Steps Plus Sample Units 1-4

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Steps Plus Podrecznik przeznaczony do kilkuletniego uzytku. Nie pisz w nim! {_- oznaczenie zadania wymagajacego udzielenia odpowiedzi w zeszycie ~ oznaczenie zadania wymagajacego udzielenia odpowiedzi ustnie Sylvia Wheeldon « Tim Falla OXFORD Paul A. Davies + Paul Shipton UNIVERSITY PRESS Words, words, words 1 QED Postuchaj nagrani mum dad sister brother grandma grandad aunt daughter son cousin powtérz stowa. [ uncle Possessives Dopetniacz w jezyku angielskim tworzymy przez dodanie’s do rzeczownika, Mike is Emma's grandad. 1 2 QED Popatrz na obrazek i sprébuj wskazaé wlasciwa odpowiedz w ponizszych zdaniach. 3 Potem postuchaj nagrania i sprawdz 4 odpowiedzi. {",| 5 1 Dan and Sam are cousins / twins. 6 2. Samis Emma's dad / cousin. Dan is Emma's grandad / uncle. Tina is Emma's aunt / mum. Sue is Emma’s aunt / grandma. Holly and Tom are Emma’s cousins / uncles. Holly is Sue’s daughter / son. Tom is Sue's sister / son. Luke and Jack are Emma's cousins / brothers. Emma is Jack's sister / aunt. Uzupetni Powiedz je na gtos. 2. Sue is Jack Happy birthday, Dad! Happy birthday, Uncle Dan! My dad and my uncle are twins! " Find Emma and her mice, Millie and Willie.) ) :dania nazwami cztonkéw rodziny. Tom is Dan's son, Ann is Emma's Holly is Luke's | Mike is Tom's L. Emma is Tina's Czy ponizsze zdania sa prawdziwe (True) czy fatszywe (False)? Napisz w zeszycie jeszcze trzy prawdziwe i trzy fatszywe zdania. |-| My mutn's sister is my aunt. My cousin's dad is my grandad Hi, Tomek! Hello, Dylan! Ve Hi, Good to see you. How are you? tm fine, thanks. Hey! Look at this competition! What's the matter? Aleks isn’t online. Who's Aleks? My Polish friend. Let’s make a video. Tomek, you're the cameraman Great idea! Your mobile is really good. ‘Amy, you're the director. OK! What about you? (She's bossy!) Me? I'm the star! I'm not bossy! Oh, Dylan! Comprehension 2. Wybierz wlasciwe odpowiedzi: a, b lub c. Podajcie Jena gtos, w parach. [5] 1. Where are the children? a inthe classroom b athome ¢ inan Internet café 2. What kind of competition is it? ‘a _aphone competition b avideo competition ‘© acomputer competition 3 Czy ponizsze zdania sa prawdziwe (True) czy fatszywe (False)? Powiedz na gtos. [5] Tomek, Dylan and Amy are in a restaurant. False Tomek’s friend is online. Aleks is Polish The prize in the competition is a mobile phone. Dylan is the director of the video. Tomek's mobile is very good. auawnas Everyday English & Dopasuj angielskie zwroty (1-6) do ich polskich edpowiednikow (3 ), Udzielcie odpowiedzi na alos, w parach. [5 3 4 5 6 ‘arb a Dobrze cig widziec!- 2d Swietny pomyst! b Aty? Dobrze, dzieki © Co sig stato? f Jak sig masz? Say /s/ and /{/ (DIED Postuchaj nagrania i powtérz zdanie trzy razy. [5] Sue's sister Sharon's socks are smelly. Organising and using your notebook | Bardzo waine jest sporzadzanie w zeszycie notatek z kazdej lekcji. Popatrz, jak mozna rozplanowaé odpowiedzi do zadaii, nowo poznane stownictwo i reguty gramatyczne. age 11, Unit 1, Family and Fi = | Vocabulary: Family Task 2000 4 Danand Samare twins, (6 page 14, Grammar Steps 1 Form oercone Form pene Te Polak Tan Potish YourePalish Youre Polh, Tice Shae aaah [Hele Sheie /itiPotsh| | VorePolsh, We are Pol. | Theyre Poli They are Pooh. page 14, Grammar Steps 1__ | Task2 0 4. My school is inNew York. | 2 Sprébuj sam/sama! Narysuj schemat przedstawiajacy stownictwo z rozdziatu 1, zwiazane z rodzina. Family and friends o GrammargStepsyi) be ‘1 DME Postuchaj nagrania ipowtérz zdania. [5] Say itafter me! Twierdzenia Formyskrécone __| Formy pene tim Polish. Lam Polish. You're Polish. You are Polish. He's Polish. He is Polish. ‘She's Polish. She is Polish. It’s Polish. Itis Polish. We're Polish. We are Polish. You're Polish. You are Polish. They're Polish. They are Polish, Przyjrzyj sie tabeli i zapamietaj, jak ‘odmieniamy czasownik be (byé) przez wszystkie osoby. 2. Uzupetnij zdania formami twierdzacymi czasownika be. Zapisz petne zdania wzeszycie. {| My school is in New York. 2. My favourite website li Wikipedia, 3) My friends and I. in class 7C. 4 Ivan Li my best friend. 5 \Litwelve years old. 6 7 My English teacher J Mrs Benson, My socks li yellow. 3 > Zmien wyrazy w zdaniach w éw. 2, oznaczone «zerwona czcionka, tak aby informacje byly zgodne z prawda. Zapisz zdania w zeszycie. {| My school is in Bydgoszcz. 4, Ut6z i napisz w zeszycie zdania z wlasciwa forma, twierdzaca czasownika be. Potem dopasuj zdania (1-6) do wtasciwych obrazkéw (a-f). Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. 6 1 1/be/in town I'm in town. - d she / be / my grandma we /be/twins they /be / English it/ be / Sunday today you /be/ my best friend auaWNn Family and friends Unit 1 5 Przeczytaj, do kogo naleza te przedmioty. Potem Possessive ’s napisz w zeszycie zdania wedtug wzoru. |=) Rozejrzyj sig po sali i napisz w zeszycie cztery zdania 0 tym, do kogo naleza znajdujace sig w niej przedmioty. |_| That's Ewa’s book. Introducing yourself 1 CED Popatrz na fotografie i postuchaj nagrania. Kto obchodzi urodziny: Will czy Kely? [=>] 2. Uzupetnijcie w parach dialog z ramki. Podajcie odpowiedzi na gtos. Potem postuchajcie nagrania i sprawdzcie odpowiedzi. [=>] today ten Kelly Will March Girl Boy Girl Boy Girl Boy Girl Boy Hit Im" Kelly . What's your name? My name is? How old are you, Will? rm? Me too! When's your birthday? It’sin “What about you? My birthday is*| ‘Oh! Happy birthday, Kelly! 3 Pracuyj w parach. Praeéwiczcie dialog z éw. 2. [- 4 QE Postuchaj nagrania i zapisz brakujace informacje wzeszycie. |) 1 Name. ‘Anna Age Birthday 2 Name i ‘Age i . Birthday | ‘ Ames E) Steps\tojSuccess| 5 Wybierzi pods) na glos winciwa odpowieds alub. a_ I'm Gregor Oken. b No, thanks. When's your birthday? @ a I'mseven. b It'sin May. ® a t'menglish. b Imfine, thanks 6 Pracujcie w parach. Zamknijcie ksiazki zeéwiczcie dialog z éw. 2. Hi. Im Agnieszka. ‘What's your name? Beare: ] 2. Pracujcie w parach. Uzupetnijcie ponizsze zdania 1 The purple bag is on the shelf / floor. wyrazami z éw. 1. Udzielcie odpowiedzi na gtos. 2 The green bin is under the whiteboard / window. 1 The floor is brown, 3. The pink pencil is under a desk / the computer. 2 The busis blue. 4 The yellow maths book is on the bookcase / 3 The Wa is white, adexk. 4 The black. 5 Thedwwisted. 5 Jakie przedmioty znajduja sie w twojej klasie? Utéz 6 Theb.. is green na ten temat kilka zdan wedtug wzoru. {7 7 The wa. is yellow. 8 The si. is yellow. 3 Jakie przedmioty znajduja sie w waszej klasie? Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytani i odpowiadajcie na nie, jak w przyktadzie. 