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Are WE ready for 1888 message?

I want to welcome you to this divine service hour we have a lot to cover and this is going to be as I said very
eye-opening and so we're gonna jump right into this the title of the message is the 1888 message what we missed
what we missed you may have heard a lot about this message the message that is called righteousness by faith
you may have read books about it you may know nothing about it and so what I'm attempting to do today is to
speak to you and this is specifically for us as a church so I'm going to need to speak to you about history about
what happened in 1888 we're going to be looking at different statements we're going to be looking at the Bible
and so take notes if you need to but this is crucial for our understanding I believe that if we don't get this right we
delay the Lord's coming and so let's go ahead and jump right in I want to share with you a statement this is found
in gospel workers and here's what it says the thoughts that the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us not
because of any merit on our part but as a free gift from God is a precious thought the enemy of God and man is
not willing that this truth should be clearly presented for he knows that if the people receive it fully his power
will be broken if we would have the spirit and power of the third angels message we must present the law and
the gospel together for they go hand in hand and so I want you to see importance that was put on this message
understanding this message understanding that the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us and not because of
any merit on our part anything that we do on our part that truth is so important that if it is fully understood the
power of the enemy will be broken and then she connects this with the preaching of the third angel's message
and says we must present the law and the gospel together for they go hand in hand let's break that down Satan
today is warring against the righteousness of Christ he did it back then when this message was first preached and
he's doing it now he has never stopped doing it so we need to understand what this message is and how it is that
Satan is warring against it and I need you to focus and pay attention very close attention Revelation chapter 14
verse 12 completes the third angels message and after a warning being given of anyone receiving the mark or the
name of the Beast it concludes with these words this third angel concludes with these words it says here is the
patience of the saints here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus so I want you to
notice the two things that describe the patience of the saints they keep the commandments of God that's one and
the faith of Jesus that's two that's two things that are or two statements that are applied to the Saints in the last
days the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus two things the church needs to understand two things the
church needs to accept two things the church needs to keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus
now in connection with this messages found another angel in Revelation 18 verse 1 and the Bible says in verse 1
after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven having great power and the earth was lightened
with his glory the earth was lightened with his glory so this other angel is basically joining his voice with the
third angel and the Bible says that the earth is lightened with his glory now I want you to notice why this why the
earth being lightened with this glory is so important in the book of Isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 the Bible says arise
shine for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee so this glory that is to lighten the whole
earth is the glory of the Lord it is the glory of the Lord and the Bible tells us that this glory is going to be upon
God's people arise and shine for the light is come the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee notice what it goes on
to say for behold the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people but the Lord shall arise upon
thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee I'm gonna keep reading and the Gentiles shall come to thy light and
Kings to thy brightness to the brightness of my rising lift up thine eyes round about thee and see all they gather
themselves together they come to thee thy Sun shall come from far and thy daughter shall be nursed at thy side
then shalt thou see and flow together and thine heart shall fear and be enlarged because the abundance of the sea
shall be converted unto thee the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee so what the Bible is telling us is
when this glory covers the whole earth the Gentiles those that are uncommon verted are going to come to this
light there's going to be a great a massive conversion that's what we call an Adventist lingo the loud cry right the
outpouring of the latter rain all this happens listen carefully all this happens when the glory of the Lord lightens
the earth the glory of the Lord is to lighten the earth so let's go back in history for a moment and I want to share
something with you in in 1844 when this church had had its origin right the focus shortly after 1844 beginning in
1845 and onward we began to preach the law of God that was the focus right specifically the Sabbath
commandment the law of God had not been done away with and and this was what we this was our focus this
was what we were trying to get people to understand right the law of God has not been done away with now in
1888 another message came and this message was the faith of Jesus the faith of Jesus why is that important to
understand you see in in 1844 the church was focused on the law of God but they didn't pay much attention to
the faith of Jesus all right so so let me just see if you caught that the church began there in their beginnings they
focused on the law of God the Sabbath commandment the Ten Commandments stand but they didn't focus too
much on the righteousness or the faith of Jesus that was a problem as a result of that problem in 1888 the
message came which was called righteousness by faith that was to focus the church's attention on the faith of
Jesus so I want you to notice what Ellen White says here third selected messages page 172 the third angels
message is the proclamation of the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ the commandments of
God have been proclaimed but the faith of Jesus Christ has not been proclaimed by seventh-day Adventists as of
equal importance the law and the gospel going hand-in-hand I cannot find language to express this subject in its
fullness the faith of Jesus is talked about but not understood do you catch that so here the Prophet is telling us
that we as a church had talked about the law of God but the faith of Jesus was not really dwelt upon here's
another one the message of the gospel of His grace was to be given to the church in clear and distinct lines that
the world should no longer say that seventh-day Adventists talk the law the law but do not teach or believe
Christ therefore God gave to his servants a testimony that presented the truth as it is in Jesus which is the third
angel's message in clear and distinct lines again this is the message that was preached in 1888 by 80 Jones and
EJ Wagner let's go a little bit further and see what else is said about this message the Lord in His great mercy
sent a most precious precious message to his people this message was to bring more prominently before the
world the uplifted Savior the sacrifice for the sins of the world it presented justification through faith so the
message is also called justification through faith listen carefully it presented justification through faith in the
surety it in vited the people to receive the righteousness of Christ which is made manifest in obedience to all the
commandments of God notice this next part many had lost sight of Jesus they needed to have their eyes directed
to his divine person his merits and his changeless love for the human race all power is given into his hands that
he may dispense rich gifts unto men imparting the priceless gift a gift of his own righteousness to the helpless
human agent this is the message that God commanded to be given to the world it is the third angel's message
which is to be proclaimed with a loud voice and attended with the outpouring of his spirit in large measure did
you catch all that the message of justification by faith invited people to accept the righteousness of Christ now I
