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Side to side comparison of TB cases in philippines and malaysia 2021

I'm sorry, but I don't have access to the most up-to-date information on TB cases in the Philippines
and Malaysia beyond my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021. However, I can provide you with
some general information about TB and the trends in these countries.

Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection that primarily affects the lungs but can also affect other parts
of the body. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), TB is one of the top 10 causes of
death worldwide, and in 2020, an estimated 10 million people fell ill with TB globally.

In the Philippines, TB is a significant public health concern. According to the Department of Health,
the country has the highest TB burden in the Asia-Pacific region, and the incidence rate of TB in the
Philippines was 554 cases per 100,000 people in 2020. The country has been making efforts to
address the issue through the implementation of the Philippine Strategic TB Elimination Plan.

In Malaysia, the incidence rate of TB has been declining in recent years. According to the WHO, the
incidence rate of TB in Malaysia was 87 cases per 100,000 people in 2019. Malaysia has also
implemented various strategies to address TB, including providing free TB diagnosis and treatment
services through public health facilities and increasing TB awareness campaigns.

It's important to note that TB cases and trends can vary from year to year, and there may be different
factors contributing to the incidence and prevalence of TB in different countries. Therefore, it is
recommended to consult with the most recent data available and consult with local health
authorities for specific information.

compare the TB data of the philippines and malaysia using the data that I will provide
Unfortunately, I don't see any data provided for me to compare TB data for the Philippines and
Malaysia. Could you please provide me with the relevant data, and I will do my best to compare the
TB data for these countries?