1 the dictionary 2. the clock Potacz potéwki wyrazéw. Napisz peine 3 the red schoolbag wyrazy w zeszycie. |= 4 the yellow pencil case 5 the computer com win note |dow bag case 6 the purple notebook book white school | board book puter 41 - computer Where's the dictionary? It’s on the bookcase. Where's my bag? I don’t know. Is it under your coat? No, it isn't. Isit on the floor? Yes, itis. Thanks. See you later. Dylan! Wait! Bye! Are we late for the lesson? No, we aren't. What's the time? It neatly one o'clock Is it time for lessons now? Yes, nearly. Cool! It’s PE after lunch on Tuesday. Cm Dylan Tshirts? Tomek Itisn’t Tuesday today. It's Wednesday! Amy It's maths after lunch, not PE! Dylan Hey! Stop it! Don't video me now! Comprehension Listening for details 2. Wybierz wlasciwa odpowieds: a lub bi podajja_ 1 CSE) Postuchaj nagrania. Ktéra grupe wyrazow na gtos. [5] slyszysz: 1 czy 2? Udzielcie odpowiedzi na glos, 1. Dylan's bagis fl wparach. [5] a underhiscoat_ b onthe floor 1 room 2 room 2. The time is nearly fl So ate ee a one o'clock b two o'dlock on omput 3 It's PE after lunch on Li computer Feo a Tuesday b Wednesday ee ue a 4. The children fl late for the lesson a are b arent 5. Today is! rn a Tuesday b Wednesday 2 czy dialog z éw. 1 miat miejsce w domu czy 6 It’s after lunch on Wednesday. weszkole? ktéry wyraz pomégt ci zdecydowae? [5] a PE b> maths 3 Postuchaj nagrania jeszcze raz. Ktéry obrazek A jest wlasciwy: a, b czy c? Ktéry wyraz pomégt ci Everyday English otym zdecydowae? 3 Dopasuj angielskie zwroty (1-6) do ich polskich odpowiednikéw (a-f). Udzielcie odpowiedzi na glos, w parach. di Preestar! e Czesel f Do zobaczenia péénic) Say and clap! NED Postuchaj nagrani: trzy razy. Klaszez wrytm. [5] Whére's the baok? It’s Gn the floor. Where's the bag? It’s near the door. seroot uni? o GrammarStepsyi) be ‘1 QM Postuchaj nagrania ipowtérz zdania. [5 4. Uzupetnij pytania formami Is lub Are i zapisz je wzeszycie. Potem dopisz krétkie odpowiedzi. Is Tomek from Poland? Yes, he is. {i Amy and Dylan from Poland? {Tomek’s mobile phone really good? i] Amy and Tomek ten years old? y ye a? Pytania Am I late? Are you late? Is he/she /it | late? Are we late? ‘Are jou late? Are they late? Krétkie odpowiedzi Yes, [1 am.[ No, [1 “m not Yes, | you are.| No,| you arent Yes, [he/she/it|is. | No,| he/she /it| isn't. Yes, | we are.| No, | we aren't. Yes, | you are.| No,| you aren't. Yes, | they are.| No,| the aren't. Prayjrzyj sig, jak tworzymy pytania i krotkie odpowiedzi. Zwréé szczegélna uwage na to, w ktérym miejscu znajduje sie czasownik. 2. Ktéra odpowiedd jest poprawna: a czy b? Powiedzcie na gtos, w parach. [>] 1-b 1 Is Mrs Kirk a teacher? a Yes, itis b Yes, sheis. 2. IsPEon Friday? a_No,!mnot, b No, itisn't IsTom your brother? a No,heisn't. — b No, itisn't ‘Are your friends in the café? a Yes,youare. — b Yes, they are. ‘Are you in class 58? a Yes,lam b Yes, itis. 6 Are we late forlunch? a No,heisn’t. No, wearen't - 3 Dopasuj pytania (1-6) do odpowiedzi (a-f). Udzielcie odpowiedzi na gtos, w parach. 1-b 1 Are your mum and dad at home? 2 Is your birthday in June? 3. Are you and your sister twins? 4 Am your best friend? 5. Are you in town? 6 Isyour mum bossy? a Yes, itis. d_No,she isn't. b Yes,theyare. e No, I'mnot. © Yes,youare. f No, wearen't. School Unit 2 UisivaKaneswaranastudent? = : @8808 5 utéz pytania z podanych wyrazow i napisz je wzeszycie. Potem dopisz krotkie odpowiedzi. (—) 1. black / shoes / your / are? Are your shoes black? Yes, they are. English / teacher / your /is? you/PE/are/ good at? you / ate / Greece / from? your /is /a pop star / dad? wan Steps\to|Success G Ktéra odpowiedz jest poprawna: a czy b? Powiedzcie na gtos, w parach. Ishea student at our school? a No, he isn't. b No, she isn't. a Yes, they are. b Yes, we are. Napisz w zeszycie trzy pytania, ktére zadasz nauczycielowi lub nauczycielce. [= [55] Is your birthday in January? FunctionaliSteps <° *> yng the time 1 Om repair na zegary. Postuchaj nagrania 4. DIED Postuchaj nagrania i wybierz ipowtérz je. wlasciwa godzine: a lub b. Zapisz odpowiedzi © @ wezeszycie. [| Its one otlock Its half past one. Its six clock. Ws half past six 2 QD Preerysuj ponizsze tarcze zegaréw do: ae Potem postuchaj “et on jwskazéwki. OOO | BOO 3) CIM Postuchaj nagrania. Ul62 wypowiedzi we wiasciwej kolejnosci. Zaprezentujcie dialog 5 Pracujcie w parach. Przeéwiczcie dialog 2 éw. 3 jeszcze raz. Tym razem uzyjcie w seymowidsinch godzin z ponizszych zegarow. wearach. [5 a Oh, no. Im late for football! See you later! b Hi Ella! What's the time? ¢ OK. Bye, Marcus. The time? it’s nearly four o'clock Marcus ‘Hi, Ella! What's the time? Ella a | Marcus + | Ella ‘I BEE what, when, where, who 1 QD Postuchaj nagrania Gl i powtérz zda after mel Zaimki ane Krétkie odpowiedzi What |’s_|yourname? _| Jack When _|’s _| your birthday?| In April. Where | are |thepens? _| On the table. who | are | they? My sisters. 2 QD vzupetnij pytania zaimkami pytajacymi. Zapisz te pytanla wraz z odpowledziam| w zeszycie, Potem postuchaj nagrania i sprawdé odpowiedzi. |_| 1 Wsyour party? (On Saturday. 2 hare you from? Warsaw. 3's your favourite pop star? Ewa Faina. 4 .syour favourite colour? Purple. Questions, questions! (DIEEED Postuchaj nagrania i uzupelnij tekst piosenki zaimkami How, When, Where, What i Who. Potem zaspiewaj te piosenke. Where's New York City? i's Mr Bean? sn old is Prince William? Halloween? ° L's Wikipedia? Tokyo? Queen of England? a's HO? Questions, questions, all the time! Help met T don't know! 4 Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytaniaz piosenki i odpowiadaicie nanie. —) Vocabulary 5) Dopasuj nazwy przedmiotéw szkolnych z ramki do wlasciwych obrazkéw (1-10). Udzielcie odpowiedzi na gtos, w parach. | art English geography history ICT maths music PE RE science 4-1CT G Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania na temat ulubionych przedmiotow What's your favourite subject? 7 DEED Poshichajcie nagrania. Wybierzcie wlasciwe odpowiedzi i udzielcie ich w parach. || Art /Science is on Monday. Science / English is on Tuesday. ‘ciance / English is on Wednesday. RE / PE is on Thursday. PE / Music is on Friday. wana Opowiedzcie w parach o waszym planie lekeji. Lesson 1 on Friday is Grammar in context DIED Postuchajcie nagrania 4 i przeczytajcie dialogi. |» Who's he? A new student. . He's Ben's friend.) os Bens irien my pictu Comprehension Ktéra odpowieds jest poprawna? Powiedzcie woparach. |. 1 IsClanker a new student? Yes he is. / No, he isn't. 2 Is PE after lunch? Yes, itis. / No, it isn't. 3 Isartafterlunch? Yes, its. / Noy it isn't Is art Nicky's favourite subject? Yes, itis. / No, it isn’t. 5 Arc the classroom walls purple? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. I's fun! Look at ae When's PE, Nicky? —_—_ Is it now? No, it isn’t, PE is after lunch. { Bee AE | € = It's art now. What is it, It's. picture of Clanker? the classroom, » But the classroom walle aren't purple. They're yellow. Stop, Clanker! i's maths now, not PE. 10 Uzupetnij pytania wiasciwymi zaimkami pytajacymi. Udzielcie odpowiedzina gtos, wparach, | 1 S's Clanker? Ben's friend. icky’s favourite subject? re Ben, Nicky and Clanker? In the art classroom, n’s Clanker’s picture? Ita picture of the classroom. ‘11 Teraz zaprezentujcie dialogi w grupach. schoo! unit2 ee ee Reading aj tekst. Jaki jest ulubiony przedmiot Alika? |] 1. Im Aliko and I'm from Nigeria, My teacher's name is Mrs Abiola in Africa, 'm at Jabi Primary Our school subjects are English, School. Our school is very maths, African history, ICT, lucky, An American company geography and science. My is the school’s sponsor. favourite subjects ICT, of course! 2. Ourclassrooms are big with new desks, chairs, books and 280 computers! In my classroom, a whiteboard is on the wall, and 40 laptops are on the desks for the students. My laptop is fantastic. E) Gass Sisssss 3 Czy ponigsze zdania sq prawdziwe (True) czy falszywe (False)? Udzielcie odpowiedzi a na glos, wparach. [5] Dopasuj tematy (a-c) do wlasciwych akapitow 1 Alike is from Africa, w tekscie z éw. 1 (1-3). Udzielcie odpowiedzi na 2 Hisclasstoom is small. pias paren 3. The desks, chairs and books in his school Paragraph 1 is about... are new. Laptop computers are on the desks. Mrs Abiola is Aliko's teacher. Aliko's favourite subject is English. a Aliko’s new school classrooms b Aliko’s name, country and school €Aliko's subjects at school aus Extra/Steps Wybierz wtasciwa forme. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. 1. Who's /Where's Aliko's school? 2. When's / How many laptops are in his classroom? 3. Who's / When's Aliko's teacher? 4 How / What's his favourite subject? Listening 4. Popatrz na fotografie i powiedz, do jakiego przedmiotu odnosi sie kazda z nich. [51 5 QE Postuchaj nagrania i dopasuj dialogi (1-5) do wiasciwych lekji (ae) z éw. 4. Wskaz odpowiednie obrazki. 6 Postuchaj nagrania jeszcze raz. Uzupetnij zdania wiasciwymi nazwami przedmiotéw szkolnych. Udzielcie odpowiedzi w parach. [5] 1. Amy's favourite subject is 2. Dylan’s favourite subject is 3. Tomek’s favourite subject is i. SHS Sass Writing 7 Przeczytaj ponizszy tekst. Ile nazw przedmiotéw szkolnych w nim wymieniono? [5] 8 Przeczytaj pary zdan i powiedz na glos, w ktérym poprawnie uzyto przecinkéw. [5] Przecinkéw uzywamy min. wtedy, ady wymieniamy kilka rzeczy. Spéjnik and (i), podobnie jak w jezyku polskim, wstawiamy pomigdzy dwie ostatnie wymienione rzeczy. Our school subjects are English, maths, African history, ICT, geography and science. 1 a My favourite colours are blue, orange yellow, and green. b My favourite colours are blue, orange, yellow and green, 2. a. My favourite days are Friday, Saturday and Sunday. b My favourite days are, Friday Saturday and Sunday. Napisz w zeszycie sktadajacy sie z 25-35 wyrazéw tekst o swojej szkole i przedmiotach, ktérych sig uczysz. Wymieniajac nazwy przedmiotéw, pamigtaj o przecinkach. {) I'm at Primary School 23 in Radom. .. e Culture}Steps) reenpark Primary meet Life in Britain Primary school In Britain, primary school is from age four to eleven. The school day is from nine o'clock to half past three. Lunch is at school. The school subjects are English, maths, science, ICT history, geography, RE and PE. Most schools have got clubs after school, too. Posted by Tomek at 17.39 2 comments Sam says ... Hi, Tomek! My school has got clubs after school for music, computers, art and sport. This is the music club, and this is my violin, Music club is great! Posted at 18.05 Toby says... ‘a school uniform ~ Hello. This is @ photo of our school animals pundureksztlny = Jessie and Harty the hamsters! Jessie is lunch ~ hatch, deg seadanie Ap and whitarced' tary te'celcen, tavie a club kolo op. ptkarskie ub eae ae tn Hae oolaen, The omputerowe) very friendly. aviolin~ skrzypce Posted at 18.40 hamsters chamikt golden ~ cfoty friendly - prayjacielski 1 NSD Postuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj wpis na blogu. Jak nazywa sig szkota, do ktorej chodzi Tomek? 2 Uzupetnij wyrazy. Udziel odpowiedzi na gtos. 1 It’sa school club. fle 2 It'sanother school club. [it 3 Wt'sa school subject. | 4 It'sthe golden hamster's name. 5 It'sa musical instrument. sis 3 Wponizszych zdaniach znajdé bledne informacje. Napisz poprawne zdania waeszycie. |_| 1. Chileon in Grtanrareatschoar fron Dobierzcie sig w kilkuosobowe grupy, Wykonajcie five years old. plansze przedstawiajaca wasza wymarzona klase. 2 Lessonsare from eight o'clack to half Podplszcie zna}dujace slew nie] preedmioty, past three. iny teacher's table 2 computers 3. British children are at home for lunch. 4 In Sam's school the clubs are for music, maths, art and sport. 5. The pets at Toby's school are two cats. 4 CD player 4 whiteboard a big TV my classroom —— 12 chairs and 12 desks Vocabulary ‘1 Dopasuj nazwy z ramki do wlasciwych elementéw obrazka (1-12). Wskaz je i nazwij na gtos. i] bookcase computer dictionary door floor light notebook poster teacher wall whiteboard window 2. Gdzie na obrazku w éw. 1 znajduje sig mysz? Wskaz i powiedz na gtos po angielsku. [.») 3 Uzupetnij nazwy przedmiotéw szkolnych. Zapisz je wzeszycie i dopisz polskie odpowiedniki. eVauauna 4. Utez pytania z podanych wyrazéw i na} Revision Grammar w zeszyce- Potem dopisz krstkie odpowiedz. a you/ten /are? W Are you ten? Yes, lam. your sister / she /is? X are / English / Max and Jess? 7 late /we/ are? 7 it/is / your birthday today? X is / Harty /in the classroom? X they /new students / are? X Nauswnas DEED Uzupetnij ustnie dialog zaimkami pytajacymi What, Where, When, Who i How. Potem postuchaj nagrania i sprawee odpowiedzi. [>] Girl ‘Li's next to you in the photo? Boy My brother. Girl \’shis name? Boy Simon Girl? Lloldishe? Boy 12. Girl *L’shis birthday? Boy In March. Girl *Lishe now? Boy | don’t know! Let's phone him and ask! (DEED Postuchaj nagrania i popatrz na obrezk. Prawda czy fats2? Powiedzcie w parach. Bp Sees. Repetytorium Functional language ‘1 Wskaz wlasciwa odpowied#: a, blub c. Potem odegrajcie dialog w parach (1) | Excuse me. Is this room 3F? a Where is it? b Look! What's that? © Yes, Wordlist Time What's the time? Keérajest godzina? a. In March, Is ittime for lessons now? b It's Ben Smith. . " (Czy jubjest ceasna lekcje? © How do you , lit? tim late for my lesson. spel ester spééniony/spééniona na lekce. It's history after lunch. Po lunchu jest historia, t “me for It'sin March, Junch now? Wane See you later. a Yes, nearly. Do zobaczenia péénie} b Cool When's Peter's birthday? © It’shistory after Kiedy Peter ma urodziny? lunch. 2. Dopasuj opisy sytuacji (1-5) do wlasciwych reakcji (a-f). Jedna reakcja nie pasuje do zadnego opisu sytuacji. Udziel odpowiedzi na gtos. [=| 1. Jestes juz spééniony/spééniona i nie masz czasu na rozmowe z kolega. ‘Co mu powiesz? 