need you to listen very carefully because the question I have for you right now is this what is righteousness what
is righteousness if you answered righteousness is right doing then you are correct Christ object lessons page 312
it says this righteousness is right doing and it is by their deeds that all will be judged our characters listen
carefully our characters are revealed by what we do listen to me again listen to what this statement is saying our
characters are revealed by what we do the works show whether the faith is genuine what we do reveals our
character so then we can say that righteousness by faith is really right doing my faith I'll say it again
righteousness by faith is really right doing by faith listen to what price object lessons goes on to say whatever
our profession it amounts to nothing unless Christ is revealed in what in works of righteousness he who becomes
a partaker of the divine nature will be in a harmony with God's great standard of righteousness his holy law this
is the rule by which God measures the actions of men this will be the test of character in the judgement so in
other words in the judgement what God is testing is what you do right doing not listen carefully not your right
doing remember the righteousness of Christ is the right doing of Christ so it's not your righteousness it's his
righteousness meaning it's not your right doing it is his right doing all right let's keep moving when both of these
are done keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus which means the the righteousness which
comes by the faith of Jesus when these two things are exhibited then we will reflect the character of Jesus I want
you to notice this cross object lessons page 69 it says here Christ is waiting with longing desire for the
manifestation of himself in his church when the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in his people
then he will come to claim them as his own you have heard discussions no doubt as to whether perfection is
possible because God's church must be perfect before Jesus comes again and guess what guys it is true God's
church must be perfect before Jesus comes again don't turn this off don't be like Pastor what are you talking
about don't say trust me stick with me guys stick with me you trust me all right what is Christ waiting for he's
waiting for the reproduction of himself of his character in his people on earth so the question becomes how do
we reproduce listen listen how do we reproduce Christ's character on earth let me say this way how do we
reproduce Christ on earth that's the question it has to be done by his church or let me say this way it has to be
done by the body of Christ all right past you break it down well let's take a look notice what Ephesians chapter 4
verse 13 says it says - we all come in the unity of the faith so God wants us to be in unity of what the faith why is
faith important because it is a faith of Jesus it is the faith of Jesus that brings about the righteousness of Jesus so
when we're in you when we are united in the faith of Jesus we will be united in the righteousness of Jesus so
watch this till we all come in the unity of the faith not the law the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God
unto a perfect man guess who that perfect man is oh yeah it tells us on to the measure of the stature of the
fullness of Christ I need you to catch this the Bible wants us to grow up let me say it again the Bible wants us to
grow up into the full stature of Jesus Christ please check that out guys what is Christ waiting for he's waiting for
he is waiting for thank you he's waiting for the replication of his character on earth the Bible tells us that it is
when we come into the unity of the faith that we will grow up into the perfect man the measure of Jesus Christ
verse 14 verse 14 says this that we henceforth be no more children okay so while we no more children because
we've grown up did you catch that we're no more children because we have grown up to reflect the stature of
Christ that's the goal being tossed about to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of
hand by cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive but speaking the truth in love may grow up grow
up into him all things in all things which is the head even Christ from whom the whole body fitly joined together
and compacted by the whole by which every joint supplieth according to the effectual work in the measure of
every part maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself so the Bible is here are telling us itself in love
the Bible is here telling us that God's desire for his church is for it to move from childhood to manhood which
means it is now reflecting the image or the character of Christ remember when the character of Christ is perfectly
reproduced in his book in his Church on earth then he will come thus beloved if the faith of Jesus is designed to
grow us up to make us normal children then when the church rejected the 1888 message it left us as children I
just need to pause for you to catch that for a moment if the 1888 message the faith of Jesus was designed to grow
us up into the full stature of Jesus Christ and if the church rejected that message because their focus listened
carefully their focus was on the law of God and not so much the faith of Jesus they became law focused it left us
as children alright let's keep moving let's keep moving so our growth was stunted why why did the church reject
this message well let's see what Alawite says she says here and I want you to notice the top at the top here I'm
reading to you paragraph 6 before I read to you paragraph 5 I just want you to listen listen carefully here's what
she says and unwillingness to yield up preconceived opinions and to accept this truth this truth now you don't
know what this truth is by the way she's not talking about justification by faith as a whole she's not talking about
righteousness by faith as a whole or the faith of Jesus as a whole she's talking about something very specific let's
keep reading and unwillingness to yield the preconceived opinions and to accept this truth lay at the foundation
of a large share of the opposition manifested at Minneapolis against the Lord's message through brethren EJ
Wagner and 80 Jones by exciting that opposition Satan succeeded in shutting away from our people in a great
measure the special power of the Holy Spirit that God longed to impart to them the enemy prevented them from
obtaining that efficiency which might have been theirs in carrying the truth to the world as the Apostles
proclaimed it after the day of Pentecost the light that is to lighten the whole earth with its glory was read listed
by the action of our own brethren has been in a great degree kept away from the world whatever the slide is the
world doesn't know about it I need you to man whatever this light is the world doesn't know about it why
because the church rejected it in 1888 the church said nah we don't want to go that route and she says it was
rejected because something very specific that the leader said no mm-hmm we're not going there all right so let's
see what is the paragraph before this paragraph we just read let's check it out we're gonna find out what that truth
is listen paragraph five the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ that we might be justified by faith
that's Galatians 3 verse 24 in this scripture the Holy Spirit through the Apostle is speaking especially of the
moral law the law reveals sin to us and causes us to feel our need of Christ and to flee unto him for pardon and
peace by exercising repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ now in the very next chapter
she says this is the truth that was rejected in Minneapolis that the law in Galatians 3:24 was the moral law the
church the leaders are the conference president GI Butler actually fought tooth and nail against this message and
told people don't listen why because the church had had generally taught that it was the ceremonial law that was
being spoken about in Galatians 3 that was a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ so you know in the Old
Testament you had a ceremonial law the sacrificing of animals all that pointed to Christ when we get to Christ
we no longer have need of the ceremonial law but we must still obey the more law and more law still stands so
when Wagner and Jones began to teach wait a minute know that law is not just a ceremonial law it's the ten
commandments as well they were like oh wait a minute hold on no no no that's what that's what the Protestant
