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1. Read the following passage carefully: (8)

1. Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine, first proposed by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in
1796, which attempts to treat patients with heavily diluted medicines. Homoeopathic remedies are
prepared by serial dilution with shaking by forceful striking, which homoeopaths term ‘Succession’ after
each dilution under the assumption that this increases the effect of the treatment. Homoeopaths call this
process ‘Potentization’. They believe this step transfers the healing essence. Homoeopaths also believe
that the lower the dose, the more powerful the medicine. Many of these remedies no longer contain any
molecules of the original substance. They come in a variety of forms, like sugar pellets, liquid drops,
creams, gels, and tablets. Dilution often continues until none of the original substance remains. During
your appointment, a homoeopath will ask several questions about your mental, emotional, and physical
health. They’ll prescribe the remedy that best matches all of your symptoms. Then, they’ll tailor the
treatment for you. Homoeopathic reference books known as Repertories are then consulted, and a
remedy is selected based on the totality of symptoms.
2. Homeopathic remedies are considered safe, than Allopathy, but are criticized for putting patients at risk
due to advice against conventional medicine such as vaccinations, anti-malarial drugs, and antibiotics.
Depending on the dilution, homoeopathic remedies may not contain any pharmacologically active
molecules, and for such remedies to have a pharmacological effect would violate fundamental principles
of science.
3. Modern homoeopaths have proposed that water has a memory that allows homoeopathic preparations to
work without any of the original substance; however, there are no verified observations or scientifically
plausible physical mechanisms for such a phenomenon. The lack of convincing scientific evidence
supporting homoeopathy’s efficacy and its use of remedies lacking active ingredients have caused
homoeopathy to be described as pseudoscience.

1.1 Answer the following questions are given below: (1x8=8)

1.Homeopathy treats patients with________________

(a) heavy medicine
(b) strong medicine
(c) diluted medicine
(d) concentrated medicine

2. Homeopathic remedies are prepared by serial dilution with shaking by forceful striking. What is this
procedure known as?
(a) Succession
(b) Potentization
(c) Dilution
(d) Convention

3.According to the report, homeopathy is not more useful than Allopathy because after dilution of the medicine
it doesn’t contain any___________________________
(a) chemical
(b) acid

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(c) pharmacologically active substance
(d) vaccine against diseases

4. Why is homoeopathy also termed Pseudoscience?

(a) It is based on false notions.
(b) It lacks scientific evidence
(c) It has side effects
(d) It is a slow treatment

5. Why according to you, does a homoeopath question his / her patient about emotional and mental health?

(a) A Homeopath is also a psychologist

(b) They do it as part of their routine
(c) They prescribe the remedy that best matches all your symptoms.
(d) Symptoms are expressed in the mind as well as in the body.

6. Choose the word that means ‘the facts /objects that make you believe that something is true (Para 3)
(a) Pharmacology
(b) Placebo
(c) Accredited
(d) Evidence

7. Give the antonym of ‘assumption’ (Para 1)

a) Presumption
b) Accept
c) Belief
d) Fact

8. Choose the correct adjective form of ‘substance’. (Part 1)

a) Substantiation
b) Substantiate
c) Substantive
d) Substantially

2. Read the following passage carefully: (5)

1. Garbage is a great environmental hazard. It comes from various sources—used paper, tiffin packing,
plastic bags, ice-cream wrappers, bottle caps, fallen leaves from trees and many more. Garbage makes
the premises ugly and breeds diseases.

2. Man has been creating garbage throughout history, beginning with bone fragments, leftover from using
animal parts and stone fragments discarded from tool making. The degree to which groups of early
humans began engaging in agriculture can be estimated by examining the type and quality of animal
bones in their garbage. The garbage from prehistoric or pre-civilization humans was often collected into
mounds called ‘Middens’ which might contain things such as a mix of discarded food, charcoal, shell
tools, and broken pottery’
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3. A lot of trash that is thrown away even today, contains material that can be recycled and reused such as
paper, metals and glass. Later, it is sent to the nearest recycling centre or disposed of off to the junk
dealer. It also contains organic matter such as leaves which can be enriching for soil fertility. A compost
pit can be made at a convenient location where the refuse can be placed with layers of soil and an
occasional sprinkling of water. This decomposition would further help to make valuable fertilizer. This
would also prevent pollution that is usually caused by burning such organic waste.

4. In urban areas, the garbage of all kinds is collected and treated as municipal solid waste. Garbage that is
discarded in ways that cause it to end up in the environment, rather than in facilities designed to receive
garbage, is considered litter. Litter is a form of garbage, and municipal solid waste that is improperly
disposed of, and which therefore enters the environment, is treated as litter. Notably, however, only a
small fraction of garbage that is generated becomes litter, with the vast majority being disposed of in
ways intended to secure it from entering the environment.

2.1 Answer the following questions are given below: (1x5=5) (1x3=3)
1. Garbage originates from______________.
(a) used paper, tiffin, packings, plastic bags and fallen leaves from trees
(b) leftovers of food
(c) fallen branches from trees
(d) building materials.