2. Kolezanka wyglada na zmartwiona, a ty nie wiesz, co sig stato. Co powiesz? Wskazéwka 3. Spotykasz kolege, ktérego nie widziates/nie widzialas od dtuszego ‘zasu. Co mu powiesz? Zanim praystapisz do wykonania zadania, 4 Chcesz sig dowiedzie¢, ktéra jest godzina. Jak 0 to zapytasz? 5 Chcesz sie dowiedzie¢, kiedy twoja kolezanka obchodzi urodziny. Jak Przeczytaj uwazni oto zapytasz? polecenie dwa razy. Zwréé uwage na to, ile a What's the time? d Isittime for lessons now? zdavi nalezy dopasowaé. b Good to see you e When's Ella's birthday? © What's the matter? f Imlate for my lesson! See you later. Vocabulary ‘| Zapisz w zeszycie wyrazy z ramki w szesciu kolumnach: nazwy cztonkéw rodziny, koloréw, dni tygodnia, miesi¢cy, przedmiotéw w sali lekcyjnej, przedmiotéw szkolnych. W kazdej kategorii powinny znalezé sie trzy wyrazy. __) 2. Ktéry wyraz nie pasuje do pozostatych? Wskaz go. [5] 1 geography history dictionary maths 2 Monday March Wednesday Saturday 3. shelf desk history whiteboard 3 Dopasuj zapisy godzin (1-6) do wlasciwych zegaréw (a-f). Udzielcie odpowiedzi w parach, na gtos. [57] 1 halfpast two 4 9.00 2 eleven o'clock 5 530 3 half past seven 6 6.00 Grammar 4. Przeczytaj tekst i wybierz wlasciwa forme czasownika be. Udzielcie odpowiedzi na gtos, wparach. [5 Hil My name ' is / am Fred. |? isn't /'m not English, I'm American. This” are /is a photo of me and my friends Sally and Andrea. Sally and Andrea are English. They “aren't / not American. We® are / is in London. London § am /is great! But it?” aren't isn’t my favourite city, New York is my favourite city. Review Unisivs3 art May bookcase purple cousin Monday August Friday music grey poster RE sister notebook October Sunday uncle pink 4 November February Wednesday June 5) sister T-shirt son aunt 6 white black orange apple 5 Uzupetnij zdania formami Is i Are. Napisz petne zdania w zeszycie. Potem dopisz krotkie odpowiedzi. |_| [you ready? x |.your mum and dad students? x it Friday today? 7 your brother bossy? x you good at maths? 7 wauna G Ut6z i napisz w zeszycie pytania z wlasciwa forma czasownika be. |_| 1 what / be// your name? What's your name? 2 howold/be/ you? 3 where /be / you / from? 4 what /be / your favourite school subject? 5 when /be/your birthday? 6 what /be / the time? prawdziwych odpowiedzi na pytai wew.6. 2 & Popatrz na obrazki. Do kogo naleza te Listening preedmioty? Powieds petne zdania, 1] 11 NE Postuchaj nagrania. Kto jest nowym uczniem w szkole: Sam, Ben czy Joe? ‘iu @ 12. Postuchaj nagrania jeszcze raz. Wybierz i wskaz wlasciwa odpowied2. 1. Joc is from London / Newbury. 2. Joeisten /eleven years old 3. Samisten/ eleven years old. 4 It’s two / twelve o'clock. 3 They'e ll 4iesil 5. Thenext lesson is art / maths. 9 Wybierz wtasciwa odpowiedz: a, b lub c. «@ i|_Stepsito)Success} Garp Udzielcie odpowiedzi na gtos, w parach. |") . 1 My name {i Marcus. Reading 3 aeBethomenon cis 13 Praecaytal test wskad watclwg odpowleds a notare b arent isnt alub &. 3. Where u from? one. a areyou b you € you are Hello, Pavel! I'm your new penfriend! My name is Sally. 4 Are you good at PE? Tim ten years old. I'm from London. My mum's name is a Yes!am bb Yes, —_c Yes,am Linda and my dad's name is John. My brother is Jake. 5. ls Warsaw? In Poland. He's nine. a How b When Where What are your favourite things? My favourite colour 6 Is your birthday is June? is red and my favourite sport is tennis. My brother's ain bon cat favourite colour is blue and his favourite sport is foothall = Hy birthday i in June. Whe's your birthday? «& StepsitoSuccess ison Functional language 10 Dopasuj opisy sytuacji (1-4) do wtagciwych — reakcji (a-e). Jedna reakcja nie pasuje do oe ee © mm” © 1. Where's Sally from? na glos, w parach. | 2. What's her dad's name? 1. Kolezanka pyta cig, kiedy obchodzisz urodziny. Co odpowiesz? @ Jake ® John 2 Chcesz sprawdzi¢, kledy zaczyna sie nastepna 3 Howoldis she? lekcja, ale nie masz zegarka. Co powiesz? 3 Nowy nauczyciel pyta cie, jak sie nazywasz. @® 10 ®9 Co odpowiesz? 4. Nie wiesz, ile lat ma twoja kolezanka. Jak ja 4 What's her favourite colour? oto zapytasz? @ a a It'sSamBrown. d_ Emily, how old are you? ® ® b Itsin May. @ Isittime for the 5 What's her favourite sport? c I'm eleven. lesson now? 2 Words, words, words Postuchaj nagrania i powtérz stowa. Postuchaj nagrania. Wskaz na obrazku wlasciwe miejsca. Uzupetnij zdania wyrazami z éw. 1. Zapisz je wzeszycie. Emma is in her Luke is in the Jack is on the Mum isin the Dad isin the .. Grandad is in the Grandma is in the Emma's mice are in the ll The dog is in the bs weVauauNns This is my house My family is at home. Udzielcie w parach krétkich odpowiedzi na ponizsze pytania. [- Is Emma in the house? Is the football in the garage? Is Grandad in the basement? Is the clock in the kitchen? Are the mice in the garden? waunas Pracujcie w parach. Popatrzcie uwaznie na obrazek przez jedna minute. Potem zamknijci ksiqzki izadawajcie sobie nawzajem pyta dotyczace obrazka oraz odpowiadajcie na nie. [5] Where's the computer? It’s in ‘Wyobraz sobie sw6j wymarzony dom i zréb w zeszycie liste pomieszczeni, ktére moglyby sie w nim znajdowag. { 10 bedrooms, _ @ tersuasesiens TORLW ans rzeczytajcie dialogi. Potem zaprezentujcie je w grupach. Are you ready? Yes, Im ready. Me too. OK. Action! Hil My name is Dylan Trent and this is my house. Look, Dylan! There's a man at the window. Hey, you! Who are you? Why are you in my garden? He's really angry. Quick! Run! There are seven bedrooms and six bathrooms. Is there a swimming pool? Yes, there is, There's a swimming pool in the garden. But there aren't any people in it now. MrsTrent_ Come in! Tomek —_ Hi.'m Tomek. MrTrent Nice to meet you, Tomek. Dylan This is my real house. It’s small, and there isn’t a swimming pool. But the people are friendly! Comprehension 2 Czy ponizsze zdania sa prawdziwe (True) falszywe (False)? Powiedzcie w parach. [=] In photo 1, Dylan is in front of his real house. The man in photo 3 is Dylans dad. The man's house is very big. There's a swimming pool in Dylan’s garden. The people in Dylan's house are friendly. uawne 3 Udzielcie w parach krétkich odpowiedzi na ponizsze pytania. [>] 1. Are the children at Tomek’s home? 2. Is the swimming pool in the house? 3. Is the angry man in the garden? 4 Are Dylan's mum and dad at home? Everyday English 4 Dopasuj angielskie zwroty (1-5) do ich polskich odpoi glos, w parach. 1 Ate you ready? 5 Nice to meet you. a_Jestes gotowy? b Mito mi cig poznaé. © Wejdz! d e Jatez Hej, ty! Say /u:/ NED Postuchaj nagrania i powtérz zdania trzy razy. Sue is in the blue room. Is Jude in the blue room, too? Predicting ‘| Popatrz na obrazki. Jakie miejsca przedstawiaja? 2. Dopasuj miejsca z ew. 1 (1-3) do wlasciwych os6b (a-€). Udzielcie odpowiedzi na gtos, w parach. [-.] & 4. dnc 3 Jak myslisz, kto wypowiada ponizsze zdani Dopasuj osoby z éw. 2 (a-c) do wtasciwych kwestii (1-3). Udzielcie odpowiedzi na gtos, w parach. 1 ( Putit on my table, please. 