churches are teaching they're teaching that we don't need to keep the law of God because it's been done away
with according to Galatians three or four how dare you say this is the moral law are you catching what what I'm
saying here this was the essence of the argument and it is crucial for us to understand they were totally against it
because it sounded just almost like what the other churches were teaching the law has been done away with well
why is this so important for us why is this so important for us to understand you see Ellen White identifies this as
the moral law she says this is the moral law it's not just a ceremonial law look at this first selected messages page
233 I am asked concerning the lawn Galatians what law is the schoolmaster to bring us what law is a
schoolmaster to bring us a Christ I answer both the ceremonial law and the moral code of the Ten
Commandments that just shocked people that just shocked Adventists why because if the moral law is the
schoolmaster listen carefully as a church we have put so much emphasis on the law of God that if Galatians 3:24
is saying oh wait a minute the law was just a schoolmaster that is supposed to drop you off to Christ huh wait a
minute you're telling me that the law of God has done away with well before we go there let me say it this way
why do you need a schoolmaster who needs schoolmasters let me ask it that way who needs schoolmasters if you
answered children you're right children depend upon school masters right in this verse a schoolmaster leads to
Christ so once the schoolmaster has done his work the schoolmaster then hands you over to Christ but the
problem with Adventists is that we have put so much emphasis on the law of God attaining righteousness by the
law of God hey do you keep the Sabbath do you keep the Sabbath okay you're righteous do you not steal or kill
or okay you're righteous when the Bible is telling us that the moral law is not the end goal of righteousness the
Ten Commandments is not the end of right there is something more y'all are young see some of you right now
are like wait what and right now you're beginning right now you're like wait a minute no no no no no and you
can now understand what GI Butler and most of the adventist church that was there in 1888 you can imagine
what they're feeling right now because this almost like pastor are you saying that the law of God that we don't
need to keep that's our very basis of the three angels messages that's the thirteenth message no it's only half of
the third angels message it is only half of the third angels message it is keep the commandments of God and the
faith of Jesus so if we have depended upon the schoolmaster it means that we're still children and we have not
yet grown up in to reflect the character of Christ through the faith of Jesus I hope you following these guys we're
still not grown up we cannot attain righteousness through the commandments you can only attain righteousness
through the faith of Jesus do you catch what I'm saying and I know in your mind you're saying yeah we all know
that but actually no we don't all know that because if we did all know that our church would look a lot different
than it does today let me explain why can't we attain righteousness through the law what is righteousness I asked
you before tell me what is righteousness righteousness is what it is right doing right right doing you're doing
something it is positive action right doing now now watch this guys I hope you're sitting down what do the 10
commandments tell us you know they tell us what not to do thou shalt not thou shalt not thou shalt not listen
carefully to me guys righteousness is not about what we don't do righteousness is right doing so what we don't do
cannot possibly make up righteousness which is right doing and because as a church we have been so focused on
righteousness through the commandments you keep the commandments as you're righteous we focus on the do
nots instead of the do I hope you're following this we focus on what not to do instead of what we should be
doing now what not to do is important yes it is but as a church because we are still children because we didn't
accept that message which was designed to grow us up in faith in the faith of Jesus and what is faith it is the
righteousness or the character of Christ and what is character character is about what we do so what we do is
character but because we reject that message we even focused on what we don't do hey I don't eat me yes yes yes
and I don't wear this kind of clothing and I don't listen to this kind of music and I don't lie and I don't break the
Sabbath we have focused on a don't religion righteousness is not about not doing but about right doing and
because we have focus on the log on the law of God and not on the righteousness of Christ we're still here we
don't even understand what we're supposed to be doing as a church I want you to notice this Bible says in
Galatians 3:23 but before faith came we were under the law shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be
revealed wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us a Christ that we might be justified by faith listening
listen what I just said before faith come you're under the law but the law is the schoolmaster that brings us to
Christ that we might be justified not by what we don't do but justified by the right doing of Christ here Galatians
3:25 but after that faith has come we are no longer under a schoolmaster that means we now realize my
righteousness doesn't come from what I don't do it comes from Jesus Christ and his righteous works his
righteous acts for all your children of God by faith in Christ Jesus for as many of you who have been baptized
into Christ have put on Christ mm-hmm listen manuscript releases vol 36 1890 Ellen White says this the law of
God has been largely dwelt upon and has presented has been presented to congregations almost as destitute of
the knowledge of Jesus Christ as his relation to the law as was the offering of King this is our prophet talking
about how the law of God has been so largely dwelt upon absent of the righteousness of Christ I want you to
understand let's let's look at another one you will meet this is what she said just after 1888 you will meet with
those who will say you are too much excited over this matter you are too much in earnest you should not be
reaching for the righteousness of Christ and making so much of that you should preach the law and then she says
as a people we have preached the long until we are as dry as the hills of Gilboa that have neither do nor rain you
know what I think you want to know what a lot of young people leave our church because it is right here all the
don'ts and all the law and no faith in Jesus's righteousness now you still don't understand what I'm saying so just
hang on you might even get what I'm saying now but there is so much more to this I need you to watch this I
need you to follow along so why can't we get righteousness from the law Romans 7:7 says this Heavenly Father
held my throat clear it's so that I can speak and share your word effectively in Jesus name Amen Romans 7:7
says this what shall we say then is the law sin god forbid nay I had not known sin but by the law for I had not
known lust except the law said thou shalt not covet what does the law do the law simply tells us what not to do I
want you to think about that very carefully the law tells us what not to do as it is written in the Ten
Commandments it doesn't tell us what to do in other words I'm gonna introduce afraid afraid to you I'm gonna
call it a missive righteousness right I don't do this I don't do that we cannot be righteous by what we don't do
righteousness is an action and the Bible tells us that the only thing the law does is it tells us what not to do and
even if you did everything that the law said don't do this don't do this guess what you're still in our righteous you
can't be because righteousness is about right doing and you're right doing doesn't merit anything with God it has
to be Christ right doing so God is waiting for the church to do right we just focus on the law of God look we
don't do this we don't do that do you know dead people keep the law of God dead people don't lie steal commit
adultery covet it's true what are you doing more than any dead person who rests every Sabbath by the way the
law can only point out what not to do now notice this so the law says hey I can't give you righteousness but now
look at Romans 1 16 and 17 for I am not ashamed of the gospel for it for therein or I'm not ashamed of the
gospel of Christ for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall
