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Diandra Aina Reandi


1. Future continuous;

 Function : The future continuous refesr to an unfinished action or event that will
be in progress at a time later than now.

 Pattern;
Subject+Will+be+Verb-ing+Present participle
 Example :
(+) I will be having an english class at 07.00 tomorrow
(-) They wont be playing basketball at 07.30 tomorrow
(?) What will you be doing at 10.00 PM tonight?

 WH-Question Pattern :
WH question+will+subject+be+ verb 1+ ing+object+?
 Example :
- Will you be having a test tommorow?
- What will you be doing when i arrive?
-How she will be travelling?

 Time Signal :
- At This Time Next month
- At 7 o'clock Tommorow
- Tomorrow morning

2. Future Perfect :

 Function : The Future Perfect Is a verb used for actions that will be completed
before some other point in the future.

 Pattern :
Subject+Will have+Past participle
 Example :
(+) You will have arrived.
(-) I will not have gone.
(?) Will we have arrived?
 WH-Question Pattern :
WH-Question+Will+Subject+Have+past participle+?
 Example :
-How long will you have studied english?
-What will Jonathan have brought today?
-Where will you have traveled by the end of your trip?

 Time Signal
-By next week
-By tomorrow
-By Next month
-In a week
-In two days

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