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Subject: Notice of Property Damage and Request to Cease Lawn Clippings Blowing


I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to address a matter of concern regarding the manner in
which you handle your lawn clippings while mowing your property. I regret to inform you that your
practice of blowing grass clippings onto my vinyl privacy fence, as well as any persons or objects on my
property, is causing potential staining and damage to the fence. As a result, I am compelled to take
necessary actions to protect my property rights.

It is important to note that I have taken great care in installing the vinyl privacy fence on my property,
ensuring that it is situated at a distance of 11 and 1/4 inches from the property line, allowing a
reasonable buffer zone. However, due to your mowing activities this has become an ongoing issue that
demands attention.

I must emphasize that the vinyl privacy fence is a significant investment and its upkeep is vital to
maintaining its value and aesthetic appeal. Consequently, any damage or staining caused by the grass
clippings requires prompt remediation, which may involve hiring professional services to repair or clean
the fence. I am willing to take all necessary actions to protect my property, which may include seeking
damages in a court of law to cover any costs incurred.

While I value our neighborly relations, it is crucial that we address this matter to prevent any further
damage and potential disputes. Therefore, I kindly request that you take immediate action to cease
blowing grass clippings onto my vinyl privacy fence or any objects or individuals on my property. I
believe that by working together, we can find a suitable solution that respects both our rights and
maintains a harmonious neighborhood environment. This should be as simple as ensuring that your
discharge chute is pointed away from my property instead of at it. As I’m sure you know, a significant
amount of grass is discharged from the side of a lawn mower, at great speeds.

Please consider this letter as a formal notice of the situation, and I trust that you will take the necessary
measures to rectify the issue promptly. In order to maintain a record of our correspondence, I have sent
this letter via certified mail. It is crucial that we resolve this matter amicably before it escalates any
further. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to a swift resolution. I believe that by
addressing this issue promptly, we can avoid any unnecessary legal proceedings and maintain a positive
neighborly relationship.



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