live by faith so watch this guy's the righteousness is not found in what we don't do but it is found in Christ Jesus
who tells us what to do and he says I want you to do as I do I am giving you myself I'm giving you myself so
that you can see what I did that's what I want you to do and you can do it in my strength thus Romans 3:20 tells
us therefore by the deeds of the law there shall be no flesh justified in the sight for by the law is the knowledge
of sin but now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested being witnessed by the law and the
prophets even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ so guys I want you to catch this I want
you to understand what I'm saying as a church in 1844 we discovered the law of God we said we got a preachers
thing preachers thing but we did not connect it with the righteousness of Jesus Christ so it was all about keeping
the law and if you keep the law you're good if you don't keep the law you're lost God says look I need my church
my church to get this right so I'm gonna send him a message and I'm gonna send it to them in 1888 he sends
them this message L&Y identifies this as the third angel's message because it brought to prominence the faith of
Jesus and said listen righteously is not we still keep the law but righteousness is gained through what we do in
Christ not what we don't do according to the law I hope you are catching these guys because this is crucial to
understand we are in trouble because the law does not determine your righteousness not doing something it does
not make you righteous it is the right doing of Jesus and you can only get this right doing by faith righteousness
by faith not by I keep the commandments okay so what is faith what is faith according to the book of Hebrews
11:1 faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen in other words faith is believing
something that you can't see faith is acting on something that you can't see now it's very interesting beloved I'm
not even going to go I cannot jump ahead of myself let me say this way faith righteousness by faith is Right
doing without seeing something in other words you do right and you know to do right without having to look at
something telling you this is what is right this is what is wrong it is righteousness not by the law but by faith now
you're just saying pastor what are you saying so I'm gonna I'm gonna read a statement to you and you will get the
picture watch this mana blessings 109 in heaven service is not rendered in the spirit of legality alright what right
thing should we do what right things should we not do no no when Satan rebelled against the law of Jehovah the
thought that there was a law came to the Angels almost as an awakening to something unthought-of in their
ministry the angels are not servants but as sons there is perfect unity between them in their creator Oh obedience
is to them no drudgery love for God makes their service a joy so in every soul we're in Christ the hope of glory
dwells his words are we echoed I didn't like to do that will oh my god yeah thy law is within my heart in other
words it becomes something natural I don't need a set of Ten Commandments to tell me any longer don't do don't
do don't do what God has taken those Commandments from the tables of stone and put them on my heart so that
it is natural for me to do those things it is natural for me not to lie not to steal not to kill but wait that's not even
the point I'm simply saying this righteousness comes by something that we can't bet that must be internal and the
only way we can get that internally is to get Christ in us all right I need you to follow this because we're still
building this watch this Galatians 5 5 the Bible says for we through the spirit wait for the hope of righteousness
by faith watch this for in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision but faith all
right here goes the punchline guys of the entire sermon you need to catch this but faith which works by love I got
a question for you how many of you want faith all right I got the commandments of God but now I have to have
faith in Jesus faith in the righteousness of Christ so what does that mean how do I have faith that works faith
works by love let me rephrase that faith is manifested the righteousness of Christ is manifested let me say this
way in works of love hahahaha yes yes yes yes the law says don't do but the character of Christ says do so in
essence they go together one tells us what not to do but that but the character of Christ shows us what to do here
let me let me say this way let me read it to you a legal religion is insufficient to bring the soul into harmony with
God the hard rigid orthodoxy of the Pharisees destitute of contract of contrition tenderness or love was only a
stumbling block to sinners they were like the salt that had lost its savor for their influence had no power to
preserve the world from corruption listen to this the only true faith is that which worketh by love to purify the
soul it is as a leaven that transformed the character now watch this guys how is the soul purified it is through
works of love hmm when we do what Jesus did and what did Jesus did when he was here on earth he did words
of love that's the righteousness of Christ the righteousness of Christ was manifested in what he did works of love
in doing that something happens to the soul it becomes purified mmm not doing something does not purify the
soul not lying not stealing not killing does not purify the soul only one thing purifies the soul and that is works of
love so watch these guys if we as a church have become so focused on keeping the commandments while we are
neglecting works of love we are still children we have not yet fully preached the third angel's message I want
you to listen to this Romans 9:30 what shall we say then that the Gentiles which followed not after righteousness
have attained to righteousness even the righteousness which is of faith but Israel which followed after the law of
righteousness have not attained to the law of righteousness why because they sought it not by faith but as it were
by the works of the law did you catch that just now if you're trying to be righteous by keeping the Ten
Commandments if you're measuring your righteousness by what you don't do you have missed the picture you
have missed the point of what Christ is trying to tell us Galatians 2:16 knowing this that a man is not justified by
the works of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ even when we have even we have believed in Jesus Christ
that we might be justified by the faith of Christ and not by the works of the law for by the works of the law shall
no flesh be justified you cannot be justified because you don't lie or steal or commit adultery or covet you are
justified by faith in the right doing of Jesus Christ and when you begin to focus on the right doing of Jesus Christ
you will do as he did which manifests that your faith is genuine this is hard for administered here because we put
so much stock into telling people keep the commandments keep the commandments but what's the God what's
happened is that it is now revealed in the way that we do church we are so focused on ourselves and what we
don't do that we forget to do let me put it this way Matthew 19 verse 16 Jesus is speaking to a lawyer here I'm
rich young ruler and here's what he says behold one came unto him and said good master what good thing shall I
do that I may inherit eternal life and he answered and said unto him why callest thou me good there is none good
but one that is God but if you will enter into life keep the commandments now notice this he saith unto Him
which jesus said thou shalt do no murder thou shall not commit adultery thou shalt not thou shalt not honor thy
father and mother so he's he's speaking the 10 commandments and then he ends like this and thou shalt love thy
neighbor as thyself that seems like a weird commandment to throw in because you do realize that love thy
neighbor as thyself is not in the Ten Commandments I just need you to think about that for a moment go ahead
and check out Exodus 20 you will not see an exodus 20 thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself it's not one of the
Ten Commandments thou shalt have no other gods before me thou shalt not worship graven images now shalt
not take the name of the Lord I got in vain thou shalt honor the Sabbath the other six the first for dealing with
your relationship with God the last six dealing with your relation with man love your neighbor is not there so the
