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1 Warm up
Discuss the questions below.

1. What might happen when an insect bites you?

2. Have you ever had a cold or the flu? What symptoms did you have and why?
3. What role do you think the immune system plays in maintaining good health?

2 Vocabulary - preőxes
Knowing the different forms of words can help you understand the meaning. The chart below shows
words based on Greek and Latin prefixes and roots.

prefix/root meaning prefix/root meaning

anti- against lymph- colourless fluid

cyte- cell macro- large

leuko- white phag- eat

Now, use the above chart to match the words on the left with their meanings.

1. antibody a. a protein used by the immune system against foreign objects

2. leukocyte b. a large type of white blood cell that kills microorganisms

3. lymphocyte c. a type of cell that can ingest and digest foreign particles e.g. bacteria

4. macrophages d. a type of cell in the immune system

5. phagocyte e. a type of white blood cell

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3 Listening 1

You are going to listen to a passage about how the immune system works. Listen and choose the
correct answer.

1. Which of the following signs indicate your immune system is working?

a. thirst b. hunger c. fatigue d. fever

2. Leukocytes travel through the ...

a. nervous system

b. reproductive system

c. lymphatic system

d. immune system

3. The immune response must be ...

a. affordable b. adaptable c. able d. adoptable

4. Millions of antibodies are produced by ...

a. macrophages b. B-cells c. phagocytes d. antigens

4 Listening 2

Listen again and answer the questions below.

1. What do leukocytes do?

travel through bloodstream and lymphatic system 2. minutes looking for foreign invaders

2. How long does it take for the immune system to detect antigens?
it takes only minutes

3. How many cellular groups do leukocytes have?

two main groups - phagocytes, lymphocytes

4. What do the B and T cells produce?

special proteins called antibodies

5. How does a high temperature and swelling help an immune response?

warm body makes it difficult for bacteria and
viruses to reproduce and swelling attracts phagocytes to consume invaders

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5 Pre-reading activity

Discuss the following with a partner.

1. Do you know any good therapies that can cure diseases? Give examples.
2. What is your opinion on vaccines? Have you been vaccinated against COVID-19?
3. Name some of the effects of the COVID-19 virus that you have heard about. Write them in the
box below.




6 Reading comprehension

You are going to read an article on new therapy in COVID-19 treatment. Choose the main idea for
each paragraph.

