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Class Date: 7th July 2023

Background Information:
Course Name/Description: Institution: Lesson Length:
Part 1 — Exploring

In this lesson plan, the teacher prepares the SD Akademik Merdeka 10 minutes
material about “Profession” which will be carried
out in the form of explanation, both from the
teacher and students, as well as fun activities
Shaping the Way

using flashcards and crossword puzzle.

Description of Students: Level: Number of Students:
The students that will be taught are 3 rd grade 3rd grade students 15 students (8 female and 7 male students)

students of SD Akademi Merdeka in which their

range of age is from 8 to 9 years old.
We Classroom:
Teach English:

Lesson Information:

Lesson Objectives — Students will be able to:


1. Identify the types of “Professions” through the description given.

2. Differentiate “Professions” based its on field of work.

3. Pronounce the vocabularies about “Professions” correctly.

Learners to

Specific skills/content focus:

1. Noun vocabularies
2. Thinking and speaking skills
How does this lesson fit in with the previous and next lessons?

Lesson Plan:
Time Materials and Media
Teachers Students
1. Asks students to sing along
(a song about 1. Sings along with the teacher Materials:
Opening “Professions”). and other students.

(3 minutes) 2. Gives and asks students 2. Listens and explains the Video or music about “Professions”
about the moral lesson of moral lesson of the song.
the song.
1. Describes the types of
“Professions” based on its
1. Listens and repeats what the Flashcards
field of work.
During teacher has described.
2. Provides the correct
(5 minutes) 2. Follows the teacher
pronunciation of every
vocabulary bout

1. Gives a conclusion and 1. Pays attention to the

review about the material. teacher’s conclusion and
2. Conducts a question-and- review. Materials:
answer session (An 2. Asks questions (if there is any
alternative if there is not material that is still not Crossword puzzle
Closing any question from the understood about the material) or
(2 minutes) students: Asks students conveys what they have
about what they have acquired from the material
acquired from the material given.
given). 3. Does the assessment given by
3. Conducts an assessment the teacher.
related to the material.

The assessment will be conducted at the closing time using the crossword puzzle given.
Pre-class preparation:

Lesson Evaluation:
1. What do you think the students actually learned? How do you know?
2. What parts were most successful/least successful? Why?
3. Did you finish the lesson on time? If not, why?
4. What changes (if any) will you make in your teaching and why (or why not)?

Group 2
Members of the Group:
- Alma Fitra (201010650058)
- Mulia Fatmaji (201010650040)
- Salsabila Putri N. (201010650026)

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