ritual ruler says all these have I kept from my youth up what like I yet and Jesus said unto him watch this guys
who watch this he says if that will be perfect oh wait a minute what if that will be perfect what's this he doesn't
say that would be perfect don't lie don't steal though he said if you won't be perfect go and sell what you have go
and sell what you have and go minister to the poor Wow Wow Gold minister to the poor give to the poor and
thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come and follow me and the Bible says the rich young ruler walked away
sad he wasn't ready to do that yeah not do righteousness by omission okay righteousness by comission mmm-
hmm you see beloved perfection was not in what he did not do and that's how we have our perfect perfection
discussions what do we was talking about how to overcome sin how to over how to not you know lie and not
that's our sole focus when we talk about perfection Jesus said if you won't be perfect do acts of love and those
acts of love will purify your soul so in other words what we do is for we're focusing on perfection by looking at
the law and saying how can I be perfect with the law when Jesus says no no no no no you need to focus on me
and do the things that I tell you to do and do the works of love and in doing that something will happen that will
purify your soul so that it becomes natural for you not to do the things that the law says don't do yeah I need you
to catch this guy see what's this review and Herald December 18th 1891 let us seek for the faith which works by
love and purifies the heart that we may represent the character of Christ to the world hold on a second if the
character in christ is waiting for his character to reproduce be reproduced in his church what are we seeing here
she's telling us let us seek not for the law can we keep the law better no no let us seek for the faith which works
by love so when we begin to pour out of ourselves into others the oppressed those that need help when we pour
out into others what happens is something in our heart the love of Christ working through us purifies our own
heart see we're trying to attain righteousness in a selfish manner instead of focusing on others to attain
righteousness we're focusing on self okay did I lie today all right good check this ha no line today did I do this
today and so we just lock ourselves off from the world why because we're busy trying to perfect the 10
commandments do you see what the devil is doing he is fighting against the righteousness of Christ which is
manifested in works of love which in turn purified the hearts which in turn causes us to reflect the character of
Christ which in turn means that Christ comes because he has been perfectly reproduced in his church and we
have to do it as a body when the body of Christ reflects the character of Christ and the only way we can do that
beloved is by doing the works Christ did when he was here on earth and one of the works Christ did let's check it
out Luke 4:18 the Bible tells us the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the
gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives the recovering
of sight to the blind and to set at liberty them that are bruised beloved Christ came to minister to the oppressed
and if we are not ministering to the oppressed how can we expect to reflect the character of Christ because we
have been so focused on the law of God and not righteousness of Christ which is manifested in how we connect
with the oppressed we are still children still under a schoolmaster not yet understanding the power of the
righteousness of Christ the law our righteousness we're focusing on what we don't do Christ our righteousness
we're focusing on what we do in Christ that is the difference but of it one tells us what not to do the other tells us
this is what you need to be doing and as a church we focus so much make sure you don't make sure you don't
make sure you don't they beloved I know and I have been there I have been there yeah I have I'm telling you as a
pastor and early my ministry it was don't don't don't and beloved don't get me wrong the don'ts are important but
if that is the focus we have missed the picture of Christ our righteousness because it's not what you don't do that
gets you into heaven it's the righteousness of Christ that gets and the writers of Christ will have an effect on what
you don't do Satan is warring against the righteousness of Christ today by telling the church don't focus on works
of love oh don't be you know just don't worry about that stuff you've got to focus on overcoming self and
perfection of self beloved the way you overcome self is not by focusing on self the way you overcome self is by
pouring out into others Galatians 2:19 for I through the law and get to the law that I might live unto God it's two
things we got to learn how to balance beloved being dead to the law that means I am NOT doing what the law
says don't all I'm doing with the law I'm not doing what the law says don't do but I can't just be dead to the law
I've also got to be a life unto God dead people don't do stuff that's what the law is telling us don't do stuff that's
for dead people that's why the Bible says you got to die itself but not just you can't just die this up and leave it at
that you've got to live on to something and that's where righteousness comes in beloved we've got to be actively
doing what Christ called us to do which is to be like him thus again when the character of Christ shall be
perfectly reproducing his people then he will come to claiming that his own in other words when the church as a
whole begins to act like Jesus in going out and ministering to the oppressed to the needy that's when the world
will see the light that was locked away in 1888 because we wanted to depend on righteousness coming through
our keeping the law we weren't too focused or we didn't understand this was going to need to nuts you know
yeah we'll go out there and share the gospel and preach a third angel's message but we're not going to get our
hands dirty we're not gonna actually like help people we're not gonna get in of then what the world is going
through we're just gonna kind of be separate and focus on self perfection Galatians 5:4 Christ is become of no
effect unto you who are justified by the law your fallen from grace for we through the spirit wait for the hope of
righteousness and again it says that faith works by love beloved it is the only way when Christ's character is
perfectly reproduced he will come for his own so what is the character of Christ Micah 6:8 tells us he has
showed the old man what is good and what doesn't more require thee but to do stop for a second the law tells us
what not to do now he turns around and says now I'm going to show you what to do do justly love mercy and
walk humbly with thy God you can not lie and not steal and be a holy Adventist or holy Adventist all you want
look at me I don't do these things and if you are not loving mercy and doing justly and standing for justice ellen
white coats mic Micah 6:8 and then she says this from age to age these councils were repeated by the servants of
Jehovah to those who were in danger of falling into habits of formalism and forgetting to show mercy we should
lose no opportunity of performing deeds of mercy of tender thought for thought and Christian courtesy for the
burdened and the oppressed do you catch this the righteousness of Christ is manifested not in Hey look I didn't
lie today it's manifested in showing mercy to the oppressed that's the character of Jesus that's what he would be
doing if he were here let's keep reading pure and undefiled religion is this to visit the fatherless and widows in
their affliction to keep himself unspotted from the world our church members are greatly in need of a knowledge
of practical godliness they need to practice self-denial and self-sacrifice they need to give evidence to the world
that they are christ-like therefore the work that Christ would cry requires of them is not done by proxy placing on
some committee or some institution the burden that they themselves should they're there to become christ-like in
character by giving of their means and time their sympathy their personal effort to help the sick to comfort the
Soaring one race many colours to relieve the poor one race many colours to encourage the desponding one race
many colours to enlighten souls in darkness one race many colours to point sinners to Christ to bring home to the
hearts the obligation of God's law do you see how this is working because we've been so focused on thou shalt