Malaysia It is reported that there were only 21727 cases of tuberculosis in Malaysia in 2021, while
there is an increase of 17% in 2022, which indicates a total of 25391 cases. Besides, the mortality rate
increases by 12% in 2022, showing 2572 cases, as compared to 2288 deaths in 2021. According to
the data collected in 2021, the prevalence of tuberculosis is higher in males than females, while it
most commonly develops in individuals aged 25 to 34. Besides, the individuals that smoke, and
abuse alcohol show more tuberculosis incidence. Undernourishment, meaning that the individuals
that do not have proper nutrient consumption, diabetes and HIV also contribute to higher
prevalence to tuberculosis. Moreover, among the total new and relapse tuberculosis cases in the year
2021 in Malaysia, approximately 4.1 % of the patients are HIV-positive, while 32% of them are on
antiretroviral therapy, and 19% of the HIV-positive patients are enrolled on the preventive therapy
for tuberculosis. According to the statistics shown, the estimated HIV-positive TB mortality is lower
than those who are HIV-negative with a rate of 6 per 100,000 and 1.6 per 100,000 respectively. This
might be due to the antiretroviral therapy that helps in improving the immune function, thus
reducing the risk of developing other opportunistic infections. Among the patients with TB infections
in Malaysia, 0.34% of them develop multidrug resistance, while the rate of mdr-TB is about 1.6 per
100, 000 population. Among the cases, only 0.94% are new cases, while 19% are relapse patients. The
condition is more prevalent in the groups that are single and working. People who consume alcohol
and have diabetes also show a higher rate of developing MDG-TB. Besides, according to a research
conducted to review on various risk factors to MDG-TB, females are at a higher risk to develop the
condition than males, and non-smoking individuals show a higher prevalence too. Multidrug-
resistant TB is caused by TB bacteria that are resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampicin, the two
most potent TB drugs used in the therapy of tuberculosis. This has undoubtedly decreased the
treatment success rate as the first line treatment is not effective, and there are lesser treatment
options available. 78% of the tuberculosis cases in 2020 are successfully treated, however there is a
significant drop in the success rate when the patients are developed with MDR-TB and coinfected
with HIV. Data From the Philippines Tuberculosis Profile: Philippines TB CASES RECORDED BY DOH
IN 2O22 •Total TB incidence: 741 000 (401 000-1 180 000) (2021 data) -Originally, it was 700,000
cases of TB (expected) to be recorded every year but it dropped to 470,000. There might have been
some that are not accommodated and tested due to the focus on COVID 19 treatment and vaccine
distribution. • HIV-positive TB incidence: 14 000 (5 800-27 000) • MDR/RR-TB incidence**: 21 000 (8
300-34 000) • HIV-negative TB mortality: 60 000 (53 000-67 000) • HIV-positive TB mortality: 810
(710-910) Estimated proportion of TB cases with MDR (Multidrug-resistant) /RR-TB*, 2021: New
cases: 1.5% (0.97-2.1), Previously treated cases: 26% (25-27) Article: DOH 470,000 TB cases recorded
in 2022 -the COVID pandemic has affected the tuberculosis treatment. -The 2021 data shows that
the Philippines had previously recorded 741,000 TB cases, with 60,000 deaths. -TB is an airborne
disease that can be passed through droplets. When infected, symptoms include cough with sputum
and blood. Other distinct symptoms are night sweats and weight loss. -There are 4 antimicrobial
drugs present in the treatment of TB namely isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and either ethambutol
or streptomycin. With the use of a 4-month or 6-month course of treatment, TB can be treated. TB
case notifications, 2021: Men have higher TB cases than women in aged ≥15 years -Total new and
relapse” 321, 564 - % tested with rapid diagnostics at time of diagnosis: 65% - % with known HIV
status: 34% - % pulmonary98%- % bacteriologically confirmed: 44% - % children aged 0-14 years: 7%
- % women (aged ≥15 years): 31% - % men (aged ≥15 years): 62% - Total cases notified: 328, 497
Cases attributable to five risk factors, 2021: Undernourishment, smoking, alcohol use disorders,
diabetes, HIV. Treatment success rate for: -New and relapse cases registered in 2020: 76% -Previously
treated cases, excluding relapse, registered in 2020: 68% -HIV-positive TB cases registered in 2020:
81% -MDR/RR-TB cases started on second-line treatment in 2019: 73% -Pre-XDR-TB/XDR-TB cases
started on second-line treatment in 2019: 74% In the Preventive treatment in 2021,HIV-positive
people (newly enrolled in care) on preventive treatment is 45% while children (aged < 5 years)
household contacts is 5.5%. Detected cases of TB in 2022: 470,000 • Dr Ronald Allan Fabella (TB
advisor), Covid-19 had a massive impact on the DOH's disease prevention and control bureau of the
TB’s detection and treatment program of the government. • Unfortunately, The WHO said that the
estimated number of detected cases is lacking whereas, the number of estimated cases of TB every
year is 700,000 Filipinos • Detection and treatment to the affected TB patients is necessary to stop
the transmission. • In 2021, WHO reported a 741,000 cases of TB cases, and a death of 60,000. • TB is
treatable by 4-6 month course of 4 antimicrobial drugs • NTP reported 300,000 Filipinos affected by
TB in 2017 • In 2016, 346,949 number of TB cases and 294,907 number of treated patient with TB •
TB is ranked 8th by the most deadly diseases in the Philippines • Genexpert machine detect TB in 2
hours Second National Drug Resistance Survey on Tuberculosis in the Philippines: 2014 •The latest
global report of World Health Organization (WHO) in 2012 put estimates of new TB cases at 8.6
million and 1.3 million deaths. •The Philippines is one of the 22 high burden countries for
tuberculosis •2012: 450,000 cases, Deaths: 23,000 •Corresponded to 461 existing cases of TB and 24
deaths per 100,000 population in the country. Incident cases of TB were counted at 265 per 100,000
population. Prevalences of the different forms of anti-TB drug resistance •Resistance to any drug in
new TB cases: 20.40% •Previously treated TB cases: 38.80% •Multi-drug resistant TB prevalence:
3.80% TB patients enrolled in National Drug Resistance •Total Patients enrolled: 3571 but 3508 are
eligible •New: 3226. Retreatment: 275, Unknown Tx History: 7 • 2668 patients available for analysis
Demographic Profile •New cases of TB have a lower mean age, x=41.00 years as compared to the
previously treated cases, x=44.80 years. •Resistance to any one of the four drugs, isoniazid,
rifampicin, ethambutol and streptomycin was 17.47% •The previously treated cases had almost 2.50
times higher percentage of resistance to any of the drugs at 43.61% Drugs: -Rifampicin - Previously
treated: 26.45% vs New cases: 2.43% -Ethambutol - Previously treated: 12.76% vs New TB cases:
1.57% -Monoresistance to specific anti-TB drugs was also higher in the previously treated group: -
Monoresistance was found in 18.89% vs New cases: 13.34% -Isoniazid was the most common form of
monoresistance - Previously treated: 13.08% vs New cases: 10.26% -The rate of MDR-TB (isoniazid
and rifampicin) among new cases was 1.96% vs. 21.40% among previously treated TB patients. -
Polyresistance 3.32% (lower) vs New cases : 2.25% - There has been a 50% reduction in the MDR-TB
rate among new TB cases in the 2012 survey compared with that in 2004 and apparently no change
in the prevalence of MDR-TB among previously treated cases.
Thank you for providing the tuberculosis data from Malaysia and the Philippines. Here is a summary
of the information provided:


