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System Block Diagram

System Differential Equations

From the whole system detailed block diagram, the resultant differential equations are

Vf = 2 * if + 0.2 * (dif/dt) (1)

50 * if – 0.5*W=1 * ia + 0.2 * (dla/dt) (2)

0.5 * ia= 10* (dw/dt) + 20* w (3)

(dif/dt) = 5Vf -10 if

(dla/dt)= 250 if - 2.5w -5 ia

(dw/dt) = 0.05 ia – 2w

If = x1 ia = x2 w = x3 Vf = u

System State-Space Representation

x˙1 −10 0 0 x1 5
x˙2= 250 −5 −2.5 x 2 + 0 u
x˙3 0 0.05 −2 x 3 0

y=0 0 1 x 2 +0 u
Open Loop Vs. Closed-Loop System

The open loop state model could be implemented in MATLAB

While the closed-loop system

And the responses as follow

The two responses is stable
The open loop steady state error is equal to (1-steady state response)
1-0.6173 = 0.3827
Response rise time 1.22 sec with no overshoot

The closed loop steady state error is equal to (1-steady state response)
1- 0.3817 =0.6183
Response rise time 0.64 sec with overshoot 2.1%

Controllable Canonical Form

From the whole system detailed block diagram, the resultant open loop transfer function is

s+10 62.5
G ( s )= 2 = 3 2
s + 7 s+ 10.125 s +17 s +80.125 s +101.25

b3=62.5 b2=0 b1=0 b0=0

a3=101.25 a2=80.125 a1=17

x˙1 0 1 0 x1 0
x˙2= 0 0 1 x 2+0 u
x 3 −101.25 −80.125 −17 x 3 1

y=62.5 0 0 x 2 + 0u

Pole Placement Control Method

Determine whether the system is controllable.

The system order is n = 3:

For n = 3, the matrix CM will be

CM = [B AB A2B]

0 0 1
B=0 AB = 1 A B = −17

1 −17 208.875

0 0 1
0 1 −17
1 −17 208.875

det(CM) = -1.
Since det(CM) not equal zero, it is full rank (non-singular), that is, rank 3, which equals the
system order n = 3. We conclude that the system is controllable.

After the controllability is checked, in this project it is required to design a controller to

yield a step response with no more than 10% overshoot and no more than 1 seconds settling time
and steady-state error =2%.

The desired closed-loop characteristic equation from the design requirement

The overshoot 10%
√ 1−z2
e ∗100 %=10 %

(-zπ/√(1-z^2 ))=ln(0.1)

(zπ/√(1-z^2 ))=2.3026




Settling time 1 seconds.

Wn = 4/(0.5912*1)
Wn=6.77 rad/sec

Closed loop poles= - z*wn +jwd, - z*wn +jwd

Wd=6.77√(1-0.59122)= 5.46
S1= -4+j5.46 S2=-4-j5.46

steady-state error =2%.

E(s) = R(s) ( 1- lim TF) = 0.02

Lim TF = 0.98

( 4+ j 5.46 ) ( 4− j 5.46 ) (− p 3)

P3 = -62.5/44.9 = - 1.392
The desired closed-loop characteristic equation from the design requirement
s^3 + 9.392 s^2 + 56.95 s + 63.77

0 0 0
BK = 0 0 0
k 1 k2 k 3

0 1 0
[ A−BK ] = 0 0 1
−(101.25+k 1) −(80.125+k 2) −(17+ k 3)
s −1 0
SI −[ A−BK ] = 0 s −1
(101.25+ k 1) (80.125+ k 2) s+(17+k 3)

det ( SI − [ A−BK ] ) =¿

101.25 + k1 = 63.77 , k1 =-37.48

80.125 + k2 = 56.95 , k2 =-23.175

17 + k3 = 9.392 , k3 = - 7.608
LQR Control Method
The objective is to find u such that we minimize the cost function
close all
clear all
A = [0 1 0;0 0 1; -101.25 -80.125 -17];
B = [0;0;1];
Q = eye(3);
R = 1;
K = lqr(A,B,Q,R)
K = [0.0049 0.0480 0.0322]

Classical Control Vs Modern Control

In a classical feedback control system, the topology of the design is the
output, y, is fed back to the summing junction.

In a state-space control system, the topology of the design is each state

variable is fed back to the control, u, through a gain, ki, there would be n gains,
that could be adjusted to yield the required closed-loop pole values.
Integral Control
It is required to design a Integral controller to eliminate Steady-State Error

BKe= 0

010 0
001 0

−(101.25+ k 1) −(80.125+ k 2) −(17+ k 3) ke

−62.5 0 0 0

S −1 0 0
0 S −1 0

(101.25+k 1) (80.125+k 2) S+(17+k 3) −ke

62.5 0 0 S

Det = (62.5*ke) + (101.25+k1)s + (80.125+k2)s^2 + (17+k3)s^3 + s^4

s^3 + 9.392 s^2 + 56.95 s + 63.77 is the old characteristic equation and
another pole will be added should be at least five times more than the
dominant pole (assume (s+24))
And hence
s^4 + 33.39 s^3 + 282.4 s^2 + 1431 s + 1530
62.5ke = 1530 , ke =24.48

101.25 + k1 = 1431 , k1 =1329.75

80.125 + k2 = 282.4 , k2 =202.275

17 + k3 = 33.39 , k3 = 16.39
Modeling & System Control Using SIMSCAPE

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