not we have not really bothered with thou shalt she goes on to say people are watching and weighing those who
claim to believe the special truths for this time they are watching to see where in their life and conduct represent
Christ by humble and earnestly engaging in the work of doing good to all God's people will exert an influence
that will tell in every town and city where the truth has entered if all who know the truth will take hold of this
work as opportunities are presented day by day doing little acts of love in the neighbourhood where they live
Christ will be manifested to their neighbors how many of you want Christ to be manifest into your neighbors the
gospel will be revealed as a living power not a written power Ten Commandments written No the gospel will be
revealed as a living and not a commonly device fable or idle speculation it will be revealed as reality not the
result of imagination or enthusiasm and watch this last sentence this will be of more consequence than sermons
or professions or Creed's you guys enough preaching Sabbath after Sabbath we come and we listen great sermon
great sermon okay are you overcoming your honor you all coming yeah I'm trying you know I'm trying not to
steal I killed it all the wild and righteousness of Christ is trailing in the dust and the enemy is doing an excellent
job of keeping the righteousness of Christ away from the church listen carefully listen carefully listen we're
about to say the 10 must be transformed into the two the ten must be transformed into the - what do you mean
pastor the Bible says then one of them which was a lawyer asked him a question tempting him and saying master
which is the greatest commandment in the law jesus said unto him thou shalt love that love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart with all thy soul with all our mind this is the first and Great Commandment and the second is
like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself on these two hang all the law and the prophets you guys listen
carefully remember how I said a little bit earlier thou shalt love thy neighbor and love the Lord thy God with all
your heart is not in the ten commandments it's all about don't don't have any other gods don't take the Lord's
name in vain don't worship graven images don't work on these days keep the Sabbath they're all about don'ts for
the most part except for honor your mother and father everything else is about don't but when Jesus summarizes
the same Ten Commandments with these two Commandments love that's a positive action that's that's
righteousness by commission you must do something for many of us we're still in 10 commandment fees we
have not moved to - commandment fees so we don't know how to show love to the world we're just focus hey if I
keep the commandments I'm good to go better yet I just need to stay away from the world because they might
leave me to break the Ten Commandments so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna even like you know it the further way
I can stay from them the better off I'll be we learn to focus on ourselves while the world is suffering listen are
you ready for this in Luke 6:35 Jesus said these words but love your enemy do good and lend hoping for nothing
again and your reward shall be great you should be the children of the highest for he is kind unto the unthankful
and to the evil be therefore merciful as your father also is merciful Jesus says listen this is what mercy is this is
what I want you to do I want you to do good to others whether you like them or not whether they are likable or
not let me say that way whether they are likable or not whether whether whether you think they deserve it or not
I need you to do that so that you can be merciful as your father in heaven is merciful Ellen White says the
requirement of God from those who claim to be his children is that they be doers of the word that they follow his
example represent the life of Christ in tender pitying love to the world that they reflect his image Jesus says be
therefore merciful as your father in heaven is merciful so how do you be merciful by showing pitying love this is
why the devil doesn't want you to show love to the world this is why he's not throwing our terms like you know
oh you're just you know this is just a it's not real love for it for the oppressed you're just he's making it so that
love becomes something cynical you're not really doing this for love come on you don't love the world you're
just trying to show that you're that you're woke you don't really love you don't really care the devil doesn't want
you to show mercy and that's the church when we buy into that oh it's not this is not real love then we come hard
in heart while we are all the while we're professing to keep the law of God our hearts are hard beloved that's why
God wants to move the ten commandments from the tables of stone to tables of the heart that's what he's trying
to do come on look at this Jesus the same verses in Matthew five forty six but notice how it ends for if you love
them which love you what reward have ye do not even the publicans the same and if you salute only your
brethren what do you more than others do not even the publicans so be therefore perfect in heaven there be
therefore perfect even as your father which is in heaven is perfect I need you to see this guy's in Luke it was be
merciful in Matthew it's be perfect all right can the church be perfect I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm just gonna have
you answer that question what is the perfection that Jesus wants from his church the perfection is when it's
Church begins to exercise mercy in other words when they do the acts of Christ which is the character of Christ
and when the character of Christ is perfectly reproduced then he comes meaning the loud cry the third angels
message is the church waking up and moving away from the schoolmaster mentality God and saying we need to
get out there into the world and show mercy to the world and reach out to the oppressed in the world that's how
the world gets the light because they will see the light of Christ shining through his church and that is how the
whole earth is lightened with his glory the church realizes it's not by my own words that I'm righteous that's on
Jesus it's not not keeping it's not keeping the commands that makes me righteous it's doing the works that Christ
did so let us be about his business let us be about our father's business let us go out like the disciples on the day
of Pentecost to reach the whole world and to minister to the whole world let us effectively go into those
communities that are broken down and started ministering to those people where they are mingling with them as
one who cares for their good and then bidding them follow me this is the perfection Christ is looking for because
in doing that we no longer focus on ourselves but in doing that the soul becomes purified so that in Christ with
Christ dwelling in us he stops us from lying from stealing from breaking the commandments but loving
perfection is in doing as Christ did that's what the text says come on we're almost there guys we're almost there
Ezekiel eleven nineteen the Bible says I will give them one heart one heart and put a new spirit within you and I
will take the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give them a heart of flesh that they may walk in my statutes
and keep my ordinances and do them but love it is when we have a heart of flesh that we learn to keep the
ordinances before that you if you don't love your neighbor you're not keeping the commandments if you don't
love your neighbor if you're not sympathetic to the plight of the oppressed there is no way in on heavens earth or
earth whatever you want to say that you can ever hope to successfully keep the Ten Commandments not
happening no matter how much you think like that rich young ruler all these I've done from our youth up nope
you don't love your neighbor done deal you're not keeping the commandments you're not keeping the Sabbath
you may be going to church on Saturday you're not keeping the Sabbath done deal John 17:21 Jesus prayer was
this that they may all be one as thou father art in me and I in thee that they may also be one of us that the world
may believe that I has sent me beloved when the body of Christ comes together unitedly and says alright let's
replicate the character of Christ in the world that's when the world knows that Christ is in us Ellen White says
this and I need you to focus on this the great outpouring of the Spirit of God which lightens the whole earth with