1. Paragraph 1

a. how animals fight disease

b. why people died of polio and smallpox

c. importance of animal research

2. Paragraph 2

a. COVID-19

b. importance of the llama

c. how antibodies are developed

3. Paragraph 3

a. nanobody research

b. Belgium researchers

c. importance of camel serum

4. Paragraph 4

a. manufacturing antibodies

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b. how to immunise llamas

c. benefits of nanobodies

5. Paragraph 5

a. drawbacks to human antibodies

b. disadvantages to nanobodies

c. importance of the kidney

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New COVID-19 therapy

Llama research

Animal research is necessary to understand how breakthrough launched the use of nanobody research
certain species have survived for thousands of years in therapeutic medicine. In the past decade,
and managed to combat diseases that others have nanobody research has looked at treatments for
died from. For over 50 years, researchers have psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and viral infections.
been looking at how animals could be crucial in
According to researchers, there are several
fighting viruses. In the past, some diseases such as
advantages to nanobodies. The first is that they
smallpox and polio proved fatal because no cure was
can navigate small spaces and have a better
available resulting in millions of people dying from
binding ability than human antibodies. For this
such illnesses. However, because of in-depth studies
reason, they are very attractive to therapeutic
on animal immune systems, vaccines were eventually
developers. Another reason is that nanobodies are
discovered to wipe out these diseases from many
also not complicated to manufacture because of the
parts of the world.
straightforward process to produce the antibody.
With the recent COVID-19 virus affecting people This starts with immunising the llama with an antigen
around the globe, scientists have been working and its immune system generates the antibody that
tirelessly to eliminate the profound effects of the recognises it. A blood sample is taken and the mRNA
virus. One animal that has been in the spotlight for the antibody is extracted. A significant advantage
of virus research is the llama. Certain animals is that nanobodies can be left at room temperature
from the camelid group -camels and llamas - for up to six weeks and because of their miniature
produce nanobodies which are a smaller form of size they can be aerosolised. This means that they
the antibodies that humans produce. Antibodies are can be developed as inhalers that can directly target
molecules produced by the body’s immune system the lungs. Since many viruses including the COVID-
that fight off invading infections. Currently, one 19 virus attack the respiratory system, developing
approach to treat people suffering from COVID-19 medications that focus on the lungs is vital.
is to inject them with antibodies taken from patients
who have already recuperated from the disease. Nanobodies have a few limitations. As a consequence
Although this method of using plasma from recovered of their tiny size, their half-lives are reduced as they
patients has been used for over 100 years for various are quickly eliminated via the kidneys. Hence, this
diseases and conditions, it is a lengthy process to would require a larger volume of nanobodies at a
extract the required antibodies. more frequent dosage, which could result in kidney
toxicity. Another drawback is that since they are
Over 30 years ago, researchers in Belgium discovered
a biological material, patients’ immune systems may
that camelids produced a unique property. They
react to them.
were testing camel blood serum when they observed
that the animals formed regular antibodies as well as Sources:,,
another set of single-chain antibodies. This surprising,

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7 Scanning for vocabulary

Find words in the text that have the same meaning.

1. causing or ending in death (paragraph 1)

2. eliminate (paragraph 1)

3. extreme (paragraph 2)

4. attention from the news and public (paragraph 2)

5. get better; restored health (paragraph 2)

6. discovery (paragraph 3)

7. travel or pass through (paragraph 4)

8. attach to something (paragraph 4)

8 Reading for details

Read the article again and answer true, false or not given.

1. More people died from polio than from smallpox.

2. Llamas are related to camels and belong to the camelid group.

3. Antibodies are produced by the immune system.

4. Camelids and humans have similar antibodies.

5. Nanobody research has focused only on viruses.

6. It is cheaper to manufacture nanobodies.

7. If nanobodies are aerosolised, they can be given by injection.

8. Nanobodies can survive for over a month at room temperature.

9 Talking point
With a partner or in small groups discuss the following questions.

1. Some people are against using animals for research purposes. Why do you think they are opposed
to such research?
2. During the recent COVID-19 crisis there were some people opposed to vaccinations. What were
some of the reasons they believed that vaccines were harmful?
3. Have you or anyone you know ever had an aerosolized vaccine? Would you prefer an aerosolized
vaccine to an injection? Why/not?
4. What vaccines are required in your country? Do you think schools, companies and governments
should be able to mandate vaccinations?

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10 Optional exercise - vocabulary

First, look at the prefixes and their meaning.

prefix meaning example

aero- air aerosolised

anti- against antibody

macro- large macrophages

micro- small microscopy

nano- extremely small nanobodies

sub- under, below subcategory

Now, fill in blanks with a prefix from the chart above to complete the word.

1. A strand of human DNA is 2.5 metres in diameter.

2. One of the roles of the immune system is to protect the body from invasion of gens.

3. Doctors recommend bic exercise to reduce the risk of obesity, high blood pressure and
type 2 diabetes.

4. organisms require certain nutrients for growth and maintenance of metabolic functions.

5. nutrients are the types of food that your body requires in large amounts.

6. Before the discovery of biotics, many people died from a simple cut in their skin.

7. There have been many advances in the use of technology in medicine.

8. Some countries have standard healthcare because of a lack of medical professionals.

9. nutrients are essential to healthy development and disease prevention.

10. An dote is a drug that neutralises the effects of another drug or toxin.

11 Optional extension/homework

Write a 150-word paragraph on your opinion of one of the topics below.

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• Why do you think people are opposed to animal research?

Give some reasons to support your answer.

• Do you think that people should be forced to be vaccinated? Why or why not?
Give reasons to support your answer.

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