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Activities for Crisis Planning

I. Activities for Crisis Planning:

• Risk Assessment and Analysis:

o Conduct a thorough analysis of the financial crisis, including the root causes
and potential future risks.
o Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) and financial metrics for
• Scenario Planning:
o Develop various financial scenarios, including best-case, worst-case, and
most likely outcomes.
o Evaluate the impact of each scenario on the university's operations and
• Mitigation Strategies:
o Develop strategies to reduce the university's dependence on part-time
instructors and job order employees.
o Explore cost-saving measures such as energy efficiency, procurement
optimization, and administrative streamlining.
• Financial Sustainability Plan:
o Create a comprehensive financial sustainability plan that outlines long-term
strategies for financial stability.
o Consider diversifying revenue sources, increasing enrollment, and improving
fundraising efforts.
• Financial Crisis Response Plan (FCRP):
o Develop a detailed FCRP that includes specific actions to be taken in
response to the financial crisis.
o Outline roles and responsibilities of the Financial Crisis Management Team
• Communication and Coordination Protocols:
o Establish clear communication and coordination protocols within the FCMT
and with other relevant stakeholders.
o Prepare templates for crisis communications to ensure consistency and
• Resource Allocation and Monitoring:
o Define procedures for reallocating resources and adjusting budgets as per the
o Implement mechanisms for real-time financial monitoring and reporting.
• Evaluation and Learning:
o Plan for post-action assessment and evaluation of crisis response measures.
o Ensure that lessons learned are incorporated into future crisis planning and
policy updates.
Organizational Structure

II. Structure for Implementing Crisis Planning:

1. Financial Crisis Management Team (FCMT):

a. Chair/Leader: Typically a senior university administrator responsible for
overseeing the crisis response.
b. Financial Experts: Individuals with financial expertise who can analyze data,
recommend actions, and monitor progress.
c. Academic Representatives: Faculty members or academic administrators
who can provide input on maintaining educational quality.
d. Communication Specialist: Responsible for managing crisis communications
both internally and externally.
e. Operations Coordinator: Manages the logistical aspects of the crisis
response, including resource allocation.
2. Crisis Response Center:
a. Establish a physical or virtual crisis response center to facilitate coordination
and communication among FCMT members.
b. Ensure the center is equipped with necessary technology and communication
3. Regular Training and Drills:
a. Conduct regular training sessions and crisis response drills for FCMT
b. Simulate various crisis scenarios to test the effectiveness of the FCRP.
4. Monitoring and Reporting Units:
a. Designate units within the university responsible for ongoing financial
monitoring and reporting to the FCMT.
b. These units should have access to real-time financial data and KPIs.
5. Post-Action Assessment Team:
a. Form a dedicated team responsible for conducting post-crisis assessments
and evaluations.
b. This team should include individuals with expertise in data analysis and
performance evaluation.
6. Policy Review Committee:
a. Establish a committee responsible for reviewing and updating the Crisis
Management Policy on an annual basis or as needed.

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