his with his glory will not come until we have an enlightened people that know by experience what it means to
be laborers together with God then we have entire wholehearted consecration to the service of Christ God will
recognize the fact by an outpouring of his spirit without measure but this will not be while the largest portion of
the church are not laborers together with God you guys I'm making my notes all available to you ok if you're
asking right now I can't even see my screen or who's responding if you ask him right now pastor where can we
give these quotes I'm gonna make this these notes available to you but I need you to see this guy's the way the
church replicates the character of God is by a wholehearted consecration at in the service of Christ and what was
the service of Christ to minister to black lives matter to minister to the oppressed in communities to minister to
the poor not just the poor blacks but the poor whites the poor Asians the poor Mexican whatever however you
want to see but now the purpose of Christ on this earth was to set the captives free was to mingle with them as
one who does they're good and if we're not doing that oh man can you imagine can you imagine what it would be
like if today the church said okay we are about to organize our church to reflect the character of Christ in every
single community so that's our plan we are going to start ministering to those people who are who are struggling
with drugs we're going to go out and we're going to say what we're gonna minister to them in a very real and
practical way and the people who are being oppressed and the people who are wrongly in prison and the people
who are selling drugs and the people who are doing drugs and the people who have suffered from sex trafficking
and the people who are considering getting abortions and the people who are who are KKK racists and the
people who are Hebrew Israelite hating white people we're gonna go out and we're gonna find ways to be able to
practically not just preach the gospel keep the commandments but practically minister to them beloved the
character of Christ would be reproduced in the church and Jesus would come but so many of us are so cold in
heart oh you're doing what come on keep your eyes on Jesus preach the gospel why are you getting caught up in
all this DC how Satan works he is warring against the righteousness of Christ and he's doing it under a disguise
of hey guys stay focused on the gospel preach the law that's our calling I hope you catch this I'm gonna read
through the rest of these and and just I think we'll be done in in like ten minutes okay so just bear with me carry
the burden of souls upon your heart and by every means in your power seek to save the Lost as you receive the
Spirit of Christ the spirit of unselfish love and labor for others so notice what the Spirit of Christ is guys it is a
spirit of unselfish love and labor for others if you don't have that spirit you're none of Christ's if you're looking at
cold callousness with people who are out there in the world and saying they're not suffering we're in America
come on you not have the Spirit of Christ cut me off if you want to I don't care I mean I do care I don't want you
to cut me off but if you have to then go ahead because you're not gonna answer to me you-you-you answer to the
Word of God as you receive the Spirit of Christ the spirit of unselfish love and labor for others you will grow
and bring forth fruit the graces of Christ will ripen your character you want your character to be ripened do the
works of unselfish love and labor for others stop focusing on your own righteousness am i keeping the law and
start focusing on other people and your own righteousness will be blessed as a result I'm gonna keep going Isaiah
58 verse 1 the Bible says cry aloud and spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet show my people their
transgression and the house of Jacob their sins beloved this is the rebuke to the Laodicean Church show us our
sins what are our sins revelation 3:15 I know thy works that thou art neither cold nor hot I would that I were cold
so because you are lukewarm I was neither cold nor hot I will spew you out of my mouth and watch this because
you say I am rich and increased with Goods and have need of nothing and know not that you are the very thing
you're despising let me say that again I know not that the very thing you turn your back against Oh their
wretched and all their miserable and all their poor and all their blind and all their naked the very thing you are
despising because you only focus on the law of God you don't care about the righteous of Christ that is the very
thing you have become you are wretched you are miserable you are poor you are blind you are naked not them
they may be physically but you because you claim to have the truth and you have no empathy for the poor and
the suffering that's what you are and so he says I can't see you to buy of me gold tried in the fire what is gold
guys what is gold it's faith God is saying look you got the law you think you have the law I'm telling you you
need faith the faith of Jesus Christ you need white raiment that you're not that your nakedness is not revealed
what is the right raiment it is the righteousness of the saints which is the righteousness of Christ he's telling us
what we need you think you have the law you don't have the righteousness of Christ you don't have the faith of
Jesus and you're too blind to see it not only are you too blind to see it you're too blind to see the sufferings of
other people around you you don't see it what sufferings what are you talking about you you we can't even see
the Lamb like beasts anymore what dragon talk what lay I'm like what are you talking about Isaiah 58 goes on to
say is not this the fast and I've chosen to loose the bands of wickedness to undo the heavy burdens to let the
oppressed go free and that you break every yoke is it not to deal by bread to the hungry and that I'll bring the
poor that are cast out to the house when you see the naked that you cover him and that you hide not yourself
from your own flesh watch this then shall your light break forth stop guys then we'll all might break forth when
is that glory to cover the whole earth when does that happen when we do the things I say 58 says to do then thy
righteousness shall go before thee and the glory of the Lord shall be that rear award in other words the glory the
Lord fills the earth when you guys start acting like the way I told you to act start doing the things I told you to do
start loving start being merciful start going out into your community and ministering to the needy stop locking
yourself up in your church and having your social clubs and just chillin and hang in and talking about the three
angels messages and what's to come get out into the community and do what I asked you to do it is Satan's voice
Oh me that says now don't do that you know what those people are you know those people are you know who
those people are you know those people are so better that we just focus on our own righteousness overcome sin
guys come on as surely as we believe in Christ and do his will not exalt himself but walking in all humility of
mind so surely the Lord will be with us pray that he give you a heart of flesh a heart that can feel the sorrow of
others that can be touched with human woe pray that he will give you a heart that will not permit you to turn a
deaf ear to the widow or the fatherless pray that you may have bowels of mercy for the poor the infer man the
oppressed pray that you may love justice and hate robbery and make no difference in the bestowing of your
favours except to consider the cases of the needy and the unfortunate then the promises recorded in Isaiah 58 will
be fulfilled to you then the doctrine of justification by faith and the righteousness by faith was opposed and
masterly efforts made through opposition and denunciation by a formal Church whose attitude was of a character
to discourage integrity and faithfulness in good works don't get involved in that guys focus on let me read them
again the doctrine of justification by faith and the righteousness by faith was opposed and masterly efforts made
through opposition and denunciation by a formal church whose attitude was of a character to discourage integrity
and faithfulness faithfulness and good works and the result as it was in Christ day while the workers of God sent
forth with a special message who have prosecuted their work as men who must give an account they have not
been appreciated their way has been hedged up and their labor counter worked as far as possible now guys I