2. By examining the garbage, it was found that_________________.

(a) garbage was collected in middens
(b) animal husbandry was the only occupation
(c) early humans made use of animals by engaging them in agriculture.
(d) all the above.

3. Which of these is correct concerning ‘a composite pit’?

(a) The refuge is placed with layers of soil with an occasional sprinkling of water
(b) It contributes to the manufacture of useful fertilizer
(c) It prevents pollution
(d) All the above.

4. Choose the correct comparative degree of the word ‘enriching’. (Para3)

(c)Most enriching
(d)More enriching

5. Choose the correct noun form of the word ‘collected’. (Part 4)

(c)To collect


3. Do as directed
1. His command was promptly obeyed. (Identify the correct Voice)
Active Voice
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Passive Voice

2."Where do you live?” asked the stranger. (Identify the correct Indirect Speech)
I was asked where did I live by the stranger
The stranger enquired where I lived.
The stranger told me where did I live.

3.____________ you say so, I must believe it. (Fill in the blank with suitable conjunction)

4. Sangeeta will be having lunch at the restaurant. (Identify the correct form of tense)
Future Perfect tense
Simple past tense
Future Continuous tense

5. Choose the correct form of the past perfect tense

I asked Harshal if he took my magnet
I asked Harshal if has taken my magnet
I asked Harshal if he had taken my magnet

6. In summer the days are longer than nights. (Fill in the blank with a suitable form of the adjective)

7. Wee, Willie, Winkie runs through the town (Fill in the blank with the correct preposition) off

4. The following sentences have not been edited. There is an error in each line. Choose the correct
combination of error and correction. (1x3=3)

1. However, things has changed now.

Error-things Correction-thing
Error-has, Correction - have
Error-has, Correction-is

2. Nowadays, a large number of girls attended schools and colleges for higher education.
Error - attended Correction- attend
Error- number of girls Correction – number of girl
Error- large Correction- many

3. They were also taken up all sorts of job

Error - taken Correction took
Error - sorts of job Correction- sort of job
Error- were Correction - have

6 You are unable to find the book that you had issued from the school library. Write a letter in about 80-100
words to your library teacher apologising for the delay. Also, ask her for a grace period until you find it.

7. Write an email to your best friend in about 80-100 words recommending him/her to read a book that you
recently read during the lockdown. Also, highlight the importance of reading books.

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5.Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences. (1X2=2)

11. human travellers, / animals / unlike / maps / have / do not.

Human travellers do not have animals unlike, maps
Animals do not have maps unlike, human travellers
Unlike human travellers, animals do not have maps.

12. navigate / different clues / they / instead, /many / by using

Instead, using by they navigate different clues
Instead, they navigate by using different clues
Instead, by using clues navigate differently


8. Read the following extract and answer the following questions: (1x5=5)

‘Ju asked her, "Grandmother, should I walk with you? " "No, no I'm alright, " She replied and slowly continued
on her way. Ju stood there wondering why Lisie's grandmother had called her beautiful.’

a) Who was Lisie?

b) This meeting tells you two characteristics about Ju. What are they?
c) Why do you think the old lady must have called Ju beautiful?
d) Make a meaningful sentence with the word ' wondering'
e) Give the word from the extract that means expressing or asking for an agreement.

9. Read the following extract and answer the following questions: (1x5=5)

‘Ever since childhood, she'd had gift

For being happier in a tree than in a lift
And though as years went by she would be told
Climbing trees should stop when one grew old
And that growing old should be gone about gracefully
She'd laugh and say, 'well I'll grow old disgracefully'

a) What gift did the Grandmother have?

b) What advice did the family give to the Grandmother?
c) How did the Grandmother react to their advice?
d) Give any one pair of rhyming words from the extract.
e) Name the poem and the poet of the given extract.
10. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words (Any four) (2x4=8)

a) Why was the Comanche singing to the Great Spirit?

b) What did Nana Marie think of the gifts that she had received?
c) Where and when did the fox meet the zebra? What did the fox ask the zebra?
d) In the prose piece 'Horsing Around', how did the speaker end up in the gutter, after hanging from the
horse's mouth?
e) How old was Grandma when she first climbed the tree? What was her age when she last climbed the

11. Answer the following question in 100-120 words (3x3=9)

a) Who named the girl 'She-Who-Is-Alone'? Why did they choose this name? How did the girl feel about
her name?
b) Was Grandma happy living in the treehouse? Justify your answer with suitable examples from the
c) Describe in your own words the relationship between Anna and Nana Marie.

12. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words (2x4=8)

a) Compare and contrast the characters of the Fox and the Zebra. What is the message of the poem 'Foxed
by Those Stripes? What does it tell you about appearances and self-respect?

b) ‘Count your blessings and be grateful for the life you have. Justify the statement with reference to the
prose piece ‘Ju’s Story’. What are the three things that you are grateful about your life?

13. Answer the following question in 100-120 words (1x5=5)

Narrate any one incident that is your personal favourite from the novel ‘Black Beauty.
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