 23.5.

d. The area to the left of 17.

e. The area to the right of 26.

2. The NAT scores for the English portion of the test were normally distributed, with a mean of
27.3 and a standard deviation of 5.2. Find the probability that a randomly selected high
school student who took the English portion of the NAT has a score that is:
a. Less than 20.2
b. Between 23.5 and 31. 4, and
c. More than 35

3. Two students were informed that they received standard z-scores of 0.9 and -0.5,
respectively on a multiple-choice examination in Science. If their grades were 95 and 60,
respectively, find the mean and standard deviation of the examination grades.

4. The scores of a 100- item test in Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU) entrance examination
were normally distributed, with a mean of 50.6 and a standard deviation of 9.5.
a. What percent of the scores are less than 45?
b. What percent of the scores are above 60?
Out of 2, 345 randomly selected entrance scores, about how many would you expect to be
c. Greater than 50?
d. Less than 45?

e. Between 45 and 70?

5. Using the data below and answer the following.


Subject Lanny’s Score Class Mean Score Standard Deviation

Math 59 61 4

English 63 60 5

Science 64 62 3


a. In which subject did Lanny perform well? Why?

b. In which subject did Lanny perform poorly? Why?

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