want you to watch this you need to hear this I'm just going to do two more statements two more quotes and then
I'm gonna I'm done guys I promise you I am done one is from GI Butler okay I take that promise back let me just
read the work offered to the church at Battle Creek was not accepted okay so we're talking about righteous by
faith the work offered to the church at Battle Creek was not accepted but the Lord increase the faith of some and
stirred dr. Kellogg Harvey Kellogg up to work for the souls and bodies of men through the medical missionary
work among those who have been rescued there are some not all who shall embrace the truth it is the loudest
proclamation of the gospel that reaches men where they are and accomplishes a grand work for time and eternity
I needed to catch this Ellen White said you rejected the message of righteous by faith in 1888 but there were
some who took that message and said let me go and minister to people who are in need and in this case it was
through the medical missionary work do you catch that she was saying how the mess has been accepted the
whole church would have been involved in going out into the community and reaching men and women where
they are and some of them would accept the gospel but no no no that work was rejected now that's not our
business stay focused on the gospel the Heavenly Father will place you in connection with those who need to
know how to treat their sick ones put into practice what you know regarding the treatment of disease the
suffering will be revealed and you you will have an opportunity to break the bread of life - starving souls but
love it when we minister to people where they are it opens up the opportunity for us to minister to starving Souls
now here's what I want you to see this is by GI Butler who had rejected the message you need to watch this you
need to listen GI Butler right in 1893 he repents and here's what he says I fully believe that God has blessed
greatly to the good of his people and the cause the greater agitation of the doctrines of justification by faith the
necessity appropriating Christ's righteousness by faith in order to our salvation listen and the civil and religious
liberty principles now so much dwelt upon where the minute guides GI Butler recognizes that in accepting this
message there was a connection to civil liberty and religious liberty that had to be done in other words in
accepting Christ's righteousness it required us getting involved in religious liberty and civil liberty because that's
where people are that's the concerns of people and he's basically saying yes in in accepting this message we will
go out into the world and get involved in these issues which will open up the doors for people to hear the
everlasting gospel Ellen White says this there is to be in the seventh-day Adventist Church is a wonderful
manifestation of the power of God but it will not move upon those who have not humbled themselves before the
Lord and opened the door of the heart by confession and repentance in the manifestation of that power which
lightens the earth with the glory of God they will only see something which in their blindness they think
dangerous don't get involved in this you guys are getting involved in a social justice gospel you guys is getting
involved in liberation theology don't do this don't do this beloved listen to me listen to what she's saying she's
saying they will think it dangerous something which will arouse their fears and they will brace themselves to
resist it the third angel's message will not be comprehended the light which is to lighten the earth with its glory
will be called the false light by those who refuse to walk in its advancing glory and here's my last statement
those who stand as reformers bearing the banner of the third angel's message are the ones who are to draw out
the soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul they are to do the work of Christ which hearts full of
compassion with hearts full of compassion for the widow and the orphan but strangely has this work been
neglected other denominations have provided homes for the homeless why were we not years ago planning to
care for these needy ones for whom crisis committed us to and whom he declares to be representatives of himself
why have our people been so slow to hear the earnest appeals for help the grief and afflictions of the widow and
orphan should be our grief why have not the hearts of those who should be the messengers of mercy been stirred
to relieve distress to impart sympathy and consolation and counsel to those who hunger for it those who cause
their ears to the cries of the needy one day will call and the Lord will be deaf to their pleadings but to those who
exercise the tenderness and love of Jesus toward the poor and unfortunate to those who are not eaten up with
selfishness whose souls are not drawn out in pity or whose souls are drawn out in pity and grief for the walls of
others the promises given Val call and the Lord shall answer thou shalt cry and he shall say Here I am the Lord
has helped already for those who compose compassion is exercised towards the oppressed and the sorrowing
those who are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb will through the Spirit given them by God do all in their
power to comfort the brokenhearted and attempted to relieve the oppressed and to accomplish the work Christ
has left them to do there has been coming into among the seventh-day Adventist Church a disposition to be close
and exacting with the poor to be indifferent to their distress to turn away and patiently from their Appeals when
the Lord has made it our duty to be pitiful kind and courteous to the sufferings to the needy of the sufferings
beloved what more can be said what more can be said I know I've said a lot I know I've said a lot but I need you
to catch this guys I need you to see how we are still rejecting the message of righteousness by faith and you
know what just because of matters Satan right now I am going to read these next two slides so if you need to
tune out peace I love you but I will keep reading just to what save the Lord in the 50th chapter of Isaiah the
whole chapter is of the highest importance God asks to loose the bands of wickedness to undo the heavy burdens
and to let the oppressed go free it is not it is to deal my bread to the hungry that I bring the poor and cast out to
the house this is our work the light that we have upon the third angels message is the true light this is the third
angels message Isaiah 58 I will have mercy God says and not sacrifice mercy is kind pitiful mercy and the love
of mercy and the love of God purify the soul beautify that beautify the heart and cleanse the life from selfishness
mercy is a manifestation of divine love and is shown by those who identified with God serve Him by reflecting
the light of heaven upon the pathway of their fellow creatures beloved this is what God calls us to do those who
wait for the bridegroom's coming are to say to the people behold your God the last rays of merciful light the last
message of mercy to be given to the world is a revelation of his character of love the children of God are to
manifest his glory in their own life and character they are to reveal what the grace of God has done for them and
then she concludes the light of the Sun of righteousness is to shine forth in good works in words of truth and
deeds of holiness heavenly father we have rejected the message of righteousness by faith we have depended
upon the law of God and as a result we have become self focused and self-absorbed we accept the rebuke to
Laodicea and we ask now Lord that you would grant us your faith may it be that from this day forth your church
will organize will organize we will organize ourselves as a body to go out into the world and let our light shine
forgive us for our cold and unempioyed extents forgive us for our pointing of the finger to people out there in the
world forgive us for our pharisaical spirit lord I lift this Ministry of one raise many colours to you and I pray that
other ministries will pop up like it around our church and I pray that our church as an organisation will make a
decided effort to accept the message of the righteousness of Christ and that the world may see that light and as a
result thousands will come into the fold thank you Jesus for what you are about to do in this church may we not
make the same mistakes that we did in 1888 may we cease our rejection of the righteousness of Christ this we
pray in the precious and holy name of Jesus amen and amen you

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