3. ( Where are the bananas? 4, DIE Postuchaj nagrania. Powiedz, ktora osoba z éw. 2 sie wypowiada: a, b czy c. [5] 128 3m 5) Postuchaj nagrania jeszcze raz i dopasuj dialogi (1-3) do whasciwych miejsc 2 €w. 1. G Ktore wyrazy i wyrazenia w kazdym dialogu pomogly ci podjaé decyzje? Podaj je na gtos. [5] 11 English book, sit down, my table My home o GrammarStepsyi) There’s / There are ‘1 QED Postuchaj nagrania ipowtérzzdania. [5] 2) Say itafter me! Twierdzenia There's There are a garden. three bathrooms. There's = There is There isi there are stosujemy, gdy méwimy, co sie gdzies znajduje. 2. Napisz poprawne zdania w zeszycie. Potem zastan6w sie, czy sq prawdziwe (True) czy falszywe (False) i dopisz odpowiedzi. |= | 1. There's / There are a kitchen. There's a kitchen. True There's There are three bedrooms. ‘There's / There are a basement. ‘There's / There are a hall. ‘There's / There are stairs. There's /There are two bathrooms. auawn 3 Ut62 jeszcze cztery zgodne z prawda zdania i napisz je w zeszycie. Uzyj wyrazéw i wyrazen ztabelki. (=) There's a bookcase in my bedroom. There are two windows in the living room. Bookcases) a |window(s) There's | two. ages in| my bedroom. There are] three! A104) the living room four | picture(s) chair) Prepositions of place 4. DEED Dopasuj prayimki zramki do wtasciwych obrazkéw (1-6). Udzielcie odpowiedzi na glos, w parach. Potem postuchajcie nagrania i sprawdécie odpowiedzi. [5] behind infrontof nextto on under 5 QED Popatrz na obrazek. Postuchaj nagrania i powiedz, czy zdania sa prawdziwe (True) zy falszywe (False). 6 Znajdé na obrazku osiem zab i powiedz, gdzie sa. [>] There's a frog on the shelf. There are two frogs 7 Przepisz do zeszytu ponizsze zdania na temat obrazka z éw. 5 i uzupetnij je. W kazdym zdaniu uzyj innego przyimka miejsca. Niech trzy zdania beda prawdziwe i trzy - fatszywe. | =| 1 There'sa bed 2 There's frog i There are two frogs ll. There are three pencils There's a poster There's a chair auaw 8 Pracujcie w parach. Zamknijcie ksiazki. Osoba A czyta swoje zdania w éw. 7, a osoba B méwi, czy sq prawdziwe (True) czy fatszywe (False). Napisz w zeszycie pigé zdari na temat twoje) sali lekcyjnej. Uzyj przyimkéw in, on, under, behind, next toi in front of. || ‘There's a bookcase next to the door. Rei SIGS Giving personal information 1 QED Postuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj wlasciwych miejsc w dialogu (1-3). Udzielcie odpowiedzi na gtos, w parach. a What's your postcode? b What's your address? ¢ What's your name? Lucy Hello. What time is the film, please? Assistant It’sin ten minutes. Are you a film Club member? Lucy No,!'mnot. Assistant OK. ' {17 Lucy Lucy Brown, Assistant. ?|? Lucy 12 Newton Road. Assistant *1.7 Lucy OX14PT. Assistant Thank you, Here's your membership card. Lucy Thank you. 2. Pracujcie w parach. Zaprezentujcie dialog zéw. 1. [5] @ tsa) oom 3 DIED Postuchaj nagrania. Kt6ra karta eztonkowska nalezy do Toma: a czy b? log. Dopasuj pytania z ramki (a-c) do 4 DED Preepisz tresé poniszej karty c2tonkowskiej do zeszytu. Potem postuchaj nagrania i uzupetnij brakujace informacje. [=] Prince Albert Chi 7 Membership card 42 J Name: Tina’ Address: 7. Postcode: * {i Children’s Singing Club Membership card 5) Pracujcie w parach. Przeéwiczcie dialog z éw. 1, uzywajac ponizszych danych. [7] oe een Pay ors rayrome ons QD Beet There’s / There are 1 QD Postuchaj nagrania ipowtérz zdania. | Conners Przeczenia | a garage. There aren't _ any windows Po There aren't stosujemy any. 2. Uzupetnij zdania wyrazeniami There isn’t There aren't. Napisz pelne zdania w zeszycie. Potem dopasuj te zdania do wlasciwych obrazkow. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. |_| ion't a computer. B iabin. sn any school bags. a teacher. any pens on the desk. wewns 3) DIED Postuchaj nagrania ipowtérz edania. | > Say it after me! Pytania i kratkie odpowiedzi Is there a computer? ‘Yes, there Is. No, there Isnt. Are there any windows? Yes there are. _| No, there aren't. Po Are there stosujemy any. @ wrome unis 4 QED Uzupetnij tekst piosenki formami Js there ai Are there any. Potem postuchaj nagrania, sprawd odpowiedzi i zaspiewaj te piosenke. || "bedrooms? (No, no, no!) 2{ stairs? (No, no, no!) i living room? (No, no, no!) “0 chairs? (No, no, no!) 5 windows? No, there aren't. Can I go inside it? No, you can’t. But look at my castle. It's so cool! And there's an ENORMOUS swimming pool! 5 NED Postuchaj nagrania. Do ktérego obrazka (A czy B) w éw. 2 odnosi sig kazda z pigciu wypowiedzi? |~ 6 Popatrz na obrazek A. Zapytaj kolezanke lub kolege o elementy z ramki. Zastosuj wyrazenia Is there ai Are there any. |.) abluedoor chairs acomputer children adesk ared bookcase No, there isn't. The door is green, Zadaj je kolegom ikolezankom z klasy. | Are there any school bags in the picture? Grammar in context 7 QI Postuchajcie nagrania i przeczytajcie dialogi. |») Is there a washing Tanke. ‘machine in the house, Ben? I's in the bathroom, He's in the bathroom. Is | len’ there a TV in the bathroom? | Ne, there ien't. washing mac Comprehension & Wybierz wlasciwa forme. Udzielcie odpowiedzi na glos, w parach. | There's / There isn’t a washing machine in the kitchen, There's / There isn’t a washing machine in the bathroom. There's / There isn’t a TV in the bathroom. There are / There aren't any clothes in the washing machine. There are / There aren't any clothes in the oven BwWoN w fame SES But where's the bathroom? pe I'm in front of the TV. les fantastiel Y This is my favourite WV we 9 Uzupetnij zdania wiasciwymi nazwami pomieszczeni. Udzielcie odpowiedzi na gtos, weparach. (5 1. In picture 2, Ben and Nicky arc in the fl. 2 Inpicture 4, Clanker is in the 3 The clothes are in the oven in the ‘10 Teraz zaprezentujcie dialogi w grupach. 3) wyrome unis Begs eae Reading 1 QED Postuchaj nagrani pokoi jest w Bialym Domu? i przeczytaj tekst. lle Hello! My name is Bo and this is Sunny and this is our home ~ the White House. We're the president's dogs! The White House is in Washington, D.C, the capital of the United States. The house is very big — there are 132 rooms. On the first floor there are lots of offices. It's always very busy, The president's office is the Oval Office. The president's home is on the second and third floors. There's a swimming pool ‘and a cinema for the president and his family. Outside there are five big gardens for us! rary, 2. Uzupetnij zdania brakujacymi informacjami. Listening Udzielcie odpowiedzi na gtos, w parach. 3 Dopasuj osoby z ramki do wlasciwych 1 The names of the president's dogs are fotografi (1-4). Udzielcie odpowiedzi na and li gtos, w parach. 2. The president’s house is the ll 3. The capital of the United States is li. 4 There are lots of offices on the ss floor. 