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Internet post about Reading

Post 1:

You have to use quite a bit of judgment about what you are reading in a novel. Authors also
tend to make a lot of stuff up. Maybe they are guessing what some thing or place might be like,
even though they have no direct knowledge of that. Sometimes they invent (ironically, for
example, some of Le Carre’s ‘spycraft’ terminology were inventions, and because of his
popularity as a writer, lots of other writers picked up that jargon and just assumed it was all
real. For example, Le Carre coined the term ‘mole’ to mean a spy who has infiltrated some
organization to a very high level. It worked so well that it came into common parlance..

And then there are people who are just careless with their science and make stuff up out of
whole cloth for the sake of the story. I say that as a lover of science fiction novels. There is not a
general belief among scientists in the possibility of such ideas as a multiverse, or time travel (at
least into the past), or traveling through wormholes, or ‘warp speed’ or light sabers or any of a
number of other plot tools that science fiction writers commonly use. So when in doubt, verify.

And then there are those people who claim that their books are ‘based on a true story’. Those
are (potentially) the worst because they may actually mix fact and fiction in ways that can
confuse people, or they may believe in hoaxes (eg. The Amityville Horror), or simply that the
‘real events’ were actually very far from real (such as when the conspiracy theory is more
interesting than the simplest, most probable explanation).

So yeah, you might learn from novels. But you also might miss-learn from novels.

Post 2:

No doubt both will provide you knowledge and improve u in your life but there coverage of
area is totally diverse

1. While textbook will give you authentic proven knowledge whereas novels will
help u to gain knowledge of social life and will help you to handle social
2. textbook will help you to grow professionally while novel will help you to grow
personally or socially.
3. Fantasies or Out of box reading not possible through textbooks while novel
will give you this freedom.
so both are good but their uses depends on requirement i will suggest 70:30 reading ratio for
Textbook v/s novel this formula will help you to grow personally and professionally

Post 3:
Novels are fun. They're mysterious, thrilling, romantic, dramatic, comical and all that we
perceive them to be. But even then, we aren't trying to grasp every word and context
embedded in the writing. We are reading it for fun(most of us).

Textbooks, on the other hand, are complex. They contain information that we need to
understand and remember. Also, most of the time, they aren't thrilling... or even fun. But, if you
enjoy what you are studying, the subject and the topic, then you do retain it.

For instance, I remember a vast majority of details from JK Rowling's Harry Potter novels. I
enjoyed them so much, that I have read all of them at least thrice. I read them all, at a stretch,
in 2-3 days. That is also how long I took to fully grasp and comprehend the basics of calculus.
But I love them both, in different ways. I enjoyed calculus because of how challenging it was,
while I enjoyed Harry Potter for how immersive and fantastic it was.

If you can't finish a page of your physics textbook in 5 minutes, it's all right. If you can't recall
what you just read in the textbook, its because you did not understand it, so you should spend
more time to do so. What you learn from your textbooks is knowledge that you are supposed
to take to your grave. But you won't remember the details of every novel you read for longer
than a few months (at the most), because every novel isn't like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings
or something.

Post 4:

Teaching and learning require some aids to make the process easier. One of these aids is the
textbook which is very important and the focus of this article. A textbook is a book containing a
comprehensive compilation of content in a branch of study with the intention of explaining it.

Textbooks are an essential tool for the educational system. Unfortunately, some people argue
that they are a waste of money and are not important in the learning process. However, this is
not true as they have quite a number of uses and benefits for both teachers and students alike.
See them below

Benefits of Using Textbooks

Textbooks serve as a guide to the prescribed curriculum and syllabus. They ensure that topics
covered are similar across different schools and states.

It transmits knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to the teacher and student alike.

It provides guidelines for teaching and learning. So, the teacher knows what is expected when
teaching particular topics. They also know th best approach to help students assimilate better.
Textbooks save time and energy when searching for information since it is a source of the
material. They are an easily accessible reference point. It is a readily available source of

Using textbooks makes teaching various subjects systematic as it is arranged according to

themes. For this reason, it is easier for students to follow the lessons and understand them

They play major roles for weak students to achieve good grades as they are able to read on
their own in more details..

It is a reliable point of reference. Because they are properly researched and therefore credible,
while most information on the internet are added randomly.

Provides students with several examples, activities and experiments related to the topics so
they can understand better.

Textbooks are illustrated so students are able to picture and visualize concepts.

They are a footpath and lighthouse as they provide detailed information and also provides
references in case students or teachers require further information.

Post 5:

The function of a textbook is essentially to guide the teaching and learning of the curriculum in
a particular subject. Against the backdrop of poor teacher context knowledge, textbooks play a
fundamental role in supplementing teachers’ knowledge deficits.

One primary advantage of using textbooks is that they are written and designed by experts in
the topics discussed. Textbook writers keep up-to-date with the research in a particular subject
area, which means that teachers and students are presented with the most valuable
information in that subject field. If teachers didn't have these experts to rely on, they could
miss some of the important advances in a particular area. Textbook writers can be viewed as a
teacher's and a student's most valuable aid.

Textbooks are usually written with detailed contents pages and indexes that, if designed
properly, can be used to quickly find what the student is looking for. Textbooks also provide
structure for a student's learning. Each chapter should have a logical flow, building on the
knowledge acquired in previous chapters. The material in each chapter is also usually presented
in a similar design, which means the student knows exactly how to approach each topic as it is

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