10 Most Common English Mistakes

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10 Most Common English Mistakes

1) Мы говорим go home, (НЕ “go to home”).

Let’s go home now. (Не говорите: “Let’s go to home now”).

I felt tired, and I went home early. (Не говорите: “I felt tired, and I
went to home early”)

2) Мы говорим have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner, (НЕ “have

a breakfast, have a lunch, have a dinner”).

Sit down and have breakfast with us. (Не говорите: “Sit down and
have a breakfast with us” ).
What time do you usually have lunch? (Не говорите: “What time do
you usually have a lunch?” ).
Would you like to have dinner with me? (Не говорите: “Would you
like to have a dinner with me?” ).

3) Мы говорим finish something by Friday, ( НЕ “finish something

until Friday” ).

I have to finish the essay by Friday. (Не говорите: “I have to finish

the essay until Friday” ).
I have to finish the homework by 7 pm. (Не говорите: “I have to
finish the homework until 7 pm” ).
4) Мы говорим the most effective way, (НЕ “the best effective

The most effective way to improve your English skills is to study

(Не говорите: “The best effective way to improve your English skills
is to study regularly” ).
The most effective method to develop and improve your health is
daily exercise. (Не говорите: “The best effective method to develop
and improve your health is daily exercise” ).

5) Мы говорим an hour, (НЕ “a hour” ).

Give me an hour. (Не говорите: “Give me a hour” ).

I'll be back in an hour. (Не говорите: “I'll be back in a hour” )

6) Мы говорим “Do you like apples?”, (НЕ “Do you like apple?” ).

She likes butterflies because they are pretty. (Не говорите: “She
likes butterfly because they are pretty” ).
I like cats. (Не говорите: “I like cat”).

7) Мы говорим as long as I have, (НЕ “as long as I will have”).

I will learn English as long as I have time. (Не говорите: “I will learn
English as long as I will have time” ).
I will study Japanese as long as I live in Japan. (Не говорите: “I will
study Japanese as long as I will live in Japan” ).
I will go to London on holiday as long as I get the money. (Не
говорите: “I will go to London on holiday as long as I will get the
money” ).
8) Мы говорим as usual, (НЕ “as usually” ).

Needless to say, Judy came late as usual. (Не говорите: “Needless

to say, Judy came late as usually” ).
As usual, he was late. (Не говорите: “As usually, he was late” ).

9) Мы говорим on the bus, (НЕ “in the bus” ).

I sat next to her on the bus. (Не говорите: “I sat next to her in the
bus” ).
I am on the bus. (Не говорите: “I am in the bus” )

10) Lie – lay – lain - означает находиться в горизонтальном

положении, в котором ваше тело находится на такой
поверхности, как кровать или пол.

Lay – laid – laid - означает мягко или осторожно положить

кого-то или что-то на пол или на другие поверхности.

He just wants to lie in bed all day. Он просто хочет лежать в

постели весь день. (Не говорите: “He just wants to lay in bed all

I lay the book on the table. Я кладу книгу на стол. (Не говорите: “I
lie the book on the table” ).

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