5 6 The name of the president's office is the .. There are [f. gardens, a swimming pool and acinema. ExtrajSteps Z podanych wyrazéw i wyrazen uléz zdania inapisz je w zeszycie. (= 1 lots / there are / offices / of 2. pool /a/ there's / swimming 3 five/ gardens / big / there are 1 =Tomek’s mum ‘OVE pst Gtecass Writing 6 Przeczytaj opis i wskaz wlasciwy plan pokoju: 4. QED Postuchaj nagrania. Dopasuj osoby 4, blub c. Z éw. 3 do wlasciwych miejsc (a-d). Udzielcie This is my bedroom. It’s a big room. The walls are white. The bunk bed Is in front the window, There’s a wardrobe next to door. And there's a small, brown desk the wardrobe. On the walls there are small, colourful pictures. odpowiedzi na glos, w parach. [>] Uzupeinij zdania za pomoca podanego 7 ini zd di przymiotnika. Udzielcie odpowiedzi na gtos, wparach. [5] Praymiotniki stuza do opisywania. Mozemy wstawia¢ je przed rzeczownikiem, np. The room is big. = It's a big room. Gdy opisujemy rozmiar i kolor, najpierw podajemy rozmiar, a potem kolor, np. There's a small, brown desk. This is my bedroom. (yellow, small) There's a bed. (white, big) There are lots of posters. (big, colourful) There's a wardrobe. (brown, tall) There are two chairs. (small, red) ween 5 Postuchaj nagrania jeszcze raz. Wskaz wtasciwa odpowiedé: a,b lub c 1. Tomek's home is Si. 8 a abigflat. —c abighouse b asmall house 2 Tomek’s brother isin a Britain b the United States Poland 3 The door to Tomek's home is a brown bred c blue 4 In Tomek’s home, there are ll bedrooms. a two b three ¢ four 5 Tomek's sister is in a herbedroom c the livingroom b the bathroom Narysuj w zeszycie plan swojego pokoju i dodaj opis sktadajacy sie z 30-40 wyrazéw. Pamietaj ‘© poprawnej kolejnosci przymiotnikow. {| eens © FF [Oo Warwick Castle There are over 2,000 castles in Britain. Warwick Castle is a famous castle in England. It's over 1,000 years old. It’s a very big castle with lots of walls, and towers. The caste’ history is very interesting, with lots of battles! Inside Warnick Castle, there are lots of different rooms. There are big kitchens and dining rooms. And there are bedrooms and living rooms for different kings and queens, There's also a dungeon for the castle's prisoners! Posted by Tomek at 20.10 « 41. comment Dalene The dungeon is my favourite room in the castle because i's dark and scary. There are lots of stories of ghosts in the castle, too! In aay the Ghost Towerthere’s J fowere sions the ghost of an old interesting —interesvjacy Posted at 20.55 man. Whoooh! ... bates iy Prisoners” ieniowie a ghost =duch 1 © Postuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj tekst. lle 3 Czy poniésze zdania sq prawdziwe (True) czy lat ma opisany zamek? — falszywe (False)? Powiedzcie w parach. There are 1,000 castles in Britain. Warwick Casth Scotland. Warwick Castle isn't very old. ‘There are lots of rooms in the castle. There isn't a kitchen in the castle. In one of the towers there's the ghost of an old man. 2. Dopasuj obrazki (1-4) do wlasciwych wyrazow zwpisu na blogu. Wskaz te wyrazy. ouawna Dobierzcie sie w kilkuosobowe grupy. Wykonajcie plakat poswlecony Jednemu z polskich zamkow. Poszukajcie informacji w przewodnikach turystycznych lub w internecie. Narysujcie ten zamek lub wklejcie jego zdjecie i opiszcie go wkilku zdaniach. a Sh Wawel Coste in Krakow. It's over Stl Inside the castle, there or | apartments. hae ven beau Revision Vocabulary ’] Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania iodpowiadajcie na nie. (5) You're in the bedroom Grammar 2. Dopasui przyimki (1-6) do wtasciwych obrazkéw (a-f). Udzielcie odpowiedzi na gtos, w parach. [-y] 1 behind 3. infront of 5 on 2 in 4 next to 6 under 3 > Uzupetnij zdania formami There's, There isn'ta, There are i There aren't any. Udzielcie odpowiedzi na gtos, w parach. 1 [tree in the garden. 2 L.birds in the tree. 3 L.two boys in the swimming pool 4 ..carin the garage. 5 «cat in the tree. 4. Uzupetnij pytania formami Is there ai Are there any. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. Potem dopisz zgodne z prawda odpowiedzi. 1 Is there a computerin your classroom? No, there isn't. 2. pen on your desk? 3. posters on the wall? 4 a bin in your classtoom? rubber in your pencil case? school bags on the floor? girls in your class? clock on the wall? evan vayrome units ED Dag Sesbemss Reading ‘| Przeczytaj teksty i wskaz wtasciwa odpowied? na kazde pytanie: a, b lub c, Podaj odpowiedzi na gtos. |] 1 Text A and Text B are both about a family. b school. A OGG A rem: [ 1 Te:[phii@mail.com_ ] 1Gee) sujea [Helloh ren: [philimallcom 1 1s [ 1 suhec: (Re: Hello! Dear Phil, |live in a house with my mum, dad and sister. There's a dining room, a living room, a kitchen and a toilet downstairs. There are three bedrooms upstairs and a bathroom. Please Hi lsabella Thank you for your email. | live in a flat. ‘There's a kitchen and a living room. There are two bedrooms. My bedroom is quite big There is a bunk bed for me and my brother. write and tell me about your home. [like my home. Isabella, Phil Come to \ 2. How many rooms are there in the Edinburgh castle is over 800 years Its cai castle in Scotland. f | There are 1600 rooms, gardens and a dungeon’ | Vise our website fr mare information Mum, Where a It's PE tomorr ey aren't *Y aren't in the washing Billy re my shorts? rrOW mornin, In my Wardro’ e. n Saturday? io you want to come to lunch 07 IMy house is next to our school tts blue with a red door. Dinner is at o'clock. machine, castle? a 800 b 1600 ct 3. Whichis true? a PEis tomorrow. b Bills shorts are in the washing machine. € Billy's shorts are in the wardrobe 4 Fiona wants a totell Alice about her house. b_ toask Alice to come for lunch. © toask Alice about her school Words, words, words Dopasuj czasowniki z ramki do wlasciwych elementéw obrazka (1-13). Wskaz odpowiednie ‘elementy na obrazku. rideabike swim climb drive a go-kart skip dive fly jump stand on your head rollerskate rideahorse playfrisbee juggle Postuchaj nagrania i powtérz stowa iwyrazenia. Sprawdz odpowiedzi. [| Popatrz na obrazek jeszcze raz. Jakie inne czynnosci potrafisz nazwaé? min the park with my friends. 2M Find Emma and her mice. [Ly Postuchaj nagrania. Kto to méwi? Udziel odpowiedzi na gtos. Zagrajcie w Simon says. Wykonujcie polecenia zéw.1. [5] Simon says stand up. Jump high! Zpodanych liter utéz czasownil wzeszycie. [=| Treid rae 4 piks 2 wims 5 gulige 3 bimel 6 vider apisz je _ @ tersuasesiens TUL, ‘1 QED Postuchajcie nagrania i przeczytajcie dialogi. Potem zaprezentujcie je w grupach. Hi, Amy. How are you? I can't talk now. m late for my ; Teacher Let's begin! dance class. a Dylan But I'm not in the class. I can’t Can we come and watch? bas e dance. Yes, you can. You can video it! eed Teacher Everybody can dance! Come on! Good idea! Rede AeA \Tomek Thisis interesting. Teacher One, two, three. No, no! Dylan I'm sorry. 