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Tense 1: WILL

a. Function: Will used for something that we just decided now

b. Helping verb which is used to create a question: will
c. Pattern (positive,negative,interrogative):
- Positive: S + will + verb 1
- Negative: S + will not + verb 1
- Interrogative: Will/will not + S + verb 1 + ?
d. Examples:
- + : I will play with them
- - : I will not work out today
- ? : will you marry me?
e. Pattern (WH question): WH question (except who) + will + subject + verb 1+?
For who: Who + will + verb 1 + ?
f. Examples:
- When will you tell your parents?
- What time will you play soccer?
- Where will you study tonight?
- Where will you go this weekend?
- How many times will you read that email?
g. Time signals:
- Tomorrow
- Next year
- Next month
- Next week

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