 In 2021, there were 21,727 cases of tuberculosis reported in Malaysia, with a higher
prevalence in males than females and most commonly developed in individuals aged 25 to
34. Smoking, alcohol abuse, undernourishment, diabetes, and HIV also contribute to a higher
prevalence of tuberculosis.
 About 4.1% of the patients with new and relapse tuberculosis cases in 2021 in Malaysia are
HIV-positive, while 32% of them are on antiretroviral therapy, and 19% of the HIV-positive
patients are enrolled on the preventive therapy for tuberculosis.
 Among the patients with TB infections in Malaysia, 0.34% of them develop multidrug
resistance, while the rate of MDR-TB is about 1.6 per 100,000 populations.
 Multidrug-resistant TB is caused by TB bacteria that are resistant to at least isoniazid and
rifampicin, the two most potent TB drugs used in the therapy of tuberculosis.
 78% of the tuberculosis cases in 2020 are successfully treated; however, there is a significant
drop in the success rate when the patients are developed with MDR-TB and coinfected with

 The Philippines recorded 741,000 TB cases in 2021, with 60,000 deaths. However, due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, only 470,000 cases were recorded in 2022.
 TB is an airborne disease that can be passed through droplets. When infected, symptoms
include cough with sputum and blood, night sweats, and weight loss.
 Undernourishment, smoking, alcohol use disorders, diabetes, and HIV are the five risk factors
attributable to TB cases in the Philippines.
 Men have higher TB cases than women in aged ≥15 years.
 In 2021, 34% of TB patients had a known HIV status.
 The estimated proportion of TB cases with MDR/RR-TB in 2021 is 1.5% for new cases and
26% for previously treated cases.
 The treatment success rate varies between 68% to 81%, depending on the type of TB and the
patient's HIV status.

directly compare them based on similar category

Based on the information provided, we can compare Malaysia and the Philippines in terms of their
tuberculosis (TB) statistics. Here is a direct comparison based on similar categories:

Total TB Cases:

 Malaysia: 21,727 cases (2021), 25,391 cases (2022, 17% increase)

 Philippines: 741,000 cases (2021), 470,000 cases (2022, likely underreported due to COVID-

Prevalence in Gender and Age:

 Malaysia: higher prevalence in males than females; most commonly develops in individuals
aged 25-34
 Philippines: men have higher TB cases than women in aged ≥15 years

TB and HIV:

 Malaysia: approximately 4.1% of TB patients are HIV-positive, while 32% of them are on
antiretroviral therapy, and 19% of the HIV-positive patients are enrolled on preventive
therapy for TB. Estimated HIV-positive TB mortality rate is lower than those who are HIV-
negative with a rate of 6 per 100,000 and 1.6 per 100,000, respectively.
 Philippines: HIV-positive TB incidence is 14,000, and HIV-positive TB mortality is 810.

MDR/RR-TB Cases:
 Malaysia: 0.34% of TB patients develop multidrug resistance; MDR-TB rate is about 1.6 per
100,000 population; 78% of TB cases in 2020 are successfully treated, but there is a significant
drop in success rate when the patients are coinfected with HIV and developed with MDR-TB.
 Philippines: estimated proportion of TB cases with MDR/RR-TB in 2021 is 1.5% for new cases
and 26% for previously treated cases.

Risk Factors:

 Malaysia: smoking, alcohol use disorders, undernourishment, diabetes, and HIV are major risk
 Philippines: undernourishment, smoking, alcohol use disorders, diabetes, and HIV are major
risk factors.

Treatment Success Rate:

 Malaysia: 78% of total TB cases in 2020 are successfully treated; 73% of MDR/RR-TB cases
started on second-line treatment in 2019 are successfully treated.
 Philippines: treatment success rate varies from 68% for previously treated cases to 81% for
HIV-positive TB cases in 2020.

Overall, both Malaysia and the Philippines have significant TB burdens, with various risk factors
contributing to their respective situations. The Philippines reports a much higher total number of TB
cases than Malaysia, but this may be due to underreporting caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Both
countries have a higher prevalence of TB in men than women, and undernourishment, smoking,
alcohol use disorders, diabetes, and HIV are major risk factors for TB in both countries. MDR/RR-TB is
a challenge in both countries, with Malaysia reporting a lower incidence rate than the Philippines.
Both countries have similar treatment success rates for TB cases, but the success rate drops
significantly when the patients are coinfected with HIV and developed with MDR-TB.

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