'm really sorry. Dylan Thisis difficult! | can’t do it Teacher Can you walk? Amy You can do it, Dylan. Walk, then jump! Amy I think so. Yes, I can. Im OK. Dylan Walk... then jump! Dylan Hey, Tomek. What's so funny? ‘Ow! My foot! Tomek The video! Comprehension 2. Czy ponizsze zdania sa prawdziwe (True) czy falszywe (False)? Powiedzcie w parach. [21] 1 Amyis late for her dance class. 2. Dylan and Tomek can't go to the dance class. 3. Dylan is good at dance. 4. Amy can't walk after her dance 5. The video of the dance is funny. Dylan. 3 Pracujcie w parach. Zakryjcie fotografie na poprzedniej stronie. Zadajcie sobie nawzajem ponizsze pytania i odpowiedzcie na nie. [>] What colour is Amy's jacket? What colour is the teacher's dress? Is there a clock in the room? How many chairs are there in the room? Where is Amy's bag? wawne Everyday English 4. Dopasuj angielskie zwroty (1-6) do ich polskich odpor ‘w (a-f). Udzielcie odpowiedzi na glos, w parach. [=] 1 2 3 4 Come on! I'm really sorry. 5 6 a. Co cig tak rozbawito? b Chyba tak. © Chodicie! Tak miprzykro! Dobry pomyst! f Zaczynajmy! Say /a:/ and /z/ OED Postuchaj nagrania i powtérz zdanie trzy razy. [3] My aunt Charlotte can’t dance, but my grandad Stan can! Responding in conversations ‘| Przeczytaj por po polsku z kolega lub kolezanka, w jakich sytuacjach moglibyscie ich uzyé. [5 1 (What's your 2 name? 2. Jakmozna odpowiedzieé na wypowiedzi zéw.1? [5] 3 Dopasuj reakcje (af) na wypowiedzi z éw. sze wypowiedzi. Przedyskutuj 1. Udzielcie odpowiedzi na gtos, w parach. [7 a Thankyou, — d__I'mfine thanks b Maria. My foot! | can’t walk! © Bye lubb. 4. Wskaz wtasciwa odpowied: Excuse me. Is this our new classroom? a Yes, itis. b Thank you. How do you spell your name? a Myname's b J-0-H-N b itsnearly 1 Get moving! f Nice to meet you, Pavel. John. Yes, nearly. 2 o'clock. o GrammarStepsyi) can 1 DEB Postuchaj nagrania i powtérz zdania & Twierdzenia Przeczenia I can swim. 1 can't You can swim, You cant He/She /it | can swim. He/She /it | can't We can swim, We can't You can swim. ‘You can't They can swim They can't can't = cannot Gdy méwisz o tym, co potrafisz, uzyj can, a gdy méwisz 0 tym, czego nie potrafisz - can't. 2. Uzupetnij zdania formami can can’t, tak by 4 DED Postuchaj dialogu. Wskaz, ktéry obrazek zdania byty zgodne z prawda. Napisz peine zdania jest zgodny z prawda: a, b, c czy d? wzeszycie. |_| 1 Birds {i fly. 2. Mymum ii play the violin, ® 3. Cats [i juggle. 4 IL. stand on my head. e 5 Dogs ii play frisbee. 6 Mydadl. dive 3 Uzupetnij zdania wyrazami i wyrazeniami © zramki. Udzielcie odpowiedzi na gtos, wparach. [ climb jump rideahorse swim ski skip 5 Ktére dyscypliny sportowe potrafisz uprawiac? Powiedz o tym kolezance lub koledze. [>] playfootball ride abike idea horse 1. She can’t swim, 2 Hell swim dive roller skate skijump Lm “ >) 5 Welll. 6 Hel, Opisz w zeszycie, jakie czynnosci potrafia wykonywaé twoje kolezanki, twoi koledzy i cztonkowie twojej rodziny, oraz jakich nie potrafiq wykonywaé. [=| My mum can skip. She can't roller skate. Asking permission Can I play in the garden? Aby poprosié o pozwolenie, uzywamy pytari Can. . 7 Aby odpowiedziec, uzywamy nastepujacych iCan we zdati Yes, you / we can. lub No, you / we cant. 2 QED Postuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj dialog. Czy Jack moze zabraé ze soba kolege do parku? [3 Jack —_Lookat this!’ Dad Yes, we can. Jack Thanks, Dad.” [? Dad *l? Jack My friend from football club. Dad “7 Jack Thirteen Dad OK,he can come, too. Jack Great! Thanks, Dad! Dopasuj pytania (a-d) do wtasciwych miejsc wdialogu. Udzielcie odpowiedzi na glos, w parach. Potem postuchaj nagrania i sprawdz odpowiedzi. a Whois George? b How old is he? ¢ Cane go to Mountain Fun Park, please? d_ Can George come with us? 2B reakcji (ac). Udzielcie odpowiedzi na gtos, weparach. [5] 1 Kolega pyta, czy moze pozyczyé twéj telefon. Co mu odpowiesz? 2. Chcesz sig wybraé na przyjecie u twojej kolezanki i musisz poprosié mame o pozwole- nie, Jak to zrobisz? 3 Twoja mtodsza siostra pyta cig, czy moze zagrat wpilke noznaz toba i twoimi kolegami, jednak nie potrafi graé zbyt dobrze. Co odpowiesz? Can | go to Rosie’s party on Saturday? Sorry, Emma. You can‘t play with us today. © Yes, you can. Here itis. oe No, we can’t. Im busy today. ? Open Pd Bed race go-karts ride mountain bikes climb the mountain play lots of sports 6 (BD Postuchaj rozmowy miedzy Anna ijej mama. Wybierz wlasciwa odpowiedz: a lub b. [5] 1 Anna can go to the li a cinema b leisure centre 2. She can go with {i a afriend b two friends 3 Thefilmis atl a 630 b 9.00 7 Pracujcie w parach. Popatrzcie na obrazki. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie. Osoba A wciela sie w role syna lub cérki. Osoba B wciela sig w role mamy lub taty i decyduje, czy wyrazié zgode, czy nie. have a sandwich ‘watch television awe can 1 QW Postuchaj nagrania ipowtérzadania, |. What can you do? Pytania can 1 Juggle? Can you juggle? Can he/she/it | juggle? Can we juggle? Can you juggle? can they juggle? Krétkie odpowiedzi Yes,|1 can. |No, [1 cant. Yes,| you can. |No, | you can't Yes,| he/she /it |can. No, |he/ she /it | can't. Yes,| we can. |No, |we cant. Yes,| you can. |No, |you cant Yes,| they can. | No, |they can't. Batem dopise wiafciwe 5 (EMD Uzupetnij dialog formami cani can't. odpowledz|. [5] Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. Potem postuchaj 1 gorillas / swim? nagrania i sprawdé swoje odpowiedzi. | Yes, they can./ No, they can't. Emma Its time for my tennis lesson. Can gorillas swim? Ben Really? '{. you play tennis? No, they can't. Emma No,’ .. It’s my first lesson! 2 your teacher / juggle? Ben Cool! Tennis is great.’ you play other Yes, she can. /No, she can't. sports, tan? 3 snakes / close their eyes? Emma _Yes,1"l..1° ll play baseball. Yes, they can. / No, they can't. Ben Me too. Let's play baseball tomorrow! 4 you/stand on your head? Emma Butit’s Monday tomorrow. We ® play Yes, I can. / No, I can't. baseball. It's school! 