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Good morning to all of you, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce myself to all of you before I

get into the speech

My name is Ibrani Podung, I am a student of UNKLAB Junior highschool, I currently sit at 8th
grade, specifically 8B.
Now.. Let's begin
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you…

Today, I stand before you to discuss the remarkable power of technology for students. In this
fast-paced world, technology has become an integral part of our lives, transforming the way we
communicate, work, and learn. Nowhere is the impact of technology more profound than in the
realm of education. It has revolutionized the way students learn, interact, and explore the world
around them.

Access to a wealth of knowledge is now at students' fingertips, thanks to the internet and digital
resources. They can research topics, access e-books, and watch educational videos, opening
up a world of possibilities for expanding their horizons beyond textbooks and classrooms.
Learning has become interactive and enjoyable with the advent of multimedia presentations,
virtual simulations, and gamified learning platforms. These tools cater to different learning
styles, empowering students to take charge of their education and develop critical thinking skills.

Technology has transformed collaboration and communication. Students can collaborate on

projects with peers from different countries, share ideas, and learn from different perspectives.
Geographical boundaries are no longer obstacles to learning, as video conferencing and online
collaboration tools turn the world into a global classroom.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. As we embrace the power of technology
for students, it is crucial to address challenges such as digital literacy and online safety.
Equipping students with the skills to critically evaluate information and navigate the digital
landscape responsibly is essential for their success.

In conclusion, technology's power for students is undeniable. It has revolutionized education by

breaking down barriers, making learning interactive and engaging, fostering collaboration and
communication, and preparing students for the demands of the modern world. As we move
forward, let us embrace technology responsibly, ensuring every student has equal access to it
and the skills to leverage its potential.

Thank you, Have a blessed day, and God bless Us

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