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James Enrique M.


GED105 / CON01

29 August 2023

Globalization Withstanding

The Covid-19 epidemic has spurred debates about how commerce, multinational

enterprises, and the global economy will develop in the future. The pandemic's effects

on global supply networks have gotten the most attention. A movement in multinational

enterprise (MNE) policies toward greater risk aversion, nationalism, and protectionism,

according to some academics, and some also not ruling out the possibility of

globalization coming to an end. The study report disagrees, affirming that the primary

arguments for globalization are still important and legitimate. They claim that despite the

likelihood of certain modifications to global value chains, the fundamental reasons for

international trade and investment, such as efficiency and comparative advantage, will

continue to hold true even after the epidemic.

After reading the article, I have obtained and enhanced my knowledge and

developed insights regarding:

 Measurements of Globalization

- The frequent way of measuring globalization is tracking cross-border

movements but has common oversights by researchers which draw

inaccuracy from their data.

 Rationales of International Business Post-pandemic

- In the post-pandemic era, international businesses will still be crucial

because of enduring issues like inequality and fragmentation of the

world's economies.

 Why globalization will be even more present post-pandemic.

- Globalization has a role in economic growth, innovation, and


Although the study had provided me with knowledge I have mostly understood,

there are still ideas that I do not fully understand.

 In the “Measurements of Globalization” section, it is stated that there was

a global coverage increase within the Fortune 500 list of 2017 despite

being mentioned that there no growth has been indicated in the number

for multinational businesses after 2001.

 The relationship between GVC Resilience and cost per unit

 How significant are the cross-border payments for intellectual property

compared to other factors or indicators.

A global technological society is being built, underpinned by common viewpoints,

consensus, and cooperation. There have been reversals in history. Difficult times

followed the splendors of Rome, Chang an, and Pataliputra. However, in the modern

period, the transmission of education, literacy, knowledge, and technology have

expanded on a worldwide scale, encouraging a rising global consciousness. This makes

regression more difficult, but still possible. It is projected that a greater degree of

globalization would be necessary and visible in the aftermath of the epidemic.

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