5. youand your friends / fly? Yes, we can. / No, we can't 6 tigers / climb? Yes, they can. / No, they can't. 6 Przeczytajcie dialog w parach. Uz réznych dyscyplin sportowych. |») 3 CBM Postuchaj nagrania i napisz w zeszycie krotkle, zgodne z prawda odpowledzl. Can Peter whistle? No, he can't. Can Becky and Emma play the guitar? Can Kate roller skate? Can Sam drive a go-kart? Can the dog sing? Can Ania count to 20 in English? © corvoving vs Napisz w zeszycie pytania 2 can i zadaj je kolezankom ikolegom. |_| |») Can you climb a tree? answns Grammar in context 7 Om Postuchajcie nagrania iprreczytajcie dialagi. (eae eau eat Can you stand on your head, Uoold [con stand on my head. ) Glanker? Gan you climb the tree? Yes, | can, {can't climb the tree, but I can jump. Look! Comprehension 8 Uzupetnij zdania formami can i can't. Udzielcie odpowiedzi na gtos, w parach. | 1 2 3 4 5 6 Nicky lf stand on her head. Clanker i stand on his head. Ben {i climb the tree. Clanker {a climb the tree. Clanker \. jump. At the end of the story, Clanker \. stand on his head! i Yes, thanks. And now | can stand on my heed! 1 Canyou stand on your head? 2 Can you climb a tree? 3 Can you jump? 10 Teraz zaprezentujcie dialogi w grupach. | Get moving! a SkillsiSteps a Reading 1 QEBD Postuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj tekst. Czy ponizsze zdania sa prawdziwe (True) czy fatszywe (False)? Powiedzcie w parach. [5] This is Billy Monger, He's from Charlwood in England. He's fourteen, but he's a British sports champion. What sports can he do? He can ‘swim and play football well. Buthe isn’t a swimming or football ‘champion. Billy can drive go-karts very well. He's a karting champion! ‘And now Billy can drive cars. He's in the Ginetta Junior Championship. It's a championship for 14- to 17-year-olds. A Ginetta Junior is a very small racing, car Billy is very happy about it - the Ginetta Junior cars are very fast! And can Billy be a Formula 1 World Champion in the future? He says yes, he can! 1. Billy Monger is British 2 He's 17 years old, Ut62 i zapisz w zeszycie trzy pytania na temat tego, 3. He's good at football co potrafi robi Billy. Zadaj je koledze lub kolezance, 4. He's a go-karting champion. by na nie odpowiedzial/odpowiedziata. || 5 He's the Formula 1 World Champion. Can Billy drive fast? Can Billy ride a horse? Writing 2. Napisz w zeszycie nastepujace nagtéwki: Name, 4 W 30-40 stowach opisz w zeszycie ulubionego Country, Age, Sport, He can. Potem przeczytaj sportowca. Uzyj notatek z éw. 3. [=] tekst i zapisz pod kazdym nagtéwkiem wtasciwa informacje. {=| Lionel Messi 3 Pod naghéwkami z éw. 2 dopisz informacje © swoim ulubionym sportowcu. {=| My favourite sportsperson is Lione! Messi. He's from Argentina and he's 28 years old. He's very good at football. He can run very fast and he can score great goals. SHS Sass Listening 5 QED Postuchaj nagrania. Kto potrafi jezdzié na nartach - Tomek czy Dylan? Powiedz na gtos. VEE SWSissss 6 Postuchaj nagrania jeszcze raz. Wybierz wlasciwa odpowieds: a lub b. [2] 4 Where is Tomek’s house in Poland? 1. Where are Dylan and Tomek? 7 Postuchaj nagrania jeszcze raz i wybierz jego najlepsze podsumowanie: a, b lub c. [5] a Tomek and Dylan can ski. Dylan can ski jump. b_ Tomek and Agata can ski. Dylan can't ski jump. © Tomek can ski, Dylan and Agata can't ski et moving Unis ED I can do lots of sports at my schoot in England. Tm inthe rugby team, LMM = = ae Yi School sports Sport is an important part of school life in Britain. For schoolchildren, there are two hours of sport at school every week, All students must do PE lessons. The traditional school sports in Britain are team sports — football, rugby, hockey, netball and cricket. Many children are in a school sports team, and there are matches between schools, Fut team sports aren't fun for all children. So at some schools, children can learn other sports ~ dance, frisbee, yoga and even kick-boxing! Posted by Tomek at 19.10 ©. 41 comment says... Hi, Tomek! At my school in Leeds, I can learn karate. My PE teacher is a martial arts instructor. Karate is really exciting! Posted at 19.30 traditional - tradycyiny matches - macze even -nawet martial ats ~s2tvk) wat ‘exciting ~elscytviacy 1. DEM Postuchaj nagrania | przeczytaj wpis na blogu. Znajdé i wskaz pieé nazw sportéw 3 Cayponizsze zdania sq prawdziwe (True) czy zespotowych. falszywe (False)? Powiedzna glos. |.) 1. Rugby is a traditional schoo! sport in Britain. 2. Dopasuj nazwy dyscyplin sportowych z ramki 2 Netball isn’t a team sport. do wlasciwych fotografi (1-5). Wskaz wlasciwe 3 All British children are in a sports team. fotografie. 4 In Britain, there are matches between different school teams, cricket kick-boxing hockey 5. Kick-boxing and karate are traditional netball yoga school sports. Pracujcie w kilkuosobowych grupach. Przeprowadécie sondaz. Dowiedzcie sie, ktore dyscypliny sportowe uprawiaja kolezanki i koledzy z klasy. Zaprezentujcie wyniki w formie wykresu Revision Vocabulary '] Zagrajcie w gre planszowa. Potrzebne beda kostk: na obrazku. Gdy sig pomylisz, cofasz sig 0 jedno pole. dy przesuniesz pionek, nazwij czynnosé 2 QIN Napisz wzeszycie podane nazwy czynnosci w kolejnosci z nagrania. Dopisz polskie Cdpowledniki. (3) ride abike swim skip driveago-kart roller skate ride a horse 4 = swim Grammar 3) Uloz:i napisz w zeszycie zdania z formami can 4 DED) Preerysuj ponizsza tabelke do zeszytu. icant. =) Potem postuchaj nagrania i uzupetnij ja, wstawiajac 2nak ¥ (prawda) lub X (fats2). (=) € bas) e oS Sandra 1 you/juggle it/ swim Mike 5) Pracujcie w parach. Dowiedz sie od kolezanki lub kolegi, ktére dyscypliny sportowe potrafi uprawiag, a ktérych — nie potrafi. Uzyjcie wyrazéw i wyrazen zw. 14. [51] 3 we/climb 4 Anna/standon her head No, can't. Can you stand on your head? 5. they /ridea bike 6 my friend/ roller skate cet moving! units QD Bec: Grammar and vocabulary ‘1 Przeczytaj tekst i uzupetnij kazda luke jedna z mozliwych odpowiedzi: a,b lub c, Podawajcie odpowiedzi na gtos w parach. [| ODE) Crseitcescaiainanes Boa Karl’s blog ¢ | - About Me Contact, Tweet Me Links My family SEARCH THIS BLOG My name is Karl. I'll. British. My home is in London. I haven't got a very big Search) family. I've got one sister, Amy. She is 13. Tm at St Patrick's Primary school. My sister ? fll at my school. She is at BLOG ARCHIVE secondary school. My ? . favourite subject is science. ya) YY damaary (1) My favourite subject at school is PE. I'm good at sports. I'm a member of the (Me and my family Circus Club! It’s really fun. I* {4 juggle, stand on my head and do a somersault! Mier Posted by Karat 1507 7 comments < lais b are cm 2 a isn't b not © arent Wskazéwka 3 a sisters b sisters’ sister's Zawsze czytaj wszystkie , wyrazy przed fragmentem 4 a ‘mnot b can © canbe wiezyku polskim ipo nim. Po a przettumaczeniu polskiego 2 Praettumacz polskie fragmenty na jezyk angielski. fragmentu przeczytaj cate zdanie Zapisz petne zdania w zeszycie. | i upewnij sie, 2e jest poprawne 1 Can you rzucaé a ball? gramatycznie. 2. My cat can wspinaé sig na tree. 3. Thereisn'ta ogréd. 4 Gdzie are the pens? 5. There are shoes pod the bed. 3 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupetnij luki 1-3 wyrazami z ramki. Trzy Aare Bis wyrazy nie pasujadozadnejluki. | can Dean't Podaj odpowiedzi na gtos. (~] Estand Fride Hil'm Julial Im from Spain. I'm ten years old. My home is in Madrid. It’s the capital of Spain. It's a great city. My baby brother is one. His name fl Juan. He? [i walk but he can crawl fast! He's cute! My sister Maria is sixteen, She's good at sport. She can swim fast. She's on the swim team at school. | can't swim fast but | can’ {lon my head! | can juggle and I can dance well. fm in the dance club at school. It's